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I actually thought the last one referred to the actress who plays Samantha. They seem to love her and she was on set yesterday. 

I don't trust his judgment for Emmy worthy stuff though. They've said that before and nope. Never happened.

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Anna Hopkins is a decent actress when she's got better material to work with.  I vote Emmy-winning scene with her as Oliver bids a final good-bye to Samantha and William who will now disappear forever.

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Yes, she's pretty good in her other work, Samantha is just atrociously written. 

Felicity's chip, hmmm, so I think EMP as suggested here? Knocks out power to the bunker and to the chip? Or Felicity tampets with whatever Helix wants and it inadvertently knocks out the power?

I am officially joining Team EMP and Team Knockout Cake. 

Edited by leopardprint
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18 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I don't trust his judgment for Emmy worthy stuff though. They've said that before and nope. Never happened.

I love this stupid show, but MG needs to dial it down 42 notches with the Emmy talk. It's never accurate. 

Just now, statsgirl said:

Anna Hopkins is a decent actress when she's got better material to work with.  I vote Emmy-winning scene with her as Oliver bids a final good-bye to Samantha and William who will now disappear forever.

However, I will buy* a freakin' billboard on Sunset Blvd to campaign for an Emmy should this happen. 

*does not actually have enough $$ to do this

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10 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:


She did do great in that scene

I know, girl! I do love KC's hallway scenes. They're gold. ;)


8 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I'm actually really curious about the microchip. So if it's not hacked, then WTF will happen to it? Is it going to be Chase's doing? Or Helix? I NEED TO KNOW

Maybe it's a simple malfunction? Or, I think someone here theorized that an EMP-like device could be set off or something that affects the chip? Which could also explain why they get trapped in the bunker with all its systems going on lockdown.

ETA: Jinx, @leopardprint!

Edited by SleepDeprived
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Just now, SleepDeprived said:

I know, girl! I do love KC's hallway scenes. They're gold. ;)


Omg this scene was so atrociously acted I legit spit my orange juice while watching. Which is a shame because it was fresh and I worked so hard to make it

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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Anna Hopkins is a decent actress when she's got better material to work with.  I vote Emmy-winning scene with her as Oliver bids a final good-bye to Samantha and William who will now disappear forever.

This time with Felicity's help so they actually vanish.

Edited by BkWurm1
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1 minute ago, SleepDeprived said:

Maybe it's a simple malfunction? Or, I think someone here theorized that an EMP-like device could be set off or something that affects the chip? Which could also explain why they get trapped in the bunker with all its systems going on lockdown.

Maybe it's on lockdown because Felicity is injured and not because they're trapped? It makes sense why Oliver would be there - to protect her from any attacks by Chase. Which - I'm sure he'd be worried about that.

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OMG I'd forgotten about that KC scene. Yikes. It's like she collapsed a certain way so her hair would fall away from her face. And instead of passing out she was just like "Imma sleep now, night night!" Teehee. 

As for Felicity's chip, I'm gonna go with EMP? Originally I thought maybe they just mentioned it in the episode but now it seems like something actually happens. Unless she's violently kicked in the spine, it doesn't leave much for what could go wrong with it. 

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6 minutes ago, SleepDeprived said:

I know, girl! I do love KC's hallway scenes. They're gold. ;)


Maybe it's a simple malfunction? Or, I think someone here theorized that an EMP-like device could be set off or something that affects the chip? Which could also explain why they get trapped in the bunker with all its systems going on lockdown.

ETA: Jinx, @leopardprint!

What can I say? She can hold it with the best of em

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I guess it could be like temporary swelling around the chip or something? I'm not inclined to think of an actual, physical injury because those are harder to hand wave away. As hastily as they treated her paralysis, they did mention surgery and show physical therapy until she was cured by the wrath of a woman scorned wronged.

Edited by leopardprint
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@wonderwall, That's possible. But wasn't there a bts pic with the noobs seemingly going down/around an elevator shaft? I could be mixing my bts pics (tbh, all the spoilers have blurred together in my mind) but that pic kinda made me think the noobs were in that elevator shaft to try to get down to Oliver and Felicity and get them out/restart the bunker systems.

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You guys depressed the hell out of me with that guess about Samantha sharing an Emmy-worthy scene with Oliver. *shudders* But since Marc just mentioned loving the damn character again on Tumblr, I guess it's possible.

It doesn't make sense for the show to kill off Samantha, though, and make Oliver a full-time Dad (so of course that's what's gonna happen. Kidding. Maybe. This show doesn't make sense). The Diggles' child works because Lyla can take of it offscreen. Can't do that with Oliver's coloring son. Unless he pawns it off to Thea, as he has done with a lot of his responsibilities. It could work if this were a movie like 


Fate of the Furious, where they killed off Dom's baby mama and he got the boy. But then we as viewers only see Dom every other year. Arrow is a TV series with 23 episodes.

17 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

...until she was cured by the wrath of a woman scorned. 

You know, I've seen this phrase in reference to Felicity after the breakup and it niggles at me because really Felicity was the one who did the "scorning."

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17 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Felicity was the one who did the "scorning."

I think she was scorned in the sense that Samantha and Oliver didn't tell her the truth though, and excluded her from any decisions wrt Oliver's relationship with William.

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@SmallScreenDiva, I originally wrote "wronged" but that was too much alliteration for me, I changed it back. Scorn implies some sort of contempt so it's not the best word to use in that situation. 

I hope you're right about Samantha but why bring her back if they aren't going to change the status quo by having her run off and hiding again? Maybe they'll move back to Star City so Oliver can be involved and she'll be a recurring next season. (Now I'm depressed) 

I 100% think Oliver would dump the kid on Thea until he's inevitably kidnapped and remembers he has a kid. 

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I'm going with it's Curtis' jacket and she filched it because she was cold. I could totally see him wearing it. As for the size, clothes have been known to magically fit the wearer on this show.

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4 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Unless he pawns it off to Thea,

Finally Thea won't have to attended off-screen conferences that last 12672 weeks. 'Where is Thea? She is at the supermarket with William?' 'Where is Thea? She is at the museum of crayons with William' It works out perfect.

I choose to believe that the well acted scene is opposite JS because I doubt BS will be overly emotional in her agenda. 

Edited by Belinea
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3 hours ago, bijoux said:

The "Emmy worthy" scene isn't with Samantha.

I can't find the tweets now, but MG also stated twice that WH and PB are staying next year.

Its probably emmy worthy(lmao) due to stephens performance so it could even be a SA and the william kid actor scene that MG is referring to. SA tends to do good in scenes with male actors though,so it could be a scene with Chase. 

7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

It could be a yearly occurrence, William getting kidnapped and Oliver remembering he has a kid.  A new tradition like the holiday party.

yeah it sucks how the show fails to present a on going emotional state for the characters. Much like how Felicity only remembered havenrock once Rory was introduced.

8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Anna Hopkins is a decent actress when she's got better material to work with.

I agree, she is good and the main reason i dont hate Samantha. However her character is irrelevant.

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He's talking Tuesday right? I think he could be talking about SA and JB. MM has been a series villain, if they are wrapping up the five years it would make sense to kill off Malcolm now before the next chapter. Plus JBs cryptic tweet. It would make sense.

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4 hours ago, bijoux said:

The "Emmy worthy" scene isn't with Samantha.

I'm not sure why he'd censor the name of anyone else because we know most of the actors/characters who are back for the finale, but Samantha/William hasn't been confirmed by anyone other than the paps. And I refuse to believe they'd get anything decent with the kid actor who plays William. I'm so sorry but he was terrible.

Maybe they managed to get Moira back for a flashback scene that links to the Pilot? She's the only actress good enough, IMO.

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Is it possible that Redacted name is a super surprise we just don't know about yet?

Although if Barrowman's tweet was about Arrow, it's possible Barrowman is redacted simply because Barrowman hasn't officially been announced as being in the finale and/or the scene is Merlyn's death scene.

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4 minutes ago, bijoux said:

It's supposed to come out in 4-5 hours. And there can always be delays. I'd suggest going to bed.


Night guys!!!!! Hope it's full of Olicity (who am I kidding, give me 5 secs and I'll be freaking out)!!!!! Arghhhhhh so excited!!!!!!

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The kid is terrible but MG and the writers raved about the scenes between Oliver and BM last seasons so who knows. Maybe it's a scene with JB if MM dies. In that case I'd probably be emotional too because like with LL last year it seems too good they would get rid of something that they've been forcing on us for years.

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Just now, Chaser said:

Lol my first thought was MG is trying to be clever. It's  "Anna" not "Ana". So when he says the asker is 50%  right... lawyer speak.

Haha, this. I bet you're right.

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UGH at the 5.20 dialogue tease.  I'm pretty sure it is Felicity to Oliver and is supposed to be cute and funny. I hate the way Wendy & Beth write Felicity.  Why do they insist on juvenilizing her?

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Without context and inflection idk if one can judge it yet. Many of Felicity's lines on paper sound weird until EBR sells them, although I'll admit she can't save all of them (like she was able to save the "you're just one illegitimate kid away from a good Oliver Queen impersonation," but still made the "Please save Oliver" kind of cringey) 

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1 minute ago, wonderwall said:

How is that line juvenile?

Just the idea that she thinks Oliver might tell someone that they had sex. 

@way2interested is correct in that without context it's hard to judge but I cringed when I read it so that was my initial reaction.

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8 minutes ago, way2interested said:

"you're just one illegitimate kid away from a good Oliver Queen impersonation," but still made the "Please save Oliver" kind of cringey) 

That was such a weird line! I'm wondering how old the writers are because I really don't think it would even occur to someone in their early 20s to say this. Sounds so dated. The Christmas party stuff was super cringey.

Oliver would totally tell Digg. He probably had an Instagram post ready. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I can totally imagining her being nervous and rambly and she just says it... 

We don't always mean what we say... Sometimes words just come out. And I'm pretty sure Felicity still has some babbling tendencies when she gets nervous. So I wouldn't take it too seriously.

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