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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Question, didn't they do the same thing around mid-season?  I have this vague memory of people complaining about an episode that should have been mostly Felicity/Noah dealing more with Thea/Malcolm

That would be 4x13. I hope tonight's episode turns out better than that one because they've been interviewing Tom Amandes, whereas the promo for 4x13 was nonexistent/didn't mention Papa Smoak much

Edited by lemotomato
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Yeah, I really hope they focus more on Felicity/Noah storyline rather than Thea/Malcolm this time around - it is about saving the world after all.  Thea is relatively safe being in the dome with Malcolm, so it should be on the back burner this time.

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I hope this is the reverse of that. By the way, is it written by new writers? I know Speed Weed came this season and already wrote at least one (don't remember precisely), what about the other?

Edited by looptab
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Just now, looptab said:

I hope this is the reverse of that. By the way, is it written by new writers? I know Speed Weed came this season and already wrote at least one (don't remember precisely), what about the other?

Yep, can't find anything on the other, but Speed co-wrote 403, 407, and 412, so I'm actually pretty confident in him to an extent.

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The last sneak peek brings me so much joy. Oliver, Felicity, Dig and Lyla working together. She can do it, she's the best. It's embarassing, but I totally squeed. I wonder what Oliver wants to talk to Dig about privately. It's got to be Andy, doesn't it?

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I really love the dynamics of Team Arrow being Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, and Lyla - such an awesome team!  Lyla really fits in seamlessly with OTA.

Edited by ComicFan777
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I've read the interviews. One, this confirms that Cooper was totally a Noah replacement for Felicity:


Access: For sure. … I'm curious where his selfishness comes from. Did you explore that a little bit yourself?
 Well, I think there'll be some things that come out that explains some of that. But I think also, he was a disaffected protester back in the day, who’s seen his ideas of the coming revolution crushed under the weight of the reaction to it, and he's had to kind of go underground and because of that, he's had to give up a lot of stuff, including his – the relationship with his daughter.

Two, I don't really get this part. Is he implying that Felicity is working with Noah? When has anyone tiptoed around who Felicity was working for? It's got to be a typo and it should be Noah instead, right?


Access: So, tell me about this heart-to-heart Noah and Oliver are going to have -- that should be interesting. What was that like filming with Mr. Amell?
Well I mean, for so long we've sort of tiptoed around who’s Felicity actually working for, and again, I'm trying to be discreet here. Stephen is wonderful, and these scenes are fraught because the clock is ticking very loudly, but I think that we both have a certain mutual understanding that we either work together or there may not be anything left to work for.


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5 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Two, I don't really get this part. Is he implying that Felicity is working with Noah?

He's saying that Noah doesn't know Oliver is the Arrow. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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4 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Two, I don't really get this part. Is he implying that Felicity is working with Noah? When has anyone tiptoed around who Felicity was working for? It's got to be a typo and it should be Noah instead, right?

I think he's referring to Noah knowing that Felicity is Overwatch, and that she possibly works for Green Arrow, but he doesn't know GA is Oliver. It's interesting because in the promo stills, it looks like Noah's scenes are with Oliver as GA, not as himself.

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

I'm just staring at Oliver. Is that a hop? Did he almost trip?

I think it's a hop. Which is fitting, because he seems to be in his focused mode. Lyla Effing Michaels is all this is above all our pay grades and he, let's do it! I love it.

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3 minutes ago, looptab said:

That dialogue tease sounds like Thea, to Malcolm.

Or possibly to Anarky. But it definitely sounds like Thea. And nobody else should have anyone showing up, really? Felicity is looking for Noah.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

Isabel is turning in a shallow grave somewhere. Her skirts are not that short?!


It amuses me that Lyla an Oliver are dressed the same...must be Argus' influence.

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3 hours ago, Angel12d said:

I feel like there has been an underlying theme of Thea maybe going to the dark side. It could be explained by the bloodlust but then there was that whole weird thing with Anarky where he thought they were in tune or similar people or whatever. Honestly, I expected Thea to go dark in s3 so it wouldn't surprise me. I don't know if 3 episodes is enough time for that kind of revelation/change though. Haha what am I saying? This is Arrow.

The 3 episode margin would be a rehash of OQ becoming Al-sa-him and being evil for 3 eps, I could totally see the Arrowwriters craving that parallel.

I predict Evil Thea until the finale when she declares herself a Queen again. However, I do not see MM dying this season. I do wonder if he daughter disowns him in the finale if that will help motivate whatever plan the writers have for him for s5.

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Can we please put all of this in the spoilers only tag? I get wanting to post it in the discussion thread because this one gets more traffic, but it's easier access to put it in the spoilers only tag...

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5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Speed Weed co-wrote

403 - Restoration

407 - Brother Hood

412 - Unchained

422 - Monument Point

I noticed that Speed Weed also gets a producers credit on the show.   

4 hours ago, bijoux said:

Isabel is turning in a shallow grave somewhere. Her skirts are not that short?!


This is a heroes walk I can get get excited about.

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A reminder that if you want to talk about Flash stuff, your options are:

  • Mind Your Surroundings thread
  • Spoiler Discussion thread (to the extent that the Flash stuff is at least moderately related to Arrow).  
  • Flash forum

In all cases other than the Flash spoiler topic, Flash spoilers should be spoiler tagged. I suspect there aren't a ton of people who post in this thread who want to be spoiler free for Flash, but it's still the right thing to do.  

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Goddamn, that Kuttler's a charmer.

Her being canned is just dumb. Palmer either gave her the company or he didn't. If she owns it, they can't do jack shit to her. Man the business stuff on this show is nutbars.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I dont understand the grommets thing.

Holy crap this episode is like S1 all over again. It's the Merlyn Global job.

Look LL and Thea are gone and the stunt crews remember how to choreograph a fight for Oliver that kicks ass!

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

I dont understand the grommets thing.


Holy crap this episode is like S1 all over again. It's the Merlyn Global job

It really is. This is glorious!

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Just now, calliope1975 said:

My stream is crazy stuttery so I'm not getting the full effect, but I hope MF and SA have better chemistry in TMNT2 than they had in that commercial. Were they even in the same room?

Honestly, the trailer looked pretty fun from what I saw

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1 minute ago, calliope1975 said:

My stream is crazy stuttery so I'm not getting the full effect, but I hope MF and SA have better chemistry in TMNT2 than they had in that commercial. Were they even in the same room?

He's trying really hard, but I really do think she doesn't like him that much. 

To keep this on topic: I miss not having any flashbacks. Come back, absence of flashbacks. 

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