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Man, who knows, but to me they look unhappy but not nervous, and the officiant, who's presumably not a superhero and so would be terrified by a bomb, doesn't look nervous, so a rigged bomb would surprise me. Hostage...maybe? A wedding under those circumstances wouldn't be legally binding, but this show is nuts, so again, who knows.


Most likely scenario seems to be that it's a trap.

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I swear the Arrow writers are acting like Oliver and Samantha made an "Unbreakable Bond" or some shit. Wonder how many people are still going to be rallying behind Oliver made a good decision (probably the same fools who thought his future wife-to-be had NO right to know about the kid to begin with) seriously gonna side-eye the fuck out of those idiots!


My drinking  game for tonight - might be the only way to get through this shit episode:


1 shot every time Oliver says "My Son" (have a feeling he is really gonna drive that point home tonight so lets say he says it ALOT)
2 shots every time Samantha or Laurel fold their arms and have resting bitch face (think this is gonna happen alot too)
3 shots every time Samantha is in the "secret lair"

Down the whole fucking bottle if these writers even attempt to let Felicity let Oliver's ass off the hook easily!!!

Edited by Ann Mack
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I'm really curious to find out what's the new thing Felicity will focus on.I thought training at first but then the second interview made it sound bigger than that so idk.I've seen speculation that she starts her own company but I don't see the point since she already has PT and she managed to save it now,I don't think its that.

I'm pretty sure Olicity is back together by the end of the season.I think they like to give a positive answer to the questions of the season and one of them is can Oliver and Felicity make it as a couple and heroes and overcome obstacles thrown at them.Also they break them up in 4.15.If they did it in like 4.20 I would say no way are they getting back together until season 5 but from 4.15 to 4.23 is plenty of time to resolve it especially on arrow.

I think they will get them back together by the season finale. If they are not back together by the season finale - I would be shocked. I would also start questioning if they were toying with the idea of pursuing other Love Interests. I wonder if they are waiting to here about how many seasons they have left.


It would be exciting for FS to actually get her own plot line and her own mission. I feel like they just slide her into the CEO role, but it's not really about her. So far everything related to PT has been about Curtis or RP. Same with the paralysis, I feel like that was done primarily for Curtis to make his simulator. I think it will work indefinitely because the writers really don't want to write paralysis stories. Personally, I would love to see her training, but I think that will be more of a s6-7 plot. Plus it would be too soon after LL's death to put her into a training role. I agree with the people who speculate that it will be more of an Oracle situation where she will integrate the superheroes across the Flarrowverse. I wonder if she will do it under the cover of Smoak Industries.

Edited by kismet
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I love that Felicity already had surgery and we saw her in pysical therapy,that was a great scene.I wasn't expecting that so glad to be wrong about this.

I have no idea what the wedding thing is,a trap for Cupid maybe thought that sounds like it would be contrived.I hate the idea of that tbh.I would prefer a hallucination but I guess I'll see how it plays out in the episode.

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Diggle had referred to Oliver as Felicity's husband a couple of times in interviews - I wonder if that is significant or just trolling? 


A trap for cupid just seems so cruel for the both of them - I just wouldn't imagine them thinking it is a good idea to set up a fake wedding trap, but I guess SA did say that they act like adults after the breakup, so who knows?

Edited by ComicFan777
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I think I get it now - O&F standing at the altar doesn't mean they actually get married, duh on me.  And oh, here's more vomit from MG...

M ‏@FanMomMer  9m9 minutes ago
Serious question @mguggenheim @ARROWwriters. How is Oliver Queen having a wedding when he's still married to Nyssa? Hm?
Marc Guggenheim ‏@mguggenheim
@FanMomMer @ARROWwriters Bigamy.
8:36 AM - 24 Feb 2016


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A trap for cupid just seems so cruel for the both of them - I just wouldn't imagine them thinking it is a good idea to set up a fake wedding trap, but I guess SA did say that they act like adults after the breakup, so who knows?

You can see almost the whole chair on the right front, and it's empty, when it would definitely be occupied even if there were not that many guests, for both a real wedding and a trap wedding (bc man, if they have no guests but Cupid falls for it anyway, she's Oliver levels of dumb). So maybe it is a Ken and Barbie situation rather than a trap. That's a little less cruel. I mean it's still cruel to shippers, but much less cruel to Felicity.

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Back to that sneak peak: for how lovely the scene was, I just can't ignore how totally useless the both of them are after she falls. She can't use her LEGS. Grab her waist and help her on the chair again, what use it is to hold her arms? 


Sometimes I forget that to watch this show you have to ignore logic.

Edited by looptab
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I think I'm gonna spend the hiatus re-watching the Chloe/Ollie rom-com of grrrreatness so that I can remember an Oliver Queen story that actually brings me joy in life.

Are there a couple episodes focusing on that that you could recommend? I hated Smallville, but I did like those two. I'd have to buy the eps, so I only want a couple of the best, since I am not spending more than a few dollars on it.

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Wait wait wait. Are you guys telling me that wedding is actually real? It's not a dream or whatever? WTF. That is just horrible. I hate everything.

And I don't like how Felicity has already had the surgery. There has been barely any focus on that at all. Why are they rushing through everything?

And that also means that there's been days or maybe at least a week since the last episode which also means that Oliver and Samantha are officially the worst parents ever because they still don't know their child has been taken. Wow. What a mess.

Edited by Guest
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Are there a couple episodes focusing on that that you could recommend? I hated Smallville, but I did like those two. I'd have to buy the eps, so I only want a couple of the best, since I am not spending more than a few dollars on it.


There are a bunch more, but if I'm pressed for only two: Checkmate in S9 [it's my all time fave ep], and Masquerade in S10.

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Arrow will be back on March the 23rd by the way. https://twitter.com/briforsul/status/702525560661016577

That means they're probably going to run 16-23 through with no breaks, putting the finale on May 11. I guess they could have one week off and push the finale to the 18th, or have a two hour finale.

It also means 418 is probably going to be on April 6, almost exactly six months after the premiere. So the odds of it being the death episode just increased.

The only thing I'm not sure about is that I thought that they usually take a week off early in April for something or other, but my memory's not totally clear on that.

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It also means 418 is probably going to be on April 6, almost exactly six months after the premiere. So the odds of it being the death episode just increased.


AND it's supposedly a Lance family heavy episode. 



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Ugh, I'm dreading this episode more than I thought. But at least it will answer some basic timeline questions. I really hope that the scene with DD/OQ/FS is within a few hours from when DD was shown kidnapping W. Unless W goes to a prep school far away from BM, there is no way it should take her longer than 48hrs to tell OQ that their son is missing. And if she doesn't tell him for reasons, that really makes her look bad as a human.


As for the surgery, rehab, wedding I'm really curious how that all fits into the timeline. If for some bizarre reason OQ & FS get married immediately after the whole BM/W debacle, then I don't even want to speculate what dumb thing the writers came up with for OQ to lose FS by 418. EBR has stated the script specifically said NO ring, so unless they are keeping with Jewish traditions (doubt it), something bad has gone down between O/F per SA/EBR/MG and there is no way I can see them all massively trolling us.

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So Felicity gets to play along in a Cupid ruse, eh? I still expect that the engagement will be called off so how fun for her to have to pretend to marry Oliver.

Honestly, hearing that it's a plan that both Oliver and Felicity are involved with, I kind of assumed it was Felicity's plan, since she is the one on the team who usually makes the out there plans. It still may end up being a scene with Oliver and Felicity going "wow, this actually hurts more than we were planning," but I feel like she would be the one who would be more pushing to try to catch a bad guy using the resources that they have (dress, location, the works) and to prove to themselves that they can still work together despite being broken-up.

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Honestly, hearing that it's a plan that both Oliver and Felicity are involved with, I kind of assumed it was Felicity's plan, since she is the one on the team who usually makes the out there plans. It still may end up being a scene with Oliver and Felicity going "wow, this actually hurts more than we were planning," but I feel like she would be the one who would be more pushing to try to catch a bad guy using the resources that they have (dress, location, the works) and to prove to themselves that they can still work together despite being broken-up.

The lack of guests and attendants is really throwing me off that theory. I'm now leaning towards Ken & Barbie.

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So for how long has Oliver's son now been kidnapped? Or was he not kidnapped in last week's episode? Maybe he just had a nice play-date... 


Too long for his mother not to notice. Felicity has had major surgery and is already in rehab since William was taken. Technically that can't happen the next day. So I'd say it's been at least a week.


Samantha and Oliver: Worst Parents in the World.

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Nothing is making sense right now. How long has William been missing for if Felicity has already had the surgery?

And I can't honestly think of a scenario where I'm not going to hate this wedding thing. Ugh. Why do they always manage to fail even my reduced expectations?

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Unless William wasn't kidnapped last episode and just had a playdate with DD's kid to lure Samantha into a false sense of security, none of the timing of this adds up. At all. 

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So Felicity gets to play along in a Cupid ruse, eh? I still expect that the engagement will be called off so how fun for her to have to pretend to marry Oliver.


I guess it was organic for her to be finally included in a mission. (It's petty I know but I am never letting go of how MG throws that word around as his excuse for anything does or does not happen)

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I love that EBR is honest about Arrow and it's shortcomings. She is very 'it is what it is' and 'the show is the show' and some storylines don't get the time to be fleshed out.


It works much better for me than the ones who talk about earned and honest and organic storylines that are anything but. That's why I prefer EBR and DR interviews.

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This quote from the spoiler thread interview: "[she has to figure out] whether or not she's willing to risk the fact that he's going to do it again. In her mind, I think she feels like he will always be put in a situation where she's going to have to be either digging for the truth or accepting the fact that she might not get it all, but knowing that he still loves her. What is worth more?"


This is what I see the whole conflict to be and is why I struggle to believe a break up is certain. 

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Wait wait wait. Are you guys telling me that wedding is actually real? It's not a dream or whatever? WTF. That is just horrible. I hate everything.

And I don't like how Felicity has already had the surgery. There has been barely any focus on that at all. Why are they rushing through everything?

And that also means that there's been days or maybe at least a week since the last episode which also means that Oliver and Samantha are officially the worst parents ever because they still don't know their child has been taken. Wow. What a mess.


Oh my word, when they showed that Felicity already had the surgery - I completely forgot that this means Samantha is either unaware that William is missing or she has filed a missing person report and is just keeping that information from Oliver.  Now, I wouldn't mind scenario b if I hadn't been told that Oliver was making visits to Central City when he shouldn't have been.

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I love that EBR is honest about Arrow and it's shortcomings. She is very 'it is what it is' and 'the show is the show' and some storylines don't get the time to be fleshed out.


It works much better for me than the ones who talk about earned and honest and organic storylines that are anything but. That's why I prefer EBR and DR interviews.

She really has been, for an actress currently on the show, brutally honest. Obviously not real-life brutally honest, but for Hollywood, that's brutally honest.


Also, Felicity's definitely dumping him tonight. The SA interview muddied that a bit, but all the EBR interviews have made it pretty clear. I love that the interviewer brought up at least one of Oliver's past wrongs, to emphasize that it's not just this kid thing, because while I got that was why she was so angry in the crossover (he spent a lot of S3 lying to her and Digg, which was brought up by Digg in 4.1, but generally forgotten by 4.8), I think a lot of the audience has blocked S3 from their minds.

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Nothing is making sense right now. How long has William been missing for if Felicity has already had the surgery?

I wonder if time-wise William gets taken this episode, we were just shown it last week because OMG CLIFFHANGER! but no one thought it through so it just looks like Samantha hasn't noticed her son's been missing for a while, lmao. Maybe they'll address it in show, but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't and inadvertantly (again) make them looking fucking terrible parents for plot.

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I'm wondering if the implant is supposed to be like one of those Interstim things? (spinal implants for urinary incompetence.)  When my mother had one, both procedures (they do a test thing before inserting the actual implant) were done as outpatient procedures, which would explain why Felicity already had it. 


That, and of course the problem that Star City only seems to have one hospital room, which a) doesn't seem to be set up for surgeries and b) has to shared with another city that is currently undergoing shark attacks.

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This quote from the spoiler thread interview: "[she has to figure out] whether or not she's willing to risk the fact that he's going to do it again. In her mind, I think she feels like he will always be put in a situation where she's going to have to be either digging for the truth or accepting the fact that she might not get it all, but knowing that he still loves her. What is worth more?"


This is what I see the whole conflict to be and is why I struggle to believe a break up is certain. 


Yeah I've been questioning if there was going to be a break up as well.  I admit that if it's a real wedding - that picture looks odd.  But it could just be a publicity picture they took.  I can see it being cupid orchestrating it, but I can also see her just interrupting it so it doesn't happen yet.  I guess we'll all find out in a few hours.

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Oh Amell. You really need to stop pushing this storyline so much. (Interview from here)


And it seems like this week’s episode is kind of a combination of all of that stuff because you have Vixen (Megalyn E.K.) coming in to help with the Damien Darhk situation and you also have to deal with the secret child stuff.

I think, very personally and very selfishly, that this was my favorite episode
. Not necessarily my favorite episode of the season but my favorite episode to work on. I’ve always known that this storyline with William [Jack Moore] and Samantha [Anna Hopkins], and to a larger extent the secret being kept from Felicity, has caused some angst among the fan base. People think that keeping this secret is a “regression for Oliver.” Putting that aside for a second, it is my favorite storyline at the moment just in terms of something that is new and exciting. That’s sort of what you look for when you’re getting into episode 80-something on a show, you want the new and exciting stuff and Oliver Queen as a father is different. Also, I give a lot of credit to Anna Hopkins because we’ve seen her ever so briefly as Samantha but she’s absolutely pivotal in this week’s episode. That’s a tough spot for a guest star to come into and she absolutely nails it.


And now I'm really confused about this wedding thing:

One of those things is obviously Oliver and Felicity. Have they started writing Oliver’s vows?
Yeah, they have. I think that you actually relatively soon get a chance to hear them.


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So the first Olicity "I love you' was fake but Oliver was telling the truth. And now their first wedding is fake but Oliver wants it to be real. Ah. Parallels. Sometimes I could do without them. Haha.



But thankfully we also get Laurel's reaction (at least I hope that what SA meant) But seriously if she isn't at least upset with him a little, I will be seriously annoyed. 


Laurel had every right to be upset this time. This is actually one thing I wanted to see with Laurel and Oliver because even though it's been years, it's still horrible to find out. But the show will probably have her shrug and be like "I'm surprised you only have one kid!" Aw! Super understanding Laurel!

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I wonder if Oliver reads his vows over the montage at the end of tonight's ep? Or maybe he reads them out loud to someone at some point before he finds out his kid is gone. Or maybe he's talking about this ploy wedding, but using real vows for that...ew.

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Sometimes I am really mean because I hope that stuff they push so hard and think is so awesome, will not be well received at all. Maybe then they will focus on stuff the viewer who has stuck by the show for 80+ episodes might find interesting.

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