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Just now, wonderwall said:

Looks like that's what that photo with Tina/Oliver was about... Maybe they go on a side mission.

So are they already trying to set up a divide between GA/BC and the rest of the team? That's what it sounds like. Hopefully it's not and just this one thing.

I don't know why I keep expecting better from these writers. But I do. And I keep getting disappointed. 

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1 minute ago, wonderwall said:

Looks like that's what that photo with Tina/Oliver was about... Maybe they go on a side mission.

Still hate it though

I hate it simply because Tina has been in one episode and they're already dropping that kind of hint into the show. Awful. 

I'm so glad I'm not watching this. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

That they shoehorned in a reference like that though-one ep after she's been introduced? Yikes x infinity. 

It screams trying too hard that I legitimately feel uncomfortable for people involved. If it's Felicity being passive-aggressive when saying that and them actually just making fun of the automatic assumption that they'd sleep together though I might take it better, but ehh

Just now, YonkouProdutiona said:


That's my comment on this weeks episode...

Shady Susan then? 

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I need context cause that's kind of weird.

Why would Felicity think anything is up with them? Oliver's creepy obsession with Laurel's memory? Does she see them disappear and just assume its another Isabel situation?

Is it awkward, but positive for Olicity because it puts Tinah in the Isabel role and its a callback to a turning point in their relationship? 

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3 minutes ago, way2interested said:

It screams trying too hard that I legitimately feel uncomfortable for people involved. If it's Felicity being passive-aggressive when saying that and them actually just making fun of the automatic assumption that they'd sleep together though I might take it better, but ehh

I'm mostly interested in Oliver's response, but fandom will be unbearably smug or unbearably panicked over it either way. 

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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

But I also just don't agree with having side missions when you're in another country, dealing with the Bratva and a nuclear arms deal. This is how things go wrong and someone gets hurt. 

It does look like "Someone" (Rory) might get hurt, so you could be on to something there.

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30 minutes ago, YonkouProdutiona said:

She's right ;)


Where were you? Did you take Dinah somewhere?
Yeah. Not like that. 
It's okay.
What happens in Russia stays in Russia, remember?

Oh great. They are already "joking" about an Oliver/Dinah hookup. Why even have Felicity suspicious and/or plant that thought if they're not going there?

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1 minute ago, Trisha said:

Oh great. They are already "joking" about an Oliver/Dinah hookup. Why even have Felicity suspicious and/or plant that thought if they're not going there?

To throw people off when Oliver hooks up with the reporter. 

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22 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Sounds like they're lampshading all the "it's totally inevitable that Oliver and Dinah are gonna bang" spec.

That's my interpretation too. Since the casting sides came out and then tenfold when people found out she would be BC, some have been very vocal about a hookup. That sounds like their way of acknowledging it and dismissing it. Added bonus of them putting it into an Olicity callback. It's awkward but its not really concerning too me.

I'm more annoyed with the implication of Oliver and Tinah going on some separate mission.

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Well, at the least they are staying true to their concept 'Oliver has to bang every canary' or 'Oliver has to bang everyone who is not a relative'. 

Even if it is just joking, it is somewhat really gross. But I gave up thinking they won't go there. I feel as though they will if they want to.

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6 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

To throw people off when Oliver hooks up with the reporter. 

But how is this throwing anyone off? We already know he's dating Susan (presumably even in the eps we don't see her in). I can't believe a hookup would come as a surprise. 

I get Felicity being snippy (if she's using the same tone that she did when she said that same line about Isabel) when it comes to the reporter, but her assuming Oliver is already hooking up with Dinah? Why even hint at/foreshadow that unless they want to plant that seed in the audience's heads? Not saying it's going to happen, but I really wanted the "what happens in Russia" dialogue nod to be more Olicity focused, instead of it having anything to do with Tinah.

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You know what? If they feel the absolute need to do something about GA/BC romantically, I wouldn't mind seeing Tinah completely shut down any attempt from Oliver. It would be even better if it includes a line like, "Nope, I've heard about your past with Canaries. Never happening." (And sticking with that "never.") 

Do the writers even realize that the Oliver I'm seeing onscreen in S5 is not someone I'm rooting for? He's not really being a good friend/brother/teammate to those who have stood by his side for 4 years. If I had just tuned in this season, I would be so confused hearing about what happened in the past 4 seasons because it doesn't line up with what I'm seeing now. 

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Dinah, I'm trying to move forward, but I'm back here, I'm in Russia, in the Bratva, and it just proves to me I can't seem to do that.
Prometheus got in your head. 
What was it, some crap about infecting the people closest to you?
Yeah, and tonight, I watched John torture a man,
And there's something going on with Felicity.
You affect the people in your life, Oliver.
That's hardly a revelatory observation.
In fact, I think it's, uh...It's called living.
Prometheus has you so fixated on what's wrong with you, that you've completely stopped seeing what's right.
You know, John and Felicity, they'll listen to you
Because you have more to offer than just this.
Your past is a part of you. There is nothing you can do about that. You can't change it. It doesn't mean it has to be your anchor.

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4 minutes ago, YonkouProdutiona said:

Dinah, I'm trying to move forward, but I'm back here, I'm in Russia, in the Bratva, and it just proves to me I can't seem to do that.
Prometheus got in your head. 
What was it, some crap about infecting the people closest to you?
Yeah, and tonight, I watched John torture a man,
And there's something going on with Felicity.
You affect the people in your life, Oliver.
That's hardly a revelatory observation.
In fact, I think it's, uh...It's called living.
Prometheus has you so fixated on what's wrong with you, that you've completely stopped seeing what's right.
You know, John and Felicity, they'll listen to you
Because you have more to offer than just this.
Your past is a part of you. There is nothing you can do about that. You can't change it. It doesn't mean it has to be your anchor.

Wow so he knows something is wrong with Felicity. lol

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1 hour ago, shadow2008 said:

Felicity is the alpha female of this show. Of course, no matter how crowded the Arrowcave gets, she will always get her due but even in her case, I would argue that her arcs aren't particularly well-written. They generally tend to fizzle out without a lasting impression on her character or the story as a whole. Now back to the Black Canary conundrum. If the last 3 and a half seasons of Arrow are anything to go by, a full-time Black Canary will always be marginalized and reduced to just another member on Oliver's team - and that simply doesn't do the character justice. That's why she's better served in a recurring capacity because it would give the writers a chance to pretend that she has other things going for her (e.g. building her own superhero network, travelling the world to receive training from the best MMA experts, etc.) besides her role as a member on Team Arrow without spending huge amounts of time on it. 

I think maybe I'll just agree to disagree on this. I don't agree that a Black Canary cannot be served well by being on the team full-time.  I would have been perfectly happy to have Sara as a full-time team member.  Laurel wasn't a good fit, but I saw that as a Laurel issue, not a Black Canary issue.  

However, the bottom line for me is that I do not want Felicity being the only woman on the team.  If Thea isn't going to be on the team, then they need another woman, whether that's Dinah or someone else. *shrugs*  That's just how I feel about it.  But I know that mileage varies on this subject, so I'll let it drop. :) 

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6 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Wow so he knows something is wrong with Felicity. lol

But he can only say he knows something's going on with her until... 515? This is going to be so stupid. 

3 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

So Tina is now giving Oliver pep talks?! LOL!

Maybe she'll even be part of an "I do know two things" moment by finale time. 

I am impressed that she seems to have moved past her own past in the time between 511 and 512. Apparently she just needed to be made part of a team! 

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12 minutes ago, YonkouProdutiona said:

Dinah, I'm trying to move forward, but I'm back here, I'm in Russia, in the Bratva, and it just proves to me I can't seem to do that.
Prometheus got in your head. 
What was it, some crap about infecting the people closest to you?
Yeah, and tonight, I watched John torture a man,
And there's something going on with Felicity.
You affect the people in your life, Oliver.
That's hardly a revelatory observation.
In fact, I think it's, uh...It's called living.
Prometheus has you so fixated on what's wrong with you, that you've completely stopped seeing what's right.
You know, John and Felicity, they'll listen to you
Because you have more to offer than just this.
Your past is a part of you. There is nothing you can do about that. You can't change it. It doesn't mean it has to be your anchor.

LOL thanks for this.

More newbies giving speeches jfc. Also, we finally see Lance and he's stuck with a newbie as well, they're really trying to make these people stick. Rory is the only decent one atm.


Looks like another episode to skip. I'm only sticking around for that big Felicity storyline that has been promised but not shown.

Edited by JJ928
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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

Pep talks after one episode. Wow. 

LMAO. This show kills me.

LOL. So she's already Oliver's confidante. They're already off on their own little side missions that Oliver didn't tell Felicity about. Felicity already thinks they slept together. And we're one episode in. Can't wait to see where they'll end up by the end of the season.

Edited by sara1121
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Yep. Fully formed partnership by 5x12. LOL

You know, I'm all about Oliver being the one to support Diggle and Felicity this time around but I don't want the newbies to be experts on Oliver.

I'm really curious about how this all reads on camera. If something happens and Felicity is mad at Oliver's disappearing act with Tinah and she does play it as snippy or if Felicity plays it as bittersweet. I do like Oliver talking about Felicity to Tinah when Felicity thinks its something else.

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4 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

She's only one step away from knowing him in her bones!

LOL. The fact that she's the one who spurs Oliver to talk to Felicity and John about their darkness (aka the one moment I was looking forward to this ep) is just...ugh. 

Love how Tinah just became an instant team member. Just add water (and a leather jacket) and she's good to go!

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55 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Looks like that's what that photo with Tina/Oliver was about... Maybe they go on a side mission.

Still hate it though

So that's why Oliver looks really grumpy. He thinks Felicity is seeing him regress back to Douche boy Serial Killer hair Ollie lol

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Sorry but if they wanted me to like Tina this is actually the worst way they could've done it. This is just not...organic. It's so bad. Haha. I have to laugh.

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4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Why would Oliver keep a mission from Felicity?

a) Reasons b) he is an idiot and c) otherwise he probably wouldn't get alone time with Tinah so that she can be a shrink.

This is the one thing that truly bothers me in any show...Why don't you let people gradually get used to new people before you throw everything in. In only 2 episodes she is Laurel's successor and someone Oliver trusts with his demons and personal problems. Meanwhile the viewer couldn't even meet her properly. (All this scene needs to copy Laurel is face touching or gentle arm touch with Rihanna music in the background. So that it is either displaying longing, romance or eternal friendship) 

Also Oliver's girlfriend makes me want to hurl something. It sounds like an episode full of Tinah and Oliver's girlfriend. 

Edited by Belinea
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I just keep thinking about what Lance must think about everything that has happened since he went into rehab. He must feel like he's ended up on another Earth or something - if, you know, they even fill him in on that. However, since it sounds like Tinah was filled in on everything between 511 and 512, I really hope someone did the same with Lance as soon as he got out of rehab. But maybe they just put him in a suit and brought him to City Hall right from rehab and are going to sit him down for that interview, all in the same day. Who knows with this show right now. 

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1 minute ago, Velocity23 said:

Didnt Marc imply that Oliver is gonna try to pull a fast one on Felicity in a sense where he is gonna try to hide something. 

I think there was something about it.

EPs also said that Diggle and Felicity go in different directions after Oliver talks to them. The tension between Oliver and Felicity in 5x10 about Oliver's focus, the comment about Russia staying in Russia and Oliver going on a mission without telling Felicity...I don't know what Oliver is doing but I can see them saying that Felicity just doesn't trust Oliver's judgement right now. Probably why she doesn't tell him about Pandora.

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10 minutes ago, YonkouProdutiona said:

If you don't mind spoiling, what is the level of Oliver/Shady Susie interaction here? Tons of Oliver's girlfriend stuff/banging, or is it to the point where even if you have an objection to him being so stupid as to be with her you could take it? 

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Eh, Oliver and Susan don't bother me. You know she'll end being shady and it'll come back to bite him in the ass, even if it's unintentional on her part. LOL I look forward to it because I can't stand Oliver, at all this year. If they were to end the season with OQ in jail, for being a dumbass, I will rejoice. LOL I really can't stand him. 

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Do the writers think that Oliver opening up to all these women he barely knows this season (Susan, Tinah) and having heart-to-hearts with them instead of with Thea, Diggle, Felicity, etc. is a sign of character growth or something? Because I just don't get it.

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

I'm bothered by it but I also want her to ruin his life. It's a very weird time for me.

Same. But I also want her to ruin his life only in a way where no one else will be hurt by it. That's what worries me - it's too easy to connect him back to the others (Oliver in Russia in the past/Hooding up -->Hood in S1 -->team now), and I don't want to see anyone else get caught up in it. 

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