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I'm starting to think that it's either Ray in the hospital, or the hospital thing is being sort of overblown altogether--and that Mama Smoak is just in town because they had a planned visit then, and they end up at the hospital for a fairly minor reason, and then shit goes down there, as others have suggested. If Felicity were seriously injured, it would be a bigger deal, and if Donna were sick or something, she wouldn't be in Starling.


Yeah, I think the hospital is more a location than an actual plot point. Felicity probably cuts her hand chopping vegetables or something and she and MS go to the hospital for stitches and then some shit goes down there and Felicity helps sort it out. It's just the way that spoiler came out, saying that MS's scenes took place in a hospital, like ALL her scenes were there. It's kind of baffling that she'd show up there for something minor, but then again MG is a troll, so who knows when or why she shows up or if she's even there the whole time. 


As for Malcolm riding Oliver's coattails home - maybe he doesn't? Maybe Ra's keeps him and Oliver gets away? 

Edited by apinknightmare
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As for Malcolm riding Oliver's coattails home - maybe he doesn't? Maybe Ra's keeps him and Oliver gets away? 


Good point--have we seen anything of JB in episodes after 315? And if Ra's does keep him, as some sort of collateral? Ridiculous. Just kill him and get it over with.


If Oliver agrees to do anything for Ra's that would cause mass damage in order to save Thea, himself, or any other individual people, I might have to shut this show off permanently.

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Awwwww. Ra's Al Ghul was just concerned for Nyssa's heart. My feels.

People were talking about how Ra's doesn't even seem that evil or "big bad" worthy on spoiler tv. I agree. I guess I'll see where they are going. 

Edited by ban1o
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So, that new preview...Ra's knows Malcolm was behind Sara's murder. At least there's someone around who isn't an idiot.


He must admire Oliver's idiocy/bravery/whatever for coming forward to save Thea (I'm guessing he knows Thea did it), so yeah. I think the offer is to join the League and/or be Nyssa's baby daddy because that relationship talk seemed anvil-y to me, but maybe that's just because this show has made me a suspicious, untrusting bastard.

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Oh geez, now 319 is a game changer?  Weren't 315 and 318 game changers as well?  "Game changer" is the new "epic."  Am I going to find it "game change-y" if Ra's offers Oliver his freedom in exchange for agreeing to knock up his daughter?  No, I will find that sick as fuck.

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So, that new preview...Ra's knows Malcolm was behind Sara's murder. At least there's someone around who isn't an idiot.


He must admire Oliver's idiocy/bravery/whatever for coming forward to save Thea (I'm guessing he knows Thea did it), so yeah. I think the offer is to join the League and/or be Nyssa's baby daddy because that relationship talk seemed anvil-y to me, but maybe that's just because this show has made me a suspicious, untrusting bastard.

 Please tell me this show isn't going to go there?  I actually read that in a fanfic...Ra's had Sara killed because he wanted a "true" (male) heir and needed Nyssa to reproduce with a male (Oliver).  That's just so icky to me...I gave up on this show after 301 but I really really hope they don't go there.  Beyond the inherent sexism (female heir isn't good enough) there's the fact that Nyssa is GAY and that storyline would just seem beyond wrong.


Oh geez, now 319 is a game changer?  Weren't 315 and 318 game changers as well?  "Game changer" is the new "epic."  Am I going to find it "game change-y" if Ra's offers Oliver his freedom in exchange for agreeing to knock up his daughter?  No, I will find that sick as fuck.



308 was a game changer - nothing will ever be the same for either team after 308

315 is a game changer - they take a hard left

318 is a game changer - they blow up the show

319 is a game changer - ??

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Maybe Oliver offers to hang up his bow and hood in exchange for Ras doing blah,blah storycakes.

That would free him up for the wedding, be a game changer and conveniently remove him from heroing so that the proper heroes Buckles and Atom can save all the puppies.

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Ep 19 is written by the team who wrote The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak. Here's hoping it's as good.


Maybe it's Ray in the hospital after his suit blows up and Mama Smoak is in town visiting Felicity?  It's rather a wasted of Charlotte Ross though.


Is Nyssa developing multiple personality syndrome too?  In The Climb, she told Oliver she knew he wasn't the one who killed Sara. Why is she acting all huffy now?


And since Ra's is many, many years old, he must have lost a lot of loves in the past. Why is he against  Sara because he thought she would leave Nyssa?  If Nyssa is his Heir and she's going to use the Lazarus Pit too, she's going to have lovers die on her too.



I don't want to get hurt on this board, but could the game changer be The Atom (guided by Felicity) full on saving Oliver's ass in Nanda Parbat?

It's too soon, the suit doesn't work properly yet. That's why they have to go to The Flash later to get Cisco to help with it.


(Also, I think MG was kidding about the wedding bouquet, because if they were actually doing that, I don't think he'd spoil it.)

I think he's serious.  It's just the sort of crumb he'd think would be good for Olicity.  He posted that before the dislike for the light scene in Canaries happened, when he still thought the flashback in The Return would break the internet.

Edited by statsgirl
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Ok, this is really minor compared to other stuff going on, but couldn't they estabilish how to pronounce Sara's arabic name? I don't know if it's just me but it seemed they were saying two different names.

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For whatever reason I just don't even think we're making it to a reception where a bouquet would be tossed. I feel like we'll be lucky to get through the ceremony, and then shit will hit the fan. But who knows? I will continue to cross my fingers MG was kidding because that is so stupid I just cannot.

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In some of the older Batman comics Ra's sets up different tests for Batman to prove he's worthy of being his heir and to take over his organization. (One of the tests coincidentally involves a kidnapping.) Ra's also wants Batman to marry his daughter Talia. In another version, as Looptab suggested upthread, Ra's wants Batman to do the dirty with Talia and give him an heir (Ra's actually doesn't want an heir but to cheat death since the Lazarus Pit is declining; it's a convoluted story).


While I'm doubtful the show will have Ra's wanting to marry his daughter off with Oliver, I can definitely see him wanting Oliver as his heir to the League. Others have probably already speculated about this, but that's what I think is going to be the core issue of The Offer. And if SA thinks this is unguessable then I say pfft.

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Yeah, someone surely mentioned this when the first pics of the fight in The Climb came out- I'm not familiar with the comics. But since the trend seems to be"the worst storyline possible, that's what's gonna happen", I am convinced this is the route they'll take. :/

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Hmm. The big twist. At this point anything is possible. They've already thrown logic out the window. Maybe Ra's and Malcolm have been in on it together this whole time. Maybe Ra's used Malcolm to get rid of Sara who he felt betrayed the LoA last year? Who knows? Who even cares anymore? This is all so dumb.


I also think maybe it's Ray in hospital too and Felicity is there as the dutiful girlfriend. Perhaps her mom just came to stay at the worst time? Maybe this is when we'll see Felicity start to struggle with her feelings? Not counting on it but it's a possibility, particularly as I remember someone saying Donna will know Felicity has feelings for Oliver or did I make that up? I remember reading it somewhere.


If Ray is injured in 318 maybe his confidence is shaken and that leads on to his struggles with being a hero or whatever in 319. At least I think that's what 319 is about. I zone out when reading stuff about Ray tbh. Yawn.

Edited by Guest
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Hmm. The big twist. At this point anything is possible. They've already thrown logic out the window. Maybe Ra's and Malcolm have been in on it together this whole time. Maybe Ra's used Malcolm to get rid of Sara who he felt betrayed the LoA last year? Who knows? Who even cares anymore? This is all so dumb.


I also think maybe it's Ray in hospital too and Felicity is there as the dutiful girlfriend. Perhaps her mom just came to stay at the worst time? Maybe this is when we'll see Felicity start to struggle with her feelings? Not counting on it but it's a possibility, particularly as I remember someone saying Donna will know Felicity has feelings for Oliver or did I make that up? I remember reading it somewhere.


If Ray is injured in 318 maybe his confidence is shaken and that leads on to his struggles with being a hero or whatever in 319. At least I think that's what 319 is about. I zone out when reading stuff about Ray tbh. Yawn.

I thought the question about feelings related to did Mama Smoak realize how Felicity felt about Oliver in 3.05?

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I think Ray being hurt is a strong possiblity. It would start him on his own trilogoy (hate that word now). Arrow 3.18, he is hurt. Flash 1.17(18?), he goes to Central City to work on suit. Arrow 3.19, he comes into his own as a hero.

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I think Ray being hurt is a strong possiblity. It would start him on his own trilogoy (hate that word now). Arrow 3.18, he is hurt. Flash 1.17(18?), he goes to Central City to work on suit. Arrow 3.19, he comes into his own as a hero.

When you put it that way, these condensed hero journeys are really becoming more and more ridiculous. Will one of them die? I remember Oliver having lots of close shaves.

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I thought the question about feelings related to did Mama Smoak realize how Felicity felt about Oliver in 3.05?


Nothing happened in 305 about Oliver and Felicity's feelings for each other, not where Mama Smoak was concerned anyway. At least I don't think so.

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So, with Ra's saying what he did about Nyssa/Sara only ending in heartbreak, maybe he and Malcolm ARE in cahoots with Sara's murder and Ra's agreed to let Malcolm off the hook if he could get Oliver involved in order to have an 'heir' and Malcolm drugged Thea to do it for leverage/as a test. Not sure if Oliver would find that out or if Ra's would make his offer with Oliver in the dark? I hope it's not anything like that though-I really don't want Oliver made into THAT big of an idiot.

Edited by apinknightmare
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At this point, I have to roll my eyes at anything they say is "epic," a "game changer," or whatever "twists" will shock the audience. I think the only thing I was truly shocked by was Sara's death (because it was so monumentally stupid.) Everything since then has been figured out by someone here. I will only be shocked if Iron Man himself shows up with the rest of the Avengers for a DC/Marvel stand off. Or if Batman strolls into town. That's about it.


I am wondering which of these episodes will be a backdoor Atom spinoff or if they've given up on that idea. They did the Firestorm one fairly stealthily on The Flash last week, and I would bet they have one planned for Arrow, too.

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A new episode, a new gamechanger. They change the game so many times, it'll return to its beginning... (That would actually be a good thing)


Nyssa seems to have got the Laurel disease - she changes her mind every episode. Or the writers forgot to watch her previous episodes and lost their notes. Either way, she comes across as a bit forgetfull. First she knows Oliver didn't kill Sara, now she's certain he did.


As for the ATOM backdoor pilot - why do we have to have more than one episode devoted to that? I really don't need that on my screen, I signed up for a show called "Arrow".

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So, with Ra's saying what he did about Nyssa/Sara only ending in heartbreak, maybe he and Malcolm ARE in cahoots with Sara's murder and Ra's agreed to let Malcolm off the hook if he could get Oliver involved in order to have an 'heir' and Malcolm drugged Thea to do it for leverage/as a test. Not sure if Oliver would find that out or if Ra's would make his offer with Oliver in the dark? I hope it's not anything like that though-I really don't want Oliver made into THAT big of an idiot.

Every time I read spec like this it makes me physically ill...just the thought of them doing that is a knot in my stomach. I'm actually afraid to dismiss it as they'd never do something that stupid but then Danny Franks' rule will come into effect.
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Oooohhhhh 319 is a game changer!  Everyone pay attention 319 is a game changer....LOL


Sorry,  I couldn't resist...that's like the 4th game changer of S3

But is it EPIC?? I mean we really need to pay attention if its epic!

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Willa Holalnd’s Thea, in particular, has “risen to such amazing heights” in recent episodes, and that trend continues in this episode. “Seeing what she’s willing to do, and what Oliver is willing to do for her soul. One of the things we talked about very early on that this season is really the fight for Thea’s soul, and more than anything, victory this season for Oliver is saving Thea. She’s caught between these disparate forces. And then seeing what happens to Merlyn after these episodes.


Ugh. What exactly does Thea need saving from? She seems to be figuring this shit out on her own, which is more than I can say for Oliver at this point. 


And how does her soul getting saved factor in in this episode? Does SHE somehow get tangled up with the League, either by turning herself in or...wanting to join them, and then Oliver steps in and pulls a Katniss Everdeen by volunteering as Tribute? They haven't really foreshadowed her feeling that kind of dark apart from Slade mentioning that she was lost, and how she wasn't sure she was a killer so maybe she does do something next-level stupid this ep. I mean, at this point, why the hell not? CHANGE THAT GAME, GET PEOPLE TALKING

Edited by apinknightmare
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“The most fun for us, in doing this show in general, is when we pair new people up who hadn’t previously been together,” Kreisberg added.


Cool, great. I feel the opposite.


So lots of talk about Atom and Thea in that interview posted in Spoilers Only. I'm interested in the Thea part--I really can't imagine where she will go next, especially since we know she too is in Starling at least for 317. 

Edited by Carrie Ann
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I thought this season was about fighting for Oliver's soul (The Arrow v. Oliver Queen)? Did I miss the part about it being about Thea's soul?


I like how they keep acting like there has been a lot of build up to this point for Thea. There hasn't been. She was totally back story.

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I've got it! Game changer is Felicity is Ra's Daughter LOL. It's probably Malcolm and Waller working together or Malcolm and Ra's working together. Other wishful game changer for me would be Laurel leaving, Ray under Ra's or Malcolm's control,

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If Felicity turns out to be Ra's daughter, I might just get interested in the season again.


Diggle is with Oliver at last, but Felicity is stuck babysitting Ray Palmer so he doesn't hurt him.  Really, how much am I going to like this?



then Oliver steps in and pulls a Katniss Everdeen by volunteering as Tribute?

They already did that in The Climb, when Oliver volunteered to fight Ra's to save Thea.



One of the things we talked about very early on that this season is really the fight for Thea’s soul

Two weeks ago when the promo for The Return came out and Oliver shouted "Thea, you're not a killer", I tweeted the EPs and said that I really wanted to see this season is Malcolm (kill!) vs Felicity (don't kill) in a fight for Oliver's soul.  Nice wording AK.  It's too bad I don't care about Thea as much as I do about O/D/F..

Edited by statsgirl
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I'm still hoping that the person we see Felicity stand up to is Ra's. I need another Malcolm and Felicity scene tho (I think I've said that twice now, but I'm hoping its like Beetlejuice). Or maybe its Maseo...for some reason that I can't think of right now.


Sadly. It will probably be Felicity convincing Lance to forgive Laurel so I'm not getting my hopes up.

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If Felicity turns out to be Ra's daughter, I might just get interested in the season again.


Diggle is with Oliver at last, but Felicity is stuck babysitting Ray Palmer so he doesn't hurt him.  Really, how much am I going to like this?



They already did that in The Climb, when Oliver volunteered to fight Ra's to save Thea.


Two weeks ago when the promo for The Return came out and Oliver shouted "Thea, you're not a killer", I tweeted the EPs and said that I really wanted to see this season is Malcolm (kill!) vs Felicity (don't kill) in a fight for Oliver's soul.  Nice wording AK.  It's too bad I don't care about Thea as much as I do about O/D/F..

I'm with you Felicity being Ra's Daughter would be interesting. Felicity would be shocked and fearful that she has the Evil inside her and when Ra's finds out he has a daughter that Oliver is inlove with he'd want that Heir lol. I'd also want to see Felicity vs Malcolm for Oliver's soul. EBR and JB are the best Male and Female actor on this show IMO

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They already did that in The Climb, when Oliver volunteered to fight Ra's to save Thea.

Kind of. She doesn't know what he went through for her. It'd be a little different if she knowingly volunteered herself and then he stepped in. Again. Not that that's what I think will happen. Seems more likely to me that we'll find out Ra's and Malcolm were in on Sara's murder together.

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I'm still hoping that the person we see Felicity stand up to is Ra's. I need another Malcolm and Felicity scene tho (I think I've said that twice now, but I'm hoping its like Beetlejuice). Or maybe its Maseo...for some reason that I can't think of right now.


Sadly. It will probably be Felicity convincing Lance to forgive Laurel so I'm not getting my hopes up.

Felicity standing up to Lance is not surprising to me since she's done it already. I'm hoping it's Ra's or even Maseo about Oliver. If she stands up to Lance again I'm really hoping it's about Oliver cause of Lance hunting down The Arrow and his team cause of Sara's death

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I'd love to see Felicity stand up to Waller but the present day cast roster is already too crowded.


 Seems more likely to me that we'll find out Ra's and Malcolm were in on Sara's murder together.

It's just the sort of thing MG would do, but what would be the point?  If Malcolm wants Thea since he's lost Tommy, teaming up with Ra's to get her to murder Sara is not going to help him.

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