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On a very slight positive note, it looks like Diggle's general is the Russian general from Stargate.  Maybe he and Zelinka can get together.

(Also glad I'm going out tonight.  I'll check back with you all to see if it's worth watching.)

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

Also...Felicity and Billy? His name is BILLY? It doesn't even sound right.

I hope this nightmare ends asap.

I can't stand that they gave her love interest the same name as the kid that was used to break them up. There is something perverse in that. Like rubbing it in my face.  Speaking of which...

The stuff from the new interview as with the stuff from WM really isn't anything we hadn't already figured out for at least the first half of the season.  It's just that if feels like I'm getting it rubbed in my face.  5-05 already sounds like a misunderstanding slash missed opportunity episode and that is such a classic ship stall move. 

I am not going to enjoy the new people but if they can keep up the quality of Felicity and Oliver's interaction until the fricken' stall is over, then I can deal. In the meantime all this stuff they are hinting with Oliver sounds exactly like how he played it with Ray. That he's not really happy but willing to put with it if she's happy enough and that passes for happy in the meantime. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Laughing again at the fact that this came right after the one that caused the need for damage control, though. Although I guess this one hasn't been as overwhelmingly upset as much as begrudging indifference. We'll see how the next few episodes/ratings/reviews go and if they keep those answers, especially with this whole "Tina" thing.

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5 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I hope Felicity makes it out of the bunker for 5b.

Curious if Ragman is going to stick around after they wrap up Havenrock.

She's out of the Bunker long before 5B. We have BTS pics from 505, 507 and 508

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13 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Totally random and based on absolutely nothing, when I saw Joe Dinicol at the 5.08 table read sitting next to Willa I wondered if he was going to be a love interest for Thea.

I am thinking the DA is a love interest for Thea...although why has nobody seen him anywhere but hes a season regular?

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I just posted a bunch of "Tina" auditions in the Spoilers thread that I found on youtube.  I find the different interpretations of the same dialogue fascinating.  The actresses' ages range from 19 to 31, I believe.  The auditions appear legit, but if anyone knows or finds out differently, please let me know.

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57 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I am not going to enjoy the new people but if they can keep up the quality of Felicity and Oliver's interaction until the fricken' stall is over, then I can deal. In the meantime all this stuff they are hinting with Oliver sounds exactly like how he played it with Ray. That he's not really happy but willing to put with it if she's happy enough and that passes for happy in the meantime. 

I guess if it's supposed to surprise us they could show us that he's totally indifferent and thinks it's a good thing as opposed to the I just want you to be happy. Can you tell I am a little annoyed right now? :)

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18 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

She's out of the Bunker long before 5B. We have BTS pics from 505, 507 and 508

I guess what I'm thinking is by them saying she is filming a bunch of team scenes, is that she is in the bunker because she doesn't have the Palmer set anymore.

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3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I guess what I'm thinking is by them saying she is filming a bunch of team scenes, is that she is in the bunker because she doesn't have the Palmer set anymore.

Oh ok, if you meant PT set then no. She's pretty much got the Lair and Loft sets now.  

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22 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I just posted a bunch of "Tina" auditions in the Spoilers thread that I found on youtube.  I find the different interpretations of the same dialogue fascinating.  The actresses' ages range from 19 to 31, I believe.  The auditions appear legit, but if anyone knows or finds out differently, please let me know.

Seems like a pretty big age range, is that just a standard thing? That age range I mean?

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7 minutes ago, Thundercatmary said:

Seems like a pretty big age range, is that just a standard thing? That age range I mean?

The "Tina" casting call specified actresses in their 20s-30s, so I guess if you can pass for someone within that age range, you're fine.

Edited by tv echo
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1 minute ago, Belinea said:

So is that the episode with the kiss? Because he is wearing that jacket and all...

Possibly. I was hoping not, because I would hope her boyfriend wouldn't just leave his arms dangling to the sides like that when his girlfriend is kissing him, but maybe his hands are heavier than they look and a little unwieldy. 

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That kiss from the trailer looked like he didn't really want to be kissing her tbh. I was hoping it was a goodbye kiss but I feel like Mayo Billy Bread is here for a few episodes yet.

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There was speculation that he might be a bad guy, even the big bad but someone he doesn't seem to me like he could be able to pull that off. At least to me...

Edited by Belinea
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I am actually curious what kind of promotion they might do, if the show were to actually drop in the ratings from the premiere... 

On a somewhat unrelated note: I checked out Lethal Weapon which airs at the same time. It is actually really good and fun with a good storyline so far. 

Edited by Belinea
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38 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I am actually curious what kind of promotion they might do, if the show were to actually drop in the ratings from the premiere... 

They'd have interviews in which they talk about the exact opposite of what they're about now, I would presume. More Felicity, less noobs, more "upcoming twists," less "this is going to happen for a few episodes," more actual ambiguity regarding Olicity, less quotes regarding them moving on/lingering feelings, stuff to that effect.

Edited by way2interested
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The writers on this show are nothing if not hacks, so...Oliver found out about Felicity and Ray by walking in on them kissing, so we have every reason to believe that Oliver will find out about Felicity and TH by walking in on them kissing. Surprise me, show! 

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Those promo pics for 503 .... apparently The Flash has influenced Arrow so much that they've now moved to a "men only" show.

It's the vibe they are giving.  Thea is out of the mask and looking less than heroic and Felicity's storyline is about introducing DTH so far and after that probably Ragman.  And last night on the Flash she was a Barry prop.   

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Does anyone know if Flashpoint also changed Olicity's status ? they were still engaged or it was changed at flashpoint as baby Sara?I ask that because in the premiere OLicity acted as the 3rd season where Diggle know that Oliver loved  Felicity, but still made no move to her. 

and if the flashpoint "created" not only her boyfriend but also made Olicity together in Season 4 had not happened? what do you think?

Edited by Morena
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Can someone pretty please explain or speculate for me:

Why did they kill Laurel and then kill off Olicity? Would it not have been easier to keep the break up in season 4, have Oliver go back to Laurel "OMG I have finally realised it now but we are super super epic and I love that you've still got that picture, lets get together and be happy forever because you are the one."

I don't think Olicity shippers would be any angrier than they are now. They could have kept Laurel for the Laurel fans and there would be no need for this new BC nonsense. The BC nonsense just looks EXTRA stupid! Putting Laurel and Oliver back would not have been anymore stupid than the other stupid stuff they do. 

ETA: Just to clarify I don't think they killed off Laurel for Olicity since she had nothing to do with Olicity when she was alive. I just wonder why they killed her off at all since that just pissed off the Laurel fans. They would at least have made a bunch of people happy by reuniting them. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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27 minutes ago, Morena said:

Does anyone know if Flashpoint also changed Olicity's status ? they were still engaged or it was changed at flashpoint as baby Sara?

I have no clue whether anything more than Baby Sara will be revealed to have been changed by FP, but they definitely left an opening for that. I thought it was clever to have Barry speed-surf the web, because it makes it seem like he could search their lives pretty thoroughly and if they claim that Sara was the only thing that changed, I'm fine with that explanation. OTOH, his searches should theoretically only cover things in their lives that a) Barry knew about and b) were covered in the news or on social media (which, I assume, none of the TA members use super-extensively), which leaves a lot of stuff wide open, given that they live their lives half in secret. 

So I do think O/F should have been engaged, Felicity should have been paralyzed, etc.--that was covered in the media and Barry should have looked it up to confirm. Beyond that, I think there are a lot of smaller things the shows could reveal have changed over the course of the season(s). Yay! It's so cool not knowing what to rely on from four seasons of canon.

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Imo it's because they aren't actually done with olicity at all.But they're making them the drama filled, on and off couple like they originally intended for L/O because apparently they don't know another way to write romance or just don't want to try another way. I don't think they intended for so many olicity fans to basically stop giving them any buzz or for the ratings to drop so much.I think they thought that the reaction will be the same as when they used Ray as a stall for olicity and even tho olicity fans mostly hated him they were still loud about loving olicity and boosting the sm ratings.But it seems they don't realize that when you go as far with a couple as the show went with olicity last season then new LIs and saying they're back to lingering feelings after almost getting married, isn't going to go over well at all.

Killing Laurel imo really doesn't have anything to do with olicity. I think she would have been killed off and replaced as LI even if Felicity didn't show up because she just wasn't working and I really think they would have found another LI for Oliver anyway. 

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Is anybody else boycotting Arrow in protest of the erasure of Baby Sara?  I think I would need to hear immediate explanations that the plan has to been to restore her to this timeline as soon as possible before I could watch again.  I'm just heartsick.  It's so weird, but I'm truly grieving my favorite show.  I'm with all of you on here every day, and I feel like a part of this wonderful community. But, I drew my line, and they crossed it.

Is there any little hint that Baby Sara might come back? Has there been an outcry in social media?  Do you think the critics/reviewers are going to notice and flame the EPs/writers? Is there any hope?

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26 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

Is anybody else boycotting Arrow in protest of the erasure of Baby Sara?  I think I would need to hear immediate explanations that the plan has to been to restore her to this timeline as soon as possible before I could watch again.  I'm just heartsick.  It's so weird, but I'm truly grieving my favorite show.  I'm with all of you on here every day, and I feel like a part of this wonderful community. But, I drew my line, and they crossed it.

Is there any little hint that Baby Sara might come back? Has there been an outcry in social media?  Do you think the critics/reviewers are going to notice and flame the EPs/writers? Is there any hope?

It bothers me a lot and has for weeks but no, I'm not boycotting.  And no, I don't expect that Sara will ever come back, but I also don't think the show runners understand what they did was problematic.  Maybe there will be more of a reaction if or when Arrow actually mentions what they did but for now, I don't think anyone is paying attention and me not watching isn't going to affect anything.  They aren't counting my viewership anyway. 

I really do hate losing Sara but I'm not ready to lose the show.  Also, maybe if I'm still trying to support the show, MG will read my message on Tumblr about the baby Sara problem.  How else will he learn?

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37 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

Is anybody else boycotting Arrow in protest of the erasure of Baby Sara?  I think I would need to hear immediate explanations that the plan has to been to restore her to this timeline as soon as possible before I could watch again.  I'm just heartsick.  It's so weird, but I'm truly grieving my favorite show.  I'm with all of you on here every day, and I feel like a part of this wonderful community. But, I drew my line, and they crossed it.

Is there any little hint that Baby Sara might come back? Has there been an outcry in social media?  Do you think the critics/reviewers are going to notice and flame the EPs/writers? Is there any hope?

Not really boycotting. Just not watching because I'm tired of the garbage storylines, the lack of respect for female characters. Continually using Felicity as a prop instead of giving her a proper storyline. Retcons, regressions. You name it. 

I think Sara's erasure is gross and unacceptable but I don't think they care so I doubt she'll be back, sadly. Unless Flashpoint isn't as resolved as people think and it comes up again? IDK.

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Looked briefly at all those "Tina" auditions.  Noticed none of them were the blond athletic type.  Makes the guess about the actress named Candy Washington seem more likely since she kind of looks like all the ones auditioning.  Still not sure what the intention is with her but not being the classic blond type for BC make ME feel better. 


Also, was if just me or did the guy playing Wilddog kind of sound in the interview like a self obsessed tool?  Just me?  Full disclosure, I may be judging him solely based on the fact he didn't mention EBR when the question specifically included her.  And he gave himself credit for bringing the energy to the old tired (apparently) but well oiled machine. Bite me. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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