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They would earn some brownies points with me if Oliver whispers to Felicity as he is putting on her cuffs "I imagined this under different circumstances - very platonic circumstances"

It's not KC's acting in that scene. It's the 'We believed in you!" Diggle and Felicity sure, but Laurel? Since when?

But Felicity says "you asked us to trust you and we trusted you" so I think Oliver asks them through Tatsu to come and then betrays them, or pretends to betray them. So she's not saying she always believed in him but that in that instance she did. That's what I understood but I might be totally off base.

Edited by steeledwithakiss
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I maintain that the whole damn season can be explained (and forgiven) with two major twists: Malcolm was work for Ras and/or Darhk and Oliver is working for/with Waller/Argus and has been for awhile.




A lot of what Malcolm has done this season can be explained if he has a greater game going on.  Because as is - even though it has all worked out for him - his whole plan to have Thea kill Sara and then trick Oliver into fighting Ras really makes no bloody sense.  However, I can make a lot of things make sense if Malcolm was working for Ras and Ras wanted the Nyssa/Oliver pairing to happen (heaven only knows why).  But frankly, I can believe Ras is an f-ed up evil matchmaker more than I can that the LoA had a code that Merlyn violated with the Undertaking if the new Ras has to kill wipeout his hometown (I'm sorry this is a HUGE WTF plot point for me).


On the other hand, I could buy into Malcolm working for Darhk or him playing games to try to claim the Ras title himself.  But I definitely need him to be a diabolical villain with a plan that gets revealed in the next episode rather than the psycho but loving dad they want me to believe he's become.


Second Oliver:


I need - really need - Oliver to be smart for once and ahead of his opponent.  Rather there is a HUGE twist - like Oliver has been working for Waller/Argus ever since he came back from the island.......Or a small twist, like he, Tatsu, and Maseo just have a plan of their own to take down Ras and he's faking the brainwashing....I really need Oliver to be ahead of the game for once.

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You know that Oliver is locking them away to keep them safe...that is just what he does.  Well at least till he sets them up to be captured by the big bad and figure out how to inject them with a cure with a sword to their neck, but yeah he tends to be cruel to be kind.

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But isn't the 'It's a trick and the others knew all along!' rather a re-hash of the S2 finale?


Hey with this show I'm not saying that's not a distinct possibility, but still.  That can't be the big surprise, surely.

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The thing is KC tends to go overdramatic with those scenes so who knows really? But I'd love the team to be in on it. We already had Oliver cut off from them for so many episodes this season, I just want them to plot things together like they used to. This is my hope but what I think will happen is Oliver faking he's faking it without TA knowledge.


I agree but it just sounded off to me. They both did tbh. I thought so when I first heard it and now that we know Oliver is faking for sure, it made me wonder. 


And I don't think TA know he's faking yet (especially after the events of 321) but I assume they might get a clue when Tatsu arrives to tell them their city is in grave danger. I imagine they'll wonder who the hell sent her to help and then they'll figure it out.

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But isn't the 'It's a trick and the others knew all along!' rather a re-hash of the S2 finale?


Hey with this show I'm not saying that's not a distinct possibility, but still.  That can't be the big surprise, surely.


It wouldn't annoy me so much here, because we knew Slade's endgame was to ruin Oliver's life, and the "fake" I love you was, yeah, a trick. But I wouldn't mind the team being in on Oliver faking at some point, especially since we really don't know what Ra's (and now Maseo's) endgame is at this point.  

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The reveal that Maseo is the one who gave the A/O virus to Ra's just leaves me even more befuddled and bewildered.


About the producer's preview showing the TA v. LOA fight on the beach - Remember that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indy faces a bad guy wielding a sword and, just when you're expecting a big fight sequence, Indy just pulls out his gun and shoots him?  Well, I think of that scene whenever I watch movies or tv shows with extended fight sequences featuring swords or martial arts.  The LOA use swords and bows & arrows.  So why didn't TA go there all equipped with guns or automatic rifles?

Edited by tv echo
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I am of a different set of thoughts on the state of Oliver's mind.  Honestly, I can buy that when they left him at Nanda Parbat he was simply honoring his promise to join the league in exchange for Thea's life.  Once there, alone and out of contact with his friends/family, Oliver was actually in familar territory in a sense.  He has been stranded and alone unable to know who to trust, it is part of his survivor resume.  Then when splashed with cold water, drugged, deprived....shucks for him that all had to feel like going home again.  Was he brainwashed?  Nope.  Did anyone else know that?  Probably not.


Now something that would really put a wedge between him and Diggle...knowing that the virus threat exists and not giving Diggle some heads up to save Sara and Lyla.

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The reveal that Maseo is the one who gave the A/O virus to Ra's just leaves me even more befuddled and bewildered.


About the producer's preview showing the TA v. LOA fight on the beach - Remember that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indy faces a bad guy wielding a sword and, just when you're expecting a big fight sequence, Indy just pulls out his gun and shoots him?  Well, I think of that scene whenever I watch movies or tv shows with extended fight sequences featuring swords or martial arts.  The LOA use swords and bows & arrows.  So why didn't TA go there all equipped with guns or automatic rifles?

Doesn't Diggle have a gun on the beach in the promo?

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Doesn't Diggle have a gun on the beach in the promo?

But why don't they all have guns?  It would be more believable than Laurel taking out multiple LOA assassins.  And what about Ray (without his Atom suit) and Felicity (with only a backpack)?

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Well we knew the plotting couldn't be as bad as it seemed.


Once again Ra's logic makes no sense.  If you have to sever all ties from your old life, what about the guilt at killing all those people? That's going to be pretty hard to get rid of unless you have total amnesia and even then, I think it would be in your bones.


How can Oliver "ascend to Ra's al Ghul" right after marrying Nyssa?  I thought the current one couldn't step down, he was it till he died.


Also, that thing better be filled with water.

Wouldn't Ra's have tested it to make sure?  He's fine with killing redshirts in the process of brainwashing Oliver so it seems likely that he tested the viruses to make sure they kill like they are supposed to.


The thing I don't understand is why he would have accepted it from Maseo in the first place since the League is all about not killing innocent people. Except that it's not.


They would earn some brownies points with me if Oliver whispers to Felicity as he is putting on her cuffs "I imagined this under different circumstances - very platonic circumstances"

Very "non-platonic' circumstances.

Edited by statsgirl
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Wouldn't Ra's have tested it to make sure?  He's fine with killing redshirts in the process of brainwashing Oliver so it seems likely that he tested the viruses to make sure they kill like they are supposed to.


The thing I don't understand is why he would have accepted it from Maseo in the first place since the League is all about not killing innocent people. Except that it's not.


You'd think, but I'm not sure how Ra's would've tested it. Does he have a lab out there in NP? Would he be willing to open it up and chance it spreading throughout the city? 


Also, the League did have a thing about innocents, but I'm wondering if Ra's is just slowly getting more morally bankrupt and losing his damn mind. Maybe we're going to find out that the real Ra's was murdered and Damien Darhk is his TWIN BROTHER and has taken over the League and is going crazy because he's using stolen Lazarus Pit water to keep himself alive. If we're going all soap opera.

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Y'all that vial is full of Evian or Aquafina! 


This version of Ras? Ras Dundee? NO.

He's not really smart that's for sure. He supposedly knows all about Oliver, what he's been through, and he really thought he could break him after 3 weeks of cold showers and some herbs? Well actually everyone has been kinda stupid for that storyline so I won't hold it against him. Diggle and Felicity should know better too.

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Ok I watched the preview and I am convinced....Maseo is working for Waller/Argus to take down the LoA.  I cannot accept that he would hand the vial of what killed his son over to an organization that believes in bringing death to all those who deserve it (which seems to be whoever Ra's decides needs killing that day - code my ass).  I can believe that Waller gave Maseo a fake vial to gain access to the LoA and work to take them down from the inside. 


And seriously, those clips are usually the first couple of minutes of show right?  So clearly Oliver not being brainwashed is revealed really early and that is NOT the surprise of the episode.  I think we need to think big and complex lol - I'm going with a three-year plan to get Oliver recruited and in place to kill Ras and destroy the LoA.  It might not make perfect sense, but I think it totally fits with MG's comments that the first three seasons will feel like a trilogy when they are complete.


I think "My Name is Oliver Queen" is going to be something like "Five years ago, I was marooned on an island and had to go through hell just to survive.  Later, I was recruited by the head of a secret organization with one goal in mind....to destroy the most deadly group of assassins the world has ever known.  To do this, I had to become someone else....something else...I had to become the Arrow. But now, I'm free and my journey is just beginning."


And I can continue to live in this little bubble for like 26 more hours......

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I agree Maseo has got to be working for Argus. Oliver I don't think so. He wouldn't look so surprised to know Maseo gave the virus to Ra's. It would be kinda like "Dan is Gossip Girl" confusing. But I'd be curious to know how Oliver got out of Argus.

Edited by steeledwithakiss
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ARGUS being involved somehow makes sense, especially if the show is not allowed to use Waller or Suicide Squad for a while (as they seem to want to focus on the upcoming movie). So I can see that part of things drawing to a close by the end of the season and then next year we'll move onto H.I.V.E. as the big secret organization. 

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I could buy into a reveal that Oliver is still stuck working for ARGUS and if he takes down Ra's he will be finally free of them and could truly be Oliver Queen.

Like after the Bratva he want to come back to Starling City and Amanda is all "We'll help you only if you complete one more mission...." Or they made a deal at the end of Season 2 so he could get his Lian Yu maximum security prison.

Also if Lyla knew about it Diggle might feel betrayed that her and Oliver were working together secretly.

Also like in the Nolan Baman movies eliminating one threat, RAG and the LOA, can just bring more trouble eg. Damian Darhk and HIVE.

ETA: I want the season to end with Oliver knocking on Felicity's door and saying "Hi I'm Oliver Queen" and they can get a second date with a sunset drive.

Edited by Genki
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I really think it works and when a fan asked MG if Waller was off limits because of suicide squad, he said no.  I might be over-reaching here, but it's just been bugging me since season two that a) Waller knew where Oliver's second secret hide-out was and b) how the heck does Oliver get few of Argus anyway? 


I was willing to believe that he went from the frying pan into the fire with Waller and the military general and that Oliver's mission in Russia was military related.  But after we got the A/O twist and Waller told Oliver, "If you get out, I hope to see you again someday" I really don't think the next time she saw him was in Starling City. I strongly suspect that Oliver's Russia story is going to be Argus related as well.

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I really think it works and when a fan asked MG if Waller was off limits because of suicide squad, he said no.  I might be over-reaching here, but it's just been bugging me since season two that a) Waller knew where Oliver's second secret hide-out was and b) how the heck does Oliver get few of Argus anyway? 



Didn't Waller pretty much release him when she told him that Shrieve was doing whatever with the virus and shot her and she told him to GTFO of Hong Kong? Maybe it didn't happen like that - I don't really pay attention to the flashbacks, haha.

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No, Oliver didn't know that Maseo was the one who gave the virus to Ra's.

Forever laughing at Oliver's emotionless-but-really-just-pouting face. Lol

I'm guessing maybe Maseo taking the A/O to Ra's is why he and Tatsu split up. Where's the logic in that, though? A/O kills Maseo's kid so he wants to find the biggest psycho around and give it to him to unleash it on a city full of people? WTF?

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The reveal that Maseo is the one who gave the A/O virus to Ra's just leaves me even more befuddled and bewildered.


About the producer's preview showing the TA v. LOA fight on the beach - Remember that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indy faces a bad guy wielding a sword and, just when you're expecting a big fight sequence, Indy just pulls out his gun and shoots him?  Well, I think of that scene whenever I watch movies or tv shows with extended fight sequences featuring swords or martial arts.  The LOA use swords and bows & arrows.  So why didn't TA go there all equipped with guns or automatic rifles?


But why don't they all have guns?  It would be more believable than Laurel taking out multiple LOA assassins.  And what about Ray (without his Atom suit) and Felicity (with only a backpack)?

Given Laurel's mediocre fighting skills, you'd think Diggle would school her on the delightful aspects of owning and using a glock. It'll never happen, though because a.) using guns against swords makes sense and that's not how this show rolls, and b.) they never really kill anyone on this show in fight sequences. You only die in the Arrowverse when you've been run through with a sword, at least since Oliver swore to quit killing. *sigh*

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I think we need to think big and complex lol - I'm going with a three-year plan to get Oliver recruited and in place to kill Ras and destroy the LoA.

Why wouldn't he have accepted the offer in 16, then?  Instead of risking innocents and his loved ones?  He knew Ra's was after his loved ones at least after Maseo tried to kill Felicity, and I don't think he'd risk them like that.


I'd say if Oliver has a plan it's just from the last few weeks, not the last three years.

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You'd think, but I'm not sure how Ra's would've tested it.


Right I mean they have a jet but not electric lighting. Them having some kind of Star Labs or even Palmer Tech level of lab plus the staff would stress my believability quotient. I could of course see him just testing out on his random soldiers, I guess. I can see how this dude inspires loyalty.

Edited by blixie
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Maseo said "the jet was readied", but maybe they're just repurposing Ray's which they lured there for that specific purpose? IDEK.

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If the jet is the same one from the BTS picture, I wonder if it's an ARGUS jet because it looked like a military plane to me.


Haha, I am clutching at straws now.

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Going with the every villain is a hero in their own story.


 Maseo probably brought the virus along with Akio to Ra's.  He offered Ra's the virus in exchange for access to the LP.  It appears the pit mainly works for the mostly dead like Thea.  It didn't work for Akio but Maseo had pledged his fealty to Ra's similar to what Oliver was doing in 3.20.


Ra's says he replaces evil with death.  Maybe the waters are not working as well as he thought.  Oliver Queen, who he knows of, challenges him because of Malcolm/Thea.  Ra's is impressed and thinks he might make a worthy successor so he conscripts him via the prophecy.  If Ra's is so old fashioned he objects to Nyssa's relationship with Sara, he might also be of the mind that a woman cannot lead the League.  Oliver might make the perfect husband for Nyssa.  He has defeated her before.


Ra's sends Maseo to find Oliver, knowing of their prior relationship, expecting Maseo to help him heal.  If he was alive perhaps Ra's was going to use the LP on him.  Maseo may be having second thoughts so he saves his friend from the others.  He needs Oliver's help to get access to the virus so he is playing both sides now. He could want it for either good or evil. 


Oliver has been pretending for some time now.  I think he has had contact and will be working with Malcolm.  He knows he will need Team Arrow's help but he has to play both sides to keep everyone safe until he knows what is actually going on.  I think the kidnapping Lyla, leaving baby Sara alone is what will cause Diggle to feel betrayed, especially if Oliver's #1 go to guy is Malcolm. One reason for working with Malcolm - he has an LOA outfit, knows his way around NP, and told Oliver he still has contacts there.

Edited by Sunshine
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Sadly, I think EBR's the overdramatic one in that scene.

I kinda have to agree :( it's why I'm hoping that she's Acting and Oliver clued his woman in before this scene

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I think the clip is a good one to show. It doesn't tell us a lot more than we already suspected. We had subtle clues Oliver was faking and now there is a lot of excitement that those clues were real and not mistakes. I don't like that Maseo gave the A/O to Ra's but Maseo, Oliver, Tatsu, ARGUS and Triad are the only groups we know have knowledge of the A/O and Maseo is the only one associated with the League so it makes sense that Maseo brought it - I am guessing he did it hoping he could save Akio.

Based on the flashbacks Maseo is key to the story so either Maseo brought it to Ra's or he found out Ra's had it and decided he needed to stop him from using it and asked Oliver for help. Maseo's actions so far have been evil except to help Oliver in a few cases. So though I would rather Maseo and Oliver were working together it seems more that Maseo is mostly Ra's lackey rather than faking that.

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I think the clip is a good one to show. It doesn't tell us a lot more than we already suspected. We had subtle clues Oliver was faking and now there is a lot of excitement that those clues were real and not mistakes. I don't like that Maseo gave the A/O to Ra's but Maseo, Oliver, Tatsu, ARGUS and Triad are the only groups we know have knowledge of the A/O and Maseo is the only one associated with the League so it makes sense that Maseo brought it - I am guessing he did it hoping he could save Akio.

Based on the flashbacks Maseo is key to the story so either Maseo brought it to Ra's or he found out Ra's had it and decided he needed to stop him from using it and asked Oliver for help. Maseo's actions so far have been evil except to help Oliver in a few cases. So though I would rather Maseo and Oliver were working together it seems more that Maseo is mostly Ra's lackey rather than faking that.

If he's Ra's lackey though, why save Oliver after Ra's kicked him off the cliff? Why not just leave him for dead? Presumably, Oliver lived *because* Maseo carried him out of the snow and got him to Tatsu and her magic herbs and that was all because of what Oliver did for Maseo and his family in HK. IDK, I think there will be a certain level of handwaving necessary to make it all work because it's been so stinking convoluted this season.

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I think Maseo's involvement, and where his allegiances lie are key. Well, that's going with the assumption that any of this actually makes sense. 


If Maseo is a good guy, then why turn over a deadly virus that killed his child? If he's a bad guy, why go to all the trouble to save Oliver? If this is some long plan that hinges on Oliver's survival, he could have developed sepsis and died. I know, I know, I'm putting way too much thought into this.


Since Oliver is faking it, that's one more strike against Ra's and his legendary band of assassins. This guy kinda blows. It's almost like their "brainwashing" and league names are the bad guy equivalent of Beyonce/Sasha Fierce. 

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Didn't Waller pretty much release him when she told him that Shrieve was doing whatever with the virus and shot her and she told him to GTFO of Hong Kong? Maybe it didn't happen like that - I don't really pay attention to the flashbacks, haha.

I just kind of felt like that was a get the heck out of dodge type or command, but given that he ends up in Russia soon, I suspect they meet again a lot sooner than SC.

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Why wouldn't he have accepted the offer in 16, then?  Instead of risking innocents and his loved ones?  He knew Ra's was after his loved ones at least after Maseo tried to kill Felicity, and I don't think he'd risk them like that.


I'd say if Oliver has a plan it's just from the last few weeks, not the last three years.

I would believe them saying he had to make the acceptance believable.  If Ra's does know Oliver, surely he would also know that it would take more than a random offer to head the LoA to recruit him.  If Ra's has half a brain, he would have to be awfully suspicious if Oliver just "sure, cool, where do I sign up!" in episode 16.  After all, this Ra's had to have his wife and children threatened to accept the offer.


By the way, why do people think Nyssa is the girl Ra's left? He has presumably been Ra's for 100 years or longer (even if he was recruited in this 40s and his master trained him for several years before he replaced him).  We saw Nyssa as a child when Merlyn joined.  Nyssa can't be THAT daughter.  What I want to know is did Ra's kill the wife and children he left to protect when he destroyed his home town?


ETA: Tonight's episode of Flash and the previews where Ronnie and Oliver show up to help Barry make me believe even more he is connected to Argus still.  Cisco specifically said he contacted Argus and Lyla in this episode.  When Oliver and Firestorm show up in the preview, Oliver says "I hope we aren't too late."  How in the world would Oliver get word that Barry needed his help?  It seems like Argus is the only organization with enough resources to know how to contact him in the middle of the LoA mess - especially if Maseo is still with them.  I'm still not sure when in the world Oliver manages to get to CC in the middle of this wedding/destroy SC plot, but I'm almost positive that Barry's team got ahold of him through Argus/Waller.

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He doesn't actively have to be with ARGUS for them to get word to him, though.  I'm not saying the writers won't write it that he's been at this for three years with ARGUS, but personally that would require far too much handwaving for me.  But hey, these are the writers who forgot that he knew China White very well in Hong Kong, which was never so much as alluded to when he went up against her several times in S1 and once in S2.


Oh, and I saw that promo...I think Oliver's "I hope I'm not too late" was in reference to joining the fight that was about to start.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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ETA: Tonight's episode of Flash and the previews where Ronnie and Oliver show up to help Barry make me believe even more he is connected to Argus still.  Cisco specifically said he contacted Argus and Lyla in this episode.  When Oliver and Firestorm show up in the preview, Oliver says "I hope we aren't too late."  How in the world would Oliver get word that Barry needed his help?  It seems like Argus is the only organization with enough resources to know how to contact him in the middle of the LoA mess - especially if Maseo is still with them.  I'm still not sure when in the world Oliver manages to get to CC in the middle of this wedding/destroy SC plot, but I'm almost positive that Barry's team got ahold of him through Argus/Waller.


Since Ra's wants Oliver to take the A/O virus to SC, it's not out of the realm of possibility that he's already in Starling City and Barry contacted Felicity to get some help and Felicity got the message to Oliver. Or, if he goes to Caitlin for help with an anecdote, he could already be in Central City. Ra's is a complete failure as a villain and it seems like he keeps little to no tabs on the dude (he went out to "fight" Nyssa alone), so it wouldn't surprise me if he randomly turned up to help out.

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I don't know - before the order got messed up, Oliver would have been in CC helping Barry before tomorrow night's episode.  Which means Oliver would have been helping Barry before they reveal that he isn't brainwashed on Arrow.  Not to mention that it doesn't look like Oliver leaves NP between last week's episode and tomorrow night's Arrow.


So that means timeline-wise, Oliver would have to be in CC helping Barry between tomorrow's episode (which is supposed to end on a huge cliff-hanger) and Arrow's season finale.  So if tomorrow's episode takes place entirely in NP with the cliff-hanger being Oliver, Nyssa, and Ra's getting on the jet Maseo mentioned in this episode headed for SC, how does he get over to CC for a little side trip?  Does Oliver ask Ra's to let him and Nyssa take a little honeymoon night in CC before they go destroy his home town?

He doesn't actively have to be with ARGUS for them to get word to him, though.  I'm not saying the writers won't write it that he's been at this for three years with ARGUS, but personally that would require far too much handwaving for me.  But hey, these are the writers who forgot that he knew China White very well in Hong Kong, which was never so much as alluded to when he went up against her several times in S1 and once in S2.


Oh, and I saw that promo...I think Oliver's "I hope I'm not too late" was in reference to joining the fight that was about to start.

I agree that it isn't a perfect theory, but this season has required a lot of handwaving for me - on huge plot points - so I wouldn't mind dismissing some smaller ones to make big ones work.  Of course, MG could just be hitting us with hyperbole and this whole trilogy thing was just Hood in season one, Arrow in season two, and Oliver Queen at the end of season three.

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You know, honestly it's pointless to speculate until we see tomorrow's episode. It might not make sense, but...maybe it will? Also, I think The Flash timeline is right again - I think this ep is airing where it's supposed to.

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You know, honestly it's pointless to speculate until we see tomorrow's episode.



Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes!



Do you know that you guys have logged almost 3 pages today?  That's almost 150 posts.  No one can accuse any of you for lack of participation!  I wonder if you will beat this streak tomorrow.

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I do think they fixed the timeline issue between the two shows.  They didn't earlier because the timing changed too close to airing.  The big cliffhanger is odd regardless, because it's such a hard STOP between big cliffhanger and finale.  

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You know, honestly it's pointless to speculate until we see tomorrow's episode. It might not make sense, but...maybe it will? Also, I think The Flash timeline is right again - I think this ep is airing where it's supposed to.

Yes, it *is* pointless, yet CAN.NOT.STOP. LOL. It's somewhat therapeutic (and yet also crazy) to try to make sense of this mostly senseless season.

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Have they ever spoiled that many quotes? Tatsu is going to tell Felicity about Oliver's dying thought? How would she know that? I think Roy/Thea is going to be very bittersweet. I'm guessing the "I will always love you" and the "I wanted to become the man you saw in me" is them. And Oliver is going to tell Nyssa he'll free her of her oath (marriage) as soon as he becomes the demon's head.

Edited by steeledwithakiss
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I thought that might be Tatsu to Felicity too - he could've told Tatsu about it while he was healing, although why they'd spoiler that, IDK, I guess because then we'd definitely know who was saying it to whom. I'd like the "become the man you saw through your eyes" to be O/F, but I think it'll be Roy to Thea. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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