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Oh, I hope I didn't come off as nasty, I just meant if he doesn't have the whole suit on, then what's the point of the shirt and tie? If he has dress slacks and a freaking blazer tucked under there, I will die laughing, because seriously, haha.

No, not at all! I just thought the " reverse-Superman" thing wasn't a total reverse-Superman, because, as you said, laughs:) Maybe my answer sounded like i was offended, I'm sorry English is my second language and sometimes I mix things up :P

Also, I can handwave a lot of stuff, but no way does Oliver show up at that restaurant looking so flawless after having his suit tucked under leather while traipsing through Starling saving people, okay?



Little known fact: all superhero vigilantes are gifted with a Magical Wand of Plot Contrivance, usually kept under their sleeves, that lets them do just that :)

  • Love 3


Awww, Oliver and Diggle grinning at each other. I wonder what that necklace is about?


That room Lyla's in looks like the darkest, dankest, most unsavory place to get into stirrups ever.

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You know, I find it interesting that the EPs don't specifically say Laurel is taking steps in becoming BC. It's not supposed to be a huge secret because we know what will happen to Laurel. It won't be a surprise to see her become BC whether the EPs say it or not. So why are the EPs being so coy about her arc this season when there's no point in being coy about it? I personally think it's because Laurel isn't going to become BC but another hero. But that's just my opinion

  • Love 5

You know, I find it interesting that the EPs don't specifically say Laurel is taking steps in becoming BC. It's not supposed to be a huge secret because we know what will happen to Laurel. It won't be a surprise to see her become BC whether the EPs say it or not. So why are the EPs being so coy about her arc this season when there's no point in being coy about it? I personally think it's because Laurel isn't going to become BC but another hero. But that's just my opinion

That's possible. I was thinking the same thing.  That means Sara doesn't have to die. Party! 

  • Love 5

You know, I find it interesting that the EPs don't specifically say Laurel is taking steps in becoming BC. It's not supposed to be a huge secret because we know what will happen to Laurel. It won't be a surprise to see her become BC whether the EPs say it or not. So why are the EPs being so coy about her arc this season when there's no point in being coy about it? I personally think it's because Laurel isn't going to become BC but another hero. But that's just my opinion


I think Laurel will get a "test" identity first - that they'll have her be someone else before they have her become BC (if she ever becomes BC at all).

  • Love 3

I think he looks more confused than anything else. 


He's in a boardroom, so that goes without saying. :)


I can just see it now, Ray parks his helicopter on the roof, shows up with an actual plan and presentation, and Oliver just stands in front of the board like, "I'm Oliver Queen. People thought I was dead, but I totally wasn't. I'll do better this time, swear! voteforme"

  • Love 6

You know, I find it interesting that the EPs don't specifically say Laurel is taking steps in becoming BC. It's not supposed to be a huge secret because we know what will happen to Laurel. It won't be a surprise to see her become BC whether the EPs say it or not. So why are the EPs being so coy about her arc this season when there's no point in being coy about it? I personally think it's because Laurel isn't going to become BC but another hero. But that's just my opinion

I agree with you. They used to come out and say her destiny was BC, during season 1. Since Caity Lotz come on the show, it seems like they've become more vague about her "path". I still have hope Sara will live.

  • Love 3

I wonder when they did those interviews with Stephen and David? Stephen was still bald, they weren't yet teasing R'as as the big bad, David is talking about H.I.V.E., which won't be at play this season. I get why media outlets hold these interviews back for the premiere, but it' almost like a weird cognitive dissonance to see them being so coy about things that have since been thoroughly spoiled over the summer.

You know, I find it interesting that the EPs don't specifically say Laurel is taking steps in becoming BC. It's not supposed to be a huge secret because we know what will happen to Laurel. It won't be a surprise to see her become BC whether the EPs say it or not. So why are the EPs being so coy about her arc this season when there's no point in being coy about it? I personally think it's because Laurel isn't going to become BC but another hero. But that's just my opinion


As I was reading the interview, I was struck by the same thought - why not just come out and say it?  Why so vague? 


2 theories, 1 of which has already been mentioned here:

1) Laurel isn't going to be Black Canary at all - but will have an indentity of her own, perhaps inspired by Sara/BC and Oliver.  I suppose Manhunter is still a possibility, especially if she takes up that mantle from someone in the DA's office.  A bit of a nod to the comic books in that sense...


2) She WILL become the BC but the EPs (at the direction of the network? DC? their own teasing-tendencies?) won't come out to confirm it because they're concerned about the backlash. So they may ease her into it, hoping the audience  (fans and critics alike) will finally, universally warm up to her and then she'll become BC once Sara is gone (in any manner, not necessarily death)

I think he looks more confused than anything else. 


more like annoyed, if i was able to hear what he said properly (sadly i'm at work so i couldn't turn the volume up), Oliver was asking Felicity how Ray managed to get access to QC computers and the numbers and she said something about computer mainframe or something like that, which is when he pulled the unhappy face.

Edited by foreverevolving

more like annoyed, if i was able to hear what he said properly (sadly i'm at work so i couldn't turn the volume up), Oliver was asking Felicity how Ray managed to get access to QC computers and the numbers and she said something about computer mainframe or something like that, which is when he pulled the unhappy face.


Hopefully he doesn't blame her for that, which in turn leads to that angsty display when they were walking down the stairs outside together. Not that he really could blame her since she's not working for QC (unless that changed).

Yeah I watched the video, not sure why but people have already started labeling Ray as using Felicity based on that quick clip.  I really couldn't hear what she said in answer to Oliver's question about how did he get into our computers.  


It seems very odd that the EPs would play up Ray/Felicity romance and LI and then have Ray's first action be to use/lie to/manipulate Felicity.

“I think part of the fun — or agony — of watching these two people is they’re together, they’re apart, they’re together, they’re apart. We’ll see what the future holds for them.”



Ah, the mating call of the showrunner who just does not get it. It's been heard often around these parts, and sadly, seems to be in no danger of going extinct. I call it the Marlowe Cry. The next stage is to start bitching at fans who don't appreciate the wonderful writing that is presented, in order to keep the two apart. And to then write them both as such unappealing people that many fans stop even wanting them to be together.


Yeah, a relationship based on two characters who make each other smile, and seem to bring out the best qualities in one another, but the fun is to watch them get together and break up all the time. It's funny, I know that they reneged on the 'no powers' promise because a few writers love The Flash, but I didn't realise they were introducing Bizarro this season.

  • Love 7

Yeah I watched the video, not sure why but people have already started labeling Ray as using Felicity based on that quick clip.  I really couldn't hear what she said in answer to Oliver's question about how did he get into our computers.  


It seems very odd that the EPs would play up Ray/Felicity romance and LI and then have Ray's first action be to use/lie to/manipulate Felicity.


I wonder if that gets the ball rolling on Felicity accepting his job offer. Her getting hacked off that he managed to circumvent something in the QC systems and getting curious about what he's up to since he's all ~nefarious.


When Oliver asks how he got into their system, Felicity says, "Something tells me he deployed a remote administration tool."


And yeah, I'm placing my bet that's exactly why she goes to work for him. He comes off as really smarmy here, btw

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

Hahahaha @Danny Franks it's good to hear from you. What MG said is so disheartening because it's exactly what Oliver and Felicity aren't. I'm really hoping that they mean that just for this season because otherwise it's such character violation. I don't mind angst as long as it makes sense. Break ups to make ups don't hold my attention, they annoy me.

Hahahaha @Danny Franks it's good to hear from you. What MG said is so disheartening because it's exactly what Oliver and Felicity aren't. I'm really hoping that they mean that just for this season because otherwise it's such character violation. I don't mind angst as long as it makes sense. Break ups to make ups don't hold my attention, they annoy me.


I wonder if it's just a figure of speech considering they are both together and apart during the first few eps this season. Maybe it won't be an on-going thing, just something to temper expectations for them this season?

Not that I've watched it several times or anything, but in that graveyard scene there are like, five people standing around and shining a flashlight on a headstone. What in the actual hell?

Jinkies! Sounds like a mystery, just in time for Halloween.

If Ray is meant to be the male Felicity, I can't imagine that he maliciously schemed to use Felicity. But if he turned out to be the male version of Felicity + sneaky people skills, I'd be on board. Imagine if Felicity had planned ahead before she confronted Moira over Thea's parentage. Maybe that's Ray.

Yeah I watched the video, not sure why but people have already started labeling Ray as using Felicity based on that quick clip.  I really couldn't hear what she said in answer to Oliver's question about how did he get into our computers.  


It seems very odd that the EPs would play up Ray/Felicity romance and LI and then have Ray's first action be to use/lie to/manipulate Felicity.


Felicity answered that Ray, probably, got in the QC servers via Remote Administration Tool. It's that fun little tool that allows another to "take control" of a system that they have no physical access to. It's weird watching a mouse pointer move and click programs totally without even touching your own keyboards. It is legal to use said tool, with consent, though something tells me Palmer did so in the less than legal manner. I don't think he's the one who hacked into the QC servers via RAT, however. I have a feeling he might've tricked Felicity into doing it for him, in the guise of asking for tech support, during their first meeting at QC's version of Buy More.


Well, Ray Palmer sure is a confident dude. But I kinda felt like he was trying too hard to come off as charming? Also, BTW, him repeatedly using text speak was a bit much. He's so down with the lingo, y'all! It's like they wanted to show how quirky and cool Palmer is. But that gadget on his belt looked pretty cool, though.


ETA: Or what @apinknightmare said. :)

Edited by SleepDeprived

I wonder if Felicity maybe unknowingly sold Ray the remote administrator tool he needed to hack into QC's computers (since they meet at Buy More first), and/or explained to him how to do it?

That would make sense. More so than Ray showing up at Buy More and manipulating Felicity or playing her to gain access to QC. If he showed up and asked how would one do this or asked if they sold it I could see her being pissed but it wouldn't be so horrible.

I'd actually prefer if he went to Buy More just to get the tech not knowing who Felicity was in relation to QC. Then sees her at the meeting and tries to figure out why someone so tech savvy would be an EA and takes an interest from there.

I don't like the idea that he sought her out just to screw her over

  • Love 2

I like your idea, @Morrigan2575. I hope that ends up being what happens. We'll find out in less than 7 hours (well, earlier for you folks in the East Coast).




I am now wondering if the hospital hallway kiss is actually real or a fleeting side effect of the Vertigo 2.0 drug because of this picture. Perhaps, the real, actual kiss has not been spoiled yet and occurs earlier. And this is Oliver imagining what he's giving up by choosing to be the Arrow rather than trying to be Oliver Queen, as well. After such a fun, hopeful ending to the Flash last night, looks like we'll end Arrow by going straight back into Angst City. I'm going to need more than one pint of mint chip.

  • Love 1

I am now wondering if the hospital hallway kiss is actually real or a fleeting side effect of the Vertigo 2.0 drug because of this picture. Perhaps, the real, actual kiss has not been spoiled yet and occurs earlier. And this is Oliver imagining what he's giving up by choosing to be the Arrow rather than trying to be Oliver Queen,


Yeah, his hand placement in that pic makes me think the real kiss happens at another time, and that one's either a side-effect or his imagination.

Well, Andrew Kreisberg did say she was a lawyer with a cool jacket... figured we'd see it eventually. I'm going to hold judgement on Ted Grant until I see him, but I wish they would have cast someone buffer. I mean, isn't he supposed to be able to go one-on-one with Oliver? Guess it doesn't really matter, I just hope the actor is good.

  • Love 1

Well, Andrew Kreisberg did say she was a lawyer with a cool jacket... figured we'd see it eventually. I'm going to hold judgement on Ted Grant until I see him, but I wish they would have cast someone buffer. I mean, isn't he supposed to be able to go one-on-one with Oliver? Guess it doesn't really matter, I just hope the actor is good.


I think we'll probably see the jacket tonight, too. And yeah, he doesn't look like he could hold his own in a fight.

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