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IF that reaction is to the kiss, I don't think it's just about that.

Yeah, I'm thinking it's about the kiss and whatever else is going on during the episode. 


The only way I could see him not seeing the kiss is if he goes to her office during the day, but given that they are kissing in what looks like Felicity's office and since MG hinted that Oliver would be jealous, even though Amell said he hasn't filmed many scenes with Routh, he probably sees them kissing and thats where the jealousy plays in. 



Whatever it is, I feel like it's personal since he's all alone in the lair, and it doesn't look like he's wearing his Arrow suit - I can't tell since it's so dark, but it looks like he's wearing his broody dark mourning v-neck and jeans.

He's definitely wearing jeans and what looks to me like some kind of black hoodie pullover. Assuming this is after the kiss, maybe he needs Felicity's help with something to do with Cupid and he goes over to her office to find her and that's when he sees the kiss?

Edited by Jessie2009

Given Felicity's elaborate hairstyle, maybe the kiss is around the not-date date.

I don't mind if Oliver feels the twinge of jealousy over Felicity and Ray, but I don' t want him acting out and throwing things because of it. That feels too soap-opery even for this show.

It depends on why he does it. If it's because he's pissed they kissed, then yes. If it's because he's pissed at himself for screwing up a good thing because he was scared, eh, I'll allow it.

But it's probably got nothing to do with the kiss, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare

It depends on why he does it. If it's because he's pissed they kissed, then yes. If it's because he's pissed at himself for screwing up a good thing because he was scared, eh, I'll allow it.

But it's probably got nothing to do with the kiss, haha.


I am quite sure that the rage he displayed would be after he learned that Thea has been with Malcolm all the time and she was lying to him. It takes a betrayal of that magnitude to bring out that reaction, and unless he think Felicity kissing another man is the same level of betrayal (which it is not) then it is definitely not about that.

  • Love 3

I wouldn't like it if it was in reaction to a fight with her, that's like sublimated violence toward her.

But if he went to QC after a spectacularly shitty day, and/or if he went to Make His Move and walked in on that...and tbqh I won't be surprised if it ain't just a kiss he sees...then yeah, I can see him abusing the foundry and the shrubbery.

But we could have it backwards. He could be angry about other shit, tear up the foundry, the foregrounded fern catches his attention, he needs to see her, goes to QC, and then...

Edited by ostentatious
  • Love 3

I wouldn't like it if it was in reaction to a fight with her, that's like sublimated violence toward her.

But if he went to QC after a spectacularly shitty day, and/or if he went to Make His Move and walked in on that...and tbqh I won't be surprised if it ain't just a kiss he sees...then yeah, I can see him abusing the foundry and the shrubbery.

But we could have it backwards. He could be angry about other shit, tear up the foundry, the foregrounded fern catches his attention, he needs to see her, goes to QC, and then...



I agree with this.  There is another thing or two at play here....


He made a vow not to kill and people are dying because of Cupid's obsession with him.


According to an AK tweet, I believe this is the episode that QC gets rebranded as Palmer Technologies.  The tweet said something along the lines of Palmer Technologies joining the Arrow Ticker.  Everything was blue. (I think that's the main color in the Atom's costume.) Although Oliver appeared to take the loss of the company well in 3.01 it still bore his family's name.  Now that has been taken away.  I think the EP's said we would be surprised by just how much of his humanity he wanted back.  Add that loss to the perceived loss of the woman he loves and he might have more than a little self-loathing going on.


For anyone who didn't see the Flash pilot there is an easter egg at the end.  It's a newspaper 10 years in the future.  One of  the front-page articles is that Queen Enterprises is sold or merges with Wayne Technologies.  My guess is in Season 4 we see him going into business as well as carrying on his Arrow duties.


I am not bitter but I am a little sad.  It is Nov sweeps and the thing I am most looking forward to is a scene in 3.07 between Felicity and Diggle.  AK tweeted there was a big one in this episode in response to a question.  They have been in scenes together (Arrowcave & meet MamaSmoak) but they haven't really had a scene together in S3 that I recall.

Edited by Sunshine
  • Love 3

I am quite sure that the rage he displayed would be after he learned that Thea has been with Malcolm all the time and she was lying to him. It takes a betrayal of that magnitude to bring out that reaction, and unless he think Felicity kissing another man is the same level of betrayal (which it is not) then it is definitely not about that.

I actually don't think that scene is a reaction to Oliver seeing Felicity and Ray kiss, just speculating about the circumstances under which it could be. Maybe Oliver's just having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day and he loses it a little. That table swipe of anger could just be a reaction to one thing or a lot of them- guess we'll know in a couple of weeks.

I wouldn't like it if it was in reaction to a fight with her, that's like sublimated violence toward her.


Not trying to talk you out of your opinion at all, but I disagree. If we go down that road, then why would it be any better if he did it after seeing Felicity kissing Ray, or finding out that Thea is in cahoots with Malcolm, or finding out that Laurel's still trying to be a vigilante? It's a physical reaction to something a woman in his life has done that's angered or frustrated him either way.


I think sometimes you're just pissed and in the heat of the moment you swipe some bottles off a table, or maybe you throw your phone across the room or break a plate because you're frustrated and you need an outlet. It's not the healthiest thing, but I'm guilty of doing it from time to time, and I've never hit a soul.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 9

I don't have a problem with Oliver physically taking his frustration out on an inanimate object either because, well...it's inanimate, LOL. People do it all the time in various ways and it's actually considered a healthy reaction. I mean, look at Laurel--ignoring her silly bat incident--she's taking out most of her rage on a punching bag. I hit or squeeze things hard when I'm stressed or upset at people or situations, but just like @apinknightmare mentioned, I've never laid a hand on a person or animal. Besides, it's not looking like Oliver destroys the whole foundry in a fit of rage. For a man who spent the entirety of S1 putting arrows in anyone doing even a hint of illegal activity, I think knocking tools off a table in frustration at himself or decisions others make is pretty tame in comparison. YMMV and all that, of course.

Edited by NumberCruncher

wouldn't like it if it was in reaction to a fight with her, that's like sublimated violence toward her.

I disagree with this 100%. Oliver has never shown a propensity to use violence eagainst women to control them or best them other than in a fight doing his job as the arrow. He had some ptsd issues in the first season. Knocking inanimate objects off a table in a fit of pique does not always equal sublimated rage towards Felicity or women in general. Now if he had bashed her computers specifically and only her computers then I might agree.

Edited by catrox14

Which is why I don't think that would be his response coming after she exited post-fight. It signals sublimated violence toward the other person, and I don't think it's a choice the show would make. It doesn't feel like Oliver to me. Not that direct order of events, where she leaves and he flings things.

In my opinion, of course.

So this has been making the rounds on Twitter - word is that it's from 3.11 and that KC's stunt double is in the Black Canary set up.




I cannot explain how disappointed I am.  The show seems hell bent on shoving this down our throats, quickly.  I just hope that Quentin knows the truth about Sara before KC makes her BC debut because if he sees or hears of a BC sighting, he's going to be so happy... and then positively gutted when he later finds out.


And twitter rumor is that SA isn't in 3.11 much or even at all.


So.  Do we start calling this the "Black Canary Show" after this?  I can't take my frustration to the Bitterness thread because this is speculation. And I've been trying hard to NOT bash Laurel but... ugh.

  • Love 15

So this has been making the rounds on Twitter - word is that it's from 3.11 and that KC's stunt double is in the Black Canary set up.





Dear lord have mercy on us all..

i'm going back to reading fanfics, i've crossed over to the dark [archer] side reading OliverxMalcolm fics.. it's sort of sad when you think about it. Oliver and Malcolm have more "fuck me" chemistry than Fakanary and Oliver. Than again.. Barrowman would probably have "fuck me" chemistry with the fern and Sally. :-P

  • Love 1

Maybe this is my Supernatural dead doesn't mean dead hopefulness and that Sarah wasn't dead but maybe this whole thing has been a big fake out. If I mean we did not actually see Sara's body in the grave. And maybe she had some kind of miracle cure or even better if Nyssa dug her up and squirreled her back to the lazarus pit.

Otherwise. Ugh. Do not want this at all.

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1

You've got to laugh, really. Or at least, you've got to if you've already given up in the show and are only perusing this forum to add snark and enjoy the wit of the people in here.


EP #1: 'Hey, we've got a really awesome actress who can do nearly all her own stunts, is legitimately tough and looks like she can handle herself in a fight. She's also popular with the fans, has a sympathetic, engaging yet still mysterious backstory, and seems to get on well with most of the regular characters.'

EP #2: 'Kill her and hire a stunt double for the other one. The one who can do none of her own stunts, looks far too thin and wispy to even throw a real punch, is loathed by much of the audience, and apparently cannot be written in a scene with another character without her coming off as a self-important, thoughtless bitch.'


The only way they can ever redeem this show now would be to have Laurel go out as a completely unprepared, untrained, incompetent vigilante, and she ends up dead because of it. Of course, that was part of the proposal I made a few weeks ago, that would have had Sara retire and hand the mantle to her sister, only to come back out of guilt and vengeance, when her dumbass sister got killed by the first real criminal she went up against. Sadly, this will never happen.

  • Love 11

Positives: if that is the new BC get-up, at least she's not wearing Sara's jacket and there appear to be no fishnets. Whose double is the guy wearing eye paint? Anyone know?


Roy's? He's wearing a jacket with CW and DC on it, by the looks of it, so unless they're getting really obvious, that's just something he's thrown on between takes. But he's scrawny enough to be Colton Haynes' double.

The guy who posted the picture of BC on twitter deleted it. He must have gotten in trouble or realized it was a spoiler.

I think the arms of the jacket look the same as Sara's.

The arms look the same, but Sara's wasn't that long in the torso, and it didn't have zip pockets. Unless maybe she's wearing it over another jacket or something. It's tough to tell since everything's so dark.

  • Love 1

Have never really cared about Laurel and still don't so I don't care one way or another about Insta-Canary. What I don't like is that it's hinting that she's going to be carrying the torch while the Arrow is gone in episodes 10 and 11 (based on Stephen's light shooting schedule). The show is about the Arrow. I didn't sign up for the adventures of everyone not the Arrow and I doubt most of the audience will be okay with it either. Still, I'm trying to be fair and wait to see if that actually happens.

Edited by NumberCruncher
  • Love 10

I'm still having trouble with how Laurel will become a trained fighter out in the field with only boxing lessons.  It will help her punch guys up close, but it doesn't help her kick or fight with her legs or feet.  Or make her adept at jumping and leaping to or from places.  It won't make her a martial artist.  It also won't magically make her good with any weapons.  Maybe we'll find out she's been secretly practicing with guns and is now an expert marksman.  Or maybe she'll get that Canary cry after all.

Edited by tv echo

I'm still having trouble with how Laurel will become a trained fighter out in the field with only boxing lessons. It will help her punch guys up close, but it doesn't help her kick or fight with her legs or feet. Or make her adept at jumping and leaping to or from places. It won't make her a martial artist. It also won't magically make her good with any weapons. Maybe we'll find out she's been secretly practicing with guns and is now an expert marksman. Or maybe she'll get that Canary cry after all.

As a former vigilante, Ted's gonna teach her his brand of street fighting, no doubt. After he realizes she wants to go vigilante, he'll probably be teaching her more than boxing.

I'm wondering if it it is actually Sara (or the stunt double at least) and it's flashbacks to her death?? Oliver is apparently "missing"- probably with the League of Assassins- so I'm wondering if the League is aware of what happened and they are the ones that actually killed Sara. So they are telling Oliver what happened and why and we get flashbacks to it? But since Oliver is stuck on the mountain he won't be able to do anything about it until he gets back just in time for February Sweeps. 

  • Love 1

This may be a really dumb question, but are we sure that its not for a Sara flashback? Didn't they say that she was in three episodes for sure. We have only had two so far.....Right? Its all blending together.

I think it's likely. Maybe they'll show us Sara's last days, when she tracked down Malcolm and what she found out about him, if he's up to something.

This may be a really dumb question, but are we sure that its not for a Sara flashback? Didn't they say that she was in three episodes for sure. We have only had two so far.....Right? Its all blending together.

Could be. Maybe that's why her outfit looks similar but different (and she doesn't have eyeblack on). Although if it's a flashback, I wonder who the guy standing next to her is supposed to be. Some other random eyeblack-wearing criminal,maybe.

Now we know it takes about a month to make a mask, so we can probably expect Ray to be suited up around 3x14-ish.

Although if it's a flashback, I wonder who the guy standing next to her is supposed to be. Some other random eyeblack-wearing criminal,maybe.

That's Roy's stunt double, you can see the buckles on his pants are the same as the Arsenal costume.

Edited by drspaceman10

I'm trying to not get worked up over all the instant-Canary talk. I really don't want to see Laurel as the Black Canary and I don't believe there is anything they can do with Laurel that can change that, but I want to look forward to the show so I'm taking a wait and see approach.


I will say this though: Making Laural instant-Canary is one thing. Trying to make her the leader of Team Arrow in Oliver's absense is another thing entirely. I view Team Arrow as partners and Arrow as the figurehead. If anyone is going to take that place temporarily, its Diggle. I will live in bitterness if they make it Laurel.

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 14

Actually it should take 2 weeks or less. Once they have the head mold (week, week and a half tops) the mask should only take 2-3 days.


That's much faster then I would have thought. They probably also have to get approval from the network although I don't know how long that would take. Maybe KC's mask will show up in 3x09 then.

Have never really cared about Laurel and still don't so I don't care one way or another about Insta-Canary. What I don't like is that it's hinting that she's going to be carrying the torch while the Arrow is gone in episodes 10 and 11 (based on Stephen's light shooting schedule). The show is about the Arrow. I didn't sign up for the adventures of everyone not the Arrow and I doubt most of the audience will be okay with it either. Still, I'm trying to be fair and wait to see if that actually happens.

This.  It's the expectation that she's going to be leading Team Arrow while Oliver is gone.  I don't know if it's coming from the Laurel fans or if that's the way the show is going, but if it's the latter, I can't think of a bigger mistake they could be making, and that includes killing Sara.


If she tries to tell everyone what to do, I need Diggle and Roy to set her straight.


I don't think it's a Sara flashback because the costume is completely different, and Roy is there in his costume that he got sometime between the end of 2x23 and the start of 3x01 (which means it's not a proto-Sara-Canary costume).

I"m hoping it's a Sara flashback, back before Nyssa bought her the jacket.  It's far, far too soon to have Laurel appear as the Black Canary.

  • Love 1


I will say this though: Making Laural instant-Canary is one thing. Trying to make her the leader of Team Arrow in Oliver's absense is another thing entirely. I view Team Arrow as partners and Arrow as the figurehead. If anyone is going to take that place temporarily, its Diggle. I will live in bitterness if they make it Laurel.

I totally agree with you! Why would the writers do that? She has no expertise in anything at all. Why would she be a leader? Why would they put her in charge? Maybe the group thinks: "Oh well, Oliver is not there, so we don't have to deal with her forever if he doesn't keep on saving her. Let's send her out." I am not a big fan of this instant transformation thing. If it were to take all season I could have accepted it but 7 episodes is laughable. Really makes you wonder where Oliver is. Do they think he is dead? Or on vacation? They cannot change the timeline because of the Flash show. It has to line up in a basic way but Oliver might be gone up to 2 months. 


I'd assume Ray will get his outfit in 3x13 or 3x14. Does anyone know how many episodes BR has filmed thus far? He has been in 4 now and will be in 3x07. That leaves about 11 episodes. Maybe he will be there until the finale. But sooner or later they have to do something with his character other than having him show up wherever Felicity is. At some point Oliver might also remember that he wants the company back. (Maybe the writers dropped that storyline) Ray needs something "heroic" to do.

Edited by Belinea
  • Love 1

CH's stunt double presence in the photo really triggers all sorts of scenarios, but I don't think it has to do with Laurel getting the full Black Canary gear. Maybe the stunt guys were just taking a picture together, I don't think it necessarily means they were in the same scenes. I'm trying very hard to find a reasonable explanation, beause it would be utterly ridicoulous, and I hope the writers know this too. :)

 This is from a new piece by Natalie Abrams in EW magazine:


They're in the foundry shooting a shocking reveal of a new suspect in Sara's murder.



Natalie Abrams was on the Arrow set on October 21st (according to her twitter) which was during the filming of 3x09. This seems to rule out Roy as a suspect. Also, since we think Oliver and Ra's Al Ghul are having a big fight in this episode maybe Ra's was involved with Sara's murder (or at least Oliver thinks so).

I don't know whether or not this was mentioned or if this is the wrong thread for it but SA will be a guest on the Arrow Aftershow on Wednesday. The host of the show said during the last aftershow that SA would be there and he wants to ask him what they are planning to do with Laurel. (The host apparently strongly dislikes the quick transformation and lists it as a reason to stop watching the show) The aftershow is done in Los Angeles. So either SA will still be on vacation until Wednesday or he will have the time to fly back and forth to do the show.

  • Love 2

Yeah, there's no chance of Roy being Sara's killer. It's way too early in the season for that reveal to be accurate, and, honestly, it would just be unacceptable to me to think that Roy even could kill Sara.


I also don't think Laurel will become Black Canary so fast. As a fan of the character I think the writers have done a pretty good job so far this season showing that she's not quite ready for the vigilante life. I'd like her to put on the mask at the end of season three and then if they do the usual time jump at the start of season four people will be more willing to accept her as the next canary even if they don't necessarily want that to happen.

I have a very low opinion of the EPs and even I don't think they'd be dumb enough to make Laurel the leader of Team Arrow in Oliver's absence. If they do, I'll be laughing in hysterics as I delete my season pass. I can't see any of actual Team Arrow sticking around for that. I'd rather they all join ARGUS.

I'm hoping it's a Sara flashback which would make me angry and be bittersweet but way better than the alternative.

Edited by calliope1975
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I am confused as to why people think Laurel won't be Team Leader in Arrow's absence.  People, especially Felicity, were jumping to do her bidding in 3.02. Diggle is a soldier used to taking orders.  Even when he disagreed with Oliver he usually did as requested. Diggle consoled Laurel by naming HIS daughter for HER sister.  Is it earned? No but when has the show made Laurel earn anything?


I still won't be surprised if Laurel shows up in a mask cameo in 3.08 The Brave and the Bold but like Morrigan2575 I would expect it by 3.09 at the latest. I would expect her costume to differ from Sara's somewhat.  I am sure she is going to decide to be herself not her sister.


I also thought it was a given that Ra's or one of his minions killed Sara?!

Edited by Sunshine

I am confused as to why people think Laurel won't be Team Leader in Arrow's absence.  People, especially Felicity, were jumping to do her bidding in 3.02. Diggle is a soldier used to taking orders.  Even when he disagreed with Oliver he usually did as requested. Diggle consoled Laurel by naming HIS daughter for HER sister.  Is it earned? No but when has the show made Laurel earn anything?


I still won't be surprised if Laurel shows up in a mask cameo in 3.08 The Brave and the Bold but like Morrigan2575 I would expect it by 3.09 at the latest. I would expect her costume to differ from Sara's somewhat.  I am sure she is going to decide to be herself not her sister.


I also thought it was a given that Ra's or one of his minions killed Sara?!


I'm confused as to why people think she will. Felicity jumped to help Laurel in 3x02 because her sister just died. If Felicity had given her a hard time, that just would've made her look like an a-hole. Laurel's done nothing since that would deem her a leader in the eyes of Team Arrow. In fact, she's done such dumb shit that she's really proven she's the last person that should be listened to when it comes to making decisions. Not that they couldn't attempt to turn that around given the lightning speed with which this show seems to be burning through things, but at this point we haven't seen anything indicating that she's going to be a leader during Oliver's absence (whatever that winds up being).


The only way I can see that maybe happening is if Oliver goes wherever he goes of his own free will and without knowing whether or not he'll ever return they all band together with Laurel (LMAO, I feel so ridiculous even typing this, that's why I know it could be a legit scenario) to keep fighting crime in the city.

  • Love 3

I guess my point is the EPs aren't overly concerned with whether or not it makes sense.  If that is the way the EPs want it to be, it will be.  I don't know that it will be.  I just think it is a possibility with these show runners.


The only thing I thought for sure coming into this season was that Laurel would be donning the BC costume by the season finale.  I just naively thought they weren't going to kill Sara to do it, at least not until right before the premiere.  When they were talking about a twist at the end of 3.01 I thought either Laurel would be showing up in costume or Sara was dead.

  • Love 2

I guess my point is the EPs aren't overly concerned with whether or not it makes sense.  If that is the way the EPs want it to be, it will be.  I don't know that it will be.  I just think it is a possibility with these show runners.


It definitely is a possibility.


Personally, I'm not going to let myself get too worked up over a picture that (from what I can tell) we can't really date and don't know the context of. I wouldn't be surprised if something stupid happens plot-wise, but I'm going to withhold judgment for the time being.

  • Love 1

What I find interesting [funny] is that IF Laurel's full on transformation into BC is 309-310-311... that's 3 episodes outside of Sweeps. 2 of which are smack dab in the middle of January when ratings fall down like whoa post-Holiday break, and only [hopefully] pick up back again for February Sweeps.


That's not where you showcase a storyline, folks. That's where you hide it.

Edited by dancingnancy
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