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I really don't blame Flash fans for being pissed off.

I'm one pissed ARROW and FLASH. There is no reason why Felicity can't get the development or a Nemesis on the Goddamed show she is actually a cast member of!!

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Okay PTB. Why don't you just go ahead and merge the stupid shows into the one really big show you want and call it Justice League-adjacent because with all these crossovers that is essentially what that are doing.  Then I won't have to wast my time anymore with thinking that a show called Arrow is going to  be about you know, Oliver Queen.  And I'll just read the sypnopsis for the episodes in which Oliver Queen aka the Arrow will appear.

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Just heard about all this.  I'm glad Felicity is finally getting another main opponent (wish they brought back The Clock King though), but I'm going to hope Emily Kinney has improved from her Walking Dead days.  She wasn't really big on facial expressions, to say the least.


Oh, and she better not sing.... unless it ends with Barry/Grant Gustin zipping in, and destroying her in a sing-off.

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First of all... I totally called that the nemesis will be Felicity's and it will be the one from the comics. Except i can't find that comment and I'm too lazy to go look for it. i did ask MG but he never answered that question.

Second of all: I'm gonna go off to the side and be totally pissed off. So EK is the one in charge is flash? Does he have a tumblr too? Cause I'm gonna blast his "ask me" box with my pissed off comment. Not fair!!

Andrew Kreisberg, no tumblr just twitter 

Edited by ban1o
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from the tv line article 2 parts i thought were interesting 


TVLINE | I was reading the synopsis for Episode 14, “The Returned,” and it sounds like a fun nod to longtime fans, as Flashback Oliver sneaks back into Starling City and discreetly checks in on everyone.
Episode 14 is a bit of a “love letter” to the show. It stands on its own feet, for people who are new to the show, but if you’ve been watching since Season 1, it’s got a ton of Easter eggs and little inside jokes. There’s a lot of really fun moments that are the kind of things you can only do if you’ve done over 50 episodes — you get to go back and explore your roots a little bit, so you’ll want to watch this episode carefully. My hope is that if people watch the show now but haven’t seen Season 1, they’ll want to go back and Netflix it afterwards.


TVLINE | Stephen Amell was telling me that Episode 15, “Nanda Parbat,” is especially stunt- and action-heavy, one of his favorites of the season.
It certainly is one of mine. It’s one of those episodes where everything came together very nicely — its got some wonderful character moments, some incredible action, and it’s got a final twist that I think people will be talking about for a long time. Certainly a twist that sets the table for the remainder of the season.


TVLINE | I feel like we’re entering the “third act” of the season, following Sara’s murder and that investigation, and then Oliver “dying” at Ra’s al Ghul’s hand, to protect Thea.

The season is more demarcated in fourths, as opposed to the traditional three-act structure. Certainly Episodes 10, 11 and 12 were their own”mini-act,” with Team Arrow moving on in the wake of Oliver’s apparent death. Episode 13 kicks off the next piece of our story, and things get a really crazy from here on out. Episodes 13, 14 and 15 are probably the next “book” or movement in the story, 15 ends with a game-changing twist, and from 16 to 23 it’s just one crazy run up to the finish line. [Laughs] I’m really excited about where we’re going mainly because, as I tweeted out, when all is said and done with Season 3, stabbing Oliver through the chest and kicking him off a cliff will end up being the least crazy thing we do all year. I encourage people to watch the whole season and then confirm whether or not I’m telling the truth


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That interview didn't really give us anything new. The only thing that the Olicity stuff told me was that Felicity's sticking to what she said last episode and she's not going to wait around for him if he's working with Malcolm. I don't see that changing until Oliver does something about it. But that's what I expected before the interview came out. I've seen a lot of people freaking out about him saying she's moved on romantically, but I don't think that's permanent. Just that she's decided she's not going to wait around for him after he decided to team up with Merlyn. I think that will probably change once Oliver decides to fight for them and figures out that working with Merlyn was a terrible idea.

Edited by Jessie2009
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What do you all think the "MAJOR" twist is in episode 15? I'm with apinkknightmare

For me, the major twist would be for THEA to be the one who gives herself up to the LoA and not Oliver. Then Oliver will spend the rest of the season trying to get her back? This is so much more interesting than Oliver trying to save Malcolm lmao

Edited by wonderwall
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For me, the major twist would be for THEA to be the one who gives herself up to the LoA and not Oliver. Then Oliver will spend the rest of the season trying to get her back? This is so much more interesting than Oliver trying to save Malcolm lmao


Yeah, since Thea knows about Ra's and what he's up to, at least, I'd be down for her taking charge of herself, even if it is giving herself up to some killers or whatever. But she was at Digg and Lyla's wedding too, so did they let her out on a weekend pass or something?

Edited by apinknightmare
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Yeah, since Thea knows about Ra's and what he's up to, at least, I'd be down for her taking charge of herself, even if it is giving herself up to some killers or whatever. But she was at Digg and Lyla's wedding too, so did they let her out on a weekend pass or something?


Hey, Ra's understands the need for free time. He knows it's an important part of the work-life balance. 


This will never happen, but I wish Thea would be allowed to make her own decisions. Wait, she made her own decision going off with Malcolm. I suppose I should rethink that. I mean, Nyssa, Sara, and Maseo are/were all in the League. Sure, they probably engage in some morally dubious activities, but I'd rather be with the LOA than one of Waller's peeps. 


In short, I'm tired of Oliver having to save people from themselves. 

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I'm tired of Oliver thinking he needs to save people from themselves.


Thea getting some agency of her own on this show?  Why change the course of 60 episodes?


Once Thea finds out that Malcolm isn't as good as she's painted him to be, why would she join the LoA, knowing they're bad guys?  Her first attempt at agency hooked her up with a killer, why would she make the same mistake again?  Not to mention, they would be expecting her to actually, you know assassinate people.

Why would Ra's want her?  She'd need a lot more training to be effective and she's a mouthy brat who is allergic to taking orders.



Stephen Amell was telling me that Episode 15, “Nanda Parbat,” is especially stunt- and action-heavy, one of his favorites of the season.

The Promise redux?


I'm amused at how little that TV Line article is about Laurel as the Black Canary. Basically it's about Oliver realizing there is a new wind blowing through the lair and wow, the rest of the season is going to be awesome.

Edited by statsgirl
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For a second, I got Emily Kinney confused with Emma Kenney and got pretty excited about Debbie Gallagher appearing on Arrow. And she is currently taking boxing lessons--maybe in a month or so she could be Black Canary 3.0 "the South Side Songbird".

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Once Thea finds out that Malcolm isn't as good as she's painted him to be, why would she join the LoA, knowing they're bad guys?  Her first attempt at agency hooked her up with a killer, why would she make the same mistake again?  Not to mention, they would be expecting her to actually, you know assassinate people.

Why would Ra's want her?  She'd need a lot more training to be effective and she's a mouthy brat who is allergic to taking orders.


She's continually making stupid-ass decisions on this show, why would this be any different? And, I mean, just because she offers (to save Oliver? To save MALCOLM? AHAHA) doesn't mean Ra's accepts. 

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The only twist I'll accept is Thea joining the LOA of her own free will because I am sick to death of her being kept in the dark and saved by everyone else. She can save herself and she deserves that right. Give her back her agency FFS.


LOL there are quite a few Flash fans annoyed that Felicity is getting her own villain on The Flash 


A lot of Iris West fans are annoyed that she's taking away screen time and, while I think we should all support women getting stories and screen time however they can, I totally understand that. Iris is not really being fleshed out much at the moment and she deserves to be on her own show. Felicity deserves a nemesis and storyline on her own show too. These EP's are playing a dangerous game. Idiots.

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I don't hang out on Flash boards or Twitter/tumblr but I got the impression from those that do, that it was more WestAllen shippers being upset about Felicity then straight up Iris fans.

I don't get why shippers are annoyed but apparently they took umbrage with AJK's comment about Felicity having 3 Heroes in love with her and then got even more annoyed with AJK saying Felicity shows up when Barry needs her as he's facing a crisis of faith. Apparently that should be Iris' s place, not Felicity's.

To some extent I get it. I'm annoyed that Ray keeps getting so much attention on Arrow and would much prefer Felicity and Thea and Lance getting development over Ray. On the other hand I get that these decisions goes beyond character or show or story importance and is more about Spin-Offs, Universe building, and trying to improve shared viewers.

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Tbh I wish they'd stick to telling stories on Arrow, where this universe began, than try to throw in more spinoff opportunities because what they're giving us is just ridiculous. They're stretching themselves further and further and both shows will end up suffering.

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I think the EP's are less interested in telling the origin story of Green Arrow and are more interested in putting everyone in costumes and having them fight bad guys because it looks cool. That's why Laurel gets to be Full Canary after having a few months of boxing lessons and all Ray is to do is put on a metal suit. Who needs an origin story when you can just put on a cool costume and call yourself a hero. 


Instead of writing stories for the characters, they are writing their characters around the story. Which just makes a convoluted mess where not much makes sense. 


I don't want the ratings to fall because I like most of the actors, however with them staying steady it makes them think they are doing a great job and patting themselves on the back. They also probably on read the reviews that are positive and ignore the negative ones. If you like seeing people in funny costumes and stunt doubles fighting each other then this show is for you. If you want a show with a story and characters that interact and grow, you probably should find another show to watch. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I didn't realize it was WestAllen shippers but that makes sense (I'm not generalizing to all shippers here). The hate I saw a couple weeks ago towards Felicity was vitriolic and nasty and all because Iris doesn't get enough screen time as it is. That's fair. But Felicity isn't the problem here. It's the EP's. And that comment by AK about Ray, Barry and Oliver all being in love with her was so dumb because it's not even true. They just really need to tread carefully with what they say. People are so sensitive to any little thing. It's like his 'O/L are like Lois/Clark' comments all over again and as I understand it, that was taken out of context anyway. 


But as I said, I'm pleased Felicity is getting a nemesis but I'm not happy that it's over on The Flash. But then I'm not happy with how they're handling a lot of things this season so it's not surprising.

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The only twist I'll accept is Thea joining the LOA of her own free will because I am sick to death of her being kept in the dark and saved by everyone else. She can save herself and she deserves that right. Give her back her agency FFS.

I really want Thea to get in Oliver's face with a line like, "I am the daughter of MOIRA QUEEN and MALCOLM MERLIN. What makes you think I'm not strong enough for this?"

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I don't hang out on Flash boards or Twitter/tumblr but I got the impression from those that do, that it was more WestAllen shippers being upset about Felicity then straight up Iris fans.


From what I see, It's not only shippers but it is Iris West fans as well who feel like she`s being sidelined in favour of other non-POC female characters on the show

Anyway Felicity should get a villain on Arrow I guess the ex-boyfriend was her villain but he was lame as hell lol 

Edited by ban1o
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Cooper was kind of lame and more about Felicity's backstory than a real nemesis. They had the Clock King for her but then he got shuffled off to The Flash. Do they take that into accounts?


I don't get why shippers are annoyed but apparently they took umbrage with AJK's comment about Felicity having 3 Heroes in love with her and then got even more annoyed with AJK saying Felicity shows up when Barry needs her as he's facing a crisis of faith. Apparently that should be Iris' s place, not Felicity's.

How is Iris going to get him over a crisis of faith when she doesn't even know he's The Flash? And she's living with Eddie.


The last time the problem was that Team Flash wasn't working together as a team.  Iris couldn't have fixed that, they needed someone with experience of getting a superhero team to work together.


They should be careful what they wish for because if Felicity isn't going to be around to get Barry over his crisis of faith, it will be Caitlin.

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From what I see, It's not only shippers but it is Iris West fans as well who feel like she`s being sidelined in favour of other non-POC female characters on the show

Anyway Felicity should get a villain on her own show. I guess the ex-boyfriend was her villain but he was lame as hell 


As much as I'm peeved that Felicity isn't getting a villain on her own show, what do people want? Do they want Iris to have her own nemesis? She hasn't really done anything yet to cause someone to hate her so much nor does she have a lot of skill in anything, really, to compete against anyone. But let's be real here. Iris isn't being sidelined because of Felicity. Iris is being sidelined because they have to build up the men in masks as well as Barry's partners Caitlin/Cisco/Wells... Like I said before, this episode will be more of Palmer propping than Felicity (though she doesn't need it). 


Iris is a victim of bad writing right now. She's not really doing anything other than being a friend to Barry and being his potential love interest. I don't think the writers really know what to do with her, but at least Iris is way more likable than Laurel ever was so it's a great starting off point. 


As much as I want Iris to be a fully realized character, I wouldn't fault Felicity for taking away her screentime when she wouldn't really get much of it in the first place. That's the problem with the writers, not Felicity.


And if people think that Barry would go to Iris for help in regards to his Flash activities, they're sorely mistaken. I think the person he trusts most right now, and can be open with completely is either Joe or Felicity and I'd give Caitlin a hard pass. But since Joe doesn't really have experience in vigilantism, it makes sense why he would go to Felicity. Plus, would WestAllen shippers really want Barry to seek solace with Caitlin? lmao

Edited by wonderwall
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As much as I'm peeved that Felicity isn't getting a villain on her own show, what do people want? Do they want Iris to have her own nemesis? She hasn't really done anything yet to cause someone to hate her so much nor does she have a lot of skill in anything, really, to compete against anyone. But let's be real here. Iris isn't being sidelined because of Felicity. Iris is being sidelined because they have to build up the men in masks as well as Barry's partners Caitlin/Cisco/Wells... Like I said before, this episode will be more of Palmer propping than Felicity (though she doesn't need it). 


Iris is a victim of bad writing right now. She's not really doing anything other than being a friend to Barry and being his potential love interest. I don't think the writers really know what to do with her, but at least Iris is way more likable than Laurel ever was so it's a great starting off point. 


As much as I want Iris to be a fully realized character, I wouldn't fault Felicity for taking away her screentime when she wouldn't really get much of it in the first place. That's the problem with the writers, not Felicity.


And if people think that Barry would go to Iris for help in regards to his Flash activities, they're sorely mistaken. I think the person he trusts most right now, and can be open with completely is either Joe or Felicity and I'd give Caitlin a hard pass. But since Joe doesn't really have experience in vigilantism, it makes sense why he would go to Felicity. Plus, would WestAllen shippers really want Barry to seek solace with Caitlin? lmao

I don`t post on a lot of Flash forums and don`t follow twitter that  closely but from what I've I think their logic is "Felicity a non-Flash character get`s her own villain on the The Flash, but they completely half-ass Iris`reporter story-line and don't show her Point ov view on things, her relationship with her father, etc. " 

Anyone think the twist will be a resurrection of some sort?

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Cooper was kind of lame and more about Felicity's backstory than a real nemesis. They had the Clock King for her but then he got shuffled off to The Flash. Do they take that into accounts?

Ironically enough Clock King was also used to make Iris a hero on Flash. I don't have a problem with the shared villains because it's more about universe building. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Flash villain show up on Arrow before the season ends.

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I don`t post on a lot of Flash forums and don`t follow twitter that  closely but from what I've I think their logic is "Felicity a non-Flash character get`s her own villain on the The Flash, but they completely half-ass Iris`reporter story-line and don't show her Point ov view on things, her relationship with her father, etc. " 

Anyone think the twist will be a resurrection of some sort?


Yeah, could be a resurrection. Is this the ep that changes the show forever, or is it 18? Does it actually matter anymore? Haha. I just don't know who it could be because anyone I'd give a shit about was seen at that wedding - and wouldn't they probably still be batshit at that point, provided the lore is the same in this universe? Maybe Oliver kills Ra's and Ra's gets resurrected, only Oliver doesn't know that? Although shit, did he not wonder why Ra's looked so "good" for being a geriatric when they were fighting? 

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I don`t post on a lot of Flash forums and don`t follow twitter that  closely but from what I've I think their logic is "Felicity a non-Flash character get`s her own villain on the The Flash, but they completely half-ass Iris`reporter story-line and don't show her Point ov view on things, her relationship with her father, etc. " 

Anyone think the twist will be a resurrection of some sort?

Ah... Last week was the first time I ever looked at the Flash fandom and thought it was a mess. Especially with all the Westallen shippers screaming 'Fan pandering!' after the whole karaoke thing. lmao it was tiring :p 


Like I said, Iris is a half-ass reporter because on the show (even when Felicity isn't crossing over) they prioritize Iris as a character last. That has nothing to do with Felicity tbqh. I honestly think the writers don't really know where to take her. Even Lois was barely there pre season 8 of Smallville. While I do think Iris should do something more worthwhile, I think that it's ridiculous to blame or dislike a fictional character that their favorite isn't getting what they deserve :p Blame the writers! Hating Felicity won't accomplish anything. 

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Ah... Last week was the first time I ever looked at the Flash fandom and thought it was a mess. Especially with all the Westallen shippers screaming 'Fan pandering!' after the whole karaoke thing. lmao it was tiring :p 


Like I said, Iris is a half-ass reporter because on the show (even when Felicity isn't crossing over) they prioritize Iris as a character last. That has nothing to do with Felicity tbqh. I honestly think the writers don't really know where to take her. Even Lois was barely there pre season 8 of Smallville. While I do think Iris should do something more worthwhile, I think that it's ridiculous to blame or dislike a fictional character that their favorite isn't getting what they deserve :p Blame the writers! Hating Felicity won't accomplish anything. 

They aren't really hating on Felicity. They are blaming the writers. You should check Andrew Kreisbergs and Flashtvwriters mentions on twitter lol 

I posted the producer's preview in spoilers. Is Thea going to freak out when she finds out Oliver is the Arrow. I wonder? 

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Ohh I thought it was vitriol. Because it doesn't make sense to hate on a character for a writer's choices :p I, unfortunately don't have twitter. Does one need it to check out the mentions?


I love how the promo absolutely spoiled that Oliver was going to tell Thea about his night time activities :p It would've been good to make it a suspenseful thing. A will he tell her or won't he? 


I think Thea is going to take the whole secret thing in stride. I think she'll be miffed at Oliver but understanding, it'll be good growth for her character. 

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Of fucking course the Pyscho is the one who encourages Oliver to Tell Thea! Why am I angry?


I'm glad Malcolm encourages him to tell Thea, but look at him insinuating himself into things. Oliver thought he was just going to teach him how to defeat Ra's without pushing an agenda? LMAO, the fool.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Ya know, Malcolm is making a lot of sense. A lot more than Diggle (which is wtf... I can't even). But still, Malcolm is telling Oliver what to do instead of training him lmao this is what Oliver gets. smh 


And Felicity still isn't getting off that chair :') AND it looks like she's doing Oliver's nervous twitch thing. Cute. 

Edited by wonderwall
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I'm glad Malcolm encourages him to tell Thea, but look at him insinuating himself into things. Oliver thought he was just going to teach him how to defeat Ra's without pushing an agenda? LMAO, the fool.

UGH Malcolm should not be allowed down there at all Oliver is such an idiot I find myself loving Felicity even more for telling him he's a dumbass essentially

Ya know, Malcolm is making a lot of sense. A lot more than Diggle (which is wtf... I can't even). But still, Malcolm is telling Oliver what to do instead of training him lmao this is what Oliver gets. smh 


And Felicity still isn't getting off that chair :') AND it looks like she's doing Oliver's nervous twitch thing. Cute.

Felicity is the one making the most sense lol it shows she still loves and cares for Oliver. She's thinking "I love him but he's a dumbass lol"

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As for Malcolm making more sense of course he does MG has to Prop Meryln

And Malcolm is back hanging in the Lair. 


Thanks Oliver for making everyone a part of working with Malcolm.  You did this!

Diggle should read Oliver the riot act but I bet MG made sure Diggle didnt. Even if he did Felicity haters would praise it while still bitching about Felicity

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The trouble is, they've used words like 'epic' and 'game changer' so much this season that they've kind of lost all value and meaning.  What could possibly happen that could really change the show at this point? One of Team Arrow dying. Maybe Thea going evil. Someone coming back from the dead. There's really not a lot that's going to change that much. 


As for that promo, eh. Oliver is a real idiot if he can't see that Malcolm is using him like a giant puppet, just tugging on his strings and doing his bidding. I was hoping that what Felicity said to him might have inspired Oliver to tell Thea the truth but no. Sigh. 

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I'm glad Malcolm encourages him to tell Thea, but look at him insinuating himself into things. Oliver thought he was just going to teach him how to defeat Ra's without pushing an agenda? LMAO, the fool.

He is an fool I glad Felicity dropped that truth bomb on him last week. She was being the woman he fell in love with

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Ya know, Malcolm is making a lot of sense. A lot more than Diggle (which is wtf... I can't even).


I assumed that Diggle was urging him to tell Thea before she found out he'd been lying to her on her own but Diggle had been the one telling Oliver not to tell Thea back in the Corto Maltese, wasn't he.  Hmm.  He can't really think Thea will never find out, can he?

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Hey, I've been saying that for a while, that Malcolm will turn on Oliver, be the Big Bad and then end up redeeming himself slightly as he dies saving X.  It's the best way of telling the story, and letting Oliver learn. Again.


Diggle should read Oliver the riot act but I bet MG made sure Diggle didnt. Even if he did Felicity haters would praise it while still bitching about Felicity

Yes, because Diggle is doing it based on his years of military experience and concern for Oliver and Felicity is doing it because she's a whiny emotional wimmin.


I posted the producer's preview in spoilers. Is Thea going to freak out when she finds out Oliver is the Arrow. I wonder?

I would have enjoyed seeing that but they've made Thea into such an idiot this season over Malcolm that I can't care any more.


Of fucking course the Pyscho is the one who encourages Oliver to Tell Thea! Why am I angry?

Maybe he can go meet up with Laurel next and tell her to come clean to Quentin about Sara at last.

Edited by statsgirl
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