bannana March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 Hubby decided to stock up on nonperishable food from Costco. He came home with a flat of Spam, canned Chili and canned chicken. None of which I would eat unless I guess it really was end of times.🤮 So today I went and bought some packets of coconut steamed Tilda rice. So that I have something to eat. The toilet paper thing is weird, and even tonight at the grocery store I heard an employee explaining to a customer that as soon as they get any hand sanitizer in it is sold out. We have fewer than twenty people infected here, but everyone is freaking out. The biggest thing here is that we already are suffering from a tanking economy (for five years now) and this will just make things worse, so people don't have jobs, and now more people will lose jobs due to impacts on tourism, travel and business. 1 5 Link to comment
Capricasix March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 Bannana, are you in AB? 2 Link to comment
jewel21 March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 Everything is the same as usual here in Montreal. The subways and buses are jam packed, people continue to cough in the air. I went to the museum on Saturday and it was super crowed and we were all in each other''s spaces. The next day I started feeling sick, hot and cold with a tickle in my throat, but so far it's held off. I've been taking cold medicine regardless. I start my course on Saturday and I don't want to be sick for it. We have very few cases in Quebec so no one is freaking out yet. I see the occasional person in a mask but it's super rare. Grandpa has family in Italy and is getting really concerned. He asked me the other day if everyone downtown was wearing masks. I told him no. He called all his nieces and brothers and told them to stay home. Since Italy is under lock down, I don't think they can go anywhere anyway. My uncle in Kitchener, Ontario, and his son, had to cancel their cruises. They're not getting full refunds but better safe than sorry. My mom says her boyfriend went to Costco and they're screening people, spraying down carts, and letting people in a few at a time. Apparently the store looked like a war zone. I don't know if that's just Costco though since my grocery store seemed normal. Oh course, I haven't tried to buy hand santizer in awhile so I don't know what the situation is like here. Anyway, stay safe everyone. 8 Link to comment
peacheslatour March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 Quote I've been especially worried about your dad, peaches. Thank you for that. Fortunately my dad's care residence hasn't been affected (yet) they had a few cases of flu in Jan. so they were already practicing a lot of the hygiene protocols that people are putting in place now. They are under lockdown though. ((><))❤️ 8 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 Merkel Says Two-Thirds of Germans Could Become Infected The U.S. May Already Be in a Recession -- The coronavirus could be the fatal blow to the longest economic expansion in history. The coronavirus will cause a child care crisis in America -- As schools close and parents lack paid leave, who will take care of the country’s kids? Millions of masks stockpiled in Canada's Ontario expired before coronavirus hit -- N95 masks expire? Could the coronavirus spark drug shortages in the US? -- The outbreak is exposing vulnerabilities in how America gets its drugs, but potential backlogs really depend on the course of the virus. As labs ramp up, who can get tested in US for coronavirus? Hand sanitizer was one of the most sought-after products on the market, even before the coronavirus outbreak -- Demand for hand sanitizer has gone up 1,400 percent from December to January. -- Incidentally, Purell uses 70% ethyl alcohol as one of its ingredients. Songs to wash your hands by: Memes are an unexpected ally in the fight against coronavirus -- Coronavirus memes are reminding us to wash our hands, fighting misinformation, and keeping our spirits high Enter the charlatans -- US warns 7 companies over fraudulent coronavirus claims Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates are stepping in on the coronavirus where the government has failed -- The outbreak offers tech billionaires a chance to change the narrative about themselves. -- Where ever you go, there you are. Taiwan has millions of visitors from China and only 45 coronavirus cases. Here’s how. -- Aggressive measures starting in December saved Taiwan. Can we learn from them? Coronavirus clusters swell on both sides of the US Canada declares coronavirus outbreak at long-term care home Virus locks down Italy amid global push to contain outbreak Spotty sick leave policies limit options for avoiding virus Flu and coronavirus: Similar symptoms, different fears Why did the Plague spare Poland? -- The Black Death skipped certain parts of Europe and that could be a lesson for today's coronavirus epidemic Why we should stop comparing the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak to the 1918 Spanish flu -- The Spanish flu killed tens of millions of people. Here’s what it can and can’t tell us about Covid-19. Tentacles of Olympic cancellation would reach around globe U.S. shale producers rush to cut spending, output as oil prices tank Not in my lifetime: How the Treasury yield collapse surprised nearly everyone The Filipino neighborhood San Francisco destroyed -- A hotel at the heart of San Francisco’s housing wars. Utah abortion ban bill could mean felony charges for women Prairie Dress Alert -- How to save Laura Ashley: relaunch all its beautiful vintage dresses -- The struggling fashion house is in crisis because its current collections don’t appeal. It needs to raid its back catalogue to please its admirers – and survive Why do corporations speak the way they do? We froze the salaries of 20 executives and it improved the lives of 500 employees -- Executive pay is skyrocketing in the US. But John Driscoll froze the salaries of his top team to benefit other workers and it worked 2 6 Link to comment
PatsyandEddie March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 7 hours ago, peacheslatour said: Thank you for that. Fortunately my dad's care residence hasn't been affected (yet) they had a few cases of flu in Jan. so they were already practicing a lot of the hygiene protocols that people are putting in place now. They are under lockdown though. ((><))❤️ Big hugs! I get it 😢 When my Mom was living, her locked dementia unit had a lock out due to norovirus. Somehow my super elderly, one kidneyed, cardiac patient mother managed to not pick it up. She was one of the few but it was really hard to not be able to see her for two weeks. 9 Link to comment
Capricasix March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 Whew, this has been a day... 1 6 Link to comment
jpagan05 March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 On 3/10/2020 at 2:22 PM, Cupid Stunt said: @jpagan: US airlines are waiving fees and canceling domestic flights as coronavirus spreads Unfortunately my flights are Delta, Icelandair, then WestJet via Canada on the way home. I am hoping some of the other airlines follow suit. I got an email from Delta yesterday telling me how they clean the planes now👍 On 3/10/2020 at 1:54 PM, lovemesomejoolery said: Hello from the East Coast - I'm in Maryland. Smack in the middle between Baltimore and Washington, DC. I am an account rep and travel all day long.........I'm 57 years old and in good health, but my husband is 62 and has been an insulin dependent diabetic for 35 years. He is healthy, but is a prime candidate for "social distancing", something he's done this time of year anyway, because getting the regular flu is a pain in the ass for him. I fluctuate between being extremely angry (and I don't want to say too much about why because, well, politics) and scared out of my wits. I am afraid it will be me who brings this thing into our home and harm my husband, I'm afraid people are so scared they're buying all the food and I won't have anything, I'm irrationally scared about that! I'm afraid that even though I am taking precautions, no one around me will take the same ones, so I feel doomed. I worry about people who don't have the resources to ride this thing out or have healthcare like I have or a decent place to work who will pay them if they have to quarantine. I literally had a meltdown on Saturday - and since it's rare for me to feel that way, it was a little scary. For two weekends in a row, I've been unable to purchase toilet bowl cleaner. I've been unable to buy anything to clean my bathrooms...and I don't know about you, but I like to use the kind of bathroom cleaner that kills germs! The shelves are B-A-R-E. Not being able to buy toilet bowl cleaner this past Saturday sent me into a spiral of short term depression. Do people think that hoarding eleventy billion bottles of toilet bowl cleaner is going to protect them from this thing? Could they at least leave some for you and me? My dad was a psychiatrist so I tend analyze everything I'm feeling. I finally figured it all out at midnight on Saturday evening, after I'd been in a deep bath, soaking for about, I don't know, an hour? I got out of the tub, made lists of food to eat for 2 1/2 weeks, woke up at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday and went full on doomsday prepper! I bought stuff I don't usually buy, like Rice A Roni, stuff that doesn't take anything but water to make. I bought cans of soup, I have 10 cans of tuna and lots of beans and pasta and enchilada sauce, and lots of frozen vegetables. I spent Sunday afternoon making spaghetti sauce, which I froze, putting chicken breasts in marinade and vacuum sealing them to go in the freezer. I moved up my Chewy order, so my two cats could have cat litter. I ordered toilet paper and paper towels from Amazon because I couldn't get them at Target or Wegmans, where I grocery shop. On Monday, I went to the liquor store and bought more Tito's, Liquor 43, some Bailey's for my husband (he likes it in his coffee) and Coronas. Can I just say it is damn hard work to prep for end of days? I was exhausted! I am being funny as I write this, because if I don't make light of it, my head will explode at some of the ineptness I am seeing and reading about. Thank God, literally, Maryland has a decent Governor, that's all I'm going to say. As we know more, as we are able to test more, I think we will be able to ride this thing out. We'll get through this. For me, not knowing what's really happening is worst of all. P.S. And my hands are so dry from washing them all the time and using hand sanitizer every where I go! Awww, hugs to you, Lovesme. It makes me laugh (sort of) about the people hoarding supplies- do you bitches realize you will have to deal with the rest of us who have no bleach or sanitizer? Also, the politics thing- I've never seen a time when it has been this polarizing. I have so many friends that don't speak to members of their families. Bananas. @Snaporaz airplane hangar! 🤣 We live in 500 square feet, 100 of which is an enclosed lanai that belongs to the cats. We bought some Ikea floor to ceiling curtains and wire that we used to close off one third of the space. It hides a multitude of sins. I had a nice day. Can you guys see this? I'm not sure how to attach video. I think you have to cut and paste it- dunno. Maybe someone here who's not a luddite can teach me. It's a baby whale breach! We went on a whale watch today. It's my absolute favorite thing to do here. It's almost the end of the season and we've had to privilege of a few free ones that hubs was given as a concierge. We borrowed a GoPro today for the first time... Mom and baby Baby right after breach Screen shot of breach- so much better as video💙 7 Link to comment
jpagan05 March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 18 minutes ago, Capricasix said: Whew, this has been a day... What happened? 3 Link to comment
Petunia13 March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 I started my assisted living job mornings a week a half ago and the facility has gone on lock down today. On a side note I’ve never worked in healthcare or with disabled or the elderly before and it’s really nice. You definitely learn a lot, even in a menial or administrative role. Because I work in that environment, and i waitress still at a steakhouse part time, and go to a v busy gym so I try to be careful. I have some congenital heart defects and am allergic to some medications. So besides being not wanting to expose myself to germs and spread them to the many people I am in contact with, I also don’t want to get sick since I’m not sure how quick I’d recover. 8 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 10 hours ago, peacheslatour said: Thank you for that. Fortunately my dad's care residence hasn't been affected (yet) they had a few cases of flu in Jan. so they were already practicing a lot of the hygiene protocols that people are putting in place now. They are under lockdown though. ((><))❤️ That's good news, Peaches. The reports on nursing home outbreaks -- When you see family members talking to their elderly relatives through window panes, breaks me. I'm relieved Gran and Aunt Trinket are with my brother, but concerned about the friends they left behind. It's a terrible situation. 3 hours ago, PatsyandEddie said: Big hugs! I get it 😢 When my Mom was living, her locked dementia unit had a lock out due to norovirus. Somehow my super elderly, one kidneyed, cardiac patient mother managed to not pick it up. She was one of the few but it was really hard to not be able to see her for two weeks. (((Peaches and PatsyandEddie))) 18 hours ago, bannana said: Hubby decided to stock up on nonperishable food from Costco. He came home with a flat of Spam, canned Chili and canned chicken. None of which I would eat unless I guess it really was end of times.🤮 I get it. Mr. Stunt went full prepper while we were on vacation. The pantry was so full I couldn't reach the flour or waffle iron; so much for breakfast. Thing2 and I took over a 30x22 storage area on the third floor, set up shelves and moved in everything from Costco, Amazon, hardware stores, and the pet store. The six emergency freeze-dried food buckets make me squeamish. Mr. Stunt keeps scavenging for more supplies; today was a case of Bar Keepers Friend cleanser, three containers of trisodium phosphate, 8 rolls of aluminum foil, and batteries. Please stop. Quote So today I went and bought some packets of coconut steamed Tilda rice. So that I have something to eat. Add Spam to the rice, all you need is brown gravy and fried eggs for Hawaiian comfort food, a Loco Moco. ; ) Quote The toilet paper thing is weird, and even tonight at the grocery store I heard an employee explaining to a customer that as soon as they get any hand sanitizer in it is sold out. We have fewer than twenty people infected here, but everyone is freaking out. Mr. Stunt admits he's preparing for the worst case scenario, whatever that may turn out to be. I was at a local Aldi to pick up a few organic chickens (highly recommended) and the shelves were stripped of non-perishables, water, pop, toilet paper -- There was plenty of fresh bread, fruit and veg, dairy and meat. Quote The biggest thing here is that we already are suffering from a tanking economy (for five years now) and this will just make things worse, so people don't have jobs, and now more people will lose jobs due to impacts on tourism, travel and business. The economy has been is weird shape in LA for over 20 months, regardless of what the stock market is doing. Housing prices are inflated, people are borrowing against future earnings, pawn shops have lines waiting to enter, the black market is thriving, cash is king, prices are inching up, wages stagnant against a grindingly slow recession that has suddenly picked up steam. 2 9 Link to comment
jewel21 March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 We got our fourth confirmed case here in Montreal and the person rode the subway twice, once on Feb. 24 and once on March 6. He rode the Orange line which I take for several stops and a South Shore bus. Also, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are in Australia and tested positive for the virus. Apparently they had low grade fevers and chills. That is what I felt on Monday but so far I've been able to hold back whatever I caught. I still don't feel 100% but my symptoms have stopped for now with the exception of a weird tickle in my throat. Hopefully it's just a simple cold. Gramps said if things get worse here, he's not letting me go to work. I keep hoping things don't get as bad here as they have elsewhere. 1 8 Link to comment
lovemesomejoolery March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 (edited) The latest from Maryland.......our Governor has a press conference almost every day with updates. We now have 12 confirmed cases, not a lot relative to other states. He has mandated that all nursing homes, assisted living facilities and retirement facilities have essential visits only. No staff members can have international travel and all visitors should be tested if they show symptoms or have been exposed to anyone exposed to the virus. He recommends the facilities actively screen all people entering and restrict anyone showing symptoms or exposure to COVID-19. Our Motor Vehicle offices will be by appointment only - no walk ins. The Maryland Health Benefits Exchange (established for ACA or "Obamacare") is establishing a special enrollment period through Maryland Health Connections for coronavirus coverage. Even though the federal marketplace doesn't offer this kind of enrollment, "we wanted to do so to provide peace of mind to Maryland residents," he said. 12 Marylanders are on the cruise ship that just landed off the coast of California. The federal govt. asked him to take those that aren't showing any symptoms, and he has refused UNTIL they get tested at the military base first. Once cleared, they can come home to Maryland. If they test positive, they have to stay at the military base. We have a primary election at the end of April. He is looking into making it mail in ballot only. Finally, and this is what has rocked me....he said that schools and businesses must prepare NOW for extended closures. Shit's about to get real.......................... Edited March 12, 2020 by lovemesomejoolery 4 5 Link to comment
lovemesomejoolery March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 1 hour ago, jpagan05 said: Unfortunately my flights are Delta, Icelandair, then WestJet via Canada on the way home. I am hoping some of the other airlines follow suit. I got an email from Delta yesterday telling me how they clean the planes now👍 Awww, hugs to you, Lovesme. It makes me laugh (sort of) about the people hoarding supplies- do you bitches realize you will have to deal with the rest of us who have no bleach or sanitizer? Also, the politics thing- I've never seen a time when it has been this polarizing. I have so many friends that don't speak to members of their families. Bananas. @Snaporaz airplane hangar! 🤣 We live in 500 square feet, 100 of which is an enclosed lanai that belongs to the cats. We bought some Ikea floor to ceiling curtains and wire that we used to close off one third of the space. It hides a multitude of sins. I had a nice day. Can you guys see this? I'm not sure how to attach video. I think you have to cut and paste it- dunno. Maybe someone here who's not a luddite can teach me. It's a baby whale breach! We went on a whale watch today. It's my absolute favorite thing to do here. It's almost the end of the season and we've had to privilege of a few free ones that hubs was given as a concierge. We borrowed a GoPro today for the first time... Mom and baby Baby right after breach Screen shot of breach- so much better as video💙 Those are awesome pictures! You may need to figure out what to do about your trip. I watched Donald Trump's news conference tonight and he has restricted travel from Europe....unless, for some odd reason, you're from the U.K. I don't know if that means you can't travel to there, but you might not be able to come back home. 1 6 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 49 minutes ago, jpagan05 said: Unfortunately my flights are Delta, Icelandair, then WestJet via Canada on the way home. I am hoping some of the other airlines follow suit. I got an email from Delta yesterday telling me how they clean the planes now 👍 They're cleaning the interior of their planes? That's comforting. Every day has new developments on coronavirus, and in this case, prohibitions. Trump suspends travel from Europe to US -- Ordering a halt on travel to the United States from Europe, a drastic step he framed as an attempt to contain a spreading public health crisis from the novel coronavirus. Quote Awww, hugs to you, Lovesme. It makes me laugh (sort of) about the people hoarding supplies- do you bitches realize you will have to deal with the rest of us who have no bleach or sanitizer? Also, the politics thing- I've never seen a time when it has been this polarizing. I have so many friends that don't speak to members of their families. Bananas. It's unnerving what's happening on the mainland. My in-laws and Bea on Oahu aren't concerned and are planning to return to LA the end of March. If the situation escalates, they'll stay on Oahu for Easter. Quote @Snaporaz airplane hangar! 🤣 We live in 500 square feet, 100 of which is an enclosed lanai that belongs to the cats. We bought some Ikea floor to ceiling curtains and wire that we used to close off one third of the space. It hides a multitude of sins. : ) Quote I had a nice day. Can you guys see this? I'm not sure how to attach video. I think you have to cut and paste it- dunno. Maybe someone here who's not a luddite can teach me. It's a baby whale breach! We went on a whale watch today. It's my absolute favorite thing to do here. It's almost the end of the season and we've had to privilege of a few free ones that hubs was given as a concierge. We borrowed a GoPro today for the first time... Mom and baby Baby right after breach Screen shot of breach- so much better as video💙 Amazing! No day is wasted whale watching. Look at that blue sky and ocean! 9 Link to comment
lovemesomejoolery March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 I am flummoxed as to why the European travel ban does not include the U.K., where the number of confirmed cases saw it's largest rise today, bringing the total number of cases to 460. 1 4 Link to comment
bannana March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 15 hours ago, Capricasix said: Bannana, are you in AB? Yes, in Calgary, and have been actively looking for work for a long time. It is bad enough now, it will only get worse. Link to comment
bannana March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 (edited) 14 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said: Demand for hand sanitizer has gone up 1,400 percent from December to January. -- Incidentally, Purell uses 70% ethyl alcohol as one of its ingredients. I was at Shoppers Drug Mart (a large Cdn drug store) and I overheard a woman asking for rubbing alcohol. The staff said that once sanitizer sold out, then rubbing alcohol sold out as people are making their own sanitizer. Weirdly, I bought rubbing alcohol in January, due to the minus 400 temps (I kid); hubs read that it is useful in unfreezing your car door locks and cleaning your windshield in frigid temps. So I guess we can make our own sanitizer. Or just use Lysol wipes. Edited March 12, 2020 by bannana 1 8 Link to comment
bannana March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 5 hours ago, jpagan05 said: Unfortunately my flights are Delta, Icelandair, then WestJet via Canada on the way home. I am hoping some of the other airlines follow suit. I got an email from Delta yesterday telling me how they clean the planes now👍 Awww, hugs to you, Lovesme. It makes me laugh (sort of) about the people hoarding supplies- do you bitches realize you will have to deal with the rest of us who have no bleach or sanitizer? Also, the politics thing- I've never seen a time when it has been this polarizing. I have so many friends that don't speak to members of their families. Bananas. @Snaporaz airplane hangar! 🤣 We live in 500 square feet, 100 of which is an enclosed lanai that belongs to the cats. We bought some Ikea floor to ceiling curtains and wire that we used to close off one third of the space. It hides a multitude of sins. I had a nice day. Can you guys see this? I'm not sure how to attach video. I think you have to cut and paste it- dunno. Maybe someone here who's not a luddite can teach me. It's a baby whale breach! We went on a whale watch today. It's my absolute favorite thing to do here. It's almost the end of the season and we've had to privilege of a few free ones that hubs was given as a concierge. We borrowed a GoPro today for the first time... Mom and baby Baby right after breach Screen shot of breach- so much better as video💙 Those are fantastic photos. And a baby breach? Who knew. That is pretty exciting and makes me just feel better overall. 8 Link to comment
pearlite March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 9 hours ago, bannana said: I was at Shoppers Drug Mart (a large Cdn drug store) and I overheard a woman asking for rubbing alcohol. The staff said that once sanitizer sold out, then rubbing alcohol sold out as people are making their own sanitizer. Weirdly, I bought rubbing alcohol in January, due to the minus 400 temps (I kid); hubs read that it is useful in unfreezing your car door locks and cleaning your windshield in frigid temps. So I guess we can make our own sanitizer. Or just use Lysol wipes. Hmm, I have yet to join the toilet paper stockpiling, and as of two days ago, I found lots of hand sanitizer at the small corner store along the street from me. And my local LCBO [liquor store] said there's no panic buying yet. Toronto has 3 or 4 cases, and Ontario 42--but it's a very big province. One university up north has shut down live classes, but all the rest are in a holding pattern. I was a bit creeped out yesterday when I went in to teach and sit in on another faculty's class. It's unsettling because we tell students to stay home if they're coldy but each week, more don't turn up, and we're really not sure what to do. Maybe it's time to buy some paper products. 7 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 (edited) Cranes stand idle at the Port of Los Angeles, which is the nation's busiest container port, on March 6, 2020, in San Pedro, California. © Mario Tama/Getty Images The first US layoffs from the coronavirus are here WHO declares novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic The president announced a travel ban for Europe and three new economic policies. Here's a list of disinfectants you can use against coronavirus How to keep your workplace clean and yourself healthy during the novel coronavirus outbreak Coronavirus leaves arenas empty Back to the 70's -- The coronavirus economic 'disaster' scenario: Stagflation Senate chairman blocks quick passage of paid sick leave bill For richer or poorer: coronavirus, cheap oil test climate vows That's not annoying -- Norwegian Cruise Line managers urged salespeople to spread falsehoods about coronavirus Naomi Campbell wears hazmat suit to airport amid coronavirus outbreak Experts: Rapid testing helps explain few German virus deaths Scientists calculate incubation period of coronavirus -- About 97.5 percent of people who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days, according to the new study. The coronavirus is creating weird new business opportunities, from robots to anti-spitting hats -- Many companies are coming up with creative ways to profit from the coronavirus outbreak. Some are stranger than others. Love and sex in the time of coronavirus -- Like how porcupines make love … Very carefully. Associated Press Exclusive: Inside massive DEA raid targeting drug cartel A nine year old migrant girl from Guatemala sits in the back of a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle after she was apprehended for illegally crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in Sunland Park, New Mexico on June 14, 2018. (Adrees Latif - Reuters) 2019 Pulitzer Prize Winner in Breaking News Photography, Awarded To The Photography Staff of Reuters A year documenting migration on the Rio Grande It's Arbor Day somewhere -- Climate change: Trees 'most effective solution' for warming 'Not the nicest move,' says Megan Rapinoe on timing of US Soccer's equal pay offer What explains the pay gap in women's soccer? -- The U.S. Soccer Federation says "market realities" explain the pay gap. Others say it's institutionalized sexism. Black students say they are being penalized for their hair, and experts say every student is worse off because of it This doctor is taking aim at our broken medical system, one story at a time -- Patients and physicians are fed up with the 15-minute appointment. Using narrative medicine, Rita Charon is teaching a generation of health care providers to listen better, with the help of literature. A picture taken on November 10, 2019, shows an Iranian flag in Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant, during an official ceremony to kick-start works on a second reactor at the facility. Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images What Iran stockpiling uranium for a nuclear bomb is really about -- It’s scary, but nowhere near as scary as it could be. Suspected military supplies pour into Libya as UN flounders -- Country braced for fresh fighting after influx of cargo from international backers Afghans Agree to Release Taliban Prisoners to Advance Talks Weinstein gets 23 years in sentence hailed by accusers Harvey Weinstein sentence transcript After Weinstein, #MeToo themes in film, TV reflect wider cultural reckoning You can die simply by giving up the will to live, suggests new research -- The five stages of psychogenic death -- My father calls it Broken Heart Disease ***Spoiler Alert*** -- 10 new things we’ve learned about death Human composting could become an option in California A lawmaker tried to cover up illegal gifts, including a Las Vegas escort, feds say. His plan backfired. Lawsuit aims to end California license plate language limits Socialism and the Meaning of Life -- If God is dead, then … Philosopher Martin Hägglund on freedom, politics, and philosophical meanderings Edited March 12, 2020 by Cupid Stunt 2 5 Link to comment
Capricasix March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 (edited) 16 hours ago, jpagan05 said: What happened? Nothing serious - I just posted that after the orange shitgibbon’s Oval Office speech 😄 Oh, and I thought I was doing OK anxiety-wise, but last night I had a dream that was vaguely reminiscent of The Stand 🤷🏽♀️😄 so this morning I did my taxes to keep my mind off things! I’ll admit to being a little worried, but not for myself or my family - we’re relatively young and healthy - but for my parents and mother-in-law, who are all over 80, and my dad is immunocompromised. However, it’s not like they’re going out to places with hundreds of people, or hanging out at the airport or anything like that - they mostly just go out to do the grocery shopping and to medical appointments and the like. Edited March 12, 2020 by Capricasix 9 Link to comment
jpagan05 March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 @Capricasix🤣orange shitgibbon! Jon Stewart had one of my faves - Fuckface von Clownstick. 11 hours ago, bannana said: Those are fantastic photos. And a baby breach? Who knew. That is pretty exciting and makes me just feel better overall. That little whale breached about 15 times. It was the cutest. On our last whale watch there were spinner dolphins swimming with the whales. A baby whale would breach then a dolphin would emulate him. I wept. 8 Link to comment
pearlite March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 So all Ontario public and high schools are now shut down for at least three weeks. Maybe the universities and colleges could wake up... Pearlitelite is hosting a conference in April and her friends who are professors at Yale and Harvard just emailed her to say the schools prohibit them from traveling for at least a month or more. They all want to reschedule—and that’s nice. BTW I did buy some toilet paper. 8 Link to comment
Capricasix March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 Yeah, my kids can’t believe their luck 😄 8 Link to comment
bannana March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 18 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said: Add Spam to the rice, all you need is brown gravy and fried eggs for Hawaiian comfort food, a Loco Moco. I have had this without the Spam! I did have Spam sushi in Maui though. I read somewhere that Alberta had tested more people than the US had as of March 10. 3 4 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 18 hours ago, lovemesomejoolery said: I am flummoxed as to why the European travel ban does not include the U.K., where the number of confirmed cases saw it's largest rise today, bringing the total number of cases to 460. Travel ban sidesteps specific European resorts 5 1 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 55 minutes ago, bannana said: I have had this without the Spam! I did have Spam sushi in Maui though. Eat until you're tired … Loco Moco is a huge meal. Spam became popular with the indigenous Hawaiians because of the US military presence before WWII. and remains a staple. Quote I read somewhere that Alberta had tested more people than the US had as of March 10. Not surprised. The US lags just about every developed country on testing for Covid-19 disease. A lot of people are screaming about the lag time in testing … Congressional Republicans and Democrats on Thursday complained to administration officials over the lag in U.S. testing for the coronavirus pandemic compared with other nations. 6 Link to comment
Capricasix March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 2 1 Link to comment
bannana March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 41 minutes ago, Capricasix said: Somehow, this does not surprise me. 4 Link to comment
lovemesomejoolery March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 (edited) 4 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said: Travel ban sidesteps specific European resorts Yes, thank you. I figured this one out shortly before I went to bed last night. Edited March 13, 2020 by lovemesomejoolery 5 Link to comment
lovemesomejoolery March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 Maryland update: Our Governor had another update this afternoon, shortly before 5:00. While we are at 12 confirmed cases of coronavirus, our first confirmed case of community transmission happened last night. We are one of two states - Ohio is the other - that will officially close all public schools for two weeks beginning on Monday. The Baltimore Archdiocese has followed that lead and all Catholic schools will close during the same time period. The Washington DC Archdiocese has also closed schools but has taken the extra measure of cancelling all masses beginning Saturday. Episcopal diocese in both Baltimore and Washington, DC have cancelled all services with their respective schools closed, as well. At this point, it would appear that fighting this virus will be up to our state and local governments - while their national counterparts refer to you and I as "consumers" and not citizens or human beings. Just consumers. 5 Link to comment
jpagan05 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 4 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said: Travel ban sidesteps specific European resorts Please, we need 🤮 and 😡 reactions. Thanks. @Cupid Stunt I make veggie loco mocos (translated "crazy boogers") with whichever's-on-sale-veggie-burgers and onion gravy. But you need to enlighten preverts about musubi! I'm trying to be as light af right now. I'm going to travel unless Cheeto Voldemort bans me. I have to see my auntie in Iceland. 1 4 Link to comment
Snaporaz March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 12 minutes ago, lovemesomejoolery said: At this point, it would appear that fighting this virus will be up to our state and local governments - while their national counterparts refer to you and I as "consumers" and not citizens or human beings. Just consumers. "Take two tax cuts and call me in the morning." That'll fix everything. 2 4 Link to comment
jpagan05 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 (edited) This my landlord's (and pal's-we've been living in their ohana for 7 years; we drink a lot of wine together) sweet 13 year old lab, Reba. We bought this toy for her and she loves it. Bill says, "ooooooohnooooooo!" when she picks him up❤️ I fricken love this doggo. Edited March 13, 2020 by jpagan05 I think it still sounds awkward 3 6 Link to comment
Petunia13 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 A lot of stores here have sold out of staples: hand sanitizer, soap, tp, Kleenex, bottled water, PB, rice, bread, certain canned goods and frozen veggies. Im concerned just in general about people and will happen to everyone and me. Neither of my jobs I can “telecommute” for or afford missing work or it being slow or cut. I work in a nursing home in the AM and weekends waitressing elsewhere. You all are much smarter than me. What do you think will happen? 3 Link to comment
peacheslatour March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 33 minutes ago, Petunia13 said: A lot of stores here have sold out of staples: hand sanitizer, soap, tp, Kleenex, bottled water, PB, rice, bread, certain canned goods and frozen veggies. Im concerned just in general about people and will happen to everyone and me. Neither of my jobs I can “telecommute” for or afford missing work or it being slow or cut. I work in a nursing home in the AM and weekends waitressing elsewhere. You all are much smarter than me. What do you think will happen? We're no wiser than you are hon, just older. I think you'll be fine. This is kind of uncharted territory for all of us. Hang in there. We love you! ❤ 9 Link to comment
Petunia13 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 I’m worried the shortages of things will continue and that quarantines will escalate. Shit is starting to get real. I knew the sanitizer would run out but sorta scoffed to myself and didn’t load up. And felt the water and tp would be next and that occurred. A lot of dry goods are gone now. We are starting to run out of ibuprofen and I think gas runs or bank runs (especially if the stock market continues to tank or a quarantine happens somewhere in US) will be next. I also think menthol cigarettes, pet food, and certain kinds of alcohol will sell out. They think a travel to or from certain states may be on the table, at least according to SM tonight. My day job is in a nursing home and it’s basically in lock down and they are even reticent about me since I had been waitressing the past 2 weeks a few shifts and they don’t let anyone in and the v essential people let in have to scrub down and get their temps taken by a RN. A lot of the residents like their outings and visitors and some even leave for jobs or church during the day and can’t... one I particularly like got very upset. I have heard in quarantines if you work in health care you can leave your home... I can’t afford to not have income. My other job is serving in fine dining so if no quarantine might be empty and no money and if is one will no money. 2 Link to comment
bannana March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 (edited) 6 hours ago, Petunia13 said: I’m worried the shortages of things will continue and that quarantines will escalate. Shit is starting to get real. I knew the sanitizer would run out but sorta scoffed to myself and didn’t load up. And felt the water and tp would be next and that occurred. A lot of dry goods are gone now. We are starting to run out of ibuprofen and I think gas runs or bank runs (especially if the stock market continues to tank or a quarantine happens somewhere in US) will be next. I also think menthol cigarettes, pet food, and certain kinds of alcohol will sell out. They think a travel to or from certain states may be on the table, at least according to SM tonight. My day job is in a nursing home and it’s basically in lock down and they are even reticent about me since I had been waitressing the past 2 weeks a few shifts and they don’t let anyone in and the v essential people let in have to scrub down and get their temps taken by a RN. A lot of the residents like their outings and visitors and some even leave for jobs or church during the day and can’t... one I particularly like got very upset. I have heard in quarantines if you work in health care you can leave your home... I can’t afford to not have income. My other job is serving in fine dining so if no quarantine might be empty and no money and if is one will no money. I cannot be sure, but it seems that Canada has much better control of this thing than the US, where unfortunately a lot of us get our news from. I started today to have anxiety and actually thought I had symptoms just cause I had itchy eyes! But then I started to watch the daily briefings from the Alberta chief medical officer, and she is very smart, transparent and relatable. As in, she understands what we are going through. She is not covering anything up and she explains it all. I believe that with the measures we have in place we will not be in as dire a situation. In Alberta, every case is related to travel so at this point we do not have community borne cases. I have been watching US cable news this evening, and the lack of leadership and what I think is outright abdication of responsibility by the federal government is shocking. We don't have that issue here, so while I think people are still going to hoard and panic a bit, I think lots of folks are just going to carry on, and go to restaurants etc. Until they tell us we shouldn't do so. I do think that major events which involve people travelling here from other countries will be cancelled, such as the Calgary Stampede, which would be a huge economic loss for many reasons. I am not a fan of our elected government but the bureaucrats are doing a good job. This site gives good information. If you scroll down, and this might be interest our American preverts too, you can see the daily briefing from the Chief Medical Officer. I am feeling for everyone here going through this right now. Edited March 13, 2020 by bannana thought I might have veered into the political 8 Link to comment
boes March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 9 hours ago, Petunia13 said: A lot of stores here have sold out of staples: hand sanitizer, soap, tp, Kleenex, bottled water, PB, rice, bread, certain canned goods and frozen veggies. Im concerned just in general about people and will happen to everyone and me. Neither of my jobs I can “telecommute” for or afford missing work or it being slow or cut. I work in a nursing home in the AM and weekends waitressing elsewhere. You all are much smarter than me. What do you think will happen? 8 hours ago, peacheslatour said: We're no wiser than you are hon, just older. I think you'll be fine. This is kind of uncharted territory for all of us. Hang in there. We love you! ❤ Peacheslatour is right, Petunia13. This is unprecedented, at least in our lifetime, with the breadth and scope and apparent ease of transmission world wide. All I can say is to pay attention to whatever Anthony Fauci has to say. He's the NIAID Director. I know him from the early AIDS crisis days and the man is fantastic, utterly honest and interested in nothing but the well being of the public and treatment for those who are sick. He's appearing before Congress right now and in the news - whatever he says IMO is gospel. 9 Link to comment
jewel21 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 I'm seeing more people wearing masks even though they apparently do nothing. Quite a few people on the buses and metros who were coughing and sneezing which freaks me out. I live with my 92 year old grandfather and don't want to infect him. I was supposed to see Cats next week but it was cancelled and there have been some school closures. So far there are no plans to shut down the subway and buses but considering how jam packed they are, I think they should. I guess we'll see how this all plays out. Last I heard, Montreal had 17 confirmed cases. 8 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 (edited) 11 hours ago, jpagan05 said: Please, we need 🤮 and 😡 reactions. Thanks. @Cupid Stunt I make veggie loco mocos (translated "crazy boogers") with whichever's-on-sale-veggie-burgers and onion gravy. But you need to enlighten preverts about musubi! I'm trying to be as light af right now. I'm going to travel unless Cheeto Voldemort bans me. I have to see my auntie in Iceland. Crazy boogers! <chuckles> Musubi. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a universal snack food in Hawaii and all through Asia/Pacific -- Wherever the US military traveled, so went Spam. You've got to try to find the humor (black or otherwise) in our situation, and keep plugging on … or you'll pull the blankets over your head and quietly lose your mind as the panic swirls around outside. I'm afraid too. I'm attempting to manage (or wrangle) 360 people, decipher a daily defuse corporate response to keep a division running and everyone informed. I have one employee that tested positive for coronavirus, and she caught it while rehabilitating from hip surgery. I visited her last night with supplies and information on the additional insurance coverage; it was our first meeting and we were speaking to each other through tempered glass. I wept in the car. It's not easy for me to toss off "Hang in There," but adaptation, resilience, the stubborn desire to survive is in our nature. If we take the recommended precautions (our California Health Department officials are doing their jobs in an impossible situation, aggravated by the ineptitude of others), and wash our damn hands, we're going to get through this. People are going to get sick, and we'll take care of them. We might get sick, and will need to be cared for. People will die, and we will mourn them. Boes is correct about paying attention to updates from NIAID and Director Fauci. This is not his first rodeo with epidemics, and I expect it won't be the last. Keep calling to find out if you can cancel the European leg of your trip; your flights might have been voluntarily canceled by the airlines. With the newest information (US State Department) on the travel ban, you should be able to be reimbursed for your tickets with no penalty. A lot of people are going through their credit card companies for ticket refunds. Go wash your hands! Edited March 13, 2020 by Cupid Stunt 9 Link to comment
peacheslatour March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 6 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said: . I visited her last night with supplies and information on the additional insurance coverage; it was our first meeting and we were speaking to each other through tempered glass. I wept in the car. You are the absolute BEST! Rock on. 1 7 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 4 minutes ago, peacheslatour said: You are the absolute BEST! Rock on. We've got to help each other, or we'll never get through this. 8 Link to comment
jewel21 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 Well I just got a call that the eye place I work at Monday will be closing for awhile as a precaution. I hope I'm still getting paid... 7 Link to comment
PatsyandEddie March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 We hope so too jewel ! 🥰 8 Link to comment
jewel21 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 Update, I am getting paid. I love these bosses, not like the other ones I work for... I still have to go in Monday but just to cancel the appointments for the following week. 9 Link to comment
Cupid Stunt March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 (edited) US, European military commanders possibly exposed to virus -- That'll be inconvenient. We'll have to suspend hostilities until their fever breaks and they take on solid food. Chinese diplomat promotes conspiracy theory that US military brought coronavirus to Wuhan -- And unleashed it upon ourselves … Next conspiracy, thank you. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus -- Coronavirus hits the washed and unwashed. Impact of pandemic stretches from schools to world’s leaders President Rodrigo Duterte said he would place some 12 million people in the Manila area on lockdown and largely suspend government work for a month in an effort to stop the coronavirus from spreading. Iran’s growing coronavirus crisis, in 3 stunning photos -- The new large burial trenches are visible from space. Iran asks for billions in loans as virus death toll climbs Iran to call dead medical staff ‘martrys’ as virus kills 291 America shuts down -- From the Capitol to California, officials are taking aggressive new measures to limit social interactions. Americans adjust to new life, hunker down amid coronavirus Analysis: With unease, Americans lurch into coronavirus era WHO: Don’t expect travel bans, ‘Mother Nature’ to beat virus Talking to kids about virus? Experts say be calm and honest Coronavirus school closings: Ohio, Maryland, Michigan become first states to shut all K-12 schools New Coronavirus Test 10 Times Faster Is FDA Approved Tests show new virus lives on some surfaces for up to 3 days Coronavirus is the catastrophe we’ve been terrified of -- The storm is coming for us all. US National Women Soccer Team wear jerseys inside out in protest US Soccer apologizes for arguments in equal pay case US Soccer president quits after gender discrimination suit Accusers applaud 23-year prison sentence for Harvey Weinstein in New York Ex-Spartans staffer files new lawsuit with more allegations New Zealand leader says nation changed after mosque attacks 1 year later, New Zealand mosque attacks alter many lives Shot 9 times during mosque massacre, survivor overcomes fear Fleeing Maduro, Venezuelans find nightmare in US jails Not a Size 2? Luxury Fashion Finally Wants You -- Please … Size 12 is not a plus size! Climate Change: What is being done around the world to plant trees? More companies want to be “carbon neutral.” What does that mean? -- Terms like “carbon negative” and “climate positive” have recently popped up in branding. Reiki Can’t Possibly Work. So Why Does It? -- The energy therapy is now available in many hospitals. What its ascendance says about shifts in how American patients and doctors think about health care. Edited March 13, 2020 by Cupid Stunt 1 7 Link to comment
pearlite March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 The tide, in terms of anxiety and closures, turned yesterday in Toronto. Finally the universities and colleges are shutting down "live" classes and trying to work out policies. I'm knee-deep in emails to my faculty and students, and probably miles from working out solid details of how to proceed. My anxiety levels are not good; like everyone else, I've never experienced anything of this scope or magnitude. Stay well all of you! 8 Link to comment
PatsyandEddie March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 (edited) My oldest granddaughter has had her university classes cancelled. She is supposed to graduate this year and is freaking out. Oldest son who works in the CDN film industry is out of work for now Youngest grands are out of school for 3 weeks and are quite happy. Parents not so much. Hubby can’t travel to his conferences or meetings for now. He is yelling in the phone BUT no one is sick so Mama is happy. We’ll have to work things out Edited March 13, 2020 by PatsyandEddie 9 Link to comment
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