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Well, MG tweeted that she wouldn't be. So she'll either think he's dead (I can't really believe this, unless Nyssa comes back and like...brings them his things. Even still, without a body, IDK how they'd give up), or she'll be in on some larger plan that we don't know about yet. Or maybe she will be looking for him and MG is a lying liar who lies.

I think Felicity thinks Oliver is in Nanda Parbat.  He isn't because there is a literal cliff hanger. Ra's assumes he died.  Even if it is only at the end, Oliver returns in episode 3.12 per GJ's tweet about who he was watching film.  Since Oliver is only in flashbacks I assume he is making his way back to SC and it is so uninteresting that they aren't showing it.  If it takes 2 months I assume it's partly because he was hurt or unconscious part of the time and struggling to survive.  Diggle or someone may even have to go looking for him when he doesn't come back.  Ra's returns later in the season when he hears Oliver is alive.  Oliver & Malcolm team up to at least temporarily defeat him later.    

  • Love 2

I think the reason we're repeating the "I know what I'm fighting for" theme from late season one is the same reason we're repeating a lot of themes from season one: this is their do-over.


Exactly. In late season one we still had Laurel as love interest and a semi-tearfull goodbye to her before the big fight. Now we are having the same, but different. I don't mind. I have a soft spot for men willing to sacrifice their lives in order to save others. And if the man in question does it shirtless and is an Amell... Well.


Am i the only one who, looking at the climbing Oliver, wants to shout "wear gloves!" ?

  • Love 5

I think the reason we're repeating the "I know what I'm fighting for" theme from late season one is the same reason we're repeating a lot of themes from season one: this is their do-over.

I agree because I think in 3.01 they blew up more than the date.  I get the impression that they are/were trying to move away from fan favorites (Diggle & Felicity) and more towards the comic book characters.  There is a reason they were telling people you don't have to have watched Season 1 or 2.  This is a perfect time to jump on board.  I think they were hoping the Flash, Gotham, Constantine, etc would get more people excited about Arrow because they wanted to move more towards it's comic book roots. 

  • Love 1

I still think the EPs are going to make more of a relationship between Oliver and the baby mama than just a drunken fling or one-night stand.  She seemed too happy to see Oliver, not angry or bitter that she was paid off by Moira to go away.  And Oliver seemed surprised but pleased to see her again too.  See pic here: 


“The person who we see in the Flash-Arrow episode will make another appearance on the show this season, but we’re not sure if it’s going to be on Flash or Arrow,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. “That’s definitely something we’re going to be picking up on.”
Edited by tv echo

I think Felicity thinks Oliver is in Nanda Parbat.  


Right, but she knows he's going there to duel with him. What's she going to think when she doesn't hear from him for two months? She has to think he's dead, right? If not, then why aren't they showing us what he's up to while he's gone? Unless...maybe there isn't a time jump this hiatus for whatever reason and they make up for it by implying more time has passed in later episodes (I mean, a week supposedly went by between Arrow vs. Flash and The Brave and the Bold. But that's probably not likely.

Edited by apinknightmare

Right, but she knows he's going there to duel with him. What's she going to think when she doesn't hear from him for two months? She has to think he's dead, right? If not, then why aren't they showing us what he's up to while he's gone? Unless...maybe there isn't a time jump this hiatus for whatever reason and they make up for it by implying more time has passed in later episodes (I mean, a week supposedly went by between Arrow vs. Flash and The Brave and the Bold. But that's probably not likely.

Depends on the time jump.  Is it an 8 hour trip to Nanda Parbat?  I am guessing it will take a while to climb up to the fight.   Anyway, I think she is going to wonder but not necessarily assume the worst.  I just don't think he's up to anything interesting which is why they are not showing it to us unless the flashbacks are to Nanda Parbat.  We know Maseo is in Nanda Parbat.  We don't know about Tatsu/Katana.  Diggle is shooting on a mountain top with the stunt guys in 3.10.  Perhaps he is looking for Oliver.  Someone mentioned (tweet I think) about EBR filming an emotionally draining scene in 3.11 IIRC. Perhaps the stress of not knowing is getting to her.  Felicity's most productive way of looking for someone is using technology.  I am not sure how much technology is in Nanda Parbat when the lighting looked like it was provided by torches.  I just don't see her physically going to Nanda Parbat even if she went to Mine Island.  They are two totally different sets of circumstances.

Yeah I'm on the they think he goes to duel and then dies train. Someone up thread mentioned Ra's and Nyssa also thinking he's dead, and the time he's away he's just healing and getting back. I could buy into that theory.

I'm absolutely loving the crap out of a confident Oliver, believing in himself and not wallowing in his pain. It's beautiful and I am so stoked to see it. I've always thought that season 3A has been about setting 3B up. (Which is terrible but perhaps what they're doing.) I mean let's see, his love life literally and figuratively explodes, he loses or rather doesn't fight for his family's QC legacy, he once again loses a loved one. They have to build him up again otherwise, what is the point? Then they really do have a thing for breaking him down. I am most interested in what happens when Oliver returns because this time, I don't think he'll be broken down again. I think having Thea and Felicity and Diggle and FAMILY to fight for is a tremendous motivation especially because he's lost SO much. I think/hope he'll finally grasp what Felicity said when she said life is precious, because he finally understands if you're not loving you're not living.

I can't wait.

  • Love 3

Love that promo so much, especially on the heels of Oliver's general positivity and seeming turnaround on the identity issues. I finally have hopes about this show going into the extended hiatus.


If I had to guess, I agree with @ostentatious that the 9/10 scene happens before the forehead kiss scene. Oliver's got a bag over his shoulder and Felicity leans into that kiss like she's sort of expecting it. (Screaming internally.)

  • Love 1


and the time he's away he's just healing and getting back. I could buy into that theory.


I'm hoping Maseo is the one to "save" him, and nurse him back to health, whilst also fitting into the theory that he's there working for ARGUS/Waller as a spy, or maybe out of his own personal reasons to destroy Ra's. Hopefully Katana is there too, but I could see them flipping the comic story so it's her and the kid who die v. Maseo, that's his reason to be long con Ra's. He seems to be physically close to Nyssa, maybe he's been working on her too vis a vis Ra's having engineered Sara's murder.

  • Love 1

Depends on the time jump.  Is it an 8 hour trip to Nanda Parbat?  I am guessing it will take a while to climb up to the fight.   Anyway, I think she is going to wonder but not necessarily assume the worst.  I just don't think he's up to anything interesting which is why they are not showing it to us unless the flashbacks are to Nanda Parbat.  We know Maseo is in Nanda Parbat.  We don't know about Tatsu/Katana.  Diggle is shooting on a mountain top with the stunt guys in 3.10.  Perhaps he is looking for Oliver.  Someone mentioned (tweet I think) about EBR filming an emotionally draining scene in 3.11 IIRC. Perhaps the stress of not knowing is getting to her.  Felicity's most productive way of looking for someone is using technology.  I am not sure how much technology is in Nanda Parbat when the lighting looked like it was provided by torches.  I just don't see her physically going to Nanda Parbat even if she went to Mine Island.  They are two totally different sets of circumstances.


Right, but usually the show follows real time. So if Oliver goes to Nanda Parbat in December and the show comes back in January - that's a month and a half. Where does she think he is during that time? She must think that he died, otherwise why wouldn't she be looking for him? She knew he went to Nanda Parbat in December, but won't she be worried that she hasn't heard from him since?


Maybe there isn't a time jump, I don't know.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

I'm glad too about the change in attitude in Oliver showed in the promo, however I'm not so sure the "Not this time" is actually in response of Roy's "If you fight Ra's al Ghul he'll kill you". It might be from another scene. I'd like it if the dialogue went like that, though :)


Yeah, the "not this time" really can't be in reference to Roy's statement, because when has Ra's ever tried to kill Oliver before (that we know of)? Regardless, he does seem determined, based on him telling Ra's he's killed for the last time. And he does have so many things to fight for (and he seems to be realizing and accepting this more and more) so I really really hope that he's going there with the idea of coming home. Otherwise I'll be depressed.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

Right, but usually the show follows real time. So if Oliver goes to Nanda Parbat in December and the show comes back in January - that's a month and a half. Where does she think he is during that time? She must think that he died, otherwise why wouldn't she be looking for him? She knew he went to Nanda Parbat in December, but won't she be worried that she hasn't heard from him since?


Maybe there isn't a time jump, I don't know.

I'll agree that she probably thinks she should have heard something by now.  She may even think he is dead.  She is the one who says in the preview "a duel with the most dangerous man on earth".  So no, she wouldn't be looking for him.  She doesn't have the resources anyway. (I guess she could call Barry.  He could run in and out).


As far as time jumps, I guess I am curious as to how much time passes in 3.09 from the time Oliver leaves SC.  Does it eat up some of the 6 weeks between Dec 10 & Jan 21?  I know Nyssa gives them 48 hours but she and other assassins are probably in town to carry out the "sentencing".  Can you get to Nanda Parbat in a day?  This show only tells you when they specifically want you to know the time frame (i.e. 2.21-2.23 taking place the same night).  Felicity is going to worry from the moment he walks out the door but it seems (to me anyway) that there should be some sort of time frame before she gives him up for dead.  No...I don't really expect them to provide me that information.  Details are not their strong suit.


 I guess my original post was because of someone's response about MG's tweet.  I interpreted it as "She think's he's in Nanda Parbat. He's not."  I didn't read anymore into it. 

Yeah I'm on the they think he goes to duel and then dies train. Someone up thread mentioned Ra's and Nyssa also thinking he's dead, and the time he's away he's just healing and getting back. I could buy into that theory.

I'm absolutely loving the crap out of a confident Oliver, believing in himself and not wallowing in his pain. It's beautiful and I am so stoked to see it. I've always thought that season 3A has been about setting 3B up. (Which is terrible but perhaps what they're doing.) I mean let's see, his love life literally and figuratively explodes, he loses or rather doesn't fight for his family's QC legacy, he once again loses a loved one. They have to build him up again otherwise, what is the point? Then they really do have a thing for breaking him down. I am most interested in what happens when Oliver returns because this time, I don't think he'll be broken down again. I think having Thea and Felicity and Diggle and FAMILY to fight for is a tremendous motivation especially because he's lost SO much. I think/hope he'll finally grasp what Felicity said when she said life is precious, because he finally understands if you're not loving you're not living.

I can't wait.


Yeah see I get excited too, and then I remember we have three episodes of the-rise-of-laurel-lance and then an ep titled canaries and sigh, my excitement dies. Interested to see what happens in 9.  Hoping its enough to carry me through till February when we get Oliver back.  Planning to catch up on the early part of 3B before something good is supposed to happen. Hulu will be my friend. 


They seem to be giving up on their timeline a little bit--some time obviously passed between 1.08 and 3.08, and Palmer's comments in 7 were inconsistent with the actual timeline. we've had multiple eps pick up right where the previous ones left off, so its hard to tell how long its been since Sara died.  Another thing that we'll just have to wait and see on I guess. 

Edited by chaos is welcome
  • Love 1

Yeah, the "not this time" really can't be in reference to Roy's statement, because when has Ra's every tried to kill Oliver before (that we know of)? Regardless, he does seem determined, based on him telling Ra's he's killed for the last time. And he does have so many things to fight for (and he seems to be realizing and accepting this more and more) so I really really hope that he's going there with the idea of coming home. Otherwise I'll be depressed.

That's right ahah! Sorry, I just read  (can't even remember if here or somewhere else) that those lines were being put together, and i just had to put my 2 cents in somewhere :D

Anyway I fear this hiatus will be worse than the summer one. We had happy thoughts of dates and declarations and hope and stuff to keep going, while now..well... that.

  • Love 1

Isn't it ironic how each time Oliver went into "suicide" mission with no hope of returning - he did come back. And now, when he goes knowing he wants to be back, knowing he has something to come back to... He won't.


The New Zeland promo shows the LoA having a friendly pre-ultimatum chat with Oliver (and by friendly I mean "let him kneel when we talk"). I wonder if it takes place in Nandu Parbat, because the loA must have really fast jets available... Just saying.


Or Nandu is actually in the Rockies, not in Tibet.

  • Love 2

Okay, question. We know SA's set time was limited for sure in 311 and 312 because he wasn't even in Vancouver, but is there solid info about how many days he missed from 310 as well?


I looked through his social media for a while, but 1. I got uncomfortable, and 2. I can't figure out much, other than he wasn't on set on Friday Oct 24, and he was on set with his flashback wig on Wednesday Oct 29. No idea about the other shooting days [310 filmed from Oct 22 to Oct 31]. Is there any possibility he's more in 310 than we're assuming, or am I grasping here? Help?

I've not been this excited/anxious about an upcoming episode in a long, long time.  I may tune in to episode 10 (without giving them the ratings bump, of course) to see why Team Arrow isn't searching for Oliver, but after that, I don't think that I want to tune in live until Oliver returns.  I'll just find a new series to binge and think happy thoughts while Oliver is away. 


I am looking forward to some things after the break, so I hope that these things haven't been oversold.  Felicity really needs a female friend, so I'm excited about the Felicity/Thea interaction.  EBR says that we should expect some more big Oliver/Felicity moments after the break, so I'm excited about that.  I'm excited about the Dig/Lyla wedding because it probably means Oliver in a tux or suit and Felicity in a gorgeous dress.  Sigh. 

Okay, question. We know SA's set time was limited for sure in 311 and 312 because he wasn't even in Vancouver, but is there solid info about how many days he missed from 310 as well?


I looked through his social media for a while, but 1. I got uncomfortable, and 2. I can't figure out much, other than he wasn't on set on Friday Oct 24, and he was on set with his flashback wig on Wednesday Oct 29. No idea about the other shooting days [310 filmed from Oct 22 to Oct 31]. Is there any possibility he's more in 310 than we're assuming, or am I grasping here? Help?


Didn't he specifically say on the Arrow After Show that he was only in flashbacks for 2 eps?

Didn't he specifically say on the Arrow After Show that he was only in flashbacks for 2 eps?


I can't remember if he said 2 specifically, but if he did, yeah, it's gotta be 310 and 311. Thanks! [This is gonna suck so hard.]



While we are talking sources, does anyone have a source on diggle/David Ramsey filming on the mtn for 10? I hadn't heard that before.


David Ramsey tweeted about filming alone with the stunt team: https://twitter.com/david_ramsey/status/527335032915243008


I don't know where the "mountain" part came from, though. Anyone? Bueller?

While we are talking sources, does anyone have a source on diggle/David Ramsey filming on the mtn for 10? I hadn't heard that before.

What dancingnancy said.  I think I mentioned the mountain.  I don't know if I read it somewhere or misremembered David's tweet.  I can't find it anywhere now.

Edited by Sunshine

Someone mentioned (tweet I think) about EBR filming an emotionally draining scene in 3.11 IIRC.


It's from a TV Line article. The words "draining" and "sad moment" were in quotes but I don't know whether that's TV Line adding the quote marks or those were words Emily actually used. (X)


TVLine grabbed a few minutes this week with Emily Bett Rickards (right after she had filmed a “draining,” “sad moment” for Felicity, hmm) to preview this long-awaited deep-dive, reflect on the “Olicity” break-up and tease the big Arrow/Flash crossover event.

Okay, question. We know SA's set time was limited for sure in 311 and 312 because he wasn't even in Vancouver, but is there solid info about how many days he missed from 310 as well?

I looked through his social media for a while, but 1. I got uncomfortable, and 2. I can't figure out much, other than he wasn't on set on Friday Oct 24, and he was on set with his flashback wig on Wednesday Oct 29. No idea about the other shooting days [310 filmed from Oct 22 to Oct 31]. Is there any possibility he's more in 310 than we're assuming, or am I grasping here? Help?

They don't shoot sequential scenes all the times, if the EPs wanted to give Stephen some time off, they may have shot his scenes for 3x10 - 3x12 in a go so that he can have a couple of weeks vacation. It happens all the time when shooting long spells.

How can they have 'more big moments' post Christmas when Stephen is absent for almost a month?

According to a Geoff John's Nov 19th tweet he was watching SA with EBR/DR/CH/KC/JRR towards the end of 3.12.  (Episode 3.07 was on that night no KC or JRR unless he was watching 3.06). JRR is in 3.12.  Hmmm...I assumed shooting but I don't know now.  I just went back through his twitter.  He was watching on his DVR and later watched 3.07.  Maybe SA isn't back until 3.13. 


Maybe she means February?

Edited by Sunshine
  • Love 1

How can they have 'more big moments' post Christmas when Stephen is absent for almost a month?

I'm wondering if there won't be a moment in 3x10 when Felicity finds out Oliver is alive somehow? (Stephen Amell could have filmed scenes for 3x10 while filming 3x09 especially if it was just him? They did apparently film 3x07, 1x08 and 3x08 all roughly at the same time). It would fit with the "she won't be searching for him" spoiler. Maybe he sends her a message? It would also be a "big" moment if he took the chance and let her know the truth while with the LoA? 


(I'm still wanting the message-hidden-in-a-picture thing to come back somehow)  

  • Love 7

I think there will be a time jump, because the show is sooooo proud of doing it all the time (still bitter at losing the flirting over the summer break), and we'll get flashbacks to it in ep 14.


Post-Christmas break Olicity scenes not till he comes back, possibly in 3x13 if they can squeeze it in between Canaries.  In 3x12 I'm only expecting Oliver to apprear in the last few seconds. Cut to reaction shot.


The promo makes it sound like he's doing all this for Thea because she's his family.  (Hey, what about your Team Arrow family?)  They better give me something more than a kiss on the forehead between Oliver and Felicity because that doesn't say '9' to me --  more like 2 1/2.

  • Love 3

HighHopes, crossing my fingers you're right. I figure there has to be a hook in 310 to point out, at least to the audience, that Oliver is alive, so the average viewers won't feel cheated if the 309 cliffhanger isn't solved right out of the gate.

I think every episode this season had a cliffhanger, right? I mean, even last night's episode sort of had one ["who won?"]. If they set up *Oliver* as the cliffhanger for 310 and 311, it might be just enough to keep average viewers from bailing because there's no payoff.

According to a Geoff John's Nov 19th tweet he was watching SA with EBR/DR/CH/KC/JRR towards the end of 3.12.  (Episode 3.07 was on that night no KC or JRR unless he was watching 3.06). JRR is in 3.12.  Hmmm...I assumed shooting but I don't know now. Maybe she means February?

Sorry, but that Geoff John's tweet was referring to him watching the 3x06 episode (Guilty). He replied to someone after the tweet saying he was rewatching that episode before watching the present episode. 

They better give me something more than a kiss on the forehead between Oliver and Felicity because that doesn't say '9' to me --  more like 2 1/2.


Yeah, if this scene is not a 10 because "no sex," well, a forehead kiss won't cut it.  Felicity seemed pretty calm when he was kissing her forehead, so I think that the big scene is going to come before that and they've already said their heartfelt goodbyes.  Maybe he shows up at her apartment the night before he leaves and they just lay (lie??) in bed together with his arms wrapped around her or something (please??).

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
  • Love 6

Regarding the spoiler just posted about Peter Stormare (note: it is hard to have the spoilers and spoiler discussion separated) - I thought he was underused in the premiere, but I'm glad he's back. Was it said what happened to him? Did he just go to regular jail?

He's in front of the Starling City courthouse, wearing an orange jumpsuit in the pap pics I saw on Twitter [@Popgoestheworld]. KC's stunt double is in the pics as well. There's gunfire, so maybe his crew is busting him out?

He's in front of the Starling City courthouse, wearing an orange jumpsuit in the pap pics I saw on Twitter [@Popgoestheworld]. KC's stunt double is in the pics as well. There's gunfire, so maybe his crew is busting him out?

What? KC doesn't have a stunt double she does it all herself, she's said so at Cons...

Sorry I couldn't help myself

  • Love 8

The Count got shot by an arrow but he wasn't killed so it must be jail. Iron Heights is the worst kind of prison so I wouldn't be surprised if his people are breaking him out!


I'm starting to wonder if Oliver leaves Felicity and the team a message. Remember the steganography in the picture in the flashbacks? I felt like we would come back to that somehow (I actually thought there would be some hidden message in the pictures Sara took of Malcolm when she was doing surveillance.) So I wouldn't be surprised if they find out he's alive eventually.


Also I'm expecting an Olicity scene when Oliver returns. I doubt they'd just wave hello at each other after so long apart and his life in danger. We're going to get a reunion moment at least. Probably on Felicity's doorstep while she's entertaining Ray for dinner because this fucking show would do that. FML. 

Also I'm expecting an Olicity scene when Oliver returns. I doubt they'd just wave hello at each other after so long apart and his life in danger. We're going to get a reunion moment at least. Probably on Felicity's doorstep while she's entertaining Ray for dinner because this fucking show would do that. FML. 


This cracked me up, it's totally possible. Probable, even.


I will laugh so hard if we've been sitting here trying to figure out whether the team thinks Oliver's dead or what could possibly be going on for Oliver to be gone and have no one looking for him and it turns out that they know he's alive because of a stegosaurus picture and present day Oliver just isn't in those two episodes because they needed the time for Laurel's story. 

  • Love 2

At this point I'm not expecting more of a reunion moment than a wave across the room, or maybe a hug like they had in Three Ghosts, because this show has a knack of throwing away what should be it's best moments leaving us to fanwank them instead.


Okay, question. We know SA's set time was limited for sure in 311 and 312 because he wasn't even in Vancouver, but is there solid info about how many days he missed from 310 as well?

He said on the ArrowAfterShow that he had 11 days off in a row, not counting weekends, which is the longest time he's ever had off while the show was shooting.


 I'm excited about the Dig/Lyla wedding because it probably means Oliver in a tux or suit and Felicity in a gorgeous dress.  Sigh. 

This is Diggle and Lyla.... I'm expecting something better than it being held in Big Belly Burger but not a whole lot more upscale than that.  Maybe Oliver in a suit and Felicity in a nice dress (although please not the Victoria Beckham).


I will laugh so hard if we've been sitting here trying to figure out whether the team thinks Oliver's dead or what could possibly be going on for Oliver to be gone and have no one looking for him and it turns out that they know he's alive because of a stegosaurus picture and present day Oliver just isn't in those two episodes because they needed the time for Laurel's story. 

I'm pretty sure that Oliver isn't there just for that reason, because they wanted (as opposed to needed) the time for Laurel's story. But to not have a good suspense arc while he's gone is going to be a waste of storytelling potential.


About Oliver's baby mama:



“The person who we see in the Flash-Arrow episode will make another appearance on the show this season, but we’re not sure if it’s going to be on Flash or Arrow,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. “That’s definitely something we’re going to be picking up on.”

Why would she appear in The Flash?  Is there some comic connection with her, and they're going to put her in The Flash's comic world instead of Oliver's? Or is it that the Arrow will be visiting Central City again?

I still think the EPs are going to make more of a relationship between Oliver and the baby mama than just a drunken fling or one-night stand.  She seemed too happy to see Oliver, not angry or bitter that she was paid off by Moira to go away.  And Oliver seemed surprised but pleased to see her again too.  See pic here: 



What reason does she have to be mad at Oliver? he wasn't the one who paid her the money to go away, Moira did. He's still her baby daddy, no reason for her not to at least be happy to know he's alive and okay.

I'll be watching the episodes again, but from what i remember she didn't seem "too happy" but closer to friendly. i see nothing wrong with that.

I'm glad too about the change in attitude in Oliver showed in the promo, however I'm not so sure the "Not this time" is actually in response of Roy's "If you fight Ra's al Ghul he'll kill you". It might be from another scene. I'd like it if the dialogue went like that, though :)


I'll guess that the, "not this time" is Roy offering to go with Oliver and fight by his side against Ra's.


Something like:


Roy: If you fight Ra's al Ghul he'll kill you.

Oliver: I have to protect the city.

Roy: Let me at least come with you.

Oliver: Not this time.


Why would she appear in The Flash?  Is there some comic connection with her, and they're going to put her in The Flash's comic world instead of Oliver's? Or is it that the Arrow will be visiting Central City again?


From what little I've heard about her in the comics, no she doesn't have a connection to the Flash (comic spoiler) 

but she does end up marrying Milo Armitage an arms dealer. He becomes one of the villains that Conner goes after once he becomes the Green Arrow.

So I guess they could have her in a relationship with him and have the Flash get involved with taking him down.


IMO they need to start being careful with crossing these worlds. I'm already annoyed at the amount of character growth we are getting for the characters I care about happening on Flash. I don't want whole subplots happening over there that impact Arrow.

Edited by Orion
  • Love 4

He said on the ArrowAfterShow that he had 11 days off in a row, not counting weekends, which is the longest time he's ever had off while the show was shooting.

Yeah, but those consecutive days off started Nov 6. 310's last day of shooting was October 31. He was in Van for the first 3 days of 311, and the last 2 or 3 days of 312. I cannot figure out 310 besides one flashback night shoot on Oct 29.

What reason does she have to be mad at Oliver? he wasn't the one who paid her the money to go away, Moira did. He's still her baby daddy, no reason for her not to at least be happy to know he's alive and okay.

I'll be watching the episodes again, but from what i remember she didn't seem "too happy" but closer to friendly. i see nothing wrong with that.


Yeah, she seemed not even friendly, really, but just...warm. Even when he was talking about her to Moira after he admitted that he got her pregnant, you could tell that he at least liked her a lot. I got the feeling that they didn't just have a one-night stand. Not that they had a full-blown relationship or anything, but that he knew her apart from the sex and he thought she was a good person.


I don't think she's some harbinger of doom for Oliver (or his relationship with Felicity) or anything. Moira's been dead for a while and this woman (Sandra, I guess. I don't know why they won't just say her name) knew about it, and she never made an attempt to get in contact with him to let him know she had the kid even though she could've. And it's not like she went looking for him - they just happened to run into each other at a coffee shop, where she chose again not to tell him. 


I'm working my way into accepting that the kid is going to be a thing, but if I have to watch that I really don't want to watch some kind of eyeroll-inducing relationship drama over it. Especially since Felicity of all people would encourage Oliver to be involved in the kid's life, and after everything they've been through together, I can't imagine him even entertaining the idea of giving up what they have (this is me, assuming he and Felicity will be in a relationship at that point LOL) to try something out with a woman he cheated on his girlfriend with over eight years ago. Although I'm sure she's great, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

Since Oliver already feels that he can't have a real family life, I can't imagine why he would want custody of the kid.  And if he does get to the point where he thinks he can be Olvier again, why would he give up the possible kids he could have with Felicity to marry this woman for a kid who is already 8?


Unless Felicity is in a relationship with Ray at that point and Oliver thinks he can't have her so he marries this woman to provide a father for the kid. And then it's going to feel like Castle seasons 3 and 4 again, the two seasons I skipped because they were both being so stupid.

  • Love 1

I'm not saying it won't happen eventually, but what makes everyone so sure that they'll bring the kid into the story now as opposed to a few years down the road? He can't be more than 8 or 9 years old so it's not like they can make him Arrow II yet. If it's merely for the purpose of creating Olicity drama then how would that make any sense? I don't think the show has ever covered up that Felicity was aware of Oliver's philandering in the old days. She (and everyone else) knew he was a playboy. If anything I would think most people's reaction to the news there's a kid out there would be "Well, duh!"

If the purpose of bringing up the kid is to also create potential relationship drama with the mom then that would be thoroughly stupid since they're already doing the silly love triangle thing with Ray.

Edited by NumberCruncher

I'm not saying it won't happen eventually, but what makes everyone so sure that they'll bring the kid into the story now as opposed to a few years down the road? He can't be more than 8 or 9 years old so it's not like they can make him Arrow II yet. If it's merely for the purpose of creating Olicity drama then how would that make any sense? I don't think the show has ever covered up that Felicity was aware of Oliver's philandering in the old days. She (and everyone else) knew he was a playboy. If anything I would think most people's reaction to the news there's a kid out there would be "Well, duh!"

If the purpose of bringing up the kid is to also create potential relationship drama with the mom then that would be thoroughly stupid since they're already doing the silly love triangle thing with Ray.


I think Felicity would be surprised to find out that he only had ONE kid, haha. She has no illusions about who he used to be. I think we'll see the mother a few times before we actually see the kid. They'll want to keep that dangling above our heads for a while before they drop it.

  • Love 4

The one thing that comforts me is that SA gave an interview at the end of S2 (might have been upfronts) where someone asked him about the baby storyline and he said that he hadn't met the actress playing Baby Mama because he wasn't on set the day she filmed her scene with Moira. If there is one lesson the EPs of this show have learned (although I have a list of about 20 things they should have learned) it is to chemistry test any relationships. If SA didn't meet her then he didn't chemistry test with her so whatever their plans are with this storyline I don't think it's that Oliver and her will try a "major" relationship. 

I think Felicity would be surprised to find out that he only had ONE kid, haha. She has no illusions about who he used to be. I think we'll see the mother a few times before we actually see the kid. They'll want to keep that dangling above our heads for a while before they drop it.

That's what I'm thinking. The mere fact that they don't really know on what show the character will reappear leads me to believe that it's not going to be a serious storyline. I see Oliver potentially finding out about the kid's existence, but then it will float back into the background.

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