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Season Four General Discussion

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22 hours ago, wanton87 said:

I'd stick with The Movie DB for that purpose rmontro. The Moviechat.org site is another one worth checking out.

Thanks for the suggestions, and there is also the old standby, Rotten Tomatoes.  I hope IMDB's traffic drops like a stone.  Maybe it's a blessing in disguise, so far I think I actually prefer the message boards over here on Previously TV.  

29 minutes ago, Rock knocker said:

He left an episode or two ago to "do something I have to do, in the lower 48".  

He and that producer chick are going to be starring in a spin off, "I Love Bam".  In his spare time, he will be leading his "Respect the Danger" lecture tour.


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OK, I just watched this episode. The percentage of bullshit was way bove the normal (pathetic) level. Just a few items (among many):

For the "alternator" where did they get the precision machined parts like the rotor blade that the magnets were hammered into? Let alone the high intensity rare earth magnets?

Not to be nit picky but an alternator does not use permanent magnets, they use coils for the stator fields. If it has permanent magnets, it is a generator or a magneto.

When showing us the "success" of the generator, it is spinning wildly but none of the tree branches around it show any wind movement. These assholes just put up a motor to spin the turbine blades to look like the piece of crap works.

The Parkslop people have as much contempt for their viewers as we have for them.

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45 minutes ago, DoctorK said:


For the "alternator" where did they get the precision machined parts like the rotor blade that the magnets were hammered into? Let alone the high intensity rare earth magnets?


They traded some wood for it.


Good catch about the wind, trees and the spinning turbine.  They just reversed the juice on the generator and turned it into a motor for looks

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I was also impressed how much their wind turbine skills increased from the slapped together 2X4 construction which tipped over (oops) smashing the turbo Noah had cobbled together from chewing gum and spare deer bones. 'Wondered where they got the 50' or whatever it was main support, the guy wires, the guy bases....and why all 8 or 9 of them had to stand on the beach watching for the barter boat to arrive. I mean, couldn't maybe one or two of them have been doing, oh, I dunno--anything else? It also looks like the cow is about to be shipped to her real home since the local cow expert pointed out that a cow needs to have given birth to produce milk. Since the cow is 120 years old, her calving days are behind her (hence the reason she was rentable).

Dumber and dumber...are the rumors true that there will be another season? ...sigh....

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The part that stuck out most for me this episode was them trading away Bam's wood while he was gone.  Matt was the one who took it upon himself to vote by proxy for him, and that strikes me as kind of funny since those were the two who always seemed to have the most trouble getting along with each other.  Billy made a big show of it all being on Matt's head if there are any repercussions from it.  Rain was against it, which shows that she hasn't yet been corrupted by the family's grifting ways yet.

I kept wondering why Billy didn't come down off of some of his $500,000 to pay for that turbine.  But why do that when you can barter away your son's red cedar floor?

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Recap time

Crisis in Alaska !

Once again we are reminded that a harsh winter is approaching, just look at the fake snow that the producers spread everywhere to convince us how close to danger the Browns are to a certain death from not having a wind turbine …

A short flashback from last week shows how the pet bear escaped his cage and is wandering around destroying things. Matt and Bear go on high alert status and grab the guns, but never actually see anything, because of course, it is all made up. The bear film is at least two years old by now and getting old.

Bear is still wearing his pimp fur coat and we get a recap on the turbine fiasco from last week. Billy rambles on about the turbine, the broke mill, the embarrassment that is his life for awhile, and then goes to take a nap.

We find out Wes is coming with the new turbine parts, and the Browns cannot meet their ridiculous claim of trading 5000 bf of lumber for the needed items, Wes is gonna be so mad…

Now we are informed that Matt and Bam did a barter job at Prince of Wales Island, and were paid with a bunch of highly valuable red cedar planks. Sure they did, why is this very important point now being discussed ? To obviously fit into the story of the turbine. The writers must be smoking something legal in Alaska, a lot…

Bear now proceeds to jump around the campfire (and the ‘rasslin’ mats are now magically back on the logs), in order to paint the tail of the turbine in a flame pattern. Nice paint, were in the hell did that  paint come from ?

Now Noah breaks free to run up to Hoonah to see his gal (90 minutes to get there this week, only 20 last week), and she has seen the light and is moving back to Oregon. He now has the dilemma of letting her go, or asking her to move into the ghetto cult to share the chicken shack with him… What will happen ? 

The mark (Wes) arrives a little late and the deal is done, they actually give Bam’s wood away to cut the deal justifying that is what Bam would have wanted. I think Bam wouldn’t give a rat’s ass what these idiots do, now that he has left. And the boards that the chumps actually cut on that silly mini bike mill looked like they were cut on a professional mill. And there were about a dozen or so of them. What a bunch of nonsense, all that drama and crisis for a pile of lumber they most certainly did not even cut….

Billy is thrilled though, another scam nicely executed !

The rest of this sad show is spent putting together the turbine, looking for non existent rogue bears and reminiscing about Bam… When they are ready to raise the tower, Noah is in charge and yells ‘Avante' like a douche, while almost everyone else works.

Success at last as the turbine is up and stays perfectly still as the chumps jump around congratulating themselves… Finally after the cult members go back to their shacks, the turbine is spinning like a top at least 200 MPH…  with no wind blowing through the trees whatsoever… I mean , come on, you are not even trying anymore …

Till next season…

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Noah didn't even assemble a brake for the turbine.  If the wind is blows as hard as he said it will tear that thing apart unless you have one.  And how are they going to maintain it?  Will Bear shimmy up the pole  to grease the bearings ?

I guess we'll have to wait till next season to see if
Noah's girlfriend moves in?  Did he say "my girlfriend" enough times or does it need to be repeated once more?   He has a girl friend you know.

Will Bear jump and roll through the bush so many times that he actually snaps an ankle, tumbles through bear shit or whacks his head on a stump?
Will Bam come home with a wife/girlfriend, or is he out scavenging for more materials to build his mansion that papa grifter will barter for the good of the family ? 
Has Matt's cold turkey recovering alcoholism hold?
Will Gabe ever get a clue?  just one clue please!!!!

And those poor girls?  I shudder to think of their fate.

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25 minutes ago, Blondie said:

If the wind is blows as hard as he said it will tear that thing apart unless you have one.  And how are they going to maintain it?  Will Bear shimmy up the pole  to grease the bearings ?

Only if they grease the pole first to make it more awesomely extreme.

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1 hour ago, Blondie said:

Noah didn't even assemble a brake for the turbine.  If the wind is blows as hard as he said it will tear that thing apart unless you have one.  And how are they going to maintain it? 

Good point about the governor.  The turbine is meant to be able to be cabled down for maintenance, which will be really exciting while bear holds the winch down with his chin.  The blades are clearly not balanced, so that is going to be fun.  If it was turning as fast as shown last night I would expect something to fail.


I think the barter deal included everything we saw erected at the turbine site, which includes the pipe column and truss.  Which if true pushes the price into the tens of thousands of dollars.


Wet doug fir at random dimensions isn't going to be worth much more than $1.10/bf, with the cedar less than triple that.  So youb do the math.



5 hours ago, Beden said:

I was also impressed how much their wind turbine skills increased from the slapped together 2X4 construction which tipped over (oops) smashing the turbo Noah had cobbled together from chewing gum and spare deer bones. 'Wondered where they got the 50' or whatever it was main support, the guy wires, the guy bases...


Edited by Rock knocker
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3 hours ago, Rock knocker said:

Good point about the governor.  The turbine is meant to be able to be cabled down for maintenance, which will be really exciting while bear holds the winch down with his chin.  The blades are clearly not balanced, so that is going to be fun.  If it was turning as fast as shown last night I would expect something to fail.

Oh dear God...that means that they could all DIE!!!!!

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8 hours ago, rmontro said:

 Rain was against it, which shows that she hasn't yet been corrupted by the family's grifting ways yet.


Good point rmontro, but she might have took the time to text Bam from her iphone and asked his permission ?

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On 2/23/2017 at 9:11 AM, Blondie said:

Noah didn't even assemble a brake for the turbine.  If the wind is blows as hard as he said it will tear that thing apart unless you have one.  And how are they going to maintain it?  Will Bear shimmy up the pole  to grease the bearings ?

Good catch Blondie. Even our little low tech aeration windmill used in our farm pond has a high speed disengage to prevent damage to the pump, and it has really small blades.


“Will Gabe ever get a clue?  just one clue please!!!!”

I hope so, and I hope it's provided to him by Noah, when Gabe's finally had enough, and tosses that arrogant little F'er 50 yards down a steep hill and right on to his face ?

Edited by wanton87
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19 hours ago, Rock knocker said:

I think the barter deal included everything we saw erected at the turbine site, which includes the pipe column and truss.  Which if true pushes the price into the tens of thousands of dollars.

The last time I looked into it, wind turbine technology was incredibly expensive.  That was admittedly many years ago though, so it may have come down in price quite a bit.  Noah did make a point of saying that all the parts were home made by the barter guy though.  Which doesn't make it any more real, but does at least make an attempt at explaining how they got it.  Otherwise, I suppose I could go buy a brand new wind turbine for the same price as a pallet or two of lumber, right?  Which brings up the thought:  If anything is plentiful in Alaska, it has to be wood.

10 hours ago, wanton87 said:

I hope so, and I hope it's provided to him by Noah, when Gabe's finally had enough, and tosses that arrogant little F'er 50 yards down a steep hill and right on to his face ?

I would dearly love to see this point addressed on the show.  Noah so constantly belittles Gabe when he works for him so devotedly and slavishly, I'd love to see Gabe Hulk out on him and give him that 50 yard toss.  Maybe if they are all killed by the falling turbine, they can recast the reboot and make it a darker series, where the arrogant Noah is constantly coming to blows with his savage brothers.

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Did anyone else catch how Bird was reacting to Noah's girlfriend?  It's like she's seriously jealous of her. I don't want to insinuate that's there's some incest in Browntown, but it just came off as a little weird. When Noah was talking about "my girlfriend", Bird kept making barfing noises. How old are you, Bird?  I understand that due to your father keeping you from the world chosen isolation you may not be accustomed to adult romances, but come on. Act like the 20 year old that you are, not a 9 nine year old who thinks the opposite gender has cooties.  

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And now we get to speculate on what next season holds....

I enjoyed the discussion on the wind turbine and how it cannot be possibly what is described on the show. I think we all know if left to their own devices the turbine will be on the ground in pieces, and the meat shed tore apart, the cow dead, cannibalism will rule after the food runs out and on and on...

So let's gaze into the crystal ball and see what is ahead, this is just my opinion and wild speculation on my part.

Rhain... Is it really possible this girl will want to live at Browntown once she has actually seen the place? My guess is she may be pregnant, and it has to be written in the show, and she does move there to be married (or not) to Noah. Or else her and Noah move to Oregon to live on the dole in the lower 48.

The turbine... It is my guess the turbine will be up and running supplying all the electricity that the cult needs and more, which will be sold to Hoonah somehow. I imagine the producers pull in a top notch crew to rebuild the mess and when we do see it next season, the shots will be fleeting and short so we do not see the changes. They will certainly talk about it endlessly, how it has helped the wolf slackers, but all in all, it will be brushed over and more important issues and crises will be in the foreground.

Bam... Will he return with a wife? I say no, he will visit from time to time, but it seems that his disgust with his family is very strong and he stays away.

The cow... Last time we saw Sabrina she was over at a neighbors getting bred. I think that is the last we see of the cow on this show. An explanation will be given and the whole cow business will be forgotten.

Will Rain ever get her teeth fixed... Most likely not, as it seems to add to the charm of deadbeats living 'wild' in Alaska...

Noah and his attitude... Others have mentioned that a fight will erupt and one brother or another (probably Gabe) will knock him into Canada. This is a reasonable scenario. Or maybe the tension will be the key to his move to Oregon with Rhain. He may settle down his arrogance once Rhain moves to Browntown, but I actually see it getting worse as he will try to impress the girl with his 'smarts' over the others.

So it looks like they will have electric power and women and everything that makes 'living in the wild' seem absurd. 

Anyone else have something to add ??   More...

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14 hours ago, rmontro said:

The last time I looked into it, wind turbine technology was incredibly expensive.  That was admittedly many years ago though, so it may have come down in price quite a bit. 

I was going to mention rmontro that one of our neighbors many years back had one installed. This was in the 80's and it cost them around $60k back then. As you say, it's probably gone down in price over the years, but I'd imagine it's still priced above solar. You would think that a significant deep cycle battery bank would be necessary to take full advantage of such a system, but we never saw the complete set up.

8 hours ago, saratothej said:

Did anyone else catch how Bird was reacting to Noah's girlfriend?  It's like she's seriously jealous of her. I don't want to insinuate that's there's some incest in Browntown, but it just came off as a little weird.

I noticed it saratothej, and it struck me as odd as well. I think it was supposed to be one of those tender brother/sister moments where she illustrated genuine sisterly concern for her brother. But instead, poor scripting made her come off looking like bush Angelina Jolie ?

8 hours ago, realityobserver said:

Will Rain ever get her teeth fixed... Most likely not, as it seems to add to the charm of deadbeats living 'wild' in Alaska...

Speaking of teeth RO, I could of swore that Scami got hers fixed last season? But a few episodes back when she was speaking, there were more gaps in her smile than Randy Quaid's resume.

Edited by wanton87
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Finally broke down and watched the wind generator episode.  Watched and pointed out to hubby about the blades spinning with no wind in the adjacent trees.  His comment:  "I've never seen a windmill with straight blades; no curves, no angle to catch the wind."

Come to think of it, neither have I.

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4 hours ago, saratothej said:

Did anyone else catch how Bird was reacting to Noah's girlfriend?  It's like she's seriously jealous of her. I don't want to insinuate that's there's some incest in Browntown, but it just came off as a little weird. When Noah was talking about "my girlfriend", Bird kept making barfing noises. How old are you, Bird?  I understand that due to your father keeping you from the world chosen isolation you may not be accustomed to adult romances, but come on. Act like the 20 year old that you are, not a 9 nine year old who thinks the opposite gender has cooties.  

If I believed that any of this hot mess was real I'd think that she might have problems with a outsider being brought into the family fold since they've lived in the bush their whole lives and never ever see anyone else aside from occasional barters and quick (and rare) runs into some village for supplies.

A new member being brought in would have top affect the dynamics of the group and maybe even bring in new ideas, grandbabies and who knows what all else. If the boys find girls who are willing to theoretically live in the wild, things won't be the same, the family interactions could change and--who knows--various member may move away (cough-Bam-cough) or bring in-laws in for the holidays or whatever.

I mean, if any of this was real. Like if they really lived in bush and were really broke and they weren't being paid some decent money to bullshit their way onto TV.

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16 hours ago, saratothej said:

When Noah was talking about "my girlfriend", Bird kept making barfing noises. How old are you, Bird?  I understand that due to your father keeping you from the world chosen isolation you may not be accustomed to adult romances, but come on. Act like the 20 year old that you are, not a 9 nine year old who thinks the opposite gender has cooties.  

I didn't notice that part.  I have noticed that Bird has never expressed any interest in romance whatsoever, that I can remember.  I always kind of thought she might be lesbian - who could blame her with the examples of masculinity that she has around her lol?  But there was that scene where she talked about how she likes animals more than people.  And the girls seem to be more sheltered than the boys.  She may be the most tragic example of the parents keeping them from the outside world.  

16 hours ago, realityobserver said:

The turbine... It is my guess the turbine will be up and running supplying all the electricity that the cult needs and more, which will be sold to Hoonah somehow. I imagine the producers pull in a top notch crew to rebuild the mess and when we do see it next season, the shots will be fleeting and short so we do not see the changes. They will certainly talk about it endlessly, how it has helped the wolf slackers, but all in all, it will be brushed over and more important issues and crises will be in the foreground.

I wondered about the turbine.  My immediate feeling was that they would tear it down as soon as they filmed it, but they have all those beach scenes on the show, it's going to raise questions if it isn't there.  Maybe they'll come home one day and a bear will have torn it down lol.

This season went really fast, I thought.  I'm going to miss it until it comes back on.  This show is entertaining in its unique, trainwreck, so bad it's bad, sort of way.

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35 minutes ago, rmontro said:

 I have noticed that Bird has never expressed any interest in romance whatsoever, that I can remember.  I always kind of thought she might be lesbian - who could blame her with the examples of masculinity that she has around her lol?  But there was that scene where she talked about how she likes animals more than people.  And the girls seem to be more sheltered than the boys.  She may be the most tragic example of the parents keeping them from the outside world.  

It's seemed to me, over the years, that the family are/were raised to be fairly --what?--dated?--traditional? in their attitudes concerning gender roles. Mom Ami obviously tends the house and does the cooking, stays close to the fire and sews, knits and makes bracelets out of dog fur. She's held on a pedestal and protected by her men. The boys do the majority of 'man' work--building, sawing trees, making deliveries and making decisions; she largely defers to Billy about most things. The girls were clearly watched over--perhaps because the youngest is so much younger and the last born but she and her sis were shown (likely in a stupid set up) playing with dolls around the fire while the menfolk did manly stuff. Bird may just be a tomboy (as was I when I was younger and am still pretty self-reliant, thank you) who may enjoy being included in her brother's activities and even get some validation out of being acknowledged as the best shot. If we're to believe the storyline, who else was she supposed to hang out with?

I won't speculate on Bird's sexual preference other than to say that sexual orientation is--according to multiple reputable psychologists and studies over several decades--predetermined before birth. If she's gay, not only don't I care, it's none of my business. And no, I don't want to get into a discussion about any of the Brown's sex lives. Eeewwww...though I have vaguely wondered if Noah and his ladyfriend have moved past the holding hands stage. I may have nightmares....

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3 hours ago, rmontro said:

 I have noticed that Bird has never expressed any interest in romance whatsoever, that I can remember.

Could be a combination of being socially stunted, and shy, as Noah pointed out rmontro. I want to say that she's the one that was still playing with dolls up until just a few seasons ago.

Edited by wanton87
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4 hours ago, Beden said:

I won't speculate on Bird's sexual preference other than to say that sexual orientation is--according to multiple reputable psychologists and studies over several decades--predetermined before birth

Yeah, I wasn't intending to open that can of worms.  I was just observing that she has shown no interest in boys (or girls for that matter), romance, having children, or life outside the family.  Ami has pushed the boys repeatedly on the idea of giving her grandbabies, and has even arranged a matchmaker for all the boys, but as far as I can see she hasn't asked anything like this of Bird.  She must be in her 20s by now, I wonder why?  I was thinking that with her dental problems, maybe she is self conscious of them, and has low self esteem, and maybe even has given up any idea of being appreciated in that way.  I don't know, it's a bit of a mystery.

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I had also noted before that they are always all over the boys about finding a wife and having GRANDBABIES but never mention it for Bird. I think last season she had her 20th birthday.  By Ami and Billy's standards, that's plenty old enough to start popping out the kids. I don't think she'd have an awful time finding a man if she hung around in Hoonah for a while. I'm sure the male:female ratio is high enough that she could land someone with relative ease. 

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50 minutes ago, saratothej said:

I had also noted before that they are always all over the boys about finding a wife and having GRANDBABIES but never mention it for Bird. I think last season she had her 20th birthday.  By Ami and Billy's standards, that's plenty old enough to start popping out the kids. I don't think she'd have an awful time finding a man if she hung around in Hoonah for a while. I'm sure the male:female ratio is high enough that she could land someone with relative ease. 

She is probably already married, got two kids, and works at the Office Bar in Hoonah as a waitress when they are not filming this silly show. Her husband is probably an unemployed lumberjack who thinks Snowbird is the best thing since Sarah Palin, but still has a girlfriend on the side when she is with her obnoxious family 'in the wild'.

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5 minutes ago, realityobserver said:

She is probably already married, got two kids, and works at the Office Bar in Hoonah as a waitress when they are not filming this silly show. Her husband is probably an unemployed lumberjack who thinks Snowbird is the best thing since Sarah Palin, but still has a girlfriend on the side when she is with her obnoxious family 'in the wild'.

Lol, may well be.  Maybe she worked in the bar serving the alcohol to Matt.  And maybe her secret husband is Kenny.

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43 minutes ago, rmontro said:

Lol, may well be.  Maybe she worked in the bar serving the alcohol to Matt.  And maybe her secret husband is Kenny.

Kenny!!!! I really think Kenny and Bird would be a good match! Come on, Matchmaker Ami, make this happen!

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12 hours ago, rmontro said:

 And maybe her secret husband is Kenny.

Sounds like a match made in heaven right there. Between the two of them they should have a full set of teeth. The kids could come out looking like Spongebob, but ya gotta start somewhere :D

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20 hours ago, saratothej said:

 I don't think she'd have an awful time finding a man if she hung around in Hoonah for a while. I'm sure the male:female ratio is high enough that she could land someone with relative ease. 

My understanding saratothej, is that there's roughly a 7:1 a male/female disparity, so the girls should be fine. The added exposure will also work in the favor of the boys. The key is for the kids to take advantage of their 15 minutes of fame, and make the most of it.

Edited by wanton87
Incorrect stats
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Maybe she was just sick and tired of listening to Noah-a talk-a about-a his-a girlfried-a.

Ami and Rhain are going to be pissed off when Noah-a exagerated sense of chivalry will prevent he and Rhain naked loins from actually touching until after the proper 12 years of courtship.

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16 hours ago, wanton87 said:

My understanding saratothej, is that there's roughly a 7:1 male/female disparity, so the girls should be fine.

That's a common misconception.  Alaska has the highest male to female ratio in the US, but it's nowhere near 7:1.

According to these links, there are 107 males for every 100 females, or in other words the population is 52% male.  



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59 minutes ago, rmontro said:

That's a common misconception.  Alaska has the highest male to female ratio in the US, but it's nowhere near 7:1.

Thanks for the heads up. Now that I think about it, it was one of the Brown's that mentioned this in a episode, so I should have known better. But I don't think that the girls will have any problems either way, as the statistics still favor them.

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18 hours ago, wanton87 said:

Thanks for the heads up. Now that I think about it, it was one of the Brown's that mentioned this in a episode, so I should have known better. But I don't think that the girls will have any problems either way, as the statistics still favor them.

I think I do remember someone on the show saying that the ratio was 7:1, I think it was Billy.  Yeah, we all know Billy is a bastion of truth lol.

Anyway, I agree the girls would have no problems finding dates, although being surrounded by five scraggly looking brothers all the time probably doesn't play into their favor.  But again, Bird has never expressed any interest on the show, nor has anyone else in the family even brought up the possibility that Bird might ever be in a romantic situation.  Why is that?  Especially considering how much it's been talked about with the boys, in contrast it seems odd.

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10 hours ago, rmontro said:

I think I do remember someone on the show saying that the ratio was 7:1, I think it was Billy.

I think it was the episode rmontro, in which the boys went into town to try and meet some girls at a bar or a restaurant (I forget the establishment). It was a few seasons back now.

But the boys are in for a tough time ahead as far as finding mates. Scami drooling the word Grandbabies two sentences into any meeting of the sons prospective mates is enough to scare the bejesus out of the most dedicated Quiverfull, and send them packing! :D

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15 minutes ago, wanton87 said:

But the boys are in for a tough time ahead as far as finding mates. Scami drooling the word Grandbabies two sentences into any meeting of the sons prospective mates is enough to scare the bejesus out of the most dedicated Quiverfull, and send them packing! :D

Aw, of course! I knew Bam had a few working brain cells. Now I understand why he headed to the lower 48 to hunt for a wife...to get far far away from Ami.

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55 minutes ago, SRTouch said:

Aw, of course! I knew Bam had a few working brain cells. Now I understand why he headed to the lower 48 to hunt for a wife...to get far far away from Ami.

Well SRTouch, I suppose that you could say that he's the Marilyn Munster (Not to be confused with Manson ?) of the Brown family.

Edited by wanton87
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I just figured he was tired of being on camera all the time and---maybe--wanted a honeymoon with his new bride without it being available on DVD when the season ends.

Or maybe he just wanted to draw a few free breaths without having to toe the company line/script...now that he's in his 30's and all. And with brother Matt out for rehab for a while, he would be expected to step in and fill the big brother shoes (when they weren't staying at the Hoonah Lodge). Of course, he could just have been fed up.

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43 minutes ago, Beden said:

I just figured he was tired of being on camera all the time and---maybe--wanted a honeymoon with his new bride without it being available on DVD when the season ends.

If his relationship with that producer gal had anything to do with him leaving, I wonder if she took any heat over it.  It's one thing to get involved with the "help", it's another to contribute to one of your stars leaving the show.

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Don't know and couldn't say but it's an interesting idea. Unless there was a non-fraternization clause in their contracts I don't know what could be done about it other than be angry...but then I'm no lawyer. Of course there could be some breech of contract if Bam (and his lady friend) had signed on for some # of seasons and then bailed; that could be a problem.

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On 2/24/2017 at 4:02 PM, realityobserver said:

Noah and his attitude... Others have mentioned that a fight will erupt and one brother or another (probably Gabe) will knock him into Canada.

Now what have the good people of Canada possibly have done to deserve this?

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21 hours ago, Beden said:

Of course there could be some breech of contract if Bam (and his lady friend) had signed on for some # of seasons and then bailed; that could be a problem.

I doubt that Bam signed a contract.  More likely Billy just bartered his children as labor when he negotiated his salary.  :)

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It sounded like Ami said something like, "when the kids get wives . . ."  So I agree with the earlier poster who speculated that Ami and Billy have little interest in the girls starting families. 

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21 hours ago, wanton87 said:

You guy's should check out Railing Kills latest episode recap when you get a chance, if you haven't already done so.

Glad you reminded me, I almost forgot about Railing Kill, even though I have his page bookmarked.  I guess he didn't follow us over here?  I did get several laughs out of this last recap though, I think it's one of his best.  By the way, I was watching some reruns last night, and apparently Bear is the one who said the male female ration in Alaska is 7:1.  Although he could have learned it from his father  :)

10 hours ago, Swim mom said:

It sounded like Ami said something like, "when the kids get wives . . ."  So I agree with the earlier poster who speculated that Ami and Billy have little interest in the girls starting families. 

I noticed that too.  I can understand them not including Rain because she's so young, but Bird is certainly of an age when she could be dating.

By the way, in the scene were Noah tells Billy he wants to bring his girlfriend to meet them, check out the look on Billy's face.  It's hard to describe, but it's kind of like "Oh, come on, what fresh hell is this, we just lose Bam and now Noah comes up with a girlfriend?  I have all these work projects laid out and I'm running out slave labor, er, sons to do them for me.  Do we really have to deal with this garbage now?  Shouldn't you be working on the wind turbine?".

There was also an extra scene last night where Bam tells Noah he is leaving.  In it, he makes it clear that he is going to be with a girl he has already met down in the lower 48.  In the scene where he told Billy and Ami, it was less clear.  It almost sounded like he was going down there to look for a wife, not be with a girl he had already found.

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