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Chase has to have some kind of scenes with Felicity. Not just because she's important to Oliver (and he would know that - Olicity was even in the press last season) but also because she's wanted to take down Prometheus ever since he killed her slice of stale Mayo bread. To have that go nowhere wouldn't make any sense, though this is Arrow so it's always a possibility.

Isn't she pretty much the only one he hasn't interacted with him yet? Interesting...

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It'd be funny if Oliver and Felicity actually do get back together or if they head openly that way and decide to use that to draw Chase out. You know, since being bait for serial killers is one of Felicity's fortes.

ETA: Actually, thinking about it, it would be funnier if they weren't together but they pretended that they were just to stick it to Chase. Gotta check "fake relationship trope" off the to-do list, plus give them a reason to write Oliver and Felicity saying fake/real romantic stuff to each other again.

Edited by way2interested
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“To a large extent, they’re still trying to figure that out themselves,” Juliana Harkavy told EW on our SiriusXM radio show Superhero Insider. “They want to know, amongst themselves, who the leader is. They try their different shots at establishing who that is. They each have their own individual strengths, so that’s really when you’re going to see those strengths come out is when Oliver is gone, because we just have to rely on ourselves and on each other.”

Uh, who the leader is shouldn't be that hard to figure out... 

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I really like the way the noobs have been used in recent episodes. In the background as muscle and as comedic relief. I actually like all of them now. I will be very happy if they keep this up, maybe give them one focus episode each per season (yes I'm very generous).

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I hope JH means figuring out the ladder among the n00bs themselves.  I think it would be fun seeing Dinah, Curtis and Lassie jockeyiing for position.  But yeah, Diggle and Felicity  run thins when Oliver is gone.

48 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

If they get back together will CW mandate another break up or are we in the clear?

Since the show isn't guaranteed a s7, I would hope we're in the clear.

ETA: I just listened to that podcast. Natalie Abrams insisting that she's an equal opportunity shipper is comedy gold.

Edited by statsgirl
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24 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I really like the way the noobs have been used in recent episodes. In the background as muscle and as comedic relief.

I liked the way they handled them as well. But if they were not be there and I wouldn't mind either. For me they are just there providing background noises. It's fine but I don't really care about them that much.

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I am wondering if the newbies might be left on their own for a couple of episodes, possibly 5.18-5.20, so they have to figure out how they work best.

Oliver might be pushing people away once he's freed.  In 5.18 he's considering utilizing the Bratva.

5.19 Dangerous Liaisons could refer to Bratva, Helix, or ARGUS.  

Felicity has her new "friends" for a couple of episodes at least.  In 5.20 she's with Oliver.  The 3 newbies seem to be staging a rescue of some sort.

Lyla is in 5.19 & 5.20.  Diggle is probably with her/ARGUS.  

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9 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

I'm not sure I missed someone else commenting on this but since Yao Fei is known to Talia could she be the mother of Shado? Why else would they mention her?

Hmmm, how does she know she died?  She died after Yao Fei right? Did Anatoli know Shado? Is Slade in some form supposed to show up this season?

Also Kismet over in the Hope thread made a good point about the mention of the kid. Could Oliver be one of the fathers in 521? 

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7 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

Quick survey....would people prefer that Helix be connected to Prometheus or would they prefer if it was it's own entity and that it lasted longer and perhaps went in to season 6?

I don't really want it to go into season 6 because that would mean nothing gets resolved until the end of the season and that's just too long.  But I agree with others that said I'd live for Chase to have been the one that plotted to have Helix make contact with Felicity (after all he is the one that arranged for Dig to get arrested and then he happily got him off, so his purpose to me seemed to set the Helix plot in motion.  Unless he knew Oliver would ask him to defend Dig and all he wanted to do was get close and gain trust.

Still, ideally, I'd want Felicity to blow up Helix by the end of this season, but the backlash over it could come after her still in season 6.  

3 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm actually excited for the final episodes this year unlike last year!!!!

If they get back together will CW mandate another break up or are we in the clear?

It all depends at this point how long the show is on the air and of course, on the actors staying with the show, but by most TV trope standards, once they get back together, they probably are in the clear at least from another hard break up.  Separations for "reasons" are still on the table (including misunderstandings and for someone's good) but a clear cut break up because the other did wrong likey wouldn't happen.   At least in my experience.   


2 hours ago, Sunshine said:

5.18 is called Disbanded.  Maybe the 3 of them try to be a team while the original 3 fight their fights.

I can see them giving JH head of the newbs.  I mean who is the alternative?  Rene?  Curtis?  Black Canary in the comics often has a leadership role.  I think she was even at one point in charge of the JL but there would have to be a bunch of extenuating circumstances before I could accept her as in charge over Dig and Felicity when Oliver isn't around.  At this point it just wouldn't even be believable.  At best she could be a co leader to them, but even that doesn't ring true on this show.  


9 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

I'm not sure I missed someone else commenting on this but since Yao Fei is known to Talia could she be the mother of Shado? Why else would they mention her?

If she was Shado's mother, wouldn't that have come up when she found Oliver in Russia? At least knowing her I mean. And also maybe that he'd met Shado's sister?  It's a nice twist that COULD work, but I don't think they will go there.

 I do wonder where Chase is getting his dirt though.  Argus database?  Actually, that could be the Helix tie in.  Except that Kojo/Elena still doesn't seem to know that Oliver is the GA.  Though if the info was need to know, hmm.  It's my working theory that Helix does do some altruistic stuff but funds itself by offering it's services for sale without caring much to who or why.  Thus Prometheus could have just been a former client who made the connections between Felicity's hacker past and how he could plop her in Helix's path.  

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9 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:


It all depends at this point how long the show is on the air and of course, on the actors staying with the show, but by most TV trope standards, once they get back together, they probably are in the clear at least from another hard break up.  Separations for "reasons" are still on the table (including misunderstandings and for someone's good) but a clear cut break up because the other did wrong likey wouldn't happen.   At least in my experience.   

Oh dear if they go into season 7 could we be in for an amnesia plot of some sort?

I'm kinda worried of a reunion and then Felicity on the run on in jail end of s5. No domestic Olicity *wails*

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7 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Oh dear if they go into season 7 could we be in for an amnesia plot of some sort?

I'm kinda worried of a reunion and then Felicity on the run on in jail end of s5. No domestic Olicity *wails*

On this show, maybe brainwashing?  I apologize for putting that out in the universe.  

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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

On this show, maybe brainwashing?  I apologize for putting that out in the universe.  

Hey, they already did pseudo-brainwashing for an episode for 321 along with Thea killing Sara, so I'd guess they wouldn't go back to that for an arc. That's what's kind of pushing me away from a jail theory, since they technically just did that with Diggle.

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5 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

I wouldn't mind a Olicity running from the law reconciliation! With hot sexytimes

That would be awesome but what of only Felicity was running!!!!??? More separation!!!!

Gawd shipping is like a stressful sport!

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

That would be awesome but what of only Felicity was running!!!!??? More separation!!!!

Gawd shipping is like a stressful sport!

No kidding! Any Olictiers are just wanting 520 and hopeful hot sexy present time sexytimes

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12 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

she couldn't get her GA/BC romantic confirmation so shes now pushing for susan williams. Anyone but olicity ya know.

Allowing your bias to make your journalism off, she always seems to miss the mark in her bid to push her agenda rather then report about the show accurately. No wonder she likes Susan they are both compleatly full of..................journalistic integrity.

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Is NA really so unaware of her bias?  she claims she has none.

I' m wondering who is head of Helix?  Talia?  Or next season's Big Bad?  Kojo seems too inexperienced to have put together something that big in secret.

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I' m wondering who is head of Helix?  Talia?  Or next season's Big Bad?  Kojo seems too inexperienced to have put together something that big in secret.

Possibly out there theory, but maybe Helix is going to make it look like Felicity is in charge? Didn't WM say something about Felicity inspiring Helix in the past or something? 

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31 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

No kidding! Any Olictiers are just wanting 520 and hopeful hot sexy present time sexytimes

This is my first full throttle live shipping show and it's been sooo much fun!!!! Sooo lucky I stumbled onto this forum!!! Omg imagine if I landed on Reddit!

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That may be the plan if Chase wants to land Felicity in jail but someone still has to have put it together and financed it.  All that computer equipment doesn't come cheap.   I'm guessing they wanted the Border Security drones out of the way in order to smuggle something illegal into the States and it's probably not refugees so someone is making big bucks off of what Helix does, not to mention making money off the PT biochip. 

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15 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Possibly out there theory, but maybe Helix is going to make it look like Felicity is in charge? Didn't WM say something about Felicity inspiring Helix in the past or something? 

I'd love it if Helix is the s6 big bad. They haven't battled an organisation big bad yet!

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Is NA really so unaware of her bias?  she claims she has none.

I' m wondering who is head of Helix?  Talia?  Or next season's Big Bad?  Kojo seems too inexperienced to have put together something that big in secret.

NA has always been that way. She picked a favorite on Smallville and ran with that as well.  Isn't she also the one that earned the nickname "Wrongda" because she so often slanted things the wrong way (or just plain got it wrong)?

Lexa in interviews has mentioned that Talia is comfortable behind a desk as well.  I don't get the feel that she would have founded it but I wouldn't be surprised if she took a loose conglomeration of hackers, saw their potential and turned it into big business.  I really do think on some level the bright eyed hacktivists are getting to do what they want.  I just don't think they care about collateral damage that results in how they fund themselves.  And/or parts of the group is just plain a hackers for hire thing.  

54 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Possibly out there theory, but maybe Helix is going to make it look like Felicity is in charge? Didn't WM say something about Felicity inspiring Helix in the past or something? 

That would only really work if Helix was exposed or at risk though and wanted a scapegoat.

38 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'd love it if Helix is the s6 big bad. They haven't battled an organisation big bad yet!

DD and Hive was an organisation.  The LoA was in it's own way as well, IMO.  No corporate Big Bads though.  Helix should be a Big Bad but they don't really seem built to be a Big Bad on Arrow.  Hard to punch an hard drive.  So a extra adversary at best IMO.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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5 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Isn't she also the one that earned the nickname "Wrongda" because she so often slanted things the wrong way (or just plain got it wrong)?

Wrongda was Kristin dos Santos, who used to have a TV column on E! Online called Watch with Wanda, which was her pseudonym until she outed herself with her real name. Hello, I am old.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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20 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Isn't she also the one that earned the nickname "Wrongda" because she so often slanted things the wrong way (or just plain got it wrong)?


Wrongda was Watch with Kristen on E! She was originally called Wonda back when she was a spoiler source (when they actually spoiled things instead of acting as PR peeps)

As I remember it, Wrongda earned her name because of Buffy/Arrow fandom.  The way I remember it, she pissed off Joss Wheden/Mutant Enemy (spoiled something) and, they started leaking mis-information so she was getting all these spoilers wrong. Meanwhile ME was leaking legit spoilers to AICN and other sites.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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3 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Could Oliver be one of the fathers in 521? 

Pssst. I didn't bring it up intentionally. Don't put it out there in the universe.

51 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

That brings back memories!  I think I was in my ER fandom when Wrongda was in her heyday.

Dawson's Creek for me. Long, long time ago.

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i'm not very interested in seeing the noobs to care of business for more than one episode... GA appearances this second half of the season has already been pretty slim IMO.

I also don't want Oliver to break or anything.. By now he should be strong enough not to panic like he does in the trailer for next week IMO

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Oh god, this from EW is the first time they've explicitly linked Felicity learning a lesson to the breakup. Before the talking point was all about her being put in Oliver's S1 shoes. This is not good.


Can you provide any Felicity scoop for Arrow? — Sarah
Aligning with Helix, and therefore using even more unconventional methods than she does with Team Arrow, is certainly going to take Felicity to an interesting place — in particular, one in which she may come to understand her ex a bit better. “We’re starting to put her in Oliver’s footsteps a little bit,” EP Marc Guggenheim says. “She’s going to get a chance to experience things a little bit more from Oliver’s perspective. I think the reason they broke up was her difficulty to see things from Oliver’s perspective. They broke up fundamentally because she didn’t trust Oliver, and the reason she didn’t trust Oliver is she couldn’t understand why he made the decisions he made.”

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You had to figure this was coming after the "I think we can both agree that keeping secrets doesn't end well."

The problem is that the end lesson should be - yeah, keeping secrets doesn't end well - don't do it. No one needs to understand why someone did it since getting into their headspace and understanding indicates acceptance that it's okay which leads to more secrets and drama, and no thank you!

Edited by apinknightmare
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I think we all knew that was the end goal. Especially after recent episodes, they had Oliver talking about how keeping secrets doesn't end well. Then they had everyone but Oliver find out about Pandora and Helix.

I don't like it but, the show is about Oliver and these guys are lazy. I think it's easier to drag everyone down to his level, rather than raise him up.

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

You had to figure this was coming after the "I think we can both agree that keeping secrets doesn't end well."

I was kind of hoping that meant HE learned his lesson about keeping secrets and lying, not that SHE would have to learn any lessons.  Why am I surprised?

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I'm gonna see how it plays out first. I just don't trust any single EP these days... But not liking how that interview sounded. I mean Felicity specifically already said she understood why he lied. So....... idk

Edited by wonderwall
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Didnt the show have Oliver admit that his lies were what ended the relationship? 


And that was the perspective SA was talking about in one of his q&a

Edited by Velocity23
Because i cant English today
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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I was kind of hoping that meant HE learned his lesson about keeping secrets and lying, not that SHE would have to learn any lessons.  Why am I surprised?

Well the comment indicates that he did, haha. Not sure why Felicity has to take a turn on that ride though.

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6 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Remember when the big talking point about Felicity's storyline was that it had nothing to do with Oliver? I feel like now it's "she's going to understand Oliver better." 

That was always the talking point, even from the beginning I think. Or at least, that was a huge part of it.

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There's really a discord between Stephen & Guggeenheim. Stephen is adamant they broke up because of OLIVER's lies and Guggenheim is saying it's because Felicity didn't understand why Oliver lied (which is not true because she specifically said she understood why he kept William from her)...

So what's the truth? Should I trust the EP who spends half his time focusing on another show or should I trust the actor who has a better understanding of his character and the situations in the show more?

IDK it's a tossup.

Edited by wonderwall
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I have always been under the impression that her arc, especially since SA's spoiler, was about justifying Oliver's lie.  I just can't figure out how they make it comparable. They are not in a close personal relationship unless it blows up in her face post 5.20, assuming that is a new beginning.

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