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Me too. Visions of Oliver and Felicity in domestic, crime fighting, bliss….

That's what should happen by season 4, season 5 at the latest. Which means it won't.


I don't mind an overall villain of the season provided they can make each different enough from the last and there are enough villains-of-the=week to keep things interesting in case the supervillain gets boring..  Malcolm Merlyn was BSC and about Starling City, Slade was BSC about Oliver, and they both remain alive. Ra's will also have to remain alive in the end but does he really want to bother for a whole season with someone as lowly as The Arrow?

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And 50 Shades has already demonstrated another 'cute' romcom guy trope: telling Felicity what she feels even though he's barely met her.



It must be noted that 50 shades was not the only guy who demonstrated this trope. Ted Grant did exactly the same when he told Laurel that she is not angry at him when she accused him of perjury (still rolling my eyes at that) and that she needs to work her anger off and offered her a brochure of his gym which was rather pointless because she was already standing in that said gym.

I guess people pay more attention to Felicity and men around her and tend to tune out Laurel scenes (at least that's what I do) that they missed it. I too caught it on a rewatch (my sister was watching it and I was cooking) and then all of a sudden I was like ... they are doing it in every episode now. The Felicity thing happened in episode 2 and Laurel one was in episode 3.

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I did notice that Ted Grant mansplained Laurel's feelings.  I guess it the new neon sign for Romantic Interest! on this show.  I minded it when Ted Grant did it, I absolutely hated it when Ray did because Felicity and Diggle seem to be the only character left (sob, Sara) who actually know what they are feeling.  I didn't mind the brochure so much because it listed the self-defense courses, although hasn't Laurel already taken a ton of them because her father made her?


When Thea meets the new DJ, will he mansplain her feelings too?

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The only way I will be even remotely interested in seeing Oliver go missing is if it leads to him being shirtless and feverish in a cell, having lots of hallucinations about Felicity. Otherwise, meh.


It sounds something straight out of Spartacus (I think they have done something similar) and I so approve of it. I would like it even better if they hallucinations are of intimate nature - for science you know.

  • Love 6


When Thea meets the new DJ, will he mansplain her feelings too?

lol  pretty sure this will happen. The writers (most of whom are male) seem to like this trope. I say that as someone who really likes Ray's character and kinda likes Ted. He's supposed to be a "brash" DJ who Thea "clashes with, right? You better get ready for mansplaining :P It supposed to be romantic. 

Edited by ban1o
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Not sure where exactly this would fall - but since the "Left Behind"/Oliver disappearing theories are here and this could maybe be a very distant spoiler, I'll go with this. Stephen posted on his Facebook that he'd be participating in Movember for 10-ish days, so...is Arrow going on a filming break, or is he possibly just not going to be in one episode since he'll be able to grow out his facial hair?

Not sure where exactly this would fall - but since the "Left Behind"/Oliver disappearing theories are here and this could maybe be a very distant spoiler, I'll go with this. Stephen posted on his Facebook that he'd be participating in Movember for 10-ish days, so...is Arrow going on a filming break, or is he possibly just not going to be in one episode since he'll be able to grow out his facial hair?

mmm interesting. Thanks for the info.  I think it might mean he's not filming for one episode. They usually don't do breaks until December-ish /Christmas time I believe. But who knows? 

Isn't Movember about growing a moustache out for a cause? Perhaps that would explain the emphasis on the stache?


Yep, Movember is about raising awareness for Men's Health/early detection. SA also said he'll be debuting his stache on Thursday. I hope he is filming and it makes it into the show because that would amuse me, and the way the show is going, something needs to make me smile.

  • Love 1

He also tweeted today that he was in a table read with CH and Austin Butler (the DJ guy), so he is working this week, in some fashion. Maybe he can do the 'stache thing because he'll have full facial hair for the episode(s) they're filming right now, because the beard and stuff is always fake. This just lends more to the theory that he's elsewhere/in captivity for these episodes though. 


ETA: Jinx, @Morrigan2575!

Edited by Carrie Ann

I just don`t see how he could be rocking a moustache for one episode, especially when he films flashbacks at the same time as present day. That`s just what confuses me. I really think he isn`t filming.

Maybe this episode has someone else's flashbacks, and he can have fuller facial hair for his present time scenes because he's a prisoner of Ra's.

They are REALLY doing Batman, aren't they?

  • Love 3

Maybe this episode has someone else's flashbacks, and he can have fuller facial hair for his present time scenes because he's a prisoner of Ra's.

They are REALLY doing Batman, aren't they?


If he has to climb up out of a hellish hole in the ground, I officially give up. 

lol if they legit do that I don`t think anyone can claim that they don`t draw heavy inspiration from Nolan`s movies :P

I'll only give up if they play The Climb by Miley Cyrus in the background while he does this. :p 

the mid season finale (episode 9) is The Climb

Edited by ban1o

Oliver Queen winked thrice so far in Arrow.

First was this one, where he winked at Thea.

Second was in 1x03 when he refused to let Diggle come with him to Max Fuller's club and told the bouncers that he did not know who Diggle is, he then winked at him.

Third was in 2x06 when he winked at Felicity after threatening to kill the family of the Russian dude who sold them armoured truck to get Diggle out of Russian gulag. When Felicity asked him what did he say to the Russian dude in Russian, he said please and winked at Felicity.


And yes, for an adult person, this kind of obsessive detailing is rather unfortunate but what can I do, this Felicity Smoak character pulled me in so bad, there is no hope for me.

  • Love 8

The wink GIF is from the pilot, I think. Oliver is actually winking at Thea after asking to be excused from dinner. I think of it as the wink that launched Queencest :P


So does that mean we ought to blame Stephen for that ship?

cause.. that looks nothing like what i imagine a brother winking at his sister would look like...

than again, i don't have any brothers so maybe i'm wrong.

No sneak peeks yet?  Isn't there usually at least one about this time? 


Maybe it's just because I'm actually really looking forward to this episode and that's skewing my perspective, but it feels like they're not promoting it as much as they have the others.  They were late with the promotional pictures, haven't released any sneak peeks yet and there hasn't been the flurry of Emily interviews that I would have expected before her very first Felicity-centric episode.  It's been disappointing.  You'd think they'd want to capitalise on their most popular character finally getting her own episode, so their lackadaisical attitude to it now that it's finally here is bothering me.

  • Love 9

Maybe it's just because I'm actually really looking forward to this episode and that's skewing my perspective, but it feels like they're not promoting it as much as they have the others.  They were late with the promotional pictures, haven't released any sneak peeks yet and there hasn't been the flurry of Emily interviews that I would have expected before her very first Felicity-centric episode.  It's been disappointing.  You'd think they'd want to capitalise on their most popular character finally getting her own episode, so their lackadaisical attitude to it now that it's finally here is bothering me.

I'm not sure I agree with this; they released the publicity photos as part of "exclusive" articles with TV Line and E News...this was actually done to drum up interest through news/media outlets rather than just releasing them as they normally would.  Yes, these were "late" compared to previous week's but that was because they were waiting on the media to release the exclusive content before dumping the rest of the photos via the normal source.


As for not promoting this episode enough.  I can't imagine why they wouldn't...I know there's a perceived (feared) bias on this board but this is the first Sweeps episode...there's no way the Network wants it to fail/under perform/or anything of the like.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 2

Yeah I wouldn't worry about promo for the episode just yet. I think there are plenty of people interested. I was just over on thd CW Arrow's Facebook page and my jaw dropped at the number of likes for the Goth!Felicity photo they posted...it's pushing nearly 100K, which is rather unusual for any one post. People are intrigued. I suspect we'll start seeing more EBR interviews pop up today and tomorrow that will give some clues about tomorrow's Felicity origin episode.

  • Love 3

MG just released another dialogue tease on Twitter:

I think this is the first part of a quote they already released, where Oliver is probably saying it to Dig for bringing baby Sara to the lair.

at least that has been the speculation.


I think the full quote is: And you know how I feel about her being down (t)here..


or something like that.


ETA: Also, the song lyrics. i bolded a couple of lines that intrigued me.


Waiting in a car.

Waiting for a ride in the dark.

The night city grows.

Look and see her eye, the glow.

Waiting in a car.

Waiting for a ride in the dark.

Drinking in the lounge.

Following the neon signs.

Waiting for a roar.

Looking at a mutating skyline.

The city is my church.

It wraps me in the sparkling twilight.

Waiting in a car.

Waiting for the right time.

Waiting in a car.

Waiting for the right time.

Waiting in a car.

Waiting for the right time.

Waiting in a car.

Waiting for the right time.

Waiting in a car.

Waiting for a ride in the dark.

Edited by foreverevolving

I think this is the first part of a quote they already released, where Oliver is probably saying it to Dig for bringing baby Sara to the lair.

at least that has been the speculation.


I think the full quote is: And you know how I feel about her being down (t)here..


or something like that.


The previous dialogue tease was "I am not comfortable having her down there."  So it's a different sentence being tweeted this time (he could be talking about the same "her" in both instances, but there's no particular reason to assume so).

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