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Caity Lotz posted they're shooting a massive fight scene today, so she's there:



I think because the LoT cast is so big, and they'll have to spend time in the pilot introducing each character, that they might be able to give Routh and/or Caity one or two days off to shoot Arrow.


But I really do not envy the production managers whose jobs are to schedule the crossovers' call sheets. Just thinking about it makes me too tired to think about it.

Edited by dtissagirl
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I can see 1 or 2 days but that doesn't translate into a lot of screen time

The story can still be about the characters even if the actors are not there. Especially, in Ray's case where he is technically missing. I prefer the "show" method of storytelling, but you know how the writers love the "tell" method on ARROW.

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Maybe the Olicity vacation pics were sitting in Thea's loft set while the reporters were touring because they haven't finished building the new set for O&F's place?


It's sounding more and more like Nyssa and Malcolm made a deal involving Sara's resurrection.  Because Sara's been dead for so long, maybe the LP requires a life for a life?  Alternatively, Nyssa's part of the bargain may not have been death, but exile or going on a faraway secret mission for the LOA. I just got the feeling from JB's comments this summer that Malcolm stays Ra's for awhile.

Edited by tv echo
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Maybe the Olicity vacation pics were sitting in Thea's loft set while the reporters were touring because they haven't finished building the new set for O&F's place?


With the pics, plus the fact that MG said that O&Fs place is "familiar" (indicating that is a place we've seen before), much as I don't like it, I think they probably are living there. Could be just a temporary setup, until they find another place. Or maybe Thea will move in with her boyfriend, leaving the place to O&F. 

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With the pics, plus the fact that MG said that O&Fs place is "familiar" (indicating that is a place we've seen before), much as I don't like it, I think they probably are living there. Could be just a temporary setup, until they find another place. Or maybe Thea will move in with her boyfriend, leaving the place to O&F. 

Do you think Oliver and Felicity would be willing to stay in a place bought with Malcolm's money if not for the pressing need to stay there with Thea?  I think they'd only live with there bc Thea is there, and needs them.  I can't imagine them staying there once she's gone.  HOWEVER, that seems as likely as anything, for the out-of-show reason that they hate paying to build sets.

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Does Star(ling) City have a Mayor House? If so, perhaps OQ is waiting to see if he wins the election before he settles somewhere new only to have to move out again & into the Mayor House. Moving is the pits! Also, TPTB/writers likely know the outcome of that election, so that may influence when & if they design a new domestic set.


Even so, perhaps O/F do not prioritize finding a more permanent home in SC just yet because with the election & PT, they have a lot going on in their personal lives. Never mind their nighttime obligations taking up so much of their limited free time. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they just installed a wicked sweet master bedroom suite in the new lair. I'm loving the thought of them having their own place, but it might have to wait until the summer (aka the only time they have downtime).

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Do you think Oliver and Felicity would be willing to stay in a place bought with Malcolm's money if not for the pressing need to stay there with Thea?  I think they'd only live with there bc Thea is there, and needs them.  I can't imagine them staying there once she's gone.  HOWEVER, that seems as likely as anything, for the out-of-show reason that they hate paying to build sets.


Oliver didn't have a problem living there knowing that Malcolm paid for it, so I don't think it'll matter. 


I mean, you'd think that Thea wouldn't want to keep living there considering 2 LoA people came in and tried to kill her, but she's still there. I think they're just working with limited set funds. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I wonder if the writers room thinks of the loft as Thea AND OLIVER'S place, even though he was living somewhere else during the hiatus. And their justification for O/F to be living there is simply "it's Oliver's place too".

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Oliver didn't have a problem living there knowing that Malcolm paid for it, so I don't think it'll matter.  

Sure, but he was living there WITH THEA.  Plus funds were an issue, which they're not now that Felicity is rolling in the dough.  I think, character-wise, they'd find a new place together (which is really not that time-consuming, esp. when you have a lot of money and don't have to get a mortgage and can hire movers, etc.). 


I like the idea of them moving into a mayoral mansion, though.  Really I just don't want them living with Thea long-term. 

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I would imagine that if Thea left for whatever reason, O&F would either buy or rent the place from her, so I don't really think there would be any moral objections over Malcolm or his money. If Thea moved out for whatever reason, and funding for building another set was an issue, I'd rather see Oliver and Felicity's home life than Thea's, so they can stay there and I wouldn't care one bit. But that's just me. 


I agree with you about living with Thea long-term, though. And about the mansion!

Edited by apinknightmare
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First pic: GOOD. Second pic: WHY.


I just...do not believe John Diggle would put that thing on his head. I feel like he would look at it, give the person who handed it to him a blank stare of doom, and then walk away.

In the 2nd picture is that some kind of ring on his thumb in the hand holding the gun?

If someone else commented on it already I'm sorry.

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From the The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow thread-





I don't know if this was posted yet but this sounds interesting:

Amell said, "The fundamental part of the season, that nobody is really going to understand until they see the premiere, is that we do something in the premiere that we've never done in the history of the show. The actor who portrays the DC Comic superhero 'Arrow' in the series, further said, "It does something for the remainder of the season that there's going to be a constant jeopardy in the show, even if times are good. It's a really interesting technique. I think it promotes a good story. I think it will pique people's interest."


So I'm thinking Flash Forward? Maybe to the end of season? That would certainly be one way to have something hanging over everything for the entire season so that even when everything was good, we'd know that it was only a matter of time for the sword to fall. If handled well, it could be brilliant. (If I had a dollar for every time I used that particular caveat about an Arrow story line...) 

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It does feel like maybe a flash forward might be involved. Or a different timeline. Or something that could happen and they have to change things?

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I really don't trust them to do something like that at all well. Like show the final scene of the season, cut at the ultimate moment, then flash "Eight months ago." My faith in everybody involved in this show, except for some of the actors' acting ability, was killed by S3, and while I quite enjoy SA, he's too much of a show cheerleader for me to trust his opinion, either.

If they do, though, it could actually be a Felicity death scene. Then we'd spend the season wondering if she's really going to die. (Not me, because I don't believe the network would let them kill her for real.) Or a Quentin death scene, which would be cruel to make me wait eight months to enjoy.

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Do not want flash fowards because eughhhh, I already hate the flashbacks well enough... but it does gel with Stephen saying [at DragonCon? I think?] there are no cliffhangers at the end of the episodes because they don't need them.

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If there's a flash forward though, isn't that kind of a cliffhanger? Because what would be the point of flash fowarding to a happy future? If they flash forwarded to someone's death or whatever, that seems like it is a cliffhanger, even if it is in the future? And if it's a flash forward, I wonder how that comes about? Is it something that only we see? Is it something that is shown to or told to one of the characters? If so, how?


Too many questions.

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I think a flash forward could work okay, but I'd prefer if it focused on a, "This is what happens if the bad guy wins" type of scenario rather than it being tied to the life-or-death fate of one particular character.

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It seems like there will one Flash forward to a point in time of the near future. Some thing ominous.

If there's a flash forward though, isn't that kind of a cliffhanger? Because what would be the point of flash fowarding to a happy future? If they flash forwarded to someone's death or whatever, that seems like it is a cliffhanger, even if it is in the future? And if it's a flash forward, I wonder how that comes about? Is it something that only we see? Is it something that is shown to or told to one of the characters? If so, how?

Too many questions.

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I'd actually hoped that they were going to employ the flash fwd route last season. Before the premier aired and while still high on spoilers, I thought that maybe the happy-flirty-going on a date Olicity that all culminated in a bloodied Felicity on the foundry med table, was actually a flash forward and that they'd spend the season showing us how we got there. So we would've seen lots of flirty banter, Oliver realising and accepting his feelings and you know, all that wonderful progression of their relationship that we missed in the summer of 2.5. Hanging over all of this would've been the knowledge that Felicity ended up hurt and the question of just how badly it would be and only in the finale would we have gotten a resolution. 


I was actually pretty disappointed when the premier aired and my idea didn't pan out. Maybe I was just a season ahead ;)

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I think it might be something like we're going to see what DD is capable of - whatever his magic/ability is, and it's going to make us wonder what's what for the rest of the season. Like the shapeshifting theory (not that I'm saying that is what's going to happen). We might see that he CAN change his makeup to look like someone else, and even though he isn't doing that at the end of the first ep, we know that he CAN do that, and it might come back to play at any time, when we're not expecting it. Or we'll see that he can telepathically manipulate people, but isn't doing that at the end of the first ep. 


It could be something related to LoT, but I still think that any kind of FF showing us an unknown future event is a cliffhanger. 

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So Laurel AND Thea go to ask Oliver to come back. Look at Oliver making souffles. 


And I STILL can't with Felicity shooting that machine gun, ahaha. Still precious, even when firing however many rounds into...well, something, hopefully. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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DD is a magician! Haha. 


Thea and Laurel are both the ones who bring Oliver and Felicity home. I like it. Also LOL at Oliver bringing them cupcakes. Did he bake them? LMAO.

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I'd actually hoped that they were going to employ the flash fwd route last season. Before the premier aired and while still high on spoilers, I thought that maybe the happy-flirty-going on a date Olicity that all culminated in a bloodied Felicity on the foundry med table, was actually a flash forward and that they'd spend the season showing us how we got there. So we would've seen lots of flirty banter, Oliver realising and accepting his feelings and you know, all that wonderful progression of their relationship that we missed in the summer of 2.5. Hanging over all of this would've been the knowledge that Felicity ended up hurt and the question of just how badly it would be and only in the finale would we have gotten a resolution. 


I was actually pretty disappointed when the premier aired and my idea didn't pan out. Maybe I was just a season ahead ;)

Sounds like the perfect fanfiction "fix-it" plot. That might have made for a better season.

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DD is a magician! Haha. 


Thea and Laurel are both the ones who bring Oliver and Felicity home. I like it. Also LOL at Oliver bringing them cupcakes. Did he bake them? LMAO.


I'm thinking the souffles were actually for him and Felicity and their dessert plans were interrupted ;)

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I'm thinking the souffles were actually for him and Felicity and their dessert plans were interrupted ;)


Yes, and in my head canon, he asks Thea and Laurel if they can wait a bit so he and Felicity can enjoy the fruits of his culinary labor, because that's the first batch he's made that hasn't fallen. 

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Is it too unrealistic for DD to have the ability to apparate? Part of me thinks no.... But part of me also think yes!


I really think his big powers will be mind control & telepathy, especially from afar.


So far though I like the newer scenes they revealed it balanced out some of the concerns from the previous trailer.

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I love that basically Felicity's whole body is kind of flailing as she shoots.

Definitely digging Thea being part of asking Oliver back. So maybe the Thea-crazy is a surprise to him.


Felicity looks hilarious shooting that gun. I love it!


I think Thea might not be 'crazy' all the time. Maybe she just goes too far when she's out in the field and can't control her darker impulses?


I'm thinking the souffles were actually for him and Felicity and their dessert plans were interrupted ;)


Me too! He definitely looks like he wasn't expecting them. 

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Very interesting that DD seems to have telekinesis or a wide arrange of powers. Will probably take the entire team to take him down by end of the season.


Laurel & Thea bring Olicity back which kind of surprises me. Thought Thea would be to out of it but guess not.

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You can tell from MY cheeks that I'm smiling, too ;)


Cool promo. I'm curious to see how they handle this magic bit, just because that little scene we saw of DD going "Hammer Time" (Thanks, dtissagirl!) made me snort.


I think it's kinda, sorta official now that Oliver and Felicity will be living in the loft. DD said something like "I want to know everything about this Green Arrow, where he lives (quick cut to Oliver and Felicity kissing on the balcony) and who he loves (quick cut to them in bed). 


"You took a bullet for me" from Diggle made me go "awwww." Wonder where that comes in. But now that they mentioned bullets, wouldn't it have been better, show, if Oliver's entire arms were covered. Don't think his skin is bullet-proof!


Edited to add reaction to Digg's helmet: WTH?!?!

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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