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I thought someone said at HVFF Chicago or something the toughest part of filming S4 was keeping up with the schedule and that Arrow is pretty behind it. I feel like the way it was phrased meant that it was something unusual and didn't really happen in previous seasons... Hmmm

That's because it didn't happen in past seasons. The crossovers and bringing Constantine on pushed them back.

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That's because it didn't happen in past seasons. The crossovers and bringing Constantine on pushed them back.

But they wouldn't still be trying to make that up, would they? Seems like at some point they'd accept that as lost time, and just try to keep within the shooting schedule for each episode - which is what I thought he was referring to when he mentioned that they were struggling.

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According to Google, YVR is Vancouver International Airport - so KC is back in Vancouver.  If it turns out that the Arrow producers/cast have pulled a big one over on us and that Laurel is not the one in the grave, it will now be the biggest shocker of the entire series...

Katie Cassidy‏@MzKatieCassidy
LAX ---> YVR
6:56 PM - 16 Mar 2016



If Laurel is the one in the grave, then we'll probably see tons of post-mortem media analyses of 'what went wrong with the Laurel character', as well as a few 'Arrow has jumped the shark' articles - not to mention damage control interviews by the EPs.  Just like with Sara's death, I expect that there will likely be an initial ratings drop and then an eventual bounce back to the normal ratings range.

Edited by tv echo
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I believe Laurel's in the grave because of the way everybody was acting at HVFF, funeral set pictures and Laurel and Speedy are the comic mask left on Arrow. With the way MG is talking he wants killing a mask on the table and BC is the more high profile name of the two. Katie lives in Vancouver and so does her boyfriend. 

Edited by tarotx
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KC lives in Vancouver. At some point she was going back there,

She also dyed her hair when an episode was still shooting. Considering she did it at a Con, it sounds like a spur of the moment move. There is no way she would be allowed to do that if she was still filming.

SA flying to LA from the Con just means he wasn't shooting on Monday, but Arrow was. Signs, production notices, Paps all confirm that.

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Ugh, my head hurts!  I guess I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that they would actually, for-real, for-real, kill off Laurel.


Incidentally, here's an entire article on the Ghost!Felicity theory...

'Arrow' Season 4 episode 16 spoilers: Why Felicity could still be heading to the grave

March 16, 2016 21:33 IST By Mangala Dilip


On the flip side, what if Ghost!Laurel appears to Oliver later in the season?

Edited by tv echo
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I actually honestly appreciate it. Not in a way that I want it to happen, but in a way that I recognize some thought went into it and it's not just tripe.

Me, too. I'd never want it to happen, but it surely would have been a nice twist.
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Me, too. I'd never want it to happen, but it surely would have been a nice twist.


Except I would have to stop watching the show...


ETA: Where are the new spoilers?!?!?! [/whinge] When I wake up I need hope to see lots of pretty pics and stuff

Edited by Genki
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Except I would have to stop watching the show...


Haha, yeah, that, too.  That wouldn't have been good. :D


I think that gif is from 202?

Edited by looptab
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I really liked the twistiness of Ghost Felicity. I would never want it to happen, but the concept would have been cool until you realize it means no more FS.

However, they still could go for hallucinationFelicity! If they wanted to be twisty. Although it looks like they are probably going realistic.

I had a whole post to @tvecho's earlier post but my mobile ate it. I think the ratings will stay the same but the articles will increase. The ratings will stay the same for multiple reasons. 1. They've been stable all season. 2. Audience has known there would be a death for months, so not a shocker. 3. I doubt the death will be graphic since they are going for heroic so it shouldn't turn people off like SL. 4. The audience that watches soley and only for LL is probably too small to make an impact in the ratings if they stopped watching.

I honestly wonder if the press will get a preview screening, so they can write some of the articles and get buzz going. I do think there will be a lot of ppostmortem analysis of what happened to the LL character. And I imagine a couple jump shark articles from comics purists or people who have grown tired of Arrow killing off cast year after year because they run out of creative ideas or feel compelled to be predictably edgy.

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Looking back through the Arrow ratings, Tommy died in 1.23 so it's hard to judge accurately but there was no change in demo between 123 and 201 and only a tiny drop in viewers (30K). Shado died in 209 and there was a drop but let's face it 2.09 was a 1.1 because of the Barry Allen factor, the drop from 1.1 to 0.9 had less to do with killing Shado and more do to with Barry Allen not being on the show. Moira died in 220 and there was a bump in ratings, 221 went up a tenth from 0.7 to 0.8 and about 60K in viewers. Sara died in 301 and there was a huge ratings drop, it went from 1.0 to 0.8 and 580K viewers. However, the demo slowly recovered and by 304 it was back to a 1.0 and 305 it was up to a 1.1. Roy was "killed" in 319 and the demo went up a tenth in 320 from 0.9 to 1.0 and ratings rose about 300K.


Out of all of the major death episodes, Sara's is the only one that resulted in a drop in ratings and even then the ratings recovered in a few episodes. The rest all had a bump in ratings following the death for a few possible reasons. With Moira's I suspect people were curious, with Roy, people were probably curious about Thea's fate. Tommy's death had no impact on the ratings, even after a long summer break. Shado doesn't count(IMO) because of the Barry Allen factor


The ratings could surprise me and tank and Arrow never recover from this...pretty much the way TVD hit an iceberg after the 100th episode and then blew another hole in the ship after Elena/Nina's departure but, I don't think that will happen. To be honest I don't think there will be any major ratings shift with Arrow post death. I suspect there will be a rise in viewers after 418 out of curiosity and that might carry them through the remainder of the season (like Moira's death) but it will eventually settle back down to normal Arrow levels between 0.9-1.1

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4x07 was funny? I can't remember 4x07.


Echo said at HVFF that 4x17 was his favorite episode. I wonder Curtis is featured more in 4x17.

It was unintentionally funny (in that it was poorly written and shot) but I don't think that's what MG is talking about.  LOL

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Ugh, my head hurts! I guess I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that they would actually, for-real, for-real, kill off Laurel.

I get it. There's a part of me that's still kind of like "wow is this really happening?" It's usually my favorite character that dies, and/or my NOTP that happens. So to have things going my way for once feels strange. :) LOL.

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Curtis should be featured more. Felicity, Donna and Thea are held at PT and Curtis is working with the team in the lair. Plus, I think it was SA who said he, DR and PB kept cracking up in their scenes with him. So there's that and Felicity facing off with her nemesis. The potential for humor is there. Also, Donna is in the episode.

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4x07 was funny? I can't remember 4x07.


Echo said at HVFF that 4x17 was his favorite episode. I wonder Curtis is featured more in 4x17.

407 was the dumb shakycam Bamford episode. I only remember bc I HATED the directing, and bc it was the last episode I've watched. The only funny thing was the old lady who got the idea O/F are into being tied up and, presumably, spanked.


God Guggie is a moron.


I'm guessing Curtis will have a couple funny lines in 417.

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I really liked the twistiness of Ghost Felicity. I would never want it to happen, but the concept would have been cool until you realize it means no more FS.

However, they still could go for hallucinationFelicity! If they wanted to be twisty. Although it looks like they are probably going realistic.

I had a whole post to @tvecho's earlier post but my mobile ate it. I think the ratings will stay the same but the articles will increase. The ratings will stay the same for multiple reasons. 1. They've been stable all season. 2. Audience has known there would be a death for months, so not a shocker. 3. I doubt the death will be graphic since they are going for heroic so it shouldn't turn people off like SL. 4. The audience that watches soley and only for LL is probably too small to make an impact in the ratings if they stopped watching.

I honestly wonder if the press will get a preview screening, so they can write some of the articles and get buzz going. I do think there will be a lot of ppostmortem analysis of what happened to the LL character. And I imagine a couple jump shark articles from comics purists or people who have grown tired of Arrow killing off cast year after year because they run out of creative ideas or feel compelled to be predictably edgy.

reason 5.: Laurel's dies and the ratings go up because people who quit the show because of Laurel - stupid/pointless/degrading to every other single character - plot-lines will return to watch the show now that she is finally gone.

I know that if she's not in the grave or if they do a "gotch she's not really dead" thing I may just quit the show for good this time. I can only take this bullshit for so long!


The Laurel/KC and as Black Canary fanbase is small (the majority of it is made of KC fans and a few comic purists), the casual viewer doesn't care about her enough to leave if she dies or leave if she's not really dead- most probably don't even notice she's there half the time.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I remember Laurel making a "joke" about Sara being a member of the LOA to comfort Diggle knowing his brother is an evil DD minion. And Felicity's talking about Oliver's night time bondage. Maybe there was a lot of in jokes?

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4x07 was funny? I can't remember 4x07.


Echo said at HVFF that 4x17 was his favorite episode. I wonder Curtis is featured more in 4x17.


I'm thinking Guggenheim is remembering the ep number wrong. He might have meant 4x06, which is ITA one of the funniest episodes this season, especially with the rooftop convo about Donna and one-tear emojis.

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OTOH, I feel like we need to get ready to celebrate properly.  #Finally #BlackbirdFly #CanaryCroak 

I'm planning on making a dessert to mark the occasion. Just have to decide between salted caramel cupcakes or salted caramel apple pie.

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The Laurel/KC and as Black Canary fanbase is small (the majority of it is made of KC fans and a few comic purists), the casual viewer doesn't care about her enough to leave if she dies or leave if she's not really dead- most probably don't even notice she's there half the time.


Does anyone know if anybody's started a petition for LL to live? I know there was one for Sara called Black Canary Initiative or Black Canary Rises ... something like that. 


A little late on the ratings convo, but depending on when during the ep they do the actual death, I'm guessing there will be a bump. There will be viewers curious as to whether Arrow really killed BC (again). There will be viewers who might still be hoping it's not true, if the death happens at the very end ala cliffhanger. And there will be viewers who left and may decide to check out the show again because the character that drove them away may be gone. No way to predict, but I think the network, the studio, the TPTBs ran the numbers, considered the risk and are fine with it (the same way they were fine with killing Sara because the numbers said it'll be OK). 

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That one with the side profile doesn't look like her at all. I know it is, but the angle changes her features.


If that's her trying to prove she is still on the show, it's a weak attempt. She dyed her hair and it's just at the gym.


It may just be her posting a motivational image.

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And the old pics have started! But she is definetely working, you guys!





Of course she is... I usually wear wigs to the gym as well... or dye my hair within a couple days of just dying it.


That being said, besides keeping her fans waiting for 3hrs on Sunday ~ I do think KC looks better in darker hair. So it was a good choice to dye it, especially if she is looking for new work :)

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I'm guessing Malcolm kills Laurel. The "Surprising Offer." I'm going to guess Laurel putting away DD catches some big wigs eye and she is going to be offered some big promotion away from SC. She makes the decision to stay to continue to be BC in SC. Tragically, because she chooses to stay she is put in danger and it leads to her death. 


ETA: The trailer for 4x16 isn't promising.

Edited by Chaser
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So in 16 MM calls Darhk a deposed loser and either has him beaten or tries to have him killed in prison, and in 18 MM's trying to bust Darhk out of prison?


Who's the loser now, Malcolm? WHO'S THE LOSER NOW?!?

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I'm guessing Laurel gets offered the DA position. And she finds out (along with the rest of team arrow) that Malcolm is planning on breaking Damien out of prison, and she dies in the process of stopping that becuase she goes in without any backup?


I really do think Laure's going to die by making a stupid decision she didn't think through because that's all Laurel does. 

Also I find it extremely poetic that Laurel dies in an episode called Eleven Fifty Nine considering she became BC in an episode called Midnight City

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