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Why is Laurel still flailing around when she fights?  There is nothing of the grace and precision that Sara and Nyssa have.  Shouldn't she have more control at this point, especially with Nyssa having taught her for four weeks?  I thought I could take Laurel becoming the Black Canary if the spotlight isn't on her but three seconds in and I'm thinking 'nope'.  So I would be totally down for Laurel getting killed at the end of this episode, even if she gets Pitted and comes back.  But that will probably be Sara's role if anyone's.


Me three thinking the third option was being killed and repeatedly brought back to life over and over like Prometheus' liver. Maybe this Ra's took a course in Greek mythology.


Just let this episode, this season, be over.

Edited by statsgirl
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What do you mean? She's presenting the two options she has: to die or to marry him. If there's a third option, it's not death and it's not marriage. 

Since we have referenced Princess Bride so many times, how about threatening Nyssa with To the Pain?  There are options worse than marriage or death.  


Does it seem to anyone else that they are keeping their cards in regards to this episode pretty close to the vest?  Sure we know Thea goes to see Roy but aside from a passionate kiss, nothing.  And we know the Team is headed to Nanda Parbat and Oliver and Nyssa have a wedding to attend but those are all broad plot strokes, not real details of the episode.  They might actually be able to pull off a surprise or two if for no other reason than we don't know what is supposed to happen in this episode.  I mean we know the big stuff but it feels like it's the small stuff that is actually important this time around. 

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Good grief. That looks like KC doing her own fighting and she still cannot throw a fake punch. Unless its intentional that she is still awkward and terrible. If its her stunt double and is supposed to be awesome and badass that did not hit anywhere close to the Mark.


That last bit was so much like s1 Oliver that I believe he's faking.

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I find it unbelievable that Laurel can't throw a punch and can still take on three LoA members without getting killed. 


I don't care that her punches aren't more controlled because she IS still learning... But the fact that she is out there fighting the league with said punches and lack of skills just undermines the LoA... Apparently anyone can train maybe for a year and take on the LoA? 

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To the pain! That's my guess too because we know from the promos that Nyssa does show up for the wedding. The third option has to be something that takes killing herself off the table. So either torture or be LP'd till the end of time or something.


I'm glad they are keeping some things secret because as much as I love spoilers and speculations I love being surprised more. Yeah I don't know why I keep spoiling myself? It's a disease.

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I just don't see why torturing her would be an option he gives her? You can die or marry this dude or I torture you (to what end? she'd just kill herself). He's got to tell her she has to do some horrible thing. Maybe she'll interrupt the ceremony and decide nah, she can't marry Oliver, she'll do the horrible thing. Or race Oliver to do the horrible thing and whoever loses dies. Kind of like a setup for a replay of how things happened between Ra's and Damien Darhk. Hopefully this time someone steals the LP water again so I can watch whoever back a U-Haul up to the fortress and siphon the pit out with a hose. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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But there's an epic fight!  In daylight! And Ray flies around!  And Ra's forces Oliver and Nyssa to get married!


Aren't you thrilled to be seeing that?

I'll be thrilled to see the backside of Ray after this season, and that's not commentary on BR's ass either...LOL. Not a fan of metahumans or superpowers or excessive/obvious CGI in the Arrowverse. I don't object to it in Flash because it fits there.  Everything Atom related since Ray took flight has just been cringeworthy for me. There's been so much going in so many directions this season on Arrow it feels indecisive and like they're throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. Arrow being metahuman/superpower free next season would be a big win for me, but I'm realistic enough to realize that once they've opened the door to it all, they won't ignore it moving forward. 

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It's just if she's willing to kill herself why doesn't she just do it? That's why I thought he'd lock her up and torture her without ever letting her kill herself, like without any access to rope/sword/poison or keep on LP'ing her. Because we know she shows up at the altar. She chooses the marriage over whatever the third option is. It might mean that third option cancels out the killing herself one. I don't know if I'm making myself clear but I just don't get it. If you abhor the idea of getting married to a man why don't you kill yourself? Not that I think she should but she said she would and she looks like a woman of her word.

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It's just if she's willing to kill herself why doesn't she just do it? That's why I thought he'd lock her up and torture her without ever letting her kill herself, like without any access to rope/sword/poison or keep on LP'ing her. Because we know she shows up at the altar. She chooses the marriage over whatever the third option is. It might mean that third option cancels out the killing herself one. I don't know if I'm making myself clear but I just don't get it. If you abhor the idea of getting married to a man why don't you kill yourself? Not that I think she should but she said she would and she looks like a woman of her word.

Ra's could just tell her he'd LP her until the end of time and she'd STILL have to marry Oliver after he brought her back.  Seems to me, in that instance, her only out would be killing Ra's...and Oliver if he's not faking.

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My assumption is still that Ra's somehow thinks the marriage to Oliver is the only way to legitimize Nyssa as his real Heir, via league hoo ha  but I have no idea how or why he'd think setting up Oliver as leader so Nyssa can marry him so she can kill him and become Leader is going to work, or isn't the long ass way around of doing something. Which shows again how little we fucking know about Ra's beyond what the plot demands of him just like everyone else, in S1 and S2 we had a LOT of antagonist POV whether it was Malcolm, Moira, Helena, or Slade. We knew what they were up to and even when the what the were up to and why was super dumb.

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It's just if she's willing to kill herself why doesn't she just do it? That's why I thought he'd lock her up and torture her without ever letting her kill herself, like without any access to rope/sword/poison or keep on LP'ing her. Because we know she shows up at the altar. She chooses the marriage over whatever the third option is. It might mean that third option cancels out the killing herself one. I don't know if I'm making myself clear but I just don't get it. If you abhor the idea of getting married to a man why don't you kill yourself? Not that I think she should but she said she would and she looks like a woman of her word.


Well, that's kind of my point. Why would he threaten to torture her, like...what would be the end game? Torture her just to torture her? What's the point of torturing someone if you're not trying to persuade them to do something? He wouldn't need to torture her to persuade her to marry him, she already thinks she has to do that. She's angry because Oliver took her birthright. Whatever it is I'm guessing it's going to have to do with her earning it back, and is probably a pretty unsavory thing.

Edited by apinknightmare
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My assumption is still that Ra's somehow thinks the marriage to Oliver is the only way to legitimize Nyssa as his real Heir, via league hoo ha  but I have no idea how or why he'd think setting up Oliver as leader so Nyssa can marry him so she can kill him and become Leader is going to work, or isn't the long ass way around of doing something. Which shows again how little we fucking know about Ra's beyond what the plot demands of him just like everyone else, in S1 and S2 we had a LOT of antagonist POV whether it was Malcolm, Moira, Helena, or Slade. We knew what they were up to and even when the what the were up to and why was super dumb.

And somehow, this season it feels like we don't know more about him because they really haven't quite decided what version of Ra's they want him to be on Arrow.  The writing just works better if you give the resident bad guy a POV, so the audience can grasp what you might be trying to achieve with the story.


Only two more episodes, only two more episode, only two more episodes...LOL.

Edited by catahoulamama
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Seems to me Ra's just wants Nyssa to play fuck/marry/kill with him but doesn't realise that you need to offer more than just Oliver as an option.

Old people they just don't get how to connect with the young'uns!!!

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Stegosaurus! Never mentioned again.


There's still two more episodes left.. you never know.


Just saw the clip, and I was just about to post the same thing steeledwithakiss just did. It's really ridiculous and takes me out what would probably be a pretty solid fight scene.

It's funny lately i've been mostly able to just blind spot Laurel whenever she's in buckles form. it's like there's blank spot where she standing; but i've also been watching the episodes at 12:30 am after being awake for over 12 hours so I rather focus of the good than on her.

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Why couldn't the writers make Felicity more 'Don't you dare touch me' and less 'Oliver, this isn't you (with tragic crying)' in the remaining episodes.


While TA is imprisoned, any threats that Felicity makes will probably be empty, but I would still cheer if she were filled with rage and said something like "Oliver, you brainwashed bastard, I am gonna make you regret your every action." Anything but the thrice-damned crying.

Edited by Pothunter
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Is Oliver saying "we need help" to Maseo, and that's why Tatsu turns up in Starling City to gather the Team to Nanda Parbat?  Does Ray fly in on his own or does he take the jet with everyone else... I mean the transwarp conduit.  And how does she know that Felicity has to fight for him?  Was Oliver talking in his sleep?

Ra's could just tell her he'd LP her until the end of time and she'd STILL have to marry Oliver after he brought her back.  Seems to me, in that instance, her only out would be killing Ra's...and Oliver if he's not faking.

This would be the only acceptable ending to this season for me. Not the Oliver part, but Ra's.  And it can't happen soon enough.

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Why couldn't the writers make Felicity more 'Don't you dare touch me' and less 'Oliver, this isn't you (with tragic crying)' in the remaining episodes.


While TA is imprisoned, any threats that Felicity makes will probably be empty, but I would still cheer if she were filled with rage and said something like "Oliver, you brainwashed bastard, I am gonna make you regret your every action." Anything but the thrice-damned crying.

I need her to be faking so bad. She probably isn't. They probably get to the beach, thinking its safe, but get ambushed instead. And so she is upset and desperate…but I need Oliver to give her some sign that its part of the plan and she needs to play it up. 


I will be pissed if the meaningful scene between Ray and Felicity is him comforting her in the cell. PISSED.

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I will be pissed if the meaningful scene between Ray and Felicity is him comforting her in the cell. PISSED.


I'm expecting you (and I) to be pissed. 

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If you watch the Gifs of Laurel fighting, it really is quite funny. There are clear shots of her stunt double. The one frame where you see KC, is really really bad. The expression and the movement.  Throwing her stick around and flailing her arms. Remember when the stunts were good on this show?


I'm expecting you (and I) to be pissed. 

I think it was during this filming that EBR tweeted about pillow impersonators and one thing she mentioned was leather covered shoulders or something. Some people speculated it was about Oliver but Oliver isn't in the Arrow suit anymore but Ray is wearing a leather jacker…so…yeah. Ugh


I'm so ready to call this season a wash.

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Nothing really to look fwd to from the previews & yet I am looking fwd to Wednesday. Perhaps its because it moves us closer to s4...

Plz let us have kickass felicity! I too will be pissed if ray & felicity comfort each other. Then again I have been preparing myself for it since mg hyped their scene & I saw they were chained next to each other.

I guess this will be a good indicator of what wendy mericle will bring to the show, since this is her "penultimate" double episode. Plz hope its good.... fingers & toes crossed.

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I wonder if all this focus on Nanda Parbat means that Cap Lance will live to die in another season?  At this rate if they did want to kill him, they'd have to do in off screen (or on the Flash)

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Prior to the dumb of season 3b, I loved QL so I'm glad he lives to see another season. Here's hoping they write him a better arc, cuz this one in the latter season is just ridiculous!! He needs to be back on TA side. I know he has valid reasons to be mad at them; but he needs to work through it over the summer.

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I wonder if all this focus on Nanda Parbat means that Cap Lance will live to die in another season?  At this rate if they did want to kill him, they'd have to do in off screen (or on the Flash)

No, they're all back in SC somehow for the finale. Remember there were those shots of Laurel and Nyssa fighting in the streets. Still time for Cap Lance to die heroically in Laurel's arms, forgiving her with his last breath.

Not that I want that. I'm just saying.

Edited by Starfish35
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I guess this will be a good indicator of what wendy mericle will bring to the show, since this is her "penultimate" double episode. Plz hope its good.... fingers & toes crossed.

If Ray encourages Felicity to keep fighting for Oliver because he's worth saving, that will be good.  If they strategize how to get out of the chains, that would be good too.


If they talk about how much they care about each other and it was all worth it and Ray tells Felicity he inspired her when he was building the suit, ewww.


I want Quentin to survive, if only to have two people over 35 on this.  (I'm hoping both Ra's and MM will be goners by the end of the season.)

Edited by statsgirl
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I'd rather have Ray asking her how she has managed to stay in the Hero business so long and we get Felicity to reflect on the last couple years/Team Arrow/Oliver. You realize what you stand for and you find like-minded souls. It gives Felicity her voice and sets Ray up to join another team.

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If you watch the Gifs of Laurel fighting, it really is quite funny. There are clear shots of her stunt double. The one frame where you see KC, is really really bad. The expression and the movement.  Throwing her stick around and flailing her arms. Remember when the stunts were good on this show?


I think it was during this filming that EBR tweeted about pillow impersonators and one thing she mentioned was leather covered shoulders or something. Some people speculated it was about Oliver but Oliver isn't in the Arrow suit anymore but Ray is wearing a leather jacker…so…yeah. Ugh


I'm so ready to call this season a wash.

Assuming they intended on turning Laurel into Black Canary from the beginning, you'd think they would have tested her to see how she'd do with fights/stunts.  Aside from her ability (or lack of), the WORST thing they ever did was put Caity Lotz in that role ahead of KC. Caity clearly had extensive martial arts training (not role related), generally killed it in her fight scenes, and from reports liked to do alot of her own stunts like Amell.  No matter what kind of skill KC might pick up along the way it will be pretty difficult to match CL's natural ability and years of training, and showing the audience that version first did KC's version no favors. 


Didn't know there were any more Raylicity scenes coming, but I need some sort of decoder ring to understand most of what EBR tweets anyway - convinced it's code most of the time. LOL

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Prior to the dumb of season 3b, I loved QL so I'm glad he lives to see another season. Here's hoping they write him a better arc, cuz this one in the latter season is just ridiculous!! He needs to be back on TA side. I know he has valid reasons to be mad at them; but he needs to work through it over the summer.

I'm a QL and Paul Blackthorne fan, too.  I'm not interested in this current S1 throwback version of Lance and hope it's short lived.  If they kill him before Malcolm, I'd be pissed. I honestly don't think either of them are going anywhere.  Ra's needs to die though and that can't be said often enough.

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Regarding the spoiled dialogue of Nyssa: "I would rather die than wed this pretender." and Ra's: "Well, you speak as though those are the only two options before you, my daughter." --


Therefore, the third option has to involve Nyssa remaining alive and not married to Oliver.  Possibilities?


  • Nyssa is mortally wounded (but not dead) and healed via the LP.
  • Nyssa must kill Oliver.
  • Nyssa must marry someone else.
  • Nyssa must do something else for her father to prove her loyalty.
  • Nyssa challenges Ra's and must kill him to become the new Ra's.
Edited by tv echo
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  • Nyssa must do something else for her father to prove her loyalty.
  • Nyssa challenges Ra's and must kill him to become the new Ra's.



I think it would be one of these two, and I'm leaning toward it being the first thing.

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What if Ra's has been trying to force Nyssa to challenge him?  Even though Nyssa was his Heir before, she showed weakness through her relationship with Sara.  Now he's trying to bring out her inner Evil and former ruthlessness.  If he was truthful about his health failing, then maybe he'll let her win and go out that way.  I know, probably wrong - but Ra's actions make no sense (forcing Oliver to be Heir, the wedding).

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Is Oliver saying "we need help" to Maseo, and that's why Tatsu turns up in Starling City to gather the Team to Nanda Parbat?  Does Ray fly in on his own or does he take the jet with everyone else... I mean the transwarp conduit.  And how does she know that Felicity has to fight for him?  Was Oliver talking in his sleep?

This would be the only acceptable ending to this season for me. Not the Oliver part, but Ra's.  And it can't happen soon enough.

I think Oliver is talking to Malcolm.  In another promo Oliver says "I know someone they will listen to."  There is a shot of Malcolm going to talk to them and Felicity basically shutting him down. So I guess Malcolm gets in touch with Tatsu although I figure Maseo is going to be on TA's side once he finds out about the virus.


He has to take the jet.  You know, to conserve energy.  I wondered since Ray isn't shown in the fight scenes if his "air support" is what leads to the rest of them getting discovered.  Or maybe they have him go after the plane if Oliver, Nyssa and Ra's get airborne.

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I'm still trying to figure out if Oliver is completely brainwashed, mostly brainwashed, partly brainwashed, or not brainwashed at all.  


If by the end of 3x22, Oliver is not or no longer brainwashed, then I suppose Flash 1x22 is rightfully airing after Arrow 3x22 -- except that 3x22 is supposed to have that insane cliffhanger.  There's that scene of Ra's, Oliver and Nyssa in a cargo plane, presumably headed toward SC.  When would Oliver have time to make a side trip to CC?


However, if Flash 1x22 was supposed to air before Arrow 3x22, then Oliver's appearance on The Flash still makes no sense at this point of the Arrow storyline.  Then either (1) Ra's knows Oliver goes to CC to help Barry, or (2) Oliver sneaks away from NP to go to CC to help Barry.  If Ra's knows that Oliver goes to CC to help Barry, then he knows about the Flash - in which case, he would want to eliminate such a powerful potential enemy.  Therefore, he would order Oliver to kill Barry (who still thinks Oliver is a friend).  If Ra's doesn't know that Oliver goes to CC to help Barry, then not only is it clear that Oliver is not brainwashed, but it also further highlights the incompetence of both Ra's and the LOA that Oliver is able to sneak away and return without detection.*


* Past instances of incompetence include:  the LOA's failure to locate and capture Malcolm for almost two years, Ra's' failure to kill Oliver, Maseo's ability to rescue Oliver after the duel, Malcolm's ability to retrieve the sword from the secret duel site, LOA assassins' being defeated in combat by Laurel and Roy.

Edited by tv echo
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I feel like this episode is going to be fake out after fake out. Like at the beginning of the episode it seems Oliver is going along with Ra's plan but then he tries to warn TA but then when they arrive in NP he betrays them and reveals it was his evil plan all along and he marries Nyssa but then maybe at the honeymoon suite he's all "haha just kidding I'm not brainwashed at all" and Nyssa is his accomplice and it's all part of the big plan to gain Ra's trust.

Edited by steeledwithakiss
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Think Ras other option for Nyssa is to kill him. I imagine Nyssa always thought that she would have to kill him, but that it would be more of a mercy kill. I think Ras wants it to be an aggressive kill. He wants Nyssa to want to kill him. Which is just slightly disturbing & sad on so many levels. I know its the LoA but I think its good if Nyssa had not wanted to just kill her Dad. Although he's giving her little other options at thus point.

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I think Oliver is talking to Malcolm.  In another promo Oliver says "I know someone they will listen to."  There is a shot of Malcolm going to talk to them and Felicity basically shutting him down. So I guess Malcolm gets in touch with Tatsu although I figure Maseo is going to be on TA's side once he finds out about the virus.


He has to take the jet.  You know, to conserve energy.  I wondered since Ray isn't shown in the fight scenes if his "air support" is what leads to the rest of them getting discovered.  Or maybe they have him go after the plane if Oliver, Nyssa and Ra's get airborne.

Oh God. Suppose the scenes in the cargo plane are the climax of Nyssa's "test" by Ra's (this whole thing with Oliver has been her test all along) and the last thing she has to do is kill Oliver - toss him out of the plane...and Ray's "air support" is saving Oliver by delivering him safely to earth and to Felicity. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth just typing that one out...LOL

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Ray's aerial scenes are in this episode (not that he wouldn't be in the finale necessarily, but they were mentioned for this ep), and the plane scene is in the finale.

Oh, good...thanks.  Not sure I could take it if it went down that way...LOL.

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Finally watched prod preview, and yeah, any time Laurel is fighting more than 1 opponent it takes me right out of the scene. Hello, man behind curtain. Oye.

I think gugs is playing w us....wedding and ceremony, I don't think nyssa and oliver are wedding. I hate this season so much, I wish it would just end.

Edited by chaos is welcome
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I think gugs is playing w us....wedding and ceremony, I don't think nyssa and oliver are wedding. I hate this season so much, I wish it would just end.


I think he might be too. He's being very deliberate with his wording, which is stupid considering we know that Oliver and Nyssa are being forced to wed by Ra's. Why not just admit that they'll be married instead of saying, "the ceremony actually finishes. It reaches a conclusion." JUST SAY IT


I also won't be surprised if Oliver and Nyssa are actually married at the end, because it's stupid and stupid seems to be the way this season.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Ray's aerial scenes are in this episode (not that he wouldn't be in the finale necessarily, but they were mentioned for this ep), and the plane scene is in the finale.

I wondered if maybe the insane cliffhanger was the plane taking off with O/N/R on board.  You know like "The Offer" was made at the end of 3.15 instead of in 3.16 "The Offer" although it also lead off that episode.  

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Did he say the CEREMONY finishes, not the wedding? I have a hard time keeping all the spoilers straight since I skim. I really think we have wedding seperate from ceremony. Ceremony is nyssa accepting that third option, and that's what we got in promo. Wedding is going to be completely diff, hopefull thea/roy.

My $ is on Nyssas third option being something weird like nyssa killing oliver or lp sara.

Is it bad I almost hope they alpha omega sc with Laurel and Lance in it? Thea is gone, roy is gone, maybe Laurel can go back, palmer can be somewhere else. They have conveniently positioned thea, roy, digs family outside of starling. It would be "totes shocking" to destroy city.

Also, random, but ras said in Alsahim that his predecessor destroyed Alexandria 300 years ago w cholera. But Naples ras has only ruled for 100 years. Math says your ras sucks dude. Half life of the previous ras. Bahahahaha

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I'm so not looking forward to all the articles about where Arrow went wrong in S3. There is going to be so many. I can't think of a single storyline or character that hasn't been jacked up. Maybe Laurel. But mostly I think thats because the expectations were so much lower for her than anyone else and they walked themselves into bigger problems than her, she just looks better by comparison.


Anyone else feel a very distinct lack of excitment for these final two episodes? I kind of feel people are just ready to skip to the finale than S4. 


I still think there is something up with this wedding/ceremony. Some twist to it. I don't know if its one of the big surprises of the episode or not but he is too lawyer-y with his words. Of course, he could be doing that just to make people think there is a surprise with the wedding only to find out there is no surprise. SURPRISE!


I forgot about something MG said on Tumblr. Something about how they are dropping some hints or clues about Diggle and Felicity's storylines next season in the finale episodes. I hope that doesn't get cut because its the only thing I want. Also hoping that Sebastian Roche has already been cast and that tweet was just a way to build some energy.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Did he say the CEREMONY finishes, not the wedding? I have a hard time keeping all the spoilers straight since I skim. I really think we have wedding seperate from ceremony. 


Yes, he said "ceremony." Although I think the "wedding" part of it is implied - I'm not sure why else Oliver would be standing there in a League suit with a priestess while Nyssa's walking down an aisle towards him wearing a pretty dress if it wasn't a wedding. I just think the way MG has worded it that the ceremony might not end in an actual marriage between the two.

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"I still think there is something up with this wedding/ceremony. Some twist to it. I don't know if its one of the big surprises of the episode or not but he is too lawyer-y with his words. Of course, he could be doing that just to make people think there is a surprise with the wedding only to find out there is no surprise. SURPRISE!"

This literally made me snort. Cause it sounds like something gugs would do. Sigh.

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