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From BTS photos it looks like Oliver, Diggle & Felicity are the only characters going to the Flash. Barry, Caitlin & Cisco come to Arrow.

 Thank you :)  I knew which characters were involved but I got confused by that "not a full crossover", because from the crossovers I saw between other shows, it's always been a few characters from one show appearing in the other, never the whole cast. Shouldn't take things for granted lol

Wrong?  No.  Sad?  Yes.


However, now that you point it out, I can't actually deny that logic might not even matter.


I just find it strange that Snart interacted with the kid twice, and neither one of those interactions furthered the plot in any way. Seems like the kid was there for a reason, although that reason might be Flash related and not Oliver Queen related.

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I honestly thought it was just to give an added dimension to Snart's character, he's supposed to be a main villain for S1 so this gives him a bit more character than mustache twirling villain. 

if the kid isn't connected to Oliver then the scene is similar to the one with Nyssa at the airport last season. She was friendly with a little boy, too, then kicked the TSA's ass.



Count me among those that felt an immediate parallel to 'hacker or a hero' to the conflict Oliver is experiencing in present day.  We knew Diggle had found his peace in what they do as a team.  Now we know how Felicity balances it (especially with her emphatic 'find another way' mantra), too, and where it was first tested for her.


I think Sara was finding her peace with it.  Heck, I think Quentin is mostly at peace with it. But he's not one of Arrow's confidants - yet.


So that's 2 (and 1 in spirit) people who can help Oliver find his peace.  Conveniently, they are already on his team and he trusts them with his life. 


Or................ I'm giving the writers WAY too much credit and they will flub this up and somehow Laurel will be shoved in to help him see the light.

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I've decided not to watch any sneak peeks this week because I think I enjoyed the show more when I didn't know much! But you guys seem positive so I'll take that as a positive too!


Also I feel like the only one who doesn't want this Oliver's kid storyline to be a thing, at least not this season. I fully expected it to happen maybe in s4 but not now. Way too much going on. And it annoys me that I have to watch The Flash to learn something significant about Arrow characters. First Felicity and now Oliver. It's just wrong. Sorry.

I've decided not to watch any sneak peeks this week because I think I enjoyed the show more when I didn't know much! But you guys seem positive so I'll take that as a positive too!


Haha I've been the opposite. I've been avoiding sneak peaks for the past 4 weeks but this episode I just cannot resist. It's Felicity. I regret nothing.

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Just over here thinking about the, "and you know how I feel about her" quote. I wonder if Diggle suggests something risky regarding Felicity - maybe not volunteering her per se, but coming up with some part of the mission to catch the ex that will put her in danger, and Oliver fights him on it and says that.


I was just re-reading DR's interview with THR, and this passage stuck out to me with regards to that dialog tease:




That's a great question. That's always a thing when you bring these very close-to-the-heart relationships into situations where the stakes are so high. When Oliver and Felicity get together, the stakes go higher because she's in the field and he's also in love with her.


Now that Oliver's actually aware that he loves Felicity, that's probably another lesson Digg can teach him that parallels his relationship with Lyla. He's accepted that Lyla has a risky job. Oliver needs to accept that too. Yeah, Oliver's always deferred to Felicity's choices to put herself at risk, but I imagine it's probably more difficult to do that now that he realizes he has a lot more to lose.

Edited by apinknightmare


DEAR LORDS OF KOBOL, I MISSED TEAM ARROW. Welcome back, my babies!


"How many billionaires do you know?" Heee.


And I really really love how Oliver mouths "mom?" at Felicity.

Edited by dancingnancy
  • Love 14

Oh My GOD!! that clip!!

I am seriously loving Mama Smoak! total blonde ditz, but in the adorable way. i guess that is what Elle Woods would have grown into if she had not gone to law school.

I still think Mama Smoak was a teen mom. everything about her screams that.


Also Diggle reaction, the look he is giving Felicity is such a big brother "you are soo getting teased for this later" look.

Also i love mama just standing in the background while team arrow are talking and she's just looking around trying to listen in. great choice by CR, alot of times you see actors just standing there doing nothing, when in real life you know you gonna try to eavesdrop but pretend like you're not..

Edited by foreverevolving
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Do you think that Oliver will somehow figure out something from his future (revealed mistakenly by Harrison Wells)?


Oooh. Good thought. Stephen did say he makes an observation about Wells. 


Or, he was just visiting set.


Re: Eddie ...best bet. Especially because of the shirt Rick was wearing. Although I'd laugh hard if Eddie suddenly became a Flash fanboy. 

Also let's point out and how different Mama Smoak reaction to meeting Felicity friends to Moira's reaction to meeting Felicity!


Man now i wish Moira wouldn't have died! I would give anything to see Moira and Mama meet! ohh the potential... lol.


FYI: i just realized, when Mama asks Felicity if Oliver is her friend Felicity says "no" than Oliver reaction..




Also i like that the height difference between Mama and Smoak is well.. short. alot of times they can cast a higher actress to play the mother while a shorter to play the daughter. in real life, children tend to be taller then their parents.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Man, no matter what this episode brings I'm just going to bask in the perfection that is 1) Mama Smoak being all flitty and flirty and embarrassing the hell out of her daughter and 2) an honest-to-goodness Team Arrow moment that doesn't involve 20 other people scowling at and scolding each other over Sara's killer.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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Oh man, that Team Arrow plus Mama Smoak clip was everything I ever wanted! And everything I've been missing so much this season. 


Man now i wish Moira wouldn't have died! I would give anything to see Moira and Mama meet! ohh the potential... lol.


THIS! Such missed potential. I already hope Mama Smoak makes a return appearance. Someone needs to lighten this show up, and from what I've seen so far, she's perfection.

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That scene was just perfect. From the moment MaMa Smoak says she's not dressed for a club and Felicity's very dry, "Really?" to Oliver mouthing "Mom" to him wildly gesturing to Diggle to come meet Felicity's mom to him smiling at Felicity as Mama Smoak coos over the Digglette to the conversation between Diggle and Oliver about the baby. Love Diggle's "Who's she gonna tell?" This! This is what's been missing this season. Team Arrow dynamics. Always so much fun.

  • Love 13

Yeah, I caved and watched the Team Arrow meets Mama Smoak clip (but that's the only one!) and it was WONDERFUL. It actually hurts me how good it was because it just highlights how grim everything has been lately and how much I missed just a brief Original Team Arrow scene. It was everything I wanted and more and I am in love with Mama Smoak. She's perfect. A loving friendly mom. Now I know why Felicity is as wonderful as she is.

That was a great clip, and I'm so excited and hope the rest of the episode lives up to it.  Charlotte Ross was perfect, and now I know what Felicity meant with "My mom is... my mom". And DR and SA were a hoot.


Welcome back, humor. I've missed you.


The Natalie Abrams interviews falls in the category of 'It could have been worse.'  I still don't understand how she works for magazines with adult audiences. She seems like a teen mag writer.

This is a world where the Kardashians hold more influence than the Secretary-General of the U.N. and people at my workplace with advanced degrees talk about The Real  Housewives shows.  Adult audiences aren't what I thought they would be.


Count me among those that felt an immediate parallel to 'hacker or a hero' to the conflict Oliver is experiencing in present day.  We knew Diggle had found his peace in what they do as a team.  Now we know how Felicity balances it (especially with her emphatic 'find another way' mantra), too, and where it was first tested for her.


I think Sara was finding her peace with it.  Heck, I think Quentin is mostly at peace with it. But he's not one of Arrow's confidants - yet.


So that's 2 (and 1 in spirit) people who can help Oliver find his peace.  Conveniently, they are already on his team and he trusts them with his life. 


Or................ I'm giving the writers WAY too much credit and they will flub this up and somehow Laurel will be shoved in to help him see the light.

Do we know who wrote it?  I find that makes a difference.


I'm crossing my fingers that it was really a parallel to Oliver's search for identity because it seems to close to have been random.

Edited by statsgirl
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Man, no matter what this episode brings I'm just going to bask in the perfection that is 1) Mama Smoak being all flitty and flirty and embarrassing the hell out of her daughter and 2) an honest-to-goodness Team Arrow moment that doesn't involve 20 other people scowling at and scolding each other over Sara's killer.

Same. Really, they can't screw this up for me. There's too much Known Perfection.

As an Olicity shipper, I did love how Oliver said 'It's nice to meet you, finally' after shaking hands with Mama Smoak. I don't know why, I just like that he's been wondering about Felicity and her life and family and wants to know more even though he's pushing her away. It's like he can't help himself. Le sigh. I'll take what I can get!

Edited by Guest

And now I'm imagining Oliver with her as a mother-in-law at family holidays. It would be hilarious.

that scene has brought more Felicity humor than all the Ray ones put together.




I'm seriously considering joining Twiter just to get buzz for Felicity/Mama Smoak and Team Arrow.


Plans for a one hour trend at 5 p.m. Eastern.

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