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During 523 filming, papp tweeted: "Happy to FINALLY get #autographs from former #Arrow star and now guest star Susanna Thompson today." When asked if Jamey Sheridan was also back, papp tweeted: "He is not." (April 20, 2017 Canadagraphs tweets, page 1 of New Spoilers thread)

MG confirmed that Colton Haynes would not be returning this season. (May 2, 2017 MG tumblr post, page 1 of New Spoilers thread)

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I can totally see her as someone who romanticizes camping and claims she wants to go... But once she gets there she complains about not having any service, the bugs, the humidity, etc. Lol

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1 hour ago, wonderwall said:

I can totally see her as someone who romanticizes camping and claims she wants to go... But once she gets there she complains about not having any service, the bugs, the humidity, etc. Lol

I can see her complaining about the lack of Wifi, especially if they get lost and she's trying to find them a way out, but Felicity's never been someone to complain about uncomfortable conditions.  Even complaints about the basement of the foundry being cold and damp are fanfic rather than on the TV show.

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On 2017-5-21 at 11:48 AM, wonderwall said:

The paps confirmed (I think Ken) that Susanna will be in the finale :)

Yeah I heard this too a while back, I myself even asked and wondered if Moira could return in the final for a cameo hearing the news Oliver is alive. 

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Posting here because it mentions 523 spoilers (although the writer seems to have missed some S6 spoilers) - interesting that this writer puts Deathstroke so far down on the list...

Arrow Season 5 Finale: Ranking The Probability Of 17 Major Character Deaths In 'Lian Yu'
James Hunt   May 23, 2017


Felicity Smoak has had a bumpy ride on Arrow, going from funny and quirky supporting character to, depending on where you lie on the divide, either one of the best or worst things about the show through her relationship with Oliver.

The relationship drama, and the way it impacted Felicity's character and actions, did have a negative effect in Seasons 3 and 4, and thankfully has been put largely on the back-burner in Season 5. Felicity's arc hasn't always been brilliant, but she's been better served than in recent years.

She's been getting in deep with hacking group Helix this year, and seen her new boyfriend inadvertently killed by Oliver, but she has largely come back into the Team Arrow fold and remains as probably the biggest character on the show after Ollie. As such, and with the fact that she'll surely be a big part of the series' endgame (whenever it happens), it's almost impossible to see them killing her off at this stage.

17. Felicity Smoak
16. Black Siren
15. Rene Ramirez
14. Dinah Drake
13. Thea Queen
12. Deathstroke
11. Samantha and William Clayton
10. Evelyn Sharp
9. Curtis Holt
8. Quentin Lance
7. John Diggle
6. Nyssa al Ghul
5. Talia al Ghul
4. Captain Boomerang
3. Malcolm Merlyn
2. Konstantin Kovar
1. Adrian Chase

Edited by tv echo
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Just now, tv echo said:

Posting here because it mentions 523 spoilers (although the writer seems to have missed some S6 spoilers) - interesting that this writer puts Deathstroke so far down on the list...

Funny thing is, if you just switch Samantha and Diggle (even though, tbh, I'd put Diggle at least before Thea), I'd pretty much agree with that list given the amount of spoilers, although I didn't read the article.

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I'd put Felicity and Thea as number 17 together. I'm pretty confident they'd send Thea off to live with Roy instead of killing her off, and I think the only way Felicity's going anywhere is if EBR wants out. 

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Interesting they put Samantha and William together because I am going back and forth about that. I doubt they want to saddle Oliver with a full time child so she can't die but otoh I could see them going for the cheap drama of Oliver getting the mother for his child killed. So if she dies I think the kid has to go with her? The season finales are never "clean" victories and I don't consider Merlyn a great loss since not even Thea seems to care that much about him. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I don't think they would ever kill Oliver's kid. With Oliver being busy as the mayor during the day and being the GA at night I don't see how they would fit him in his life but I wouldn't be surprised if the writers ignored how a situation like this would play out in real life and kept him off screen most of the times..he could be used to create drama because either Oliver can blame himself or he can lash out at Oliver for losing him mom..fun times.

They could also make up a sister for Samantha that knows him and can take care of him better and solve it like that..

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Yeah, I'd put Thea as the same level as Felicity, or right under, given what MG said (although in fairness the writer of that article may not be aware of that).  But I wouldn't have put Rene nearly so high, or Diggle so low. Otherwise I think I would probably mostly agree.  

ETA:  Oh yeah, and Evelyn's definitely too high.   And Nyssa too low.

Edited by Starfish35
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I don't see Arrow killing William. I could see Arrow killing Samantha and sending William away again.  Worse case scenario is they kill Samantha and make William a permanent figure on the show. However, I hope that doesn't happen, unless they recast.

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I just can't see them making Oliver a full-time father, not since they want to keep exploring Oliver as mayor and he's going to (obviously) go back to being GA next season too. So are we going to have Felicity and Thea and whoever else taking care of William while Oliver's busy with his day and night jobs? Are they just going to ignore the fact that there's only so much one person can do in a day considering they also need to sleep at some point? 

I think if they decide to kill off Samantha, the only way they could do that would be for her dying words to be that someone else is his father (and ignore that DNA test) or for her or her will to state that some relative takes care of him and Oliver decide not to fight it because his life is too dangerous for William and he's already been kidnapped twice. (Then, of course, mid-season 6, he'll be kidnapped again and Oliver will go, "he's my boy!") 

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39 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I don't think they would ever kill Oliver's kid. With Oliver being busy as the mayor during the day and being the GA at night I don't see how they would fit him in his life but I wouldn't be surprised if the writers ignored how a situation like this would play out in real life and kept him off screen most of the times..he could be used to create drama because either Oliver can blame himself or he can lash out at Oliver for losing him mom..fun times.

They could also make up a sister for Samantha that knows him and can take care of him better and solve it like that..

I don't think they would actually kill William but yeah this show already has Rene abandoning his child to go play superhero so they'll add Oliver too. Maybe they can form a support group about how much they miss the kids they voluntarily don't parent.

I agree @Hiveminder and frankly expecting Thea and Felicity to do the heavy parental lifting would be so gross to me. The only drama I can think of that has a single parent lead is Grey's Anatomy and they occasionally show the kids and frequently mention them but they don't take up much screen time and she even has a crazy schedule like Oliver so I guess it can be done. 

But yeah, he leaves the kid alone at night to go shoot arrows into people? He leaves the kid with Thea every night? He leaves the kid with Felicity in the lair every night when they are ambiguously dating? Gross, gross, gross. 

I guess my thinking is why bring the kid back at all if they are going to send him away again until it's time form his annual kidnapping? 

Best case scenario is Samantha moves to Star City and they show up 2/3 times? 

Edited by leopardprint
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I wonder if the only named deaths in the finale are Merlyn & Chase.  MM has to go because he's Thea's father. Nyssa could defeat Talia without it resulting in death. Deathstroke & Captain Boomerang could earn their freedom.  I think CB is more a candidate for death than DS.  Evelyn gets caught and caged. I'm not sure there is a reason to kill her off after that unless she gets free.  I guess (to me) it makes sense to allow the comic characters to exist in the universe. One of the shows might want to use them 2 years from now. :)

It makes some sense for Samantha to survive narratively.  She and William could resume their lives in Central City or move to Star City.  William is available as needed for dad/boy scenes but you have a built in answer for "Where is William" when he's not part of the story.  There could just be references from time to time like there is with Lyla and JJ. Father & boy scenes don't need the mom unless they want to create parenting conflicts for Oliver.  Ha! With this show that is probably the route they would go.

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I don't even think the writers are interested in writing dad/son scenes that aren't made for drama. Oliver played with that kid once on screen and now that they introduced Rene's daughter she is on screen for his manpain. I guess the exception is Dig's family where they showed Dig and Lyla and baby Sara/John a few times but I think it's easier to have a baby in the scene to have a cute family moment and still have the characters talk about stuff they need to talk about for the plot. You can't do that in front of a 10 years old.

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Putting Diggle at #7 is weird.  They just did a Big Hero Death With Someone Close to Oliver last season with Laurel (although it didn't take long to get her back again), I doubt they would do another so soon.

23 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

@HiveminderI don't think they would actually kill William but yeah this show already has Rene abandoning his child to go play superhero so they'll add Oliver too. Maybe they can form a support group about how much they miss the kids they voluntarily don't parent.


To quote Tamara Pierce, my heart bleeds buttermilk.

Samantha moved to Central City to be close to her family.  Let them raise the spawn if anything happens to her, like on Grey's Anatomy where Meredith's sister and sister-in-law spend more time raising her kids than she does.

I think whether Captain Boomerang and Deathstroke survive depends on whether they want to use the characters in future.  Hopefully we won't have to see Evelyn again or a redemption arc for her.

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Hopefully we won't have to see Evelyn again or a redemption arc for her.

I think Evelyn is getting a redemption point in 523, Arrow ain't got time to give a whole arc to a girl child, she'll probably empathize with William and give them crucial info. 

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I think Samantha surviving, taking William back to CC, and having Oliver be part of his life in offscreensville is really the best scenario. Especially with that kids acting. 

They can't kill the kid because (1) he's a kid and (2) it would be a far too devastating hit to Oliver, especially to end the season on. 

If they kill Samantha they either have to send William off with a random relative or have Oliver raise him. If they just send him off and Oliver has no contact with him then where's the character growth? Has Oliver still not learned he's not poison to everyone he touches?

If William is raised by random family but Oliver still has an offscreen relationship with him then what's the point of killing Samantha? Just let her live and raise him. 

If Oliver raises him then who is actually taking care of him? Does Oliver hire a nanny and get a bunch of bad press for being uninvolved in his kid's life, constantly missing baseball games and parent teacher conferences? Or do they just lazily hand wave everything and pretend that Oliver doesn't need sleep? I wouldn't put it past them.  

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10 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

Or do they just lazily hand wave everything and pretend that Oliver doesn't need sleep? I wouldn't put it past them.  

It's not just that they'd have to pretend Oliver doesn't need sleep. It's also the fact that as a kid, William can only be awake until a certain time. Say he's in school until 3ish. Oliver has to be working until what, the earliest 5? So say Oliver can have dinner with his kid. But then he's going to have to go out as Green Arrow at some point. Even if he waits until William is asleep and the others hit the streets without him until then, who's going to be at home with the sleeping William? Felicity, running comms from home? Thea, just being the babysitter? One of the team, depending on the night? A random person Oliver makes excuses to every night?

I really hope someone in the writers' room brings this stuff up if they ever consider Oliver being a full-time father on the show. 

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TVLine only has one death left marked on its Sweeps list. That's not saying much, since numbers get added all the time, but with only 2 nights left and a pretty definite death left (Malcolm), part of me thinking that that might be the only death.

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3 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

...who's going to be at home with the sleeping William? Felicity, running comms from home? Thea, just being the babysitter? One of the team, depending on the night? A random person Oliver makes excuses to every night?


That would be so brutally unfair to Thea and Felicity. Oliver is 32 so he's right in the parenting range but Felicity is 27ish? She might have barely been starting to think about kids let alone Thea who is starting her adult life. ???? I might have to go write a screed in the bitterness thread about how much the other characters sacrifice so Oliver can indulge his manpain. 

4 minutes ago, way2interested said:

TVLine only has one death left marked on its Sweeps list. That's not saying much, since numbers get added all the time, but with only 2 nights left and a pretty definite death left (Malcolm), part of me thinking that that might be the only death.

Do you know if they put "presumed deaths" on that list? There has been speculation about who lives, who dies finales. 

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Just now, leopardprint said:

Do you know if they put "presumed deaths" on that list? There has been speculation about who lives, who dies finales. 

No, they have "Fatalities" and "Possible Fatalities," if any fates are held up in the air as a cliffhanger, that goes in the latter (which has 3 spots left).

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

So Chase is going to survive?  Why do we need both Deathstoke and Chase?

Because in general the fans love them and keeping them alive will allow the writers to bring them back whenever they want to. And since MB is difficult to get on the show, they probably want to keep Chase around because JS is easier to bring back.

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I think the actor has done a great job as Chase but the story really fizzled out for me and I don't think I can take another episode of ten/fifty/∞ steps ahead Prometheus who sees all, knows all and does all but it's really because Oliver is a dum dum. 

I'm watching the finale for Talia/Nyssa and to see Malcolm die. 

Can't he be Vigilante or BossHacker? 

Thanks, @way2interested

My finale spec is that there will be a doublecross involving Slade and Felicity or Thea who will dissappear or be presumed dead. I'm thinking there was way too much romantic setup for just the kidnapping but also I could see Oliver gaining his family (Boy) and losing family too (Thea). 

ETA: Also way too much focus on BTS shenanigans for MB/Slade so must be more than a glorified cameo?

Edited by leopardprint
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30 minutes ago, way2interested said:

TVLine only has one death left marked on its Sweeps list. That's not saying much, since numbers get added all the time, but with only 2 nights left and a pretty definite death left (Malcolm), part of me thinking that that might be the only death.

I wonder if they would even count deaths like Cap Boomerang since he'd be just a minor character.  And we know some masked LoA wannabes aren't getting back up. (I assume) Would TVline bother even putting them or day players like them on a list?

Edited by BkWurm1
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13 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Because in general the fans love them and keeping them alive will allow the writers to bring them back whenever they want to. And since MB is difficult to get on the show, they probably want to keep Chase around because JS is easier to bring back.

I think what fans love is JS. If Chase were played by a less talented actor it would be easier to see him for what he is, a whiny, butt hurt, illogical, plot device who needs a swift kick in the nads and a lifetime spent under lock and key with little to no human contact. 

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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

I wonder if they would even count deaths like Cap Boomerang since he'd be just a minor character.  And we know some masked LoA wannabes aren't getting back up. (I assume) Would TVline bother even putting them or day players like them on a list?

They usually count named character deaths, so I think they would count him (then again, I thought he would be the last "big return," yet I think that might be "Barry's mom" for the Flash finale tonight, so idk?). Then again, they stuff in names last minute a bunch of times (and don't count a lot of weird ones, like not counting Felicity becoming CEO of Palmer Tech because she didn't know about it and didn't count 223 as a first "I Love You" probably because it was "fake").

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6 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

...a whiny, butt hurt, illogical, plot device who needs a swift kick in the nads and a lifetime spent under lock and key with little to no human contact.  in therapy. 

Hey, with a little editing, this describes S5 Oliver, too! ? 

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Anyone think that the end of the season could have Thea taking William into hiding to grow up?  Thea still lives, but if offscreen, since they apparently don't know what to do with her.

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44 minutes ago, tracyly said:

Anyone think that the end of the season could have Thea taking William into hiding to grow up?  Thea still lives, but if offscreen, since they apparently don't know what to do with her.

I would swear that MG promised that Willa is still a regular next season, so it seems unlikely.  Otherwise I'd say it was feasible even if I would have to hate on Oliver for making that choice and foisting such a responsibility off onto her.  

The few hints that we've had about the upcoming 6th season seem to be all about rebuilding and deciding where they want to go or what they want to do next, so I'm guessing what Thea decides to do with her life will remain an ongoing storyline at least until next season.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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13 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I would swear that MG promised that Willa is still a regular next season, so it seems unlikely.  Otherwise I'd say it was feasible even if I would have to hate on Oliver for making that choice and foisting such a responsibility off onto her.  

The few hints that we've had about the upcoming 6th season seem to be all about rebuilding and deciding where they want to go or what they want to do next, so I'm guessing what Thea decides to do with her life will remain an ongoing storyline at least until next season.  

He expressly stated WH is a regular next season.

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I should probably hold off on this question until after tomorrow, but what is next year's theme going to be? We've had family, back to basics/past haunting the present, embracing your herodom...what have I missed? I would rather it not be how to be a hero after everyone knows the Mayor is GA, but I also suspect that plot point will be exploited eventually.

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22 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I should probably hold off on this question until after tomorrow, but what is next year's theme going to be? We've had family, back to basics/past haunting the present, embracing your herodom...what have I missed? I would rather it not be how to be a hero after everyone knows the Mayor is GA, but I also suspect that plot point will be exploited eventually.

I think I heard Rebuild? 

I'm not entirely sure yet though

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Rebuilding isn't official. It's just a word I saw repeated with their answers about s6 going forward, and I rolled with it with their one-word season descriptors

s1: Revenge

s2: Heroism

s3: Identity

s4: Magic/Family

s5: Legacy

so s6: Rebuilding.

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The only mention other than MG's character specific mentions for S6 was WM's word salad about balancing being the Mayor/Green Arrow which was word for word the same as what she said for S5.

I like both family (found not blood) and rebuild, though what is he rebuilding other than Olicity? Himself? 

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IDK I really like rebuild.

  • Diggle rebuilding his relationship with Lyla
  • Oliver rebuilding the city and himself
  • Felicity rebuilding QC/Smoak Tech (and maybe mass marketing the microchip) 
  • Olicity rebuilding their relationship
  • Rene rebuilding his relationship with his daughter
  • Dinah rebuilding the BC legacy
  • Thea rebuilding herself and her identity

I think it could be a very interesting theme

Edited by wonderwall
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16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I could go for a season of Oliver Rebuilds Star City rather than the usual Oliver's Past Comes Back To Bite Him.

Yeah and I feel like Star City really needs it.  We never really saw Star City ever recover from season  one's earthquake machine and nobody even mentioned the huge sink hole left last year in the middle of the glades.  

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1 minute ago, way2interested said:

I could have sworn that there was some quote from MG where he mentioned about rebuilding the GA reputation and stuff?

Though from the comment Thea made at the start of Missing, GA got the credit for catching the Throwing Star Killer and was back in good graces.  

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