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If Oliver buying her the dress isn't canon, then technically anything that happens in the comics isn't canon either, and neither are any of MG's tweets about when Oliver bought Felicity that bottle of wine or where Raisa went.. 


But yeah, the dress buying is still a bit weird, but I'm withholding judgement until the episode airs. 

Wait, it's in the comics? I thought EBR just said that Oliver bought her the dress? If it's in the comics then I consider it to be canon. And yep, Oliver buying Felicity a dress way back when is still weird. 

Well as you say, we didn't see it on the show, but I was always a bit 'huh?' about that dress (I personally referred to it as the hooker dress) because it didn't seem like Felicity at all


I didn't feel like I knew Felicity well enough at that point to say she wouldn't out of hand wear that dress. I thought it was appropriate for going undercover at a soiree such as that. 


This thing with Ray just has creeper fingerprints all over it.

Wait, it's in the comics? I thought EBR just said that Oliver bought her the dress? If it's in the comics then I consider it to be canon. And yep, Oliver buying Felicity a dress way back when is still weird. 

Oh sorry! No it's not in the comics, but scenes like it are that I've seen people say are canon. For example, the filling of Felicity's apartment with flowers that Oliver did (which I personally find creepy..). Sorry for the confusion! 

Fuck this show. What an insult to Sara. I don't know that I've ever felt insulted by a show before. Weird.

This makes the 3rd time I've been insulted by a show after Cordelia's entire storyline on Angel in Season 4 and when Alicia goes back to Peter in The Good Wife and we are supposed to take him seriously as a politician again. I quit both shows cold afterwards.

With Arrow, I can just fast-forward through any scene with Kate Cassidy in it. So, if she is BC and has an entire storyline separate from the Arrow Gang that's fine with me. But, we are expected to suffer through Kate's wooden acting while in that absurd BC get-up in the A storyline with the rest of the Arrow Gang, I am going to have to give up the show.

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Unless this image is also a part of the flashback, I think we're looking at something happening in the present day.


ETA: Jinx!


Unless they're going to show that this Cupid thing isn't new, and the Cupid part is also a flashback from that night. I just can't believe Felicity and Diggle would just so happen to be wearing the exact same thing they wore in a previous episode unless it's a flashback.

Wait, is everything that happens in the comics supposed to be considered canon for the show now? I'm kind of confused by this.

I believe so yes. The 2.5 comics are definitely canon per MG (as they will end a few moments before the third season started), so I believe we are supposed to take the first season's comics as canon as well. 

Oh sorry! No it's not in the comics, but scenes like it are that I've seen people say are canon. For example, the filling of Felicity's apartment with flowers that Oliver did (which I personally find creepy..). Sorry for the confusion! 

LMAO,  I found it to be sweet because it was Oliver ACTUALLY acknowledging and appreciating how much of a great person she is and how much she adds to the team and how much she sacrifices in order to save the city. I guess it was sweet within the context, because it was right after Felicity started beating herself up about not being important or something... but yeah, if he just randomly did it, that would be creepy! 

I hope she gives him back the necklace and thats it. I don't want her to give it back and then change her mind after a kiss. That would be Ugh.


Ray's look with the dress makes me laugh. "You…want it? It's so….. pretty."


I don't think that they would release a still of a flashback. At least, I don't remember them ever doing that. In the promo, there is also a shot of Arrow and behind him is the van with Felicity in it.

Unless they're going to show that this Cupid thing isn't new, and the Cupid part is also a flashback from that night. I just can't believe Felicity and Diggle would just so happen to be wearing the exact same thing they wore in a previous episode unless it's a flashback.

Every department of Arrow is being lazy this season :p Except the stunt department. I would fear for the show if they ever got complacent lol 


But I suppose we'll see in 6 days! I'm actually excited for this episode. Cupid looks awesome

I'm sorry I have to ask because I don't see anyone other than Felicity in the car. Where is the other man? 

It's in the other photo, the closeup of Digg, Felicity, and Oliver in the van. Look behind Diggle (who's driving)

Unless they're going to show that this Cupid thing isn't new, and the Cupid part is also a flashback from that night. I just can't believe Felicity and Diggle would just so happen to be wearing the exact same thing they wore in a previous episode unless it's a flashback.


I just find it hard to believe that somewhere between the Clock Tower getting blown up and the Mirakuru'd soldiers attacking (or any other time in that crazy night), they took a detour down an alley and found Cupid with some guy strung up? And then they took the guy with them?


Something that would be cute is if Carrie Cutter saw them that night, and has developed this daydream where she's their teammate, so what we're seeing is her delusion.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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Folks, it seems some of you have missed the mod poster earlier today by @Lisin - SPOILER LINKS NO LONGER GO HERE. If you have a link for a picture, an article, social media, etc, you need to post that over in the SPOILERS ONLY topic.


We will make an exception this one time, and move any spoilers posted here over to that topic. Going forward, if you post a spoiler here, IT WILL BE DELETED. If you discuss spoilers over in that topic IT WILL BE DELETED.


This will help folks who just want to read about the latest spoilers, and are not able to spend significant time reading all the conversation and speculation that ultimately occurs.


Thanks for your cooperation.

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Maybe we will get sneak peeks early too.


I don't know why we got these so early. Reviews are the last episode were mixed, but the ratings were good for the season. There wasn't an overwhelmingly negative reaction to LL as BC. They really don't need any damage control. 


I know its nothing, but I find PR really interesting. I'm guessing they were just so excited about the all the pretty abs.

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My first reaction to seeing Ray with that dress was that he's a Creepy McCreeperson. I'm willing to believe he's a genius absent minded professor type, but I don't know if the TPTB are really going for my reaction to be (like many others) to tell Felicity to run far, far away. I guess it will depend on how it plays, but this ham-fisted, "Look, he's just like Oliver, down to his choice of workout gear!" is lame. I'm not sure why I expect more from the writers, but I do. 


Have no fear, Sally, you are not replaceable!

  • Love 1

Unless they're going to show that this Cupid thing isn't new, and the Cupid part is also a flashback from that night. I just can't believe Felicity and Diggle would just so happen to be wearing the exact same thing they wore in a previous episode unless it's a flashback.


A couple of months ago when SA posted a picture on his Facebook of Oliver, Diggle and Felicity I thought (and posted on here) that it looked like they were wearing the same clothes from the finale (2x21, 2x22, 2x23). So, I think you're definitely right that it's a flashback to 2x21 or 2x22, and that's how Cupid knows the Arrow and how Oliver knows Cupid (Oliver said he recognized Cupid in one of the promos for 3x07).


Also, the EPs said before the start of Season Three that they were thinking of doing flashbacks to the night of the siege from someone else's perspective.

Edited by drspaceman10
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That it's flashbacks to the night of the siege make sense, especially since Cupid is AK's creation.  But wouldn't Felicity be in danger from Cupid then since she the woman the Arrow is working with?


I see that Ray is still the blue dress/blue pill. But I'm getting Pretty Woman/Cinderella flashbacks here, and Felicity is so much more than that.  And pretty much every Harlequin movie made.


Although with that hair style, for a moment I thought she was Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy.


All these pictures of shirtless Ray because he's their big star this season. I have to admit, guy looks pretty good though.



I'm curious about that comment. I think the only way it would be about LL as BC is if her arc this year fails dramatically (critics/audience/ratings). Honestly, I don't see that happening. 


I do think that would be a really interesting story to tell. I'm not sure who it would work for though without it looking like a major waste of time ( I think it would work for LL, I just don't think they would ever do it).

The only two people now in training to be superheros are Thea and Laurel. If Thea isn't going to go dark, she will most likely join Team Arrow because of her skills.


It's funny/strange what they are doing with Laurel. She on the path to being BC but she keeps stumbling and stumbling.  True she's better now training with Ted but the fishnets don't fit right and they are way too soon coming.


I can't see Laurel not becoming BC, but if she does, then everyone will have become their comic book character so why even make that remark?  Unless "he's only doing it to annoy because he knows it teases."


Dude has: spent 2 billion to get her to work for him, shown up at her apartment first thing in the morning, pinged her cellphone to get her location, not to mention calls, emails, texts despite not getting a reply... and now he hands her a dress to wear to their first date.


That's both a little creepy and controlling.

Felicity has a Type -- superhero and controlling.


My prediction for the rest of 3A is that Oliver and Felicity come to some sort of understanding in ep 7 (either together or apart) and then in ep 9 Oliver decides he has to go to the mountain to deal with Ra's.  Felicity begs him not to but Oliver's all "a vigilante's gotta do what a vigilante's gotta do" (the scene AK tweeted) and he goes and disappears.  In January we get a couple of episodes of Oliver only in flashbacks while Team Arrow desperately tries to find him.  Laurel suits up (because she's already got the suit in her closet) and Diggle and Felicity work with her because that's what Oliver would have wanted.  Roy doesn't have anything better to do because Thea is dating the DJ so he joins them.


Maybe we will get sneak peeks early too.


I don't know why we got these so early. Reviews are the last episode were mixed, but the ratings were good for the season. There wasn't an overwhelmingly negative reaction to LL as BC. They really don't need any damage control. 

Ratings were good but still down from the previous episode and this is the month they really matter.  Also, there were a lot of mediocre reviews about this one. I can see why they would want to put the Felicity and Ray pictures out there to make sure people tuned in next week.

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Okay, so I posted the extended promo and New Zealand promo in the new Spoilers Only thread then took a screencap and found a gif to post and discuss here so I hope that's okay. (I'm not clear about the new Spoiler Discussion rules--if we're still allowed to post pictures or gifs here related to what has been posted there already or if this is supposed to be a text discussion with unrelated reaction gifs only place? Let me know if I need to move these images there, mods, please. Thanks.)


I agree with those who think that the Team Arrow van shot is definitely a flashback. The clothes are too similar to what they were wearing during SC's Siege by the Strokes. Also, this guy from the extended US promo definitely looks like a Mirakuru dude that Oliver just shot at with an exploding arrow.



And in this gif from the same promo, right before he shoots Mirakuru dude and where Felicity can be seen behind Oliver in the van, you can clearly see the streets burning in the background.



So, as much as I'll be ecstatic if we're really going to get OG Team Arrow scenes, I think those will be taking place in the past. And if these are flashbacks then I wonder who the knocked out dude is behind Diggle in that other spoiler picture. It can't be the poor dead Central City labs guy since Team Arrow found him on the bridge after the van had already flipped. And Felicity doesn't have her hero-chic head injury yet. Someone they picked up somewhere? Who might be important to someone in the present now? Whose flashbacks are we expecting in "Draw Back Your Bow," anyway? Is it HK-Oliver's? Team Arrow's? The people of SC's? Cupid's? Palmer's?


NGL, I'm kinda excited for this episode.

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Might we be getting flashbacks from Cupid's perspective of all the times she saw him? I seriously wouldn't put it past these writers. Especially if they're giving ones to Ray. *eye roll*


Editing because @SleepDeprived totally just said the same thing. Sorry.

I think that would be cool? :p NOt the Ray part, but the cupid part? She seems crazy, and I love intentionally over the top crazy characters :p

  • Love 2

I think that would be cool? :p NOt the Ray part, but the cupid part? She seems crazy, and I love intentionally over the top crazy characters :p


I like the crazy. I can't believe it's taken this long for the Arrow to get a stalker tbh! I'm just wondering if it's going to link to Felicity somehow because there was that promo pic of Cupid dressed exactly like Felicity dressed in s1 when she went to count cards in the casino. Even down to the same hairstyle. It might not be intentional but it wouldn't surprise me if she knows Felicity works for the Arrow, especially if she's been stalking him for so long.

apinknightmare, how about Laurel flashbacks to finding out Sara was with Oliver, and then grieving for Oliver and Sara?  


I wrote "as long as they're interesting," haha

I like the crazy. I can't believe it's taken this long for the Arrow to get a stalker tbh! I'm just wondering if it's going to link to Felicity somehow because there was that promo pic of Cupid dressed exactly like Felicity dressed in s1 when she went to count cards in the casino. Even down to the same hairstyle. It might not be intentional but it wouldn't surprise me if she knows Felicity works for the Arrow, especially if she's been stalking him for so long.


Oh, she knows. It is an utter writing fail if she doesn't. Which...okay, maybe she doesn't.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I have no idea how this Felicity/Ray scenario is going to play out but Felicity does NOT seem overly happy about the dress, necklace, etc? Her facial expressions in the blue dress vs her regular work clothes pictures seem like quite a contrast.

I am going to be upset if those are flashbacks to the siege even if they are new ones shot for this episode. From pictures I was hoping to get TeamArrow working together in 3.07 and 3.08 before whatever the greatest Olicity scene is in 3.09. There is a 50/50 chance I won't be back for 3B.

I am hoping Felicity is on coms when Cupid says something about who's watching out for you from the promo.

  • Love 1

I like the crazy. I can't believe it's taken this long for the Arrow to get a stalker tbh! I'm just wondering if it's going to link to Felicity somehow because there was that promo pic of Cupid dressed exactly like Felicity dressed in s1 when she went to count cards in the casino. Even down to the same hairstyle. It might not be intentional but it wouldn't surprise me if she knows Felicity works for the Arrow, especially if she's been stalking him for so long.

I expect Felicity to be extremely sassy about Oliver's stalker. If not, I'll be supremely disappointed. 


Also if it IS a flashback, I can totally see Oliver saving Cupid from the Mirakuru dudes before the van crashed. Like they all saw her struggling and he puts an exploding arrow in the mirakuru dude. Thus the origins of the crazy obsessed lady. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 2

I have no idea how this Felicity/Ray scenario is going to play out but Felicity does NOT seem overly happy about the dress, necklace, etc? Her facial expressions in the blue dress vs her regular work clothes pictures seem like quite a contrast.

I am going to be upset if those are flashbacks to the siege even if they are new ones shot for this episode. From pictures I was hoping to get TeamArrow working together in 3.07 and 3.08 before whatever the greatest Olicity scene is in 3.09. There is a 50/50 chance I won't be back for 3B.

I am hoping Felicity is on coms when Cupid says something about who's watching out for you from the promo.


I agree, she looks uncomfortable. This might just be me but she doesn't look very 'Felicity' if that makes sense? Maybe it's the hair? I don't know. 


I have to say I really miss some of her old styling, like the jeans and the panda flats. They were so quirky and cute and her


Yeah. I was hoping for new Team Arrow stuff too but right now I'll take what I can get. I really miss them. 



I expect Felicity to be extremely sassy about Oliver's stalker. If not, I'll be supremely disappointed. 


I imagine a snarky comment akin to 'Sure this isn't fantasy island?' like she said about all the women Oliver had on the island. Although I don't know if their relationship is in the right place to be like that right now.

I imagine a snarky comment akin to 'Sure this isn't fantasy island?' like she said about all the women Oliver had on the island. Although I don't know if their relationship is in the right place to be like that right now.



Maybe not snarky but sassy? Ugh. This so isn't going to happen :/ I miss when FElicity wasn't crying a lot and generally being the queen of sass. I hope the Queen of Sass comes back soon. 

Edited by wonderwall
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Maybe not snarky but sassy? Ugh. This so isn't going to happen :/ I miss when FElicity wasn't crying a lot and generally being the queen of sass. I hope the Queen of Sass comes back soon. 


Yes, yes, I meant sassy! Doh! 


I miss that too but the whole show is so sombre there doesn't feel like an appropriate place for the sass yet. :(

The latest spoilers look very CW. Obviously,  while I (and Felicity) have to objection to watching BR/Ray on the salmon ladder, that's Oliver's thing. It's too much of a coincidence. Gimme Dig on the salmon ladder first. 


The actress who plays Cupid seems to have a fun screen presence, but I don't want to see a plot about a deranged women obsessed with wanting a relationship with a man who's not interested (sounds 50 Shades).   Speaking of which, 50 Shades of Ray is now dressing Felicity appropriately and buying her jewellery and making her accompany him to events. How Pygmalion of him.   I will hold off further judgement until I see how these scenes are presented (quirky knows-no-social boundaries guy with a crush or controlling wierdo).  I am cautious about this episode because it seems sexist so far,  but I'm still going to watch it.


(Also, I have 'CUUUUPID, draw back your bow!' song running through my head).

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