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So definitely seems like a Laurel/Ted episode. Unless they are hiding something. 

lbr, after that episode synopsis, none of us are really surprised :p


I'm definitely not going to be tuning in for the episode, but I'll most probably watch it if the reviews are favorable... And I honestly don't want to watch the writers fail Laurel yet again. So hopefully they bring their A game on in regards to her. 

It is interesting (and concerning, if you're an advertiser for the show's 2nd half tomorrow night) that the PR team is putting out stills and the comic preview that includes Felicity when it's pretty obvious that she's not a major part of the actual episode.


It's a bait and switch ploy, period.  The PR team definitely knows that promoting Laurel, Ted and Roy isn't going to get viewers to tune in.  This should be a HUGE warning to the network, DC and all of the advertisers.


The viewer count for the 2nd half of the episode will be crucial.

Edited by writersblock51
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Eh Felicity is only in 4/18 pictures and it's basically is one scene with Roy that was showed in the promo. I don't think they are over promoting her or anything. 

The comic preview and the sneak peek were of the same scene- which included a Felicity/Oliver conversation. And then the promo photos come out, which include 2 behind the scenes photos (something that they usually don't include) which are of EBR/Felicity. This to me says that they know that the usual combination of different scenes for the comic preview, sneak peek, and promo photos won't get people to tune in. So they are using the same scene each time- which is a Felicity scene. 


They are promoting her when we know she won't be the main focus of the episode. Laurel and Roy are the main focus for this episode and yet the only real spoilers we have for them are the 3x06 promo and the promo photos. 

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I forgot - this is the same crack marketing team that had Laurel & Ted as their main photo for the Felicity-centric episode leading into last week's episode on their Facebook page.


I do wonder if sometimes the people who cull the videos and stills actually know (1) what the episode's A story is and (2) what will generate enthusiasm for the upcoming epside.

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They've released BTS photos before. I think in episode 3 or 4. And the promo promoted it as a Roy episode? And most of the promo photos are of Laurel and Ted? They definitely aren't doing a bait and switch. There's no way an person could look at the promo and promo photos and think "This is a Felicity heavy episode" Maybe they aren't spoiling anything because something big happens?

I think there are levels of who sees what promotions. Most people see the "Next on Arrow" on TV, some see sneak peeks on the internet. I think it's only those who are really into the show who look at the promo pictures.


I don't think they are overly promoting Felicity since she helping Oliver and later having Roy tell her his secret.  But they don't seem to be promoting Laurel's story or her relationship with Ted in what I see on TV or read about the episode.  In fact, there is more promotion around Ted with Oliver than there is about Laurel with either of the two guys.


Felicity's just come off of two good episodes, one on The Flash and one on Arrow, so it will be interesting to see what the ratings are like for an episode in which she doesn't have much to do, and it's going to be more about Laurel and Ted.  In other words, they know that a Felicity backstory episode with little Team Arrow will get viewers; what about one with Laurel-on-BC-track?

Edited by statsgirl

I don't think they're doing a bait and switch either. I mean, they only spoiled 1 Felicity scene? And it's probably the only scene in the episode. Why I don't think that this is a bait and switch is because it's SO obvious that this is a Laurel/Ted centric episode based on the promo video/pics etc. Also, Felicity is a popular part of the show, why wouldn't they have a few promo pics/dialogue teases about her? 


And I'm pretty sure they don't want to spoil anything about Roy, who I think will also have a large part in the episode. 

Edited by wonderwall

I don't think they're doing a bait and switch either. I mean, they only spoiled 1 Felicity scene? And it's probably the only scene in the episode. Why I don't think that this is a bait and switch is because it's SO obvious that this is a Laurel/Ted centric episode based on the promo video/pics etc. Also, Felicity is a popular part of the show, why wouldn't they have a few promo pics/dialogue teases about her? 


And I'm pretty sure they don't want to spoil anything about Roy, who I think will also have a large part in the episode. 

Exactly. The only scenes they've showed of her are helping Oliver, which was a small part of a larger scene where he find the dead body in the boxing arena and sees Ted Grant which is the main plot point of the episode and Roy telling her the secret about the dreams which is the other main plot point. The promo/trailer almost completely focused on Roy and most of the promo pictures are of Laurel or Ted. So people who only watch the show for Felicity aren't being lied to or tricked or anything. She's not being advertised as an important part of the episode or anything. 

My husband is a casual viewer and was very surprised that this is a Laurel centric episode. He has only seen the promo and thought for sure it was a Roy/Team Arrow episode in which they would be working out Roy's dreams. So I think that the numbers watching after the halfway point may be very interesting indeed.

Edited by Princess Vanellope
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Exactly. The only scenes they've showed of her are helping Oliver, which was a small part of a larger scene where he find the dead body in the boxing arena and sees Ted Grant which is the main plot point of the episode and Roy telling her the secret about the dreams which is the other main plot point. The promo/trailer almost completely focused on Roy and most of the promo pictures are of Laurel or Ted. So people who only watch the show for Felicity aren't being lied to or tricked or anything. She's not being advertised as an important part of the episode or anything.

Agreed. The only way it's a bait-and-switch is if the scenes they're teasing aren't actually in the episode.

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My husband is a casual viewer and was very surprised that this is a Laurel centric episode. He has only seen the promo and thought for sure it was a Roy/Team Arrow episode in which they would be working out Roy's dreams. So I think that the numbers watching after the halfway point may be very interesting indeed.

ok this is definitely fair because the promo focused on Roy/Team Arrow and most casual viewers only see the promos and don't see promo pictures and such (especially when they are released the evening before lmao). I think people will definitely be surprised to find out that it is a Laurel/Ted centric episode, rather than people being surprised to  find out Felicity's isn't heavily focused on in the episode which I don't think the promotional materials have led people to believe. 

Edited by ban1o

Oliver did tell Tommy in season 1 to be good to Laurel or he'll "snap his neck" (joking! not)


I'd actually pay good money to see him giving a similar talk to Palmer. And then Felicity finding out. And being angry at Oliver, because she's her own woman and doesn't need a man to look after her that way.


(But i still think the cut on Palmer's cheek is not connected to the Olicity turmoil, but rather some oter fight. Bonus points for it to happen during the "work-date")

I don't think Oliver would be able to be philosophical about Ray and Felicity like he was about Tommy and Laurel.

Tommy being with Laurel was beneficial for Oliver, because Oliver didn't really want to be with her, so Tommy was insulation.

Oliver will not be able to deal if he gets the sense that anyone is displacing him with Felicity, though.

At some point Felicity and everyone else is going to find out that Ray approached her to manipulate her somehow. If Oliver or Felicity punch Ray it'll be because of that IMO. Well, for Oliver it would really be about jealousy, but ostensibly it would be about that.

 This is The Flash trailer for next weeks episodes, including the crossover. There is the Clock King, and I think some dialogues and voiceovers are from that episode as well (like Barry saying "I'll give you a head start", it could be when he fights Oliver). Sooo looking forward to this!

 ETA: Ok, actually that quote is from episode 105 -pity! I would have like it better in the crossover lol

Edited by looptab

Haha doubt Oliver is the one who gets in a fight with Ray. Is Ray supposed to be a vigilante as well?

His alter ego (The Atom) in the comics is a superhero so he is probably joining forces with them at some point. If you look closely at the photo with the uzi that is KC/LL in the background. (I saw a larger version elsewhere.)

No offence but no ratings drop or raise over one or two episodes is ever going to be attributed to a specific character or SLs (only if it's a premiere or an episode with a lot of promotion). Tonight episode could be a series-low or a high, it wouldn't change anything. It takes major and consistent drops (like last year when the show lost 20% and never gets it back) to be noticed. 


His alter ego (The Atom) in the comics is a superhero so he is probably joining forces with them at some point. If you look closely at the photo with the uzi that is KC/LL in the background. (I saw a larger version elsewhere.)


But he is not a superhero yet ? (or is it what he's supposed to hide ? - I didn't follow spoilers about it)

IF the ratings drop from  a 1.1 to a 1.0 I don't think they will care that much/. And the promos barely featured Laurel so it wouldn't be because of Laurel. You can't attribute a drop of one episode to a single character whose barely featured in the promo. 


Anyway this is all premature talk anyway lol. 

Edited by ban1o

No offence but no ratings drop or raise over one or two episodes is ever going to be attributed to a specific character or SLs (only if it's a premiere or an episode with a lot of promotion). Tonight episode could be a series-low or a high, it wouldn't change anything. It takes major and consistent drops (like last year when the show lost 20% and never gets it back) to be noticed. 



But he is not a superhero yet ? (or is it what he's supposed to hide ? - I didn't follow spoilers about it)

He hasn't been shown to be a superhero yet. The only thing we know from spoilers is that BR has seen a drawing of the suit and that he was recently fitted(?)-not sure if that is the right terminology-for a mask. He is in tonight's episode but in none of the promotional material. (In an interview on early in filming 3.07 he said he had been in 6 episodes so far. He wasn't in 3.04.) Since he was booked for 16 episodes I would assume he has to show up as a hero sooner or later.

Last time a guest star did this much promotion for an episode was Seth Gabel in State vs Queen...dun dun dun

So does he die protecting Laurel or does Arrow kill him protecting Laurel? Kidding.

Sounds like this is an Oliver/Ted Grant centric episode not Laurel/Ted. Which makes sense if they are trying to establish a city of heroes so Arrow can choose to be Oliver as well as the Arrow in 3B.

Edited by Sunshine


That's sort of the way the show has been done. We're actually working on an episode now that pays off something that we set up back in Season One, an idea we've always had and were holding in our back pocket for the right time.

MG, please, let it not be about Laurel getting back with Oliver... Please!


Let it be about Tommy...



No, for what it's worth, we dropped the O.M.A.C. Easter egg after we had already made the decision to go with Ray.


Oh. I'm at a loss with Ray. But, let's face it, Atom's superpowers are... kind of lame?... I'm still hoping they will change it somehow and make him more connected with OMAC.

If you have several occasions when ratings drop when its focused on a certain character it shows a patern. And we are talking about sweeps month. Of course they care.


Not really because most of us don't know what's in the next episodes, the number of people who turn off just because they don't like the promos after watching 4/5 episodes is very limited. It's usually because we're bored by the overall direction of a season that we stop watching a show (or because our fav left or has been killed off). For example, I'm not a big Laurel fan, but if I could watch tonight I would, because I want to know what's up with Roy. And we all know that even an episode focused on a character can have great moments for others (see 2x07 for OF fans). Even real fans can't say if tonight episode is more about Laurel, Roy, Ted, all of them.... And I'm sure all of  this is probably OT so I stop here :)

All i thought was something with Felicitys dad. They said they knew about her backstory since S1. And could be the reason Charlotte Ross might be back. I know i know wishful thinking *Sighs*.


When I discussed the show with my friend (who's also watching) and told him about some of these theroies, he said "You're giving the writers too much credit. it's not that kind of a show where everything clicks".


I'm afraid he may be right...


(And Felicity's dad was mentioned in season 2, not 1).

Ray's a scientist. Perhaps he is trying to come up with some sort of defense system. His life was affected by the strokes march on Starling. Don't know if he would have known about ARGUS's drone. I guess we'll know what he is up to at the end of 3.07. I wonder if that means 3.07 is Ray centric?

No clue about whatever was set up in Season 1 getting paid off? The List? LOA training school?

I'll be surprised if Felicity's father is addressed before S4, especially if he is a DC villain. MG said in an interview somewhere that they wouldn't introduce them at the same time because one would overwhelm the other. As much as I loved MamaSmoak, I assume he meant dad. Felicity got her brains from somewhere. Assuming Oliver and Felicity end up together at the end of the season, dad causing more problems for them in S4 makes sense.

I think this season is really about establishing a Justice League so Oliver can choose to be both Oliver & Arrow.

Edited by Sunshine

He hasn't been shown to be a superhero yet. The only thing we know from spoilers is that BR has seen a drawing of the suit and that he was recently fitted(?)-not sure if that is the right terminology-for a mask. He is in tonight's episode but in none of the promotional material. (In an interview on early in filming 3.07 he said he had been in 6 episodes so far. He wasn't in 3.04.) Since he was booked for 16 episodes I would assume he has to show up as a hero sooner or later.



Thanks. I didn't know if there was more spoilers. They probably keep everthing about Ray for 3B

So, this episode will feature Ted pretty heavily, Ray is possibly getting flashbacks this season, and dead Sara is possibly getting flashbacks.  I don't really care about any of this stuff...I'd like to see more of the characters who have been with us for three seasons, not more of characters who are going to leave or are DEAD!

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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