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Yeah it's disconcerting. Preparing for stills to be of laurel just in case.

3 theories, 1. just dropped the ball...they didn't even release 100 stills till after the ep.

2. Maybe they want to spread out the publicity (esp while f on flash got rave reviews and arrow50th got meh reviews)

3. They can't find something not spoilery? This seems unlikely but if not!cooper is a pseud....well that's never really happened on an ep of this show before, where the villain hasn't been named, except for the well dressed man....

With a side of preparing for them to be not felicity related at all, just because that's the way 2-4 has conditioned me to think.

Edited by chaos is welcome
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With that picture of KC seemingly being fitted for a mask that was posted a while back, SA saying he's having a lighter schedule (but seemingly still filming his Hong Kong flashbacks-as evidenced by that video on Facebook where he's wearing his flashback wig), episode 3x10 being called "Left Behind" (which seemingly comes after Oliver has a giant fight with Ra's-trial by combat?) and this recent quote from David Ramsey:


Q: Oh, I can imagine. We haven't seen Diggle in action in a while, is he going to be rusty in the field at all?

A: You'll be seeing more of that both in this episode and hopefully later this season. Actually, there's an episode coming up that we're just about to start working on where there's even more physicality to Diggle.


It seems to me like Oliver might be left behind (imprisoned?) somewhere after the fight with Ra's, maybe Team Arrow even thinks he's dead? We might end up with a team of Black Canary + Arsenal with Diggle and Felicity on support at least for a few episodes.

Edited by drspaceman10

With that picture of KC seemingly being fitted for a mask that was posted a while back, SA saying he's having a lighter schedule (but seemingly still filming his Hong Kong flashbacks-as evidenced by that video on Facebook where he's wearing his flashback wig), episode 3x10 being called "Left Behind" (which seemingly comes after Oliver has a giant fight with Ra's-trial by combat?) and this recent quote from David Ramsey:



It seems to me like Oliver might be left behind (imprisoned?) somewhere after the fight with Ra's, maybe Team Arrow even thinks he's dead? We might end up with a team of Black Canary + Arsenal with Diggle and Felicity on support at least for a few episodes.


UGH.. OK, I'm all for more Diggle but the rest?  Seriously. 


It's nice that SA is going to be working a bit less, I'm happy for him and his family. The flip side to that is that I think the show will further suffer under the weight of propping up KC as BC.


I also think baby Sara is the one being referenced in the dialogue tease. The writers think they're clever but yeah, no.

ETA: Just realized that others had posted links to the same NZ promo I had put here.


The promo starts with Laurel and seems to feature her as much, if not more than, as Felicity. 

This show was firing strong on all cylinders heading into this season.  Right now, the stunts are the only consistent thing I enjoy.  This is madness.


The stuff with Quentin is making me only more furious at Laurel. I can't fathom that anyone in the writers' room or EP offices thinks this is a path for her to take to bring more fans on board for her becoming BC.

Edited by writersblock51
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I don't even know where to put this AND my reaction:


NZ promo:



It starts with Laurel and seems to feature her as much, if not more than, as Felicity. 

This show was firing strong on all cylinders heading into this season.  Right now, the stunts are the only consistent thing I enjoy.  This is madness.


Could we not even have one episode without Laurel and her lame journey to BC? We've been waiting two seasons to learn more about Felicity and I really resent that she can't even have one episode to herself without forcing Laurel in everywhere. 

Edited by Guest

I love that we have Laurel telling some random dude she met two weeks ago about her sisters murder but she still hasn't told the father and mother of that child, and by love I mean hate with the passion of a 1,000 burning suns.


Although she'll probably tell him this episode to eat up some more of Felicity's screen time in her episode. *sigh* I belong in the bitter thread full time.


You can see Digg on the street with the Digglette in the baby sling when sparks explode. So he probably has to take her to the Arrow cave during the attack.

  • Love 6

I love that we have Laurel telling some random dude she met two weeks ago about her sisters murder but she still hasn't told the father and mother of that child, and by love I mean hate with the passion of a 1,000 burning suns.

Although she'll probably tell him this episode to eat up some more of Felicity's screen time in her episode. *sigh* I belong in the bitter thread full time.

You can see Digg on the street with the Digglette in the baby sling when sparks explode. So he probably has to take her to the Arrow cave during the attack.

Oh my gosh, could you imagine if they bump in to Quentin?

Q: "Hi laurel! Who's your friend?"

L:"Oh...um, hi dad."

"Ted grant. Sorry to hear about your daughter."

Q: heart attack

Bahahahahaha. Wtg laurel.

Edited by chaos is welcome
  • Love 6

At this point I really do suspect they are setting it up for Quentin to find out second hand. Clearly Laurel isn't going to tell him, which is insane and insulting, Oliver and the others won't tell him because of...reasons, I guess, and even Nyssa caved. So either whoever actually did kill her is going to tell Quentin, perhaps to get an edge over Oliver by distracting him and Laurel, or someone else they tell but forget to tell not to tell Quentin. Honestly, the decision to hide it from him in the first place (I haven't mentioned Dinah only because she is not around) is so stupid and makes so little sense, and the only reason I can figure for it at all is the set up for Paul Blackthorne's emotional reaction when someone does eventually tell him.

Honestly, the decision to hide it from him in the first place (I haven't mentioned Dinah only because she is not around) is so stupid and makes so little sense, and the only reason I can figure for it at all is the set up for Paul Blackthorne's emotional reaction when someone does eventually tell him.


I think one of the main reasons (plot-wise) he's been kept in the dark is so that Laurel can work with Team Arrow to help find Sara's killer, even though sadly they seem to be more inept than the SCPD. Keeping Quentin in the dark means keeping the law out of the situation and giving Laurel more of a reason to be around. I'm sure it's for future dramatic payoff too since surely he'll probably either actually have a Redd Foxx-style heart attack or fall off the wagon when he finds out. Or maybe one then the other, just for the hell of it.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 2

It seems to me like Oliver might be left behind (imprisoned?) somewhere after the fight with Ra's, maybe Team Arrow even thinks he's dead? We might end up with a team of Black Canary + Arsenal with Diggle and Felicity on support at least for a few episodes.


I agree - David Ramsey also tweeted recently that he was working at night, alone with the stunt crew.  Oliver must be MIA.


At this point I really do suspect they are setting it up for Quentin to find out second hand. Clearly Laurel isn't going to tell him, which is insane and insulting, Oliver and the others won't tell him because of...reasons, I guess, and even Nyssa caved. So either whoever actually did kill her is going to tell Quentin, perhaps to get an edge over Oliver by distracting him and Laurel, or someone else they tell but forget to tell not to tell Quentin.

Honestly, I'm rooting for a randomly freed Slade Wilson to just show up, knock on his door, calmly tell him Sara is dead, and just stroll away, like he did when he revealed to Laurel that Ollie was the Arrow.  I would just love it if Slade does that for every big reveal ever on this show, because the first time was so silly, but hilarious.  Biggest difference obviously would be that Paul Blackthorne will probably have a way better reaction shot, then Katie Cassidy's "Have my eyes dart back and forth like Joey from Friends" approach to that "big" moment.


Seriously though, if there isn't a really good reason why they're doing this "Keep Quentin in the dark" path, then this is going to be one of the biggest failures this season.

  • Love 14

Honestly, I'm rooting for a randomly freed Slade Wilson to just show up, knock on his door, calmly tell him Sara is dead, and just stroll away, like he did when he revealed to Laurel that Ollie was the Arrow.  I would just love it if Slade does that for every big reveal ever on this show, because the first time was so silly, but hilarious.  Biggest difference obviously would be that Paul Blackthorne will probably have a way better reaction shot, then Katie Cassidy's "Have my eyes dart back and forth like Joey from Friends" approach to that "big" moment.


Seriously though, if there isn't a really good reason why they're doing this "Keep Quentin in the dark" path, then this is going to be one of the biggest failures this season.


Oh man this had me laughing so hard. Yes please, let's bring Manu back already to distract me from the shit show on the screen!!!! JB is brilliant in a diabolical way but I miss slades swagger.

I think one of the main reasons (plot-wise) he's been kept in the dark is so that Laurel can work with Team Arrow to help find Sara's killer, even though sadly they seem to be more inept than the SCPD. Keeping Quentin in the dark means keeping the law out of the situation and giving Laurel more of a reason to be around. I'm sure it's for future dramatic payoff too since surely he'll probably either actually have a Redd Foxx-style heart attack or fall off the wagon when he falls out. Or maybe one then the other, just for the hell of it.

Yeah, I am 78% certain Quentin must die to facilitate insta canary. Maybe that's why they did this. But that phone call at the end of 4 hurt my soul a lot and that particular plot line is why after this wed my family will be watching survivor on wed night until the cross.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I am 78% certain Quentin must die to facilitate insta canary. Maybe that's why they did this. But that phone call at the end of 4 hurt my soul a lot and that particular plot line is why after this wed my family will be watching survivor on wed night until the cross.


I don't think he'll actually die, but something will happen that will "prove" Laurel was right to keep it from him. So, either he will get sick again, or he'll fall back into the bottle.

I think one of the main reasons (plot-wise) he's been kept in the dark is so that Laurel can work with Team Arrow to help find Sara's killer, even though sadly they seem to be more inept than the SCPD. Keeping Quentin in the dark means keeping the law out of the situation and giving Laurel more of a reason to be around. I'm sure it's for future dramatic payoff too since surely he'll probably either actually have a Redd Foxx-style heart attack or fall off the wagon when he finds out. Or maybe one then the other, just for the hell of it.


I think the delay in telling Quentin is purely to give Laurel something to do - otherwise the SCPD and Team Arrow would be working on this, with Nyssa coming to town to help, and Laurel would have absolutely zip to do.  And heaven forbid that happens.


I also think that Quentin won't make it S4 because of his health issues. And to further prop Laurel up. I think the focus on Quentin's health is definitely a sign that he's not out of the woods at all.

  • Love 3

I think the delay in telling Quentin is purely to give Laurel something to do - otherwise the SCPD and Team Arrow would be working on this, with Nyssa coming to town to help, and Laurel would have absolutely zip to do.  And heaven forbid that happens.


I also think that Quentin won't make it S4 because of his health issues. And to further prop Laurel up. I think the focus on Quentin's health is definitely a sign that he's not out of the woods at all.


Well, if Quentin knew and the cops were working on it, presumably she could work on the case in her capacity as DA. At this point, Quentin not knowing is to give her a reason to work with Team Arrow; if she was working on the case within the confines of the law, she wouldn't need to be down in the foundry every 5 minutes.


The team still needs someone inside the SCPD, so Quentin's good until someone else takes over that role. Laurel could maybe do that, but I think they need someone who is not part of the team for it. I think they keep bringing up his health because he really is going to get sick when he finds out, thus vindicating Laurel's terrible reasoning for not telling him.

Plus let's not forget that when they don't know what to do with characters, they kill them. Why, Moira has been vidicatedm ran for mayor. Let's kill her now so Thea has nothing. Same goes. Lance has become a friend of team arrow, been demoted and then promoted. What now? Why yes, Quentin, I do think it's time for your untimely demise. Just think of the "possible storylines" opened by your death!

Whoops, time to go back to the bitterness thread.

  • Love 1

In that NZ promo, did it look to anyone else that Felicity got taken from the Foundry? It also looked like she was wearing the same outfit. If that's the case, I wonder how/why her mother was there too?


I don't think an outside source is going to tell Lance; I like he is going to investigate on his own and discover it that way. He is then going to be extremely understanding and thank Laurel for trying to protect him. …… Which would be totally OOC but considering the effect Laurel tends to have on people….

And I have to say as much as I am in the small group of people who LOVES Brandon Routh, I find it utterly bizarre why they blew such a wad signing a known name for Ray Palmer, and cast random footballer Aussie for Ra's. It's one of the unending stream of weird decisions they make.

Wanted to bring this over from the bitterness thread because, while it's completely unfounded spec I figured it would give us something not blehhhhh canary related to discuss. I think that if the seeds they planted in 3.03 come to fruition and argus is a big bad, I suspect they may be priming rough to take over the suicide squad and give it it's own show. They aren't (presumably, although after the rise of laurel lance shit, who knows) planning on letting dig go to run it, and of argus is gonna be a big bad, wallar is going down. I think this explains the big name choice and why they pushed him so much.

Edited by chaos is welcome

If Laurel is a lock for the duration of the series then Lance will die at the end of S3, this will fre Laurel from any constraints about being a full time vigilante because she won't have to worry about Lance's health.

If the intention is to honor her contract and write her off then Lance lives and Ted dies thus prompting Laurel to leave town searching out other people to train her.

Probably door #1 but (for me) door #2 is the better option.

  • Love 3

In that NZ promo, did it look to anyone else that Felicity got taken from the Foundry? It also looked like she was wearing the same outfit. If that's the case, I wonder how/why her mother was there too?


It does look like she was taken from the foundry. If so, MOVE IMMEDIATELY, YOU DUMBASSES.


I wonder if her mother was in town before she was kidnapped or if she finds out her mother is in town after she's kidnapped, because she turns and hey, there's mom. There was a spoiler that said her mom showed up at an inconvenient time - is there a more inconvenient time then when one is kidnapped?

  • Love 1

I was wondering ab that, it did look like that in the promo but sometimes it's the editing.

I really think atom is grabbed from her apt in Vegas...maybe she sold not!cooper down the river in flashback suspecting the negative influence she was having on her daughter. So cooper grabs mom and the. Grabs felicity. Very inconvenient indeed.

And yes, what WILL it take to take to get them to move.

If Laurel is a lock for the duration of the series then Lance will die at the end of S3, this will fre Laurel from any constraints about being a full time vigilante because she won't have to worry about Lance's health.

If the intention is to honor her contract and write her off then Lance lives and Ted dies thus prompting Laurel to leave town searching out other people to train her.

Probably door #1 but (for me) door #2 is the better option.

Moved response to Speculation thread....

Edited by Starfish35

The age difference is obvious if you know Felicity's age, and I don't think that can be Felicity's apartment anyway, BUT if it is and the kidnappers were just told "Here's the address, she's a gorgeous blonde" then it's possible there was a mix-up.


Whoever is getting pushed around in that promo is wearing glasses, so it's either Felicity or her mom also wears glasses sometimes. So basically I don't know, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
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