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Since they're basically doing the Year One Storyline I'm guessing that the Russian chick is basically a stand in for this character

It's funny, because the character sounds quite a bit like Show!Shado to me.


I never wanted metahumans on Arrow and I find the Canary Cry visually ridiculous but I'll make an exception for Sara if she gets it. Which will never happen, but entertaining the thought is entertaining, for petty me.


Also, sometimes I feel bad about criticizing the writers, but when they tease me with Sara chain-strangling Laurel and I know she doesn't die (yet) I suddenly have no regrets. At all. This is evil and cruel.

Talking about cruelty. Whatever the character assassination he endures for Plot, the agony of Lance being on the verge of mercy-killing Sara had better not be solved with five minutes of contrition.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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So far, I think this season has been greatly improved over last (as long as I determinedly don't think about the Laurel of it). But the flashbacks are still a huge problem. I personally think they're more boring than Hong Kong was, and at least last year I was looking forward to finding out what would happen with Maseo and Tatsu. This year I don't care about any of it. I really could not care less about what happens to FB girl or any of these people.


FBs are a huge problem for me as well.  I can't see a short-haired, still compassionate OQ turn into what we saw in the pilot anymore.   Had OQ not given Poppy (love that) a chance to save herself then that would have been more inline with the PTSD serial killer we are to meet in less than a year's time.

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Hmmm i always found it strange that Sara is the only one on LOT who doesnt have a special power/weapon. Maybe this is where the pit comes in.

I sorta want super healing to be her power. Or perhaps her ability to sense others' thoughts. Too many come to mind right now to list. I actually think this would be a really cool idea to somehow link her dip to superpowers.

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If we are going with the LP gives it's user something, like blood lust for Thea and magic powers for Darhk. Sara was dead and lost her soul to the LP, I think she should get something in return. Having the magical healing properties of the LP being infused into her now would be interesting. 

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Sara Lance stands out all on her own. But she still needs something when they face off Vandal Savage.

Special powers isn't going to be the only thing to beat him. Take away whatshisnames freeze gun and who is he? Take away Rays suit, what challenge can he face directly?

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Maybe Sara will just be extra strong or super amazing in her abilities as a fighter? 

Isn't she already ;)


Joke aside, I agree that the Pit could have given her special powers so that she fits with LoT and the other metahumans. But maybe they will manifest only once Constantine restores her soul or they aren't of athletic nature because otherwise, she'd have yanked those damn chains in that dark other pit where she's kept like an animal in the promo.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Isn't she already ;)


Haha, yeah I guess she is. Same way she's technically going back to a storyline they were starting to explore in s2 when she was searching for her humanity and caught between being an assassin but not wanting that life anymore. Sounds like the exact same thing that she'll be going through over on LoT. 


I actually don't think Sara will get any power from the pit tbh. I think she was always supposed to be an ordinary person who was thrown into her life through terrible circumstances and had to fight against everything to survive. She doesn't need powers to be 'special.' 

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I actually don't think Sara will get any power from the pit tbh. I think she was always supposed to be an ordinary person who was thrown into her life through terrible circumstances and had to fight against everything to survive. She doesn't need powers to be 'special.' 


Modern-day Sara has been a bad-ass since she first came back to SC.   That is her superpower!

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Surviving is Sara's superpower, which is why what Laurel did will work out for Laurel. Sara will adapt to her new situation like she adapted to all the situations she was thrown in without choice before. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I really want to know what's going on in that picture PB just posted of Olicity. They look like they're in the Mayor's office, right? But it also looks like people are drinking in the background. Christmas party? LOL. I have no clue. They look amazing though. 

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If they keep him emotionally progressing like this, I'll be really happy.  Last season was a huge regression for him, in every way, but so far he's been far more tolerable.  I also liked SA's interview that he trusts his teammates to keep themselves safe, so hopefully I never have to hear him utter those irritating-as-hell words ever again.


One of the many reasons I stopped watching Supernatural was that Dean never even tried to move past his ridiculous self-esteem issues and forever-brooding manpain.  Like dude, you saved the world 1000 times, maybe get some self-esteem?  Character progression matters.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Or campaign offices?


Yes! That's what I meant. Haha, I couldn't think of the words. Dumb.



It's probably a little Christmas party for the campaign workers. Look at Oliver, being a good boss. 




He's come such a long, stupid way.


I want him to wear the santa hat in the background. LMAO.

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But really, this Christmas party is actually how the writers are gonna make Donna and Lance meet ~organically~.




You go in the corner and think about what you've done!

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Oh, I want this. I want this bad. I'm not kidding at all. 



Secret hookup in the bathroom?










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THIS. It was cute when Lance wasn't super terrible. And if he is the one that dies in 5 months (and somehow stops being super terrible), I really don't want that for Donna.. 


Donna deserves better! I really don't want it because you could then say that Felicity was Lance's daughter, and Oliver again would be dating a Lance Daughter... 

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I'm not looking for them to get married and for Quentin to adopt Felicity. I just want hot, hot sex with Quentin and Donna in a closet somewhere, preferably while Oliver is giving a speech and stops because suddenly you just hear moans and squeaking because the captain propped hot Vegas mama on a rusty ladder :P Maybe if he gets laid, Quentin wouldn't be so grump and start to see reason. Hee!

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SA said that Oliver as Mayor "galvanizes" Oliver and Felicity's relationship. I thought that was an interesting word choice. Maybe it is a factor in a proposal. 



I'm guessing Felicity is going to be funding Olivers campaign?

I would think so. I'm pretty sure Oliver's credit score would make me weep. 

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Not to freak anybody out, but Quentin and Donna will most likely at least flirt mildly. Wasn't there a tweet or something about Lance having lipstick on his cheek? Who knows, maybe they even stick in the Santa suit to rack up some good will and Donna plops down in his lap. Which would amuse Thea, but squick Felicity, Oliver AND Laurel out.

For the record, I'm in this-used-to-be-a-fun-idea-but-no-way-does-he-desreve-her-now group. Plus, the excitement would probably kill him dead.

ETA: Why do you think Roy's arrest record pops up?

Edited by bijoux
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Does he need donations, though?  He's running unopposed in an election that would have happened months ago if it weren't for the fact that absolutely no one wanted the job.  I mean, I get throwing a rally to say that he's running, but spending money to actively campaign seems a bit superfluous under the circumstances.

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Does he need donations, though? He's running unopposed in an election that would have happened months ago if it weren't for the fact that absolutely no one wanted the job. I mean, I get throwing a rally to say that he's running, but spending money to actively campaign seems a bit superfluous under the circumstances.

Maybe once DD realizes he can't use Oliver as a pawn he puts his own candidate up to run against OQ? Unless they just really want to tell a campaign storyline and don't care that running unopposed means you don't have to run a traditional campaign?
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Doesn't seem like anyone will really oppose him, though I don't know why some big bad doesn't do it to secure a place a power. DD seems to have run all of the mobs/gangersters/anyone bad out of town.


DD doesn't want anyone to be mayor, so if he can't off Oliver it would make sense for him to put his own guy up against him, so he can push his own agenda.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Does he need donations, though?  He's running unopposed in an election that would have happened months ago if it weren't for the fact that absolutely no one wanted the job.  I mean, I get throwing a rally to say that he's running, but spending money to actively campaign seems a bit superfluous under the circumstances.

He has, seemingly, a campaign office (so rent) and posters, and a real campaign needs at least some paid staffers.  It adds up quickly.  


Although, I bet it doesn't come up, except maybe as a joke.

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Don't forget security! Oliver will need to pay for that.


Sure we know Oliver can take care of himself but everyday people would expect the candidate to have protection, to them he would have to be nuts to run, let alone without Security. Also I'm still worried about Diggle's job status.

Also supposedly Thea ends up working for the campaign, guess the nightclub was shut down after the police raid in 3.19. and her LP dipping.

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Not that they care about rules and regulations on this show. But whatever money FS puts into the campaign has certain regulations attached to it. She just can't finance his entire campaign, I believe it is against campaign law since they are not a shared monetary unit. They aren't married, so their finances have to be separated. Even if they were married, there would likely be some limitations on how much she could give if the majority of the money came from her shares in PT. She also can't make too many large donations, also against campaign law. And I doubt FS will be secretly funding a super-PAC to hide her donations anytime soon.


So my guess is we will have no idea how he is funding his campaign (which is fine with me) or he will be using some of his mother's insurance money.

Edited by kismet
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Not that they care about rules and regulations on this show. But whatever money FS puts into the campaign has certain regulations attached to it. She just can't finance his entire campaign, I believe it is against campaign law since they are not a shared monetary unit. They aren't married, so their finances have to be separated. Even if they were married, there would likely be some limitations on how much she could give if the majority of the money came from her shares in PT. She also can't make too many large donations, also against campaign law. And I doubt FS will be secretly funding a super-PAC to hide her donations anytime soon.


So my guess is we will have no idea how he is funding his campaign (which is fine with me) or he will be using some of his mother's insurance money.

Dark money, baby!


And yeah, no way are the EPs going to follow real life campaign funding laws.  

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You never know what these writers will cling to and follow to the letter of the law. They still seem to believe that the sham marriage in NP was somehow binding. I agree I doubt they will care about campaign finance laws.


But TBH how he finances his campaign is really the least important or interesting part of the story. The way SA talks about it, I'm actually sorta looking forward to it and all of the speeches. Plus a garbage picking campaign event! How much more thrilling can you get. All kidding aside, I am excited for this plotline and I wasn't before.

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^^^ Yes it sorta does. But I think it might be his personal wedding ring, it has the same color. Perhaps he just hadn't taken it off yet.


And I know I was gung-ho on a wedding, but even I have to say that if they somehow got married before this episode shot that would be a really quickie wedding and I'm not sure I want that. It's one thing to have a quickie wedding over the summer hiatus, its a whole other thing to have it in SC during a mayoral run, a tanking company, a search party for presumed dead friend, bringing sanity back to 2 pitted loved ones and of course DD trying to run the town. I see a proposal happening soon, but I don't think OQ is going to be as progressive as Corey of Boy Meets World wearing a malengagement ring.

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