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I'm leaning towards it being Thea and Roy is just in jail. Also explains why Malcolm is on the jet in 320 (I'm assuming from set pics), otherwise why else would he be there if not for Thea? I can't think why they haven't cut him loose yet.

Maybe Malcolm is there cause for stupid reasons Oliver won't let him out of his sight etc etc. Knowing MG and this Show it could be Felicity that "dies" and Malcolm did it and for stupid Reasons Oliver didn't gut him like a fish

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After reading the 3x17 comic preview (which I can't post, unfortunately), seeing that Ra's is still trying to persuade Oliver to accept his offer, I totally think he's gonna off either Thea or Felicity and use the Lazarus Pit as leverage to finally sway Oliver into accepting. Like others, I think Thea is more likely, but surely he's got something in store for Felicity since he specifically mentioned Oliver loving a woman he couldn't have, but....who knows. Maybe he'll tell Ray to propose or find an Oliver clone and stage a fake makeout session for Felicity to walk in on and then I'll start calling him Ra'ssip Girl?!

ETA: with that interview EBR gave recently where she talked about what Felicity would be willing to sacrifice, any chance she sacrifices herself for Thea?

Edited by apinknightmare
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Colton being AWOL from the set is throwing me off, but I can see Oliver and Felicity having a super emotional scene on a jet in 320 if Thea is dead, and they're bringing her body to Nanda Parbat, and they both know Oliver will have to stay there in exchange for using the LP.

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After reading the 3x17 comic preview (which I can't post, unfortunately), seeing that Ra's is still trying to persuade Oliver to accept his offer, I totally think he's gonna off either Thea or Felicity and use the Lazarus Pit as leverage to finally sway Oliver into accepting. Like others, I think Thea is more likely, but surely he's got something in store for Felicity since he specifically mentioned Oliver loving a woman he couldn't have, but....who knows. Maybe he'll tell Ray to propose or find an Oliver clone and stage a fake makeout session for Felicity to walk in on and then I'll start calling him Ra'ssip Girl?!

ETA: with that interview EBR gave recently where she talked about what Felicity would be willing to sacrifice, any chance she sacrifices herself for Thea?

It's possible, she loves Oliver and knows Thea and her are very important to him

Colton being AWOL from the set is throwing me off, but I can see Oliver and Felicity having a super emotional scene on a jet in 320 if Thea is dead, and they're bringing her body to Nanda Parbat, and they both know Oliver will have to stay there in exchange for using the LP.

I can see this too.

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After reading the 3x17 comic preview (which I can't post, unfortunately), seeing that Ra's is still trying to persuade Oliver to accept his offer, I totally think he's gonna off either Thea or Felicity and use the Lazarus Pit as leverage to finally sway Oliver into accepting. Like others, I think Thea is more likely, but surely he's got something in store for Felicity since he specifically mentioned Oliver loving a woman he couldn't have, but....who knows. Maybe he'll tell Ray to propose or find an Oliver clone and stage a fake makeout session for Felicity to walk in on and then I'll start calling him Ra'ssip Girl?!

ETA: with that interview EBR gave recently where she talked about what Felicity would be willing to sacrifice, any chance she sacrifices herself for Thea?


It feels linked to Thea and/or Felicity because those were the two people Oliver was so sure of - that he would do anything to save his sister and that he loves Felicity. The emotional crux of him deciding to be Ra's has to lie with those two somehow. But as others have said, CH not being on set is throwing me. I keep going back and forth.


But I think Ra's has something planned for Felicity because he did mention the woman he loves and in the 317 promo it looked like Felicity was being spied on through a window. 

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CH not being on set could be one of 3 things that I can think of.

1. Roy dies permanently.

2. Roy thinks Thea is dead and,instead of hanging around to find out it's only temporary, takes off on his own. IIRC, he goes off on his own in the comics for some reason. Canon is fulfilled!

3. Roy goes to jail and is unable to go to Nanda Parbat.

If either 2 or 3 happens they could bring him back in S4 but I don't understand tweeting about real life emotions in scenes if the actors know they will be working together again even if it's a couple of months down the road.

Narratively speaking, #1 would be a big motivator for Thea donning a mask especially if he dies attempting to save her somehow.

Outside the narrative, all 3 could happen simply to remove Arsenal/Roy as Arrow's main fighting partner (and CH without a job) which leaves the position open for the new and improved BC starting with S4's premiere. It also allows WH (Speedy)to be the sidekick. Although Diggle has already been sidelined from a fight persective, if he and Felicity get big stories in S4, I wouldn't be shocked if they were gone by the end of S4. With everything else that has happened regarding LL (KC) in show I still think they are writing the GA/BC relationship as THE relationship in show even if it never goes romantic again.

Edited by Sunshine
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Doesn't Roy lose an arm in the comics? That would put him in the hospital and prevent him from going to Nanda Parbat with the rest of the team (explaining Colton's absence on the set) and it could put him out of the vigilante business, leaving the sidekick role open to Thea.

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And here’s something of a nugget, Diggle and Lyla’s wedding may not be the only ceremony we’ll see this season.


“It may not even be the only wedding you’ll see this year,” Guggenheim hints.



Say what? I don't like the sound of that. At all.

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That doesn't even make sense. What other wedding could there possibly be?

On the bright side, doesn't sound like Lyla's going anywhere anytime soon. I'm always slightly fearful for her, but I think they've got too much else going on right now.

Edited by Starfish35
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There should be no other wedding because no other couple on this show is remotely even in the right place to get married. WTF are they doing?!

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Maybe DR is trolling?


Well, that was MG but yeah. He easily could be because he gets off on that, clearly. Ugh. I'm gonna try and erase this from my brain because it's so dumb.

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Maybe Maseo and Tatsu get hitched again?

I can't imagine it would be Felicity and Ray. It wouldn't be Oliver and Felicity, haha. It wouldn't be Roy and Thea, unless they both lose their minds and elope in the next two eps. Maybe it's a fake wedding for some kind of bait and switch?

Laurel and Oliver for some kind of weird fanfic-y legal reason? Ahahahaha

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MG's comments in the ET article that just got posted makes me hate him so much. Good to know that he's just throwing in random moments to fuck with viewers. And the last comment about Diggle's wedding not being the only one this season? What a godawful trolly thing to say.

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So, who else might be getting married?


Deadshot in his flashbacks?

Deadshot and Cupid?

Diggle & Lyla the 1st time?

Andy Diggle & Carly?

Roy and Thea?

Oliver and Felicity on a plane with Ray officiating so they can't testify against each other? LOL!

Oliver and Laurel so they can't testify against each other? She does go far for him in 3.19.

MamaSmoak in Flashbacks?

Nyssa and the newly resurrected Sara?

Malcolm in flashbacks?

Maseo & Tatsu reuniting?

Lance & Dinah in flashbacks?

Ra's & Laurel?

Nyssa & Laurel?

MamaSmoak & Cap'n Lance? LOL! (I guess they should meet 1st)

Ray and Anna in his dreams?

Oliver and Cupid?

Ra's & Arrow?


Any other combinations?  Nope, not even considering the couple dating(?) on-screen.  If they go there for whatever reason I am done.  Until it happens I refuse to even be bothered by it.  (I'm more amused than anything at MG's trolling at the moment.)


ETA: Oliver & Nyssa because Ra's says so!

Edited by Sunshine
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Oooh. Wedding number two. It's GOT to be the Salmon Ladder and the Cosmic Treadmill, right before they rush off to join the Green Lanterns!!!!  Right?!?!


(I live in eternal hope.)

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How is DR trolling?

My mistake, I thought the quote about another ceremony was from DR. I scanned though it quickly - I didn't realize that quote was from MG.

Edited by Starfish35
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Say what? I don't like the sound of that. At all.


Unless it's a flashback, or Maseo and Tastu are getting remarried it makes no sense so....it'll definitely happen cos this is the season on ridiculousness on Arrow. 

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If it's Oliver and Laurel (so she can't testify against him) then at least all the "BC and GA were married in the comics!" people will finally STFU.

Is this what MG meant when he said Laurel will "go pretty far" to help Oliver?

Edited by lemotomato
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Is this what MG meant when he said Laurel will "go pretty far" to help Oliver?

That's what I was wondering, although it wouldn't make that much sense because Felicity by far has more legally damaging knowledge of what Oliver's done, so if anyone was going to get married for legal protection, I'd think it'd be them.

Haha, I can't believe this is actually being discussed.

And yet, I can.

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I wouldn't put it past these writers but why would Laurel and Oliver need to get married so she can't testify against him? What makes Laurel's testimony so important here? It feels like a real stretch.


I'm really looking forward to Thea/Felicity scenes. FINALLY! And glad to hear it won't be negative.


And can I just say I get a kick out of WH saying Thea and Felicity are the two people he loves the most? I know it's already established but I like it when more people confirm it. 

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I think Either it's a flashback wedding Or Oliver has to have a ceremony to become Ra's. Or perhaps the LOA has the LP be some kind of death ceremony something in betweeen a funeral and Christianing.

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I think Either it's a flashback wedding Or Oliver has to have a ceremony to become Ra's. Or perhaps the LOA has the LP be some kind of death ceremony something in betweeen a funeral and Christianing.

Oliver marries himself to the League! What a fancy ring that will be. The bouquet is a scimitar, although no one wants to catch it.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Just had to pop back in to say that is not AT ALL how spousal privilege works.  First, it does not retroactively cover anything prior to the marriage, and second, it does not cover actions, only confidences from spouse to spouse.  So Felicity or Laurel or whoever would still have to testify to whatever she saw him do (or take the Fifth, of course, as she's legally an accomplice at least to most of what he's done).  Guggie was supposedly a lawyer and should know this, but from the way all the law stuff has gone on this show he was either a terrible lawyer or simply doesn't care if it's even one iota accurate.

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I wonder what the reason behind the Thea/Felicity scenes and why the reason behind them is a spoiler. I mean, they're sitting next to each other at the wedding. And they kind of make it seem like they won't hit it off right away, and I wonder why.

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Didn't part of the Batman plot they are ripping off have R'as wanting Batman to marry and/or have a kid with Talia al Ghul?

Maybe that is where they are going with this but with Nyssa instead?

I really hope not, though. Like, really. Like now I want to bleach my brain out for even thinking of it.

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Didn't part of the Batman plot they are ripping off have R'as wanting Batman to marry and/or have a kid with Talia al Ghul?

Maybe that is where they are going with this but with Nyssa instead?

I really hope not, though. Like, really. Like now I want to bleach my brain out for even thinking of it.

That really wouldn't work with this setup.  In Batman Ra's is a person, a thousand year old bad dude.  Arrow ripped off Nolan's Ra's where Ra's is a name/mask not a man. Ra's doesn't need a blood heir to inherit his kingdom, Ra's just needs a worthy successor.  


I don't really see Arrow going this route, with Ra's forcing Nyssa/Oliver to marry so he can get an heir.  Besides the fact that Nyssa is gay (as far as we know, no mention of being Bi-Sexual) she's not even in the LoA anymore, she left after Ra's offered to make Oliver Ra's Ollie Ghul

Edited by Morrigan2575
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In technical terms, if we're talking "wedding" as in "commitment ceremony," it's Oliver donning the duster and finger embellishments to become Ra's.

I mean that's what I thought. A ceremony of some kind.

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I wonder what the reason behind the Thea/Felicity scenes and why the reason behind them is a spoiler. I mean, they're sitting next to each other at the wedding. And they kind of make it seem like they won't hit it off right away, and I wonder why.

I think I missed this, when did they make it seem like they wouldn't hit it off at first?

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I think I missed this, when did they make it seem like they wouldn't hit it off at first?

Nothing in particular and maybe they're just talking around whether or not they get along so as not to spoil it, but it's just a general sense I got from the few comments I've seen about it (I think MG or one of the other producers mentioned it as well, I can't remember).

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Maybe Thea and Felicity will be the driving force in getting Oliver back from the league. That is why they can't say it...Maybe. It would give away that Oliver becomes part of the league. I do admit I am horrible at guessing. Maybe it is something completely different. 

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Maybe Thea and Felicity will be the driving force in getting Oliver back from the league. That is why they can't say it...Maybe. It would give away that Oliver becomes part of the league. I do admit I am horrible at guessing. Maybe it is something completely different. 

I really hope this is the case

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Agree with others above, the ceremony that MG is trolling about is probably related to OQ joining the LoA or if they need to use the pit.


MG probably couldn't resist trolling with the wedding comment, I feel like if another wedding is shown its gonna be inconsequential or something in the past. He just knows that people will start freaking out & speculating, and that is his fuel it seems.


Thanks AyChihuahua for the info on spousal privilege. I really can't see them taking this angle on marriage for any of the characters. For one I think there is not enough time to film a trial so it would be dumb on multiple levels to have marriage that you can't even use for plot purposes (even inaccurate purposes). Secondly, the only person I see actually having the potential to go to trial for anything is Roy and they wouldn't have Thea marry him because again it has no purpose. Plus if myself & others are right about Roy going to jail until s4, there is not enough time to throw in even a quickie wedding before he sent to jail and the trial will be earliest s4 so better hold off all related ceremonies until then, if ever. But I doubt they would have Roy be married at all at this point in the season.

Edited by kismet
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Maybe Thea and Felicity will be the driving force in getting Oliver back from the league. That is why they can't say it...Maybe. It would give away that Oliver becomes part of the league. I do admit I am horrible at guessing. Maybe it is something completely different.

I would love to see his sis and the woman that he loves teaming up to save him from LOA. I'm thinking in 320 that Oliver tells Felicity about how She was the last thing he saw before "Dying" that their kiss was the last thing on his mind. Cue I love yous from Felicity and Oliver then Make out sesh maybe more

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I can see them making Laurel and Oliver get married for reasons because hey, they are married in the comics!  And then I can see viewership going down.


I wonder if they are deliberately keeping CH from the set (there are reasons in the show) just to mess with people since MG said that someone dies in 3x19.


He's said that Felicity isn't going to die and be LP'd in exchange for Oliver joining the League so either Felicity doesn't die, or Oliver doesn't make that deal.



So, who else might be getting married?


Deadshot in his flashbacks?

Deadshot and Cupid?

Diggle & Lyla the 1st time?

Andy Diggle & Carly?


ETA: Oliver & Nyssa because Ra's says so!

I think all of these have more potential than anything in the present.  I doubt Andy and Carly though because they would have to hire both actors back, and probably not Diggle/Lyla round 1 unless there's another big Diggle episode.  Deadshot and Cupid though would be a hoot. I think she'd have to drug him though.



“nd here’s something of a nugget, Diggle and Lyla’s wedding may not be the only ceremony we’ll see this season.

“It may not even be the only wedding you’ll see this year,” Guggenheim hints..

The idea of a ceremony hints at Oliver and the LoA.  The wedding reminds me of an Erica Durance movie where she married herself to prove she didn't need a man, and of course got the guy in the end..


And here’s something of a nugget, Diggle and Lyla’s wedding may not be the only ceremony we’ll see this season.

“It may not even be the only wedding you’ll see this year,” Guggenheim hints.


So what's the plan for maximum effect to get what we want?  Do we tweet about loving it, or hating it?  (I'm in the latter group.)

Edited by statsgirl
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