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If that new character gets introduced as a half-sibling and no one screams "soap opera" I will scream bloody murder :P

I'd rather she's not a half-sibling, though. I hate it when shows introduce half-siblings, do an ep or two, and then just forget about them altogether (looking at you, "Supernatural!" Poor Adam is still in hell, I think). Plus, "Arrow" has already done the surprise paternity thing. 

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If that new character gets introduced as a half-sibling and no one screams "soap opera" I will scream bloody murder :P

I'd rather she's not a half-sibling, though. I hate it when shows introduce half-siblings, do an ep or two, and then just forget about them altogether (looking at you, "Supernatural!" Poor Adam is still in hell, I think). Plus, "Arrow" has already done the surprise paternity thing. 

Yes he's still in hell, they mentioned it in "Fanfiction"

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I was thinking about it earlier with SA comments about FS not being the only woman for OQ this season, obviously referencing the FB lover. As well as MG's comments that if O/F were not together in the present, they might have not have had a FB ex-lover. And I thought TPTB must love that they were able to change OQ/GA's one true love to not being LL. They are no longer locked into that romantic storyline that has to last through the flashbacks & stand the test of time. Any relationship that OQ had while away for 5yrs would have & did undermine his so called "love" for LL. But now they don't have to worry about that because any relationship that happens in the past can only inform OQ's present day character/relationships. They are now free to write whatever they want. It must be liberating in a way.

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The first time Shado came onto him he turned her down.  I've wondered whether that was before they decided to boot LL as love interest.

Now that they are not shackled to L/O, I also wonder if that is why they decided to bring in the surprise twin sister Mei. I wouldn't be surprised if Mei made another appearance in FB. Not that I think they would necessarily have sister swapping again. But a few romantically tense or heated scenes, especially when OQ is lost in the darkness, is not all that far out of believability. It's just another option they have thrown out there by having Mei around.

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Regarding the bit about Felicity and a code name I just posted in the Spoilers thread, I find it odd that the writers seem to associate having a code name with being out in the field. Don't they think it might be a problem for people in the field to be yelling "Felicity"?

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Regarding the bit about Felicity and a code name I just posted in the Spoilers thread, I find it odd that the writers seem to associate having a code name with being out in the field. Don't they think it might be a problem for people in the field to be yelling "Felicity"?

Guess not, which is just sooooo stupid. I mean the coms have been compromised twice, plus they're constantly saying her name. It's just dumb, even Chloe had a freaking codename...am I really being put in the position to say that Smallville was better?!

Some moron in the comments for that article even asks why she should get one when's she not in the field? Didn't MG say that she is getting one? These EPS confuse me lol

No, he didn't. He answered a two part question (will Felicity get a code name and will Oliver support her needs for once). His answer was 402 would make that person happy. Everyone focused on the codename part instead of the Oliver being there for Felicity. Edited by Morrigan2575
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It's either one of two things: they aren't addressing it because it's never going to be an issue, or they aren't addressing it because they need it to be an issue. Don't they all call each other by their real names over the comms? I mean, Felicity still calls Oliver by his name even though he has a code name. Granted, no one can hear her out in the field. It is tactically stupid, but that comment from Sara in 3x01 never amounted to anything, so...IDK. maybe it's something we're supposed to ignore, like how incredibly stupid Laurel is for wearing fingerless gloves.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Disappointed in that whole answer. I don't understand why you have to be in the field to warrant a code name. Everyone involved should have way to protect their identity. They are going against a tech wiz. Pretty sure they will be hacked.

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Just file it on the list with all the other dumb stuff we're not supposed to question, like Laurel wearing fingerless gloves out in the field so she can show off her manicure and trained special ops solider Diggle being left in the foundry and Oliver surviving falling off a cliff by drinking some special tea.

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Regarding the bit about Felicity and a code name I just posted in the Spoilers thread, I find it odd that the writers seem to associate having a code name with being out in the field. Don't they think it might be a problem for people in the field to be yelling "Felicity"?

Well, Felicity is such a common name. I've met hundreds of Felicitys.

Seriously, they are so dumb sometimes.

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Honestly, they should just code name everyone at the same time - call it a security update. I think the problem is that in their minds' a code name has been attached to a mask. When in actuality a code name does not necessarily require a mask. It's just a form of identity protection. I wonder if they want the comms vulnerable so that they can use that to to villains' advantage in future episodes.


It would make sense if they stopped referring to each other by their first names over comms, but perhaps it is too confusing for the writers to write it with code names. Plus they can get more emotional performances from using their real names. Who knows at this point it doesn't surprise me one way or the other if identity protection is low on their priorities ... Like Apinkkightmare said, they have someone running around in fingerless gloves. Sometimes the stupid is what it is on this show.

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I think the problem is that in their minds' a code name has been attached to a mask.

Yeah they pretty much outright say that.

“Dig is out in the field, so there’s a necessity for [him to have one],” Mericle explains. "But not quite yet for Felicity, although you never know. We all love the idea of her getting her out there more and being a badass. It’s just a question of finding the right way to do it.”

It never seems to occur to them that the fans aren't asking for her to get a mask and be out in the field. They're just asking for her to have a code name that's used over the comms. *facepalm*

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I feel the need to have MG tumblr feed flooded with explanations why Felicity needs a code name. Somebody get on that, lol.

At this point it feels like willful ignorance. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it does turn out to be a plot related choice. Oh how I hate when the stupid runs the direction of the show.

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It seems in their opinion code name is just something the public, press and police call the vigilantes. Detective Lance aside, Felicity is unknown and secret so a code name is not needed.

The thing is that Felicity is a hacker so you know she has a code name or at least if she was real.

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It seems in their opinion code name is just something the public, press and police call the vigilantes. Detective Lance aside, Felicity is unknown and secret so a code name is not needed.

The thing is that Felicity is a hacker so you know she has a code name or at least if she was real.

That could actually be a great way to introduce a code name. She is probably known in hacking circles. Someone notices that Arrow must have a Hacker on call. Maybe she is a legend there and they have come up with a name for her.

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I don't think using a hacking codename as a crimefighting codename is such a good idea, haha. It'd be smart to have a completely unknown, previously unused codename if Oliver and co. are going to be using it out in the field where other people can hear. 

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Felicity not having a code name, while stupid, really doesn't bother me at this point. It's only because TPTB are conflating having a codename with having a mask, and I guess they interpret it as something the general public refers to them as, not something they refer to each other as. If all the masks are out in the field and start calling each other "Green Arrow" or "Black Canary" or whatever and are still calling Felicity by her name out in the open like that, it'll get to me. But as far as I can remember, that hasn't happened so far. 

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I doubt Felicity is ever really going out into the field. Her Hacker name would be her superhero name. But Felicity probably would change it up a bit. Like a variation of terms like Overwatch and watchtower and lighthouse and beacon.

When a friend of mind wanted Felicity to have taken Canary as her name in tribute after Sara's death, she wanted her be be white Canary. Since alternate White Canary is a vigilante from Las Vegas. But Sara has that name now. It's because white is a light color and Felicity us addicted with light. Plus Oliver has a history with Canary so give her a Canary mame and spread out the Canary history between 3 character so they can make Laural more as her character would developed instead of forcing her into the comic Canary.

There are lots of things they can do with a Felicity code name. And even to call her over the comms. But I do hope that it has to do with light since that is what they have associated with Felicity.

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It really is weird that they don't use codenames in the field, though. I get superhero names are about how the public/media call them, but it's not just the masks yelling Felicity over comms -- it's also Felicity saying their actual names over comms too, which imo is actually worse, if their comms are so easily intercepted.

And Felicity doesn't need a codename if they start talking to "Command", or "HQ", or "Base", or "Mother". Just stop saying actual names altogether during missions, you know?

[sMALLVILLE DID IT BETTER, lol, I mean, the media/public called Clark "the Blur", but his JLA codename was Boyscout. Nobody called Ollie "Green Arrow" in the field, it was just "Arrow". Same with "Canary".]

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I agree that TA shouldn't be using Felicity's real name over the coms.


I wonder if we're making a big assumption that SA's comment about Felicity not being the only woman in Oliver's life this season referred to his flashback love interest.  WM has said that they already know how S4 is going to end and what will happen to all the characters by the end of S4.  SA usually has more advance knowledge of what's going to happen in a season than other cast members.  So I wonder if it was a real spoiler - that the EPs do plan to introduce a new present-day love interest for Oliver later this season, which will lead to the break-up of Oliver & Felicity.  (I would hate that, btw.)

Edited by tv echo
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I think that comment was definitely about the flashback love interest. He threw that out there to rile people up (which he did), but he seemed pretty good-natured about it. I do think O/F will break up at some point, but I don't think it'll happen this year AND accompany a new, present-day love interest for Oliver. 

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Well that picture is fantastic and gives nothing away! I like it. Though I wish there was a pic with the others too. They're just giving Olicity haters more reason to hate right now.


As for the new love interest, I can't imagine they'd go to so much trouble to change from the original love interest of Laurel to Felicity and then bring on someone completely new to ruin all that. It makes no sense. O/F happened because it was organic and made sense to the characters. Throwing some flashback love interest in the hopes that people would like her more than O/F or O/L seems crazy. No, I think it's just so they could have Oliver with another woman without ruining O/F. Not to say they won't have troubles and break up at some point, and maybe even flashback LI will appear in present day. But I don't see anything worse happening.

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I definitely don't think they'll break up because of another woman (or man, for Felicity). They'll break up eventually, definitely, for the DRAAAAMMMMAAAA. (My theory: wedding day hijinks with Nyssa showing up to ruin the big day.) But they'll get back together. I agree with what so many people here have said, that Felicity is "the true love" in his hero's journey. However, if Oliver has a temp rebound at some point, Felicity better get one too, and he'd better not suck like Ray the Cane Toad.

The other woman could also be an allusion to his potential new half-sister. They did do the same thing with Thea in S3, that Felicity wasn't the only woman he had to save in S3. I just really wish they wouldn't talk about his sister in the same breath as his love interest.

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I think it's way too early to judge how fans will react to the flashback love interest. She might be incredibly popular, in which case we'll probably see more or her, or she might not. But a temporary Oliver/Felicity pre-engagement or pre-wedding breakup/major doubt is pretty much inevitable, because, television.   So I'm braced for that.

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It really is weird that they don't use codenames in the field, though. I get superhero names are about how the public/media call them, but it's not just the masks yelling Felicity over comms -- it's also Felicity saying their actual names over comms too, which imo is actually worse, if their comms are so easily intercepted.

And Felicity doesn't need a codename if they start talking to "Command", or "HQ", or "Base", or "Mother". Just stop saying actual names altogether during missions, you know?


Seriously, I always thought it was stupid that they (all of them really) used real names instead of code names.  It always seemed stupid, especially after you make a point of their comms getting hacked (twice!).  Then again, these idiots have had Laurel refer to dating the Arrow in public (in front of Ted Grant) and scream out Ollie when The Arrow shows up in a crowded street full of good/bad guys, at the end of Uprising.


The stupidity just abounds...Smallville did it better and saying that is like rubbing lemon juice in an open wound.


Base, HQ, Control, Command all of those would work, if they don't want to give Felicity a specific code-name.  Which I kind of call BS about, I think WM's comment is deflecting, only because I'm 90% certain they fully intended to use Oracle as Felicity's code-name back in 305.  I'm pretty sure MG even admitted as much last year.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Have we got any info on the girl who is speculated to be Ollie's half sister, like rather she's recurrent or not?


Her social media presence only indicates she filmed episode 402, but no way to know for sure.

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Or maybe Oliver will be switched with a clone and Felicity marries a vilian instead? That's what happened with Oliver and Dinah in the comics :p

I think it's way too early to judge how fans will react to the flashback love interest. She might be incredibly popular, in which case we'll probably see more or her, or she might not. But a temporary Oliver/Felicity pre-engagement or pre-wedding breakup/major doubt is pretty much inevitable, because, television. So I'm braced for that.

Edited by tarotx
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Or maybe Oliver will be switched with a clone and Felicity marries a vilian instead? That's what happened with Oliver and Dinah in the comics :p


In the first two seasons I would have laughed at this. Post Flash and season three, I'm nodding my head and going, very possible, very possible, Amell would probably love to play his evil clone.

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There's been no casting news published regarding Jessica Danforth's daughter yet.  This could be because:


1.  The spoiler about Madison Danforth, as played by Tiera Skokbye, is completely false.

2.  The spoiler was a very early unauthorized leak of info that TPTB didn't want released yet.

3.  The daughter is a one-episode minor character who appears and dies in 4x02.

4.  The EPs are still deciding whether to make character recurring (which would mean daughter doesn't die in 4x02).

Edited by tv echo
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Is there any legit source that says she has a lasting impact in Oliver's life, or was that just on Reddit?

Huh.  I don't know where I got that from.  I thought it was something released early but now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know.  I remember the early release for Jeri Ryan's character said she'd do anything to protect her daughter.  Did the casting announcement for Jeri Ryan mention her daughter?

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Well the Casting info for her mom made her out to be important. At least for the episode. But the Oliver impact was just the Reddit rumor as for as I can find any info.

Is there any legit source that says she has a lasting impact in Oliver's life, or was that just on Reddit?

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