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Just now, apinknightmare said:

That's where most of the birds hang out?


Okay, so I know it's probably because they have a 'cool' stunt planned where Oliver is kidnapped at the statue unveiling ceremony but seriously...they literally put her in the one place where she's guaranteed to get shit on. *shakes head*

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

.they literally put her in the one place where she's guaranteed to get shit on. *shakes head*

I... hope that's *exactly* why they put it there. :p

I suppose it's too much to ask that it gets knocked into the ocean by the end of the episode.

Edited by lemotomato
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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

I suppose it's too much to ask that it gets knocked into the ocean by the end of the episode.

I think so, yes. That's their place of worship now. I'm picturing weekly visits to stare at her and wonder WWLD?

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1 hour ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Shallow points: 1. Thea, where are you pants? My sister is senior staff in a mayor's office and she wears pants regularly.

I suppose she's so busy running the city she forgot them that morning. So far, it's Oliver, Thea and Lance at the unveiling. There was a video of PB and WH at that location with her in the same outfit during the filming of the first episodes. Do the nOObs show up as well?

57 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I... hope that's *exactly* why they put it there. :p

I suppose it's too much to ask that it gets knocked into the ocean by the end of the episode.

I'm not counting on it in the premiere, but I'm expecting it before the end of the season.

That's... kinda shitty of Thea to just leave Oliver hanging there given how many times he's come to her rescue. If this results in either a) Oliver killing those guyss in a pilot call back, or b) him being rescued by incompetent Artemis and Wild Dog, I will not look at Thea kindly.

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At least now we know Oliver's only gonna remember what Laurel said in her not-death bed that oops, turned out to be her death bed, because he's gonna look at the statue, make his involuntary constipated face, boom, cut to flashbacks. No way he'd remember without the statue.

Edited by dtissagirl
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The statue does not look better on film.  But the way she is holding that stick reminds me of the first second time we saw LL/BC "suited" up, the way she was holding Sara's bo staff while walking. And then I just laugh.

But Diggle looks good. Too bad the scruff is already gone :( 


I do think the statue will survive the first episode. Dealing with LL's death is kinda Quentin's storyline this season and I don't expect him to be okay with it after 1 episode. Maybe he get's some flashbacks this year, maybe he will have a moment at the end of this arc...alone with the statue. Telling her / it / us that he is ready to move on? 

Edited by Lily-n11
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As well as forgetting her pants, Thea sounds like she's kind of fed up with Oliver after working with him in the mayor's office.  "Oliver can take care of himself", let's go get a drink.

14 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

At least now we know Oliver's only gonna remember what Laurel said in her not-death bed that oops, turned out to be her death bed, because he's gonna look at the statue, make his involuntary constipated face, boom, cut to flashbacks. No way he'd remember without the statue.

But dontcha know that her last words are going to be what convinces him to get a new team?  Felicity argued with him that he can't do it alone but it will be Laurel's last words that make the difference.

The location of the statue keeps making me think of the expression, a long walk off a short pier.

8 hours ago, bijoux said:

I was watching this ridiculous video about photoshopping a guy to fit different countries' standards of the perfect male body and this made me laugh so much. Look, it's BratvaOliver's secret twin. It's at about 3:25. Or the third dude from the left in the screencap. It's the hair that seals the deal.

They must have been watching the video when they created the wig.

(I was watching the long distance runners at the Olympics and compared to DR and even SA, their arms are like matchsticks.)

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

I suppose she's so busy running the city she forgot them that morning. So far, it's Oliver, Thea and Lance at the unveiling. There was a video of PB and WH at that location with her in the same outfit during the filming of the first episodes. Do the nOObs show up as well?

They are not in 501

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Seeing the statue onscreen makes it even more ridiculous, especially if Oliver is the one responsible for this tribute.

If he is ever outed as the Green Arrow or if any other team members (also his family and friends) are outed, then erecting this huge golden statue will be in very bad taste for even more reasons. Does Oliver think this is what he, Thea, Felicity, Diggle, and others deserve?  He is modeling for the public how to perceive these masked heroes with the appropriate amount of awe and reverence, right? 

This silly statue could call into question these heroes' motivation--is it simply for the glory?--if the public ever finds out that one of the heroes was responsible for championing the statue in any way, but especially as a mayoral act.

(I don't think the writers would ever explore those implications, but better writers would.) 

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29 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

 Thea sounds like she's kind of fed up with Oliver after working with him in the mayor's office.  "Oliver can take care of himself", let's go get a drink.

I couldn't figure out her tone - it didn't actually seem "I'm not worried because I trust he'll do it", but I think you got it. She sounded more annoyed than confident.

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1 minute ago, EmeraldArcher said:

If he is ever outed as the Green Arrow or if any other team members (also his family and friends) are outed, then erecting this huge golden statue will be in very bad taste for even more reasons. Does Oliver think this is what he, Thea, Felicity, Diggle, and others deserve?  He is modeling for the public how to perceive these masked heroes with the appropriate amount of awe and reverence, right? 

This silly statue could call into question these heroes' motivation--is it simply for the glory?--if the public ever finds out that one of the heroes was responsible for championing the statue in any way, but especially as a mayoral act.

Dinah Laurel Lance, messing things up even after she died.

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That Laurel statue is scarier than the Weeping Angels on Doctor Who.  

BC was a hero for one year and was killed. You'd think that statue would be showing the dangers of putting on a costume and fighting crime with no training. 

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10 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

BC was a hero for one year and was killed. You'd think that statue would be showing the dangers of putting on a costume and fighting crime with no training. 

Laurel's getting credit for Sara's run as the Canary/Woman in Black (I think they called her) too, because I'm not entirely sure the citizens of Star City know they're two different people. 

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Mention of woods and shovel has the Supernatural fan in me asking if they're digging a grave.

HA!! I had the same thought. I thought just call the Winchesters, Oliver , and they'll show you how to do it whilst drinking beer.

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Taking this tweet and its timing into consideration, it seems likely that it will be a shirtless GA doing some yard work in the woods. Does he get made? Carly Pope did tweet about this episode. Frankly, I think more than enough people are in the know about GA's identity.

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Looking at his tweet again, I'm sure you're right. I guess I imagined "& I" somewhere in there. I still think it's connected to the fan photo somehow. It's shirtless Wild Dog with a shovel, and GA.

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On 23/08/2016 at 10:11 PM, dtissagirl said:

I remember being distracted by how bad the directing and editing was in that episode. Like wasn't there a rando shaky camera out of nowhere? And the POVs couldn't decide if they were being shot from Oliver's pov or dead Laurel's pov.

I remember this as irritating me most (along with the retconning of Laurel as the very best of the best, she's their inspiration, yada yada). This is what I said back in April:

On 28/04/2016 at 7:40 PM, arjumand said:

Except how can it be Oliver's flashback, when we're seeing Laurel, on her own in her apartment (having apparently photographed her own memorial statue at some point), doing stuff which Oliver could not have known, cos he was halfway to China at that point? Was he imagining it? He has a very vivid imagination ("Dig if you will the picture, of you and me engaged in a- in an incredibly awkward break-up. At least it doesn't involve boats sinking and kid sisters this time"). He's also really conceited - "So she reads the letter, and she cries and cries and cries. Yes, of course."

Also, I'm apparently psychic, or their storytelling devices are incredibly transparent:

On 28/04/2016 at 7:40 PM, arjumand said:

I'm probably in the minority, but I found Teen Canary to be pointless and I don't want to see her again. Which probably means she'll be in the team next season. Ugh.

Why did I have to be right about that? WHY? When she bites it (oh please, oh please), will we have to listen to all the characters say how awesome she was and watch a lot of retconned flashbacks?

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Let's hope the flashback was from Laurel's POV, even though she was dead.  At least it explains the retcon then.

In addition to the problems EmeraldArcher put together about Laurel's statue, how are the people she put in jail as ADA going to feel when they not only hear about how she broke the law as a vigilante but see that there is a stature in her honour for doing so?

If it's shirtless Wild Dog, then who had the fever?

I am an admirer of male beauty but shirtlessness is not enough to make me watch this season if the writing is an uninteresting or awful (Felicity's boyfriend) as it seems to be..  #StillLookingForAReason

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15 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I wonder if the Green Arrow runs around Star City with his iPhone tucked into his pants. 

I'm sure he does. And he doesn't even keep it on the front - Felicity immediately thought she was being butt-dialed in 215, so I imagine that happens often. :D

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Here's my cynical interpretation of all the shirtless pics/references (Oliver, Wild Dog, Diggle)...

They targeted the perceived 'male demo' with all the spoilers about back to basics, gritty streetfighting, villains and mean Oliver.  Now they're targeting the perceived 'female demo' with shirtless guy teases, since there's nothing happening on the Olicity front - and of course, women only watch Arrow for the romance and hot guys (heavy sarcasm + eye roll).

Edited by tv echo
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But all the shirtlessness talk is coming from the actors, it's not official promo stuff. If Chico released new shirtless dude posters like they did in S2, then it'd be demo targeted beefcake-ing. This imo is just actors being actors. Appearing shirtless in hi-def is ~a big thing~, it takes prepping because they have to work out extra for it, so they like to talk about it.

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6 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

But all the shirtlessness talk is coming from the actors, it's not official promo stuff. If Chico released new shirtless dude posters like they did in S2, then it'd be demo targeted beefcake-ing. This imo is just actors being actors. Appearing shirtless in hi-def is ~a big thing~, it takes prepping because they have to work out extra for it, so they like to talk about it.

I was gonna say - SA tweeted about someone else being shirtless, not himself. And DR tweeted about it because he knows that's what his followers (or at least some of them) are looking for. And bless him for it, IMO! I mean, I'm certainly not watching for action where the stunt coordinator can't even be bothered to fake a good punch when he's directing an episode, haha. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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SA is almost producer-level and we know he talks to the EPs a lot.  Who knows? Maybe DR was encouraged to post his shirtless pics.  And what about the so-called "S5 poster"? ...

And if we're going back to S1 basics, I'm sure the EPs haven't forgotten the impact of shirtless Oliver back then...

David Rapaport:The Vampire Diaries was on the air already, so we were sold as a three-hander between Stephen, Katie Cassidy, and Colin Donnell — a tripod if you will. That’s how we cast it and then the posters came out and Stephen was shirtless. First of all, we never saw him without his shirt on; I knew he was a physical guy, but I’d never seen him do stunts or anything like that and all of a sudden in the pilot, he’s doing his own stunts. He became famous for being shirtless. The poster was him shirtless and none of the other actors were on the poster, and as talented and amazing as they were, it became clear the show was about ‘The Arrow,’ so that really changed the concept for us because initially I saw it as more of an ensemble and cast it that way.”

Greg Berlanti: "The thing I'll say is, then the show goes to get advertised and stuff, and they have him shirtless on everywhere that you can see. We did not see him without his shirt in any of the audition process, so he got it because he was a great actor. - (general laughter and applause) - That's why he got the job. He got the job because he's an incredible actor and we, um, and we felt really lucky and blessed to have him. And then in the shooting process, early on in the rehearsal process, David [Nutter] had him doing all sorts of things and we got this video sent to us of what I thought was the stunt person doing stuff, and I was like, 'well, the stunt guy's really ripped,' you know, like 'wow... why is someone sending me this video?' And David said, 'no, that's Stephen.'  And thus, the salmon ladder was born... That was a discovery for us."

Edited by tv echo
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2 minutes ago, tv echo said:

And if we're going back to S1 basics, I'm sure the EPs haven't forgotten the impact of shirtless Oliver back then...

Yes, but you're implying this is some kind of new tactic to distract the female audience from the fact that there isn't any romance when it is literally a thing they've been doing since the beginning of the show. It's nice to look at, and a physique that some people in the audience aspire to. It works all around, which is probably why they continue to do shirtless stuff on the show/in the advertising. 

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It can be both an old tactic and a new tactic - it can serve multiple purposes. 

Look, I don't expect anyone to agree with me - it's just what I think. 

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Well. Every single actor under contract with the CW who's in the possession of a six-pack is heavily encouraged to show it off. It's been part of their overall business strategy for ages. They even do that hilarious thing that if/when their lead actor lose their six pack for whatever reason, they hire ripped actors to play secondary characters and keep up the shirtless scenes.

I just can't see it as the Arrow actors specifically now going, "omg, there's no romance, so we need to be shirtless on social media or the dames will leave our audience". That's way too conspiracy theory for me, sorry.

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I just can't see it as the Arrow actors specifically now going, "omg, there's no romance, so we need to be shirtless on social media or the dames will leave our audience". That's way too conspiracy theory for me, sorry.

I would very much like SA, DR, and TPTB at The CW to use the term "dames" though.

Edited by apinknightmare
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