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In a comic book sense, it would only work if the sonic device Sara uses exploded and the resulting energy surge gave Laurel powers, but here they will most likely give the device to Laurel after...something happens to Sara.

:( Even the thought of this makes me sad. 


I hope they don't give Laurel the canary cry. I don't think it would translate well on screen (the canary cry in smallville was stupid imo) and I don't want Sara to die or have anything happen to her. I really love how this show is 'grounded'. I don't want to see them change that so they can give Laurel something that makes her more relevant to the plot or whatever. 

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I was starting to wonder if Laurel became BC by receiving some sort of meta-human power (somehow more believable now that the show is linking to The Flash) but I don't know whether to be relieved that they're going to remain a grounded show in s3 or annoyed that they've disproved another one of my theories for how Laurel 'plausibly' becomes BC. Damn.

Getting the Canary cry isn't going to make Laurel a master martial artist, so I don't see how that's going to make her the BC. The BC is one of the best martial artists in the DC verse, her sonic scream has nothing to do with that. Plus the scream isn't really that great of power imo and it looks stupid in live action. I liked what Arrow did with it and just made it a sonic device that Sara uses sometimes.

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Aren't superpowers only introduced via particle accelerator? How is it possible for Laurel to get powers? Also Arrow EPs said Arrow would stay pretty super-power free. Although I guess that begs the question on what hell The Atom is doing lol. 

That's what I was thinking! Then again, there's probably a reason why Ray is only on Arrow for 16-18 episodes. I think that they'll pull a Barry, have him get his super powers by the end of his run so we won't see it on the show. Then maybe he'll go to Flash? Or they'll try to make a new show out of it? IDK

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Becoming tiny through a machine is not very grounded lol. 

That's what I was thinking! Then again, there's probably a reason why Ray is only on Arrow for 16-18 episodes. I think that they'll pull a Barry, have him get his super powers by the end of his run so we won't see it on the show. Then maybe he'll go to Flash? Or they'll try to make a new show out of it? IDK

Yeah maybe as soon as gets superpowers he'll go to Flash, but then why would they introduce him on Arrow to begin with? Just to have the love triangle lol I guess? And yeah I was thinking that maybe  that if the character was popular he could get his own show but with the influx of superhero shows at the moment, that might be toomany onthe CW. Weren't they initially not even going to use The Atom but Blue Beetle? He is a lot more adaptable to Arrow's "grounded" setting. 

Edited by ban1o
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Yeah maybe as soon as gets superpowers he'll go to Flash, but then why would they introduce him on Arrow to begin with? Just to have the love triangle lol I guess? And yeah I was thinking that maybe  that if the character was popular he could get his own show but with the influx of superhero shows at the moment, that might be toomany onthe CW. Weren't they initially not even going to use The Atom but Blue Beetle? He is a lot more adaptable to Arrow's "grounded" setting. 

I honestly feel Ray was always meant to be a plot device, someone who's there to just cause trouble like Daniel in Chuck. Plus, I think Arrow already has too many heroes. Keeping Daniel would just dilute Oliver's abilities. This is also another reason why I don't want Laurel to become BC (I mean there's already Oliver, Roy, possibly Thea who's coming along, Sara). But okay. 

I think they were planning to use Ted Kord, hence all the references to him in the first two seasons.  But I've heard DC said "no but here,  have Ray Palmer instead."



I honestly feel Ray was always meant to be a plot device, someone who's there to just cause trouble like Daniel in Chuck.

Poor Brandon Routh, destined to be a plot device and a stall ship.  


He'll get a superhero suit and be the catalyst for Oliver to change into CEO by day, Arrow by night and relationship-attempter but Ray will probably be gone before it's time for shrinking.  I can see a Suicide Squad or Birds of Prey spin-off before I can see one for The Atom.


In this picture of SA and GG watching the fight being worked out, they're standing almost exactly identically.  Must be the superhero stance.

Edited by statsgirl

I think they were planning to use Ted Kord, hence all the references to him in the first two seasons.  But I've heard DC said "no but here,  have Ray Palmer instead."

Yeah that's what the EP's said at comic-con. Ted Kord/Blue Beetle is kinda like Iron Man so would have been more adaptable to a grounded setting. I


I don't think Ray Palmer is just a plot device though. Brandon Routh said he is suiting up and that they'll be a Ray Palmer-centric episode and he'll get flashbacks and stuff.  

Edited by ban1o

I wasn't implying that he'd become tiny through a machine, but they'd adapt his character to be more applicable to this universe by using some kind of machine or the like, kind of like Sara's sonic device in lieu of the canary cry.

mm interesting. Like de-powering a superpower. I do wonder how you can de-power changing size? Maybe he'll create a robot that changes size? 

mm interesting. Like de-powering a superpower. I do wonder how you can de-power changing size? Maybe he'll create a robot that changes size?

I mean, they can't really have canon Atom on a show that's trying to be grounded in reality, so I just figured they'd tweak his powers. Not quite sure how they'd do it though.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I see that title and all i see is Batman (and the awful animation of the series)

I loved the animated Brave and the Bold once I figured out the whole thing was supposed to be a huge campy joke. Suddenly it went from the worst thing I'd ever watched to hilarious and clever. :)

Not sure how they'd do it though

Maybe Ray doesn't wear the suit to shrink himself but to control some kind of external nano tech? Edited by BkWurm1

The Atom had more powers than shrinking, I made a post awhile back with all things he could do and how to make them realistic.

He could use the suit to alter his mass making him stronger - hitting, lifting, etc

He could use the suit to alter his mass making him lighter - in the comics that allowed him to fly but on the show they could go with jumping, falling from heights without much damage

He could use his suit to travel through electronic devices - in the show he could use the suit to communicate/control devices.

He could use his suit to shift dimensions and disappear - tricky but in the show he could shift suit colors like a chameleon to be covert (might be too sci-fi)

All of these can easily be done in the show and fit the "grounded" version of reality. They could probably add some weapons too, I would be surprised if they didn't. Remember Atom isn't a Meta in the comics his suit is powered by "science", a white dwarf star.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I really hope they don't devote too much time to Ray becoming The Atom. I haven't been too impressed with the origins they have shown so far (Slade's took a dive, Ravager was almost laughable). The only origin story I care about is Green Arrow's. I have to care about Black Canary's because it was already a part of the show. I would just prefer the heroes and villains to already be formed.

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I just watched that 6 minute itunes preview. Boy does he talk fast! I was disappointed to see Moira impaled again. I wish they'd stop showing that; It's getting kind of gratuitous. I'm gonna have to start a drinking game for every time they show it on the 'previously'.


I don't know anything about 'Atom' bar what I've read here. I hope they don't make him shrink for the duration of  his appearance' Arrow'. I don't think they could do it without the viewers laughing and thinking of "Honey, I Shrunk (shrank?) the Kids." - so let him stick with researching nanotech as someone suggested (though the altering his mass with the suit sounds cool) . It's so odd that the supernatural stuff is what puts me off. I can handle costumes, but not magical mirakuru (or meteor rocks). I wanna see more non-superpowered fights and realistic enemies.


Is there any spoiler about the intro this year: "My name is Oliver Queen...."?


So far all these spoilers don't bode well for season 3's ostensible intimacy.  I actually needed a really long hiatus because last half of season 2 was a real let-down for me and a lot of my disgust has faded over time.

Edited by insubordination
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So far all these spoilers don't bode well for season 3's ostensible intimacy. I actually needed a really long hiatus because last half of season 2 was a real let-down for me and a lot of my disgust has faded over time.

This so much. As you can tell from my username, I was really meh about the season 2 finale but the hiatus has given me time to mellow about what irritated and confounded me during the second half of season 2.

I think intimacy is pretty much out of the window. Maybe they meant we'd get more intimate with our favourite characters and get to know them better. I hope.

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Based on something that just happened in the 2.5 comics, @Sleepdeprived has a great idea that I thought should also go over here, with the slight change that @sleepdeprived implied that this would be Oliver's decision alone, and I am, based on absolutely nothing, calling it a mutual decision: 


Oliver and Felicity both agree that this is something they want - but if they start to date, because of Felicity's past actions (brought up in the 2.5 comics), he'll be IDed as the Arrow, putting both of them in more danger. And they realize that if they start dating in private, they won't be able to hold back in public. If this is combined with deep distrust of Ray Palmer and not wanting to let him in on the secret, that makes even more sense.  And of course, Felicity won't be able to tell Ray why she can't date him - and might even decide to go out to dinner with him just as camouflage. 

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I actually have a problem with this.  If both Oliver/Felicity decide that they want to be together and both Oliver/Felicity decide they can't be together but only Felicity moves on Barry/Ray whatever while Oliver pines away it's going to reflect badly on Felicity,  IMO.  


I'd prefer they didn't go that route, so either Felicity doesn't move onto Ray and he's not really a Love Interest or Oliver makes the call and Felicity decides she's not the kind wait around until he gets his act together.

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I'm not sold on this Ray fellow yet. He just seems like a for-plot-purposes character and I'm not particularly interested in having another hero on the show (check BC for the same problem). I really wish they would stop with the origin stories for these characters because it's Arrow's show.

I reserve judgment of him till I see him.

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I think Oliver (for whatever reasons happen with Vertigo or some other unseen force) is going to decide that he doesn't want to put Felicity at risk by being in a relationship with her (even though we all know she's already at risk, yadda yadda, which is really just a subconscious self-preservation maneuver IMO), so he's going to remove himself as a possibility for her, and I think Felicity will tell him that she's not going to wait. That's the only way that Felicity moving on makes sense to me at the moment. Unless she mentions something along the lines of maybe not wanting to get her heart broken since his relationship track record is iffy, and the "one woman" thing for Oliver this year is an offshoot of that. But probably not, because Felicity's never been one to hold Oliver's past mistakes against him, and she's always pushing for him to be better, so I don't think his past will come into play.


Simplest thing is that he decides not to pursue it, and she accepts that, because there are other fish in the sea (named Ray Palmer, ugh).

Edited by apinknightmare
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Wow is anyone else bored of Ray already? Man, I hate love triangles and this show doesn't have the best track record with love triangles. I know Ray is just a foil but I'm dreading it already.


If Oliver is the one to break things off though (and I think he will be, it's what he always does) why did the EP's say we'd be sympathetic to both of them?



Is there any spoiler about the intro this year: "My name is Oliver Queen...."?



In the 2.5 comic it seems to be "My name is Oliver Queen, after 5 years in hell, I returned home with only one goal, to save my city... and I did. (flash of him defeating Slade) That battle may be over but there will be others. To protect my friends, my family...my home I must continue to be someone else. I must be something else."


Peviously on Arrow...



I think intimacy is pretty much out of the window. Maybe they meant we'd get more intimate with our favourite characters and get to know them better. I hope.


I think by intimate the EP's obviously meant we get to know the characters better not that Oliver and Felicity will be intimate or something lol.

Edited by ban1o
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Wow is anyone else bored of Ray already? Man, I hate love triangles and this show doesn't have the best track record with love triangles. I know Ray is just a foil but I'm dreading it already.


I think Felicity needs a real love interest (sorry Barry) who isn't Oliver, so I'm kind of glad that they're bringing Ray in. I'm not sure how I'll end up feeling about Ray though, it depends on how they use him. 



I think by intimate the EP's obviously meant we get to know the characters better not that Oliver and Felicity will be intimate or something lol.


By intimate, I thought that SA meant more of a focus on a smaller Arrow Cave (ie: Oliver, Diggle, Felicity), that doesn't really seem like the case anymore though.

Edited by drspaceman10
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Yeah the first half of the season seems to be focusing on  the main characters and Team Arrow but it willl probably dissolve once Ra's Al Guhl plans are revealed lol. Hopefully Ra's motivations make sense. 


By intimate, I thought that SA meant more of a focus on a smaller Arrow Cave (ie: Oliver, Diggle, Felicity), that doesn't really seem like the case anymore though.

Well the EP's did say there will be a greater focus on Team Arrow. and Felicity and Diggle are getting character centric epidoes earlier in the  season. What leads you to believe that this isn't the case anymore (Just curious :))

Edited by ban1o
By intimate, I thought that SA meant more of a focus on a smaller Arrow Cave (ie: Oliver, Diggle, Felicity), that doesn't really seem like the case anymore though.

I thought that's what he meant too.  But like the line 'it's time we got back to the three of us', no sooner do they decide to focus on the main three of Team Arrow than they start throwing in all the other characters too.


Since most of us identify the "I can't be with Felicity because it would put her in danger" line as ridiculous, I'm hoping the writers can see it too, and that if means Oliver feels that he can't be with someone he cares about because it takes away his Arrow-edge whereas it's okay to have ONSs with people like Isabel. 


Then he can learn through the season that other people can make heroism and famiy work, Diggle with Lyla and baby, Ray dating Felicity while still setting up to be a superhero and that he doesn't have to give up one to get the other.

Well the EP's did say there will be a greater focus on Team Arrow. and Felicity and Diggle are getting character centric epidoes earlier in the  season. What leads you to believe that this isn't the case anymore (Just curious :))


I think because there are so many characters (Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Roy, Ray, Thea, Malcolm, Laurel, Ted, Sara, Quentin, Nyssa, Ra's, Lyla, flashback people, etc.) and they all seem to have individual storylines. To me it feels like there won't be enough time (like in 2B) to focus on a more intimate Team Arrow. I guess we won't really know until the episodes start airing though, hurry up October 8th :)

I think Ray's storyline could also be good for Oliver in terms of QC/what he wants out of life.  Right now, it seems like he only wants QC because it's his family's company. But what does he really want to do?  It sounds like Ray wants to be a scientist/businessman/vigilante because he's chosen to be all of those. 


Oliver's only fallen into being a vigilante because of his father and then Tommy, it's not something that he would have chosen for himself. Nor does he seem to want to be a businessman, given Felicity's question if he even remembers where his other suit is. So what does Oliver Queen really want for his life, for himself?  Maybe seeing Ray can help him figure it out.

Edited by statsgirl
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Well  all tv shows and movies have a lot of supporting characters. Like the new tv show Gotham has a huge cast.  I don't know how much people like Lyla and Ted will be in it. Nyssa is tied with Sara and Ra's and I don't know how much of a storyline Quentin will have besides being like the Jim Gordon of the arrow universe. 

Edited by ban1o

I think Felicity needs a real love interest (sorry Barry) who isn't Oliver, so I'm kind of glad that they're bringing Ray in. I'm not sure how I'll end up feeling about Ray though, it depends on how they use him. 


If we must have a love interest then yeah. Agreed. He needs to be better than Barry. I'm sorry but Barry looked like a sixteen year old lol. 


I don't mind Felicity getting a LI but my worry comes more from my lack of trust in the writers to handle it properly. The s1 love triangle between L/O/T was terrible and no one really came out of that looking good, IMO. Apart from Tommy I guess. I just don't want the same to happen. This Ray thing needs to be handled correctly. 

I thought the EPs also said 3x03 (Corto Maltese) is supposed to be a Diggle-centric episode, so I wonder how that combines with Thea flashbacks?

yeah they did. I`m kinda confused by that as well lol. I think Oliver, Diggle and Roy go to Corto Maltese looking for Thea. I don`t think she has that many flashbacks though besides the limo conversation (I could be wrong) I know Deadshot is in that episode and in season 1 Oliver said Deadshot operated in Corto Maltese so that probably has something to do with it. 

Edited by ban1o

I hope they use Ray as more than a romantic rival. I'm genuinely interested in what he's trying to do in Starling. We don't have Moira's perspective to glimpse the screwed up system and social structure of Starling from the top anymore.

I really hope that between Ra's and Ray and even Laurel, Starling itself has a strong personality. A sh*t ton of insanity has happened there so there's a perfect opportunity to refortify some of the "world-building" of the city. If Starling were real, the residents would be under study by sociologists and anthropologists at this point.

I'm interested in the new way the public perceives the Arrow, but I hope more than that changes. Starling could be redefined this season alongside the characters.

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