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28 minutes ago, way2interested said:

As would being on an island in a party dress and heels.

It would be a handicap but I could survive in a party dress and heels  Without glasses, I couldn't even find shelter.

I just don't understand the logic of Chase kidnapping everyone and taking them to Lian Yu.  I can see taking Felicity and Thea, and maybe Diggle (but why Diggle, he's a fighter) to the scene of Oliver's origin story but why Curtis, Rene and Dinah?  It would just make it harder for Chase to win.

Maybe Felicity and Thea get taken and the rest of them follow to rescue them.

Edited by statsgirl
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20 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I get the theory that it's the whole team (or "regular" team) that could be taken, but it just bothers me that I have to believe that it's 1 man (or Chase along with Evelyn and BS) who ends up kidnapping 5 people. Maybe they'll have a way to explain it, but offhand it sounds strange to me.

Its just a theory, not necessarily one I think is actually happening. But tbh they do a lot of stuff on this show that seems far fetched so it also wouldn't surprise me.

But I definitely think Felicity getting taken is too similar to the Susan kidnap.

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Well Susan's kidnapping led to Oliver's 2nd (or 3rd?) kidnapping of the season. I've been thinking she won't be kidnapped because 5x20 will be Felicity heavy and they don't seem to like to focus on her too much. I actually think the whole team kidnapped thing is too similar to S3 bioweapon chamber. Ok on second thought it's totally Oliver, S3 redux. Parallels! 

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1 hour ago, way2interested said:

Tbh I think the "Missing" title is so on the nose that it'll have to mean something else (entirely or in addition to someone being kidnapped).


A lot of episode titles have been on the nose tbh:

  • Canary Cry
  • Sara
  • Secret Origins of Felicity Smoak
  • Broken Hearts


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Sigh.  I really didn't want the season to end on a cliff hanger and apparently a big cliff hanger.  Not shocked that it will, but not happy about it either.  

So what cliff shall we be hanging from?

Edited by BkWurm1
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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

So what cliff shall we be hanging from?

I hope it's not a flash forward. ::shudders:: If it is, could be anything. 

If they stick to the real-time format, I suppose maybe someone's life hangs in the balance (only to be fine at the start of next season) or we get a glimpse of what next year's big bad is planning. 

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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

So what cliff shall we be hanging from?

One option is Felicity on the run/arrested due to her involvement with Helix. I don't think it will be that because I don't think that would count as a big cliffhanger in Guggenheim's eyes. While I don't think this will be the cliffhanger, but I think this has a strong chance of happening in the final ep (since they talk about major consequences).

I think the cliffhanger will be a flash forward. No evidence, just what I feel like will happen. What the flash forward will be to, I have no idea. 

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4 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Sigh.  I really didn't want the season to end on a cliff hanger and apparently a big cliff hanger.  Not shocked that it will, but not happy about it either.  

So what cliff shall we be hanging from?

Do I miss something?  What came out that says cliffhanger?

Nevermind, I see it now.

Although WTF is he talking about? S1 didn't end on a cliffhanger.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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My 5.19 spec- Oliver yet again fails to mention that a big bad evil guy knows about the existence of his son and/or ask Felicity for help (simply because the writers like keeping Oliver stupid) and she gets upset about it because duh...she could offer a kind of protection with her cyber hacking abilities that he can't anddddd that prompts a conversation about why they broke up last time.

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My 522 spec.

Episode ends on Oliver's birthday, with cake. Oliver, Felicty, Diggle, Thea and maybe Curtis are at the loft. Bad guys drug the cake, everyone passes Out. Diggle, Felicity, Thea and maybe Curtis wake up on the island surrounded by Chase, Artemis and BS (maybe Double Down)....dun dun dun

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Since MG brought up the end of season 1 as a comparison, I'm guessing the "cliffhanger" is something similar, in that something big happens, but we don't see the immediate fallout-- maybe Oliver outing himself as GA (like the ending of Iron Man)

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6 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Since MG brought up the end of season 1 as a comparison, I'm guessing the "cliffhanger" is something similar, in that something big happens, but we don't see the immediate fallout-- maybe Oliver outing himself as GA (like the ending of Iron Man)


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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

I am gonna laugh if they gonna tease BS vs Dinah battle. 

I actually think that the "antagonist" role BS will have in season 6 will be against DD/BC. They will play the comic fans with choosing who is the real BC. The K/C fans will loose their minds because they think every version of LL is the real BC. The show will take advantage of their buzz and for once it won't be a ship war. And O/F will be happily domestic through the whole thing. Ah, let me dream....

Edited by Buzzyspirit
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I don't remember s1 having a cliffhanger? Was it that half the city was destroyed? 

Possible cliffhangers this season:

  • Oliver outs himself as GA
  • One of the team's life hangs in the balance
  • Flashforward to some point in s6 

A possible death/flashforward would probably get more buzz tbh. I hated the flashforward grave scene last season but it definitely got people talking.

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I can't deal with a FF of Felicity’s life hanging in the balance. I just can't! She's the reason I watch the show. I can't deal with that kind of stress!

It'll need to be a big beloved name for people to give a damn which means either Felicity or Dig, neither option is palatable.

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11 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I don't remember s1 having a cliffhanger? Was it that half the city was destroyed? 

That part is the best season ending this show has done to this date IMO. But that doesn't mean he couldn't mean that, although I guess there being no body after Oliver killed Malcolm could also be it.

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I think a death flash forward would be very underwhelming given the KC announcement. I think it would get more ridicule than buzz. 

I don't think Dinah v BS for BC would give them buzz. I don't think the interest is there for BC in any form.

I think the best move would be to keep BS a villain and out of the Lair. Make Dinah BC.

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2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Since MG brought up the end of season 1 as a comparison, I'm guessing the "cliffhanger" is something similar, in that something big happens, but we don't see the immediate fallout-- maybe Oliver outing himself as GA (like the ending of Iron Man)



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I was pretty sure Oliver will out himself as GA this season but some of the comments SA made at the last con made me think he won't and that they get how hard it would be to deal with that secret out for seasons. So I think they might save it for when they know its their last season. 

Maybe the cliffhanger is something to do with Talia and her possibly being a big bad for next season. They finally got to use Talia, i would think they want to give her a more prominent role as a villain than as a mentor to Prometheus and I'm not sure they'll get the time in season 5 so maybe they set up something with her for season 6. 

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5 minutes ago, leopardprint said:



Yeah, I keep coming back to Susan being a reporter and it apparently somehow being relevant still to the plot. 

I still HATE the idea of Oliver outing himself as the GA.  I just can't imagine a narrative that could at all realistically continue forward at that point but the show runners could just ignore all the stuff that would get in the way and just have the city be fine with it.  It's a line I'm not sure I could cross.  I have serious issues with the show and realism isn't high on my demands but that takes unrealistic to a whole new level.  

2 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

I was pretty sure Oliver will out himself as GA this season but some of the comments SA made at the last con made me think he won't and that they get how hard it would be to deal with that secret out for seasons. So I think they might save it for when they know its their last season. 

Maybe the cliffhanger is something to do with Talia and her possibly being a big bad for next season. They finally got to use Talia, i would think they want to give her a more prominent role as a villain than as a mentor to Prometheus and I'm not sure they'll get the time in season 5 so maybe they set up something with her for season 6. 

I half wondered if SA found out that they ARE going to out him and he was expressing disbelief either to throw people off the scent or to express his fears about the change.  It's a TERRIBLE idea but we've seen it done before so I can't rule it out.  

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16 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I still HATE the idea of Oliver outing himself as the GA.  I just can't imagine a narrative that could at all realistically continue forward at that point but the show runners could just ignore all the stuff that would get in the way and just have the city be fine with it.  It's a line I'm not sure I could cross.  I have serious issues with the show and realism isn't high on my demands but that takes unrealistic to a whole new level.

I'm not sure if Susan has filmed past 519? 

This whole season has been revisiting how many people Oliver killed so it'd be crazy if they outed him and then the city was just like ok with it? I don't know if I could suspend my disbelief that far. Mayor Superhero does not sound interesting to me. 

This show also says that it's fine that GA killed an innocent cop cause he feels bad about it and really meant to kill someone else. So who knows?

Edited by leopardprint
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10 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I'm not sure if Susan has filmed past 519? 

Also, it does seem really awkward for the team to be on island but then come back to make an announcement.  The logistics of that alone seem really complicated and unlikely.  Maybe I shouldn't worry.  

  With all the heavy anvils about Oliver recognizing there is no separation between the man and the hood, I still feel like it might come up, but maybe we'll get lucky and Mad Dog will suggest Oliver outing himself (cue the rest of the team calling him an idiot to even suggest it) and then Oliver saying no, the city still needs the symbol, but now he (Oliver) understands who he is and who he must be blah, blah, do better, blah, blah, no killing.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I wonder if Oliver the Mayor will stick around next year.  Right now they don't seem to have a reason to impeach him (unless the GA thing DOES come up, lol - I'm so back and forth on this topic) and terms usually last four years.  I can't imagine him being Mayor that long but maybe they'd have him do the politics thing one more year?

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

I think a death flash forward would be very underwhelming given the KC announcement. I think it would get more ridicule than buzz.

 Not to mention that no one cares enough aboutthe newbies to do one. Everyone knows Felicity/Diggle/Thea are safe so it wouldn't even matter.

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The stupidity of an idea has never stopped them (or Oliver) before.

Oliver is a really bad mayor so I'm not sure how interested they are in continuing that story. (For real, Shady Susie should have run her stories) I think the purpose was just to put Oliver and Adrian in the same working environment together so he could infiltrate Oliver's daily life with the bonus of giving Lance/Thea something to do. Maybe he's going to resign and give it to Lance (who is way more qualified) who will then give quasi legal standing to GA? Seems like Oliver's mayor suit is getting mothballed with the GA suit in the short term at least.

I'm still team flashforward to 609 for the moment. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I think it's a good idea to leave on a cliffhanger (although this team oversells EVERYTHING) because it's the end of an era and they want people to come back again in season 6 so give them something to come back for.  Although I really don't want a Stargate SG1 type cliff-hanger.  Amanda Tapping said she couldn't grow her hair long until the show ended because each season ended on a cliff-hanger and they had to pick up the start of  the next season at the moment of the end of the last so her  hair had to be the same .

I can see a reason for Oliver starting the season as mayor and then seeing what the season brings.  It would be a real blending of Oliver Queen the man and Green Arrow the vigilante at last. 

And since QC is gone, what else is he going to do with his time?  Not to mention to earnmoney.

3 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

I am gonna laugh if they gonna tease BS vs Dinah battle. 

They might because it would be playing to the comic book fans and doesn't really matter to the DNA of the show.

Frankly, as long as Oliver and Felicity are together, I'm good with anything they come up with.

Edited by statsgirl
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BS is a antagonist, she is a anti hero, KC is regular for SEASON 6, In this forum I read, that for several people, Katie and her associates have so-called forced marc and other producers to get him a regular role, I laughed so much, ah ah ah ah .
She will have a very important role in the new season, which is why she is in the last two episodes of this season, i can't wait for quentin to see laurel E2

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1 minute ago, spartan said:

She will have a very important role in the new season, which is why she is in the last two episodes of this season, i can't wait for quentin to see laurel E2

You should watch the season before you make claims dude. Last year we kept telling you that it was LL who was going to die and you didn't believe us. So, again, don't put all your hopes into her return. 

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14 minutes ago, spartan said:

i can't wait for quentin to see laurel E2

Why? That's just cruel to Lance. BS isn't his daughter. Instead, he's just going to have to see - presumably on multiple occasions, since she's sticking around - someone who looks like his daughter, pretended to be his daughter, tried to kill the team and would probably have no problem trying to kill everyone (likely including him this time) again. Sure, it might be good for one scene to see how he reacts (and to find out if they ever told Lance about BS), but that's about it. 

And now my 5x22 spec is that Lance is going to wake up on Lian Yu and find BS standing over him. 

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That would be a good way to open it.  Poor Quentin, it's likely to send him looking for a bottle again.

47 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

A LL vs DD screaming match can only hold anyones interest for so long. As in 2-3 episodes. Theywould have to do a Buffy/Faith type situation to make it somewhat interesting. 

I agree, but they have to have some kind of plan for Black Siren since they're bringing KC back as a regular.  Arrow  doesn't need two Canary Cry birds on the team and they spent a season and a half killing Laurel's Black Canary and bringing on a new one, I doubt they are going to get rid of Dinah in order to put Black Siren on the Arrow team.

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I definitely think its a flash forward or them introducing the S6 big bad since Stephen said they start another journey.

After watching last nights LOT finale, I am certain there is no redemption arc planned for BS. They really don't care for LL the hero. And I can't wait for the continuous crappy writing she shall receive. Her fans didn't like that finale so I am sure they won't like how Arrow treats BS next season either.

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I think she'll be an independent minor "bad" guy, not against TA necessarily but up to no good. She didn't really care about them beyond Prometheus forcing her right? Maybe there's going to be a storyline about getting her home. Lance doesn't know about BS right? What if she dupes him? Or she's ruining LL/DD's reputation by running around and screaming at randos? (so both the female metas on the show get "screeching" as their superpower ?)

Edited by leopardprint
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9 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Sigh.  I really didn't want the season to end on a cliff hanger and apparently a big cliff hanger.  Not shocked that it will, but not happy about it either.  

So what cliff shall we be hanging from?

Flash forward to Oliver being revealed as the Green Arrow? 

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Can you imagine the Arrow writers room the day BS was announced?!! LMAO! "But we already had Felicity punch her!" If they keep her as a minor villain, BS could actually work. But an all-female villain team? That didn't really work in that last episode with Lady Cop, China White and Cupid, did it? Was there any buzz? I thought the episode fell flat.

Not excited over the idea of a cliffhanger either. Sigh. 

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1 hour ago, spartan said:

She will have a very important role in the new season, which is why she is in the last two episodes of this season, i can't wait for quentin to see laurel E2

LL has not been important or relevant since season 1 and even that is debatable. 

As for Quentin, he has already seen a daughter come back twice now.

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Oh so "Missing" is Adrian escaping who also takes Felicity and Thea to Lian Yu? And I get the buddy survival comedy starring Thea and Felicity I never knew I wanted til just now. 

Edited by leopardprint
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11 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

From these tweets it looks like Adrian Chase will be caught in 522.

So Adrian gets caught and either he himself escapes or Artemis/BS break him out?

I already gave you my prediction on Twitter but, here it is. 

Artemis breaks BS out of prison to work for Prometheus again. There's a big fight between TA and Prometheus, they think they've won, its all over, Chase is captured. They decided to have a celebratory/Victory party for Oliver's birthday. The "cake" is drugged, everyone passes out and Diggle, Thea, Felicity, Lance and maybe Curtis wake up on the Island. Surrounded by BS, Artemis and Prometheus, cut to black.

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