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S06.E02: JSS


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Part of my problem with Andrea was all the whining. If you don't want to do laundry, then don't do laundry. I don't remember ANYONE assigning jobs other than look out and security. Even when they were trapped in Atlanta and she offered to help Glen and he said no TO THE WHOLE GROUP she took it personal. She was just a professional victim until the end of Season 2 and by then it was too late.  I'm not so sure someone who just figured out how the safety works and was suicidal 24 hours before should have a gun. I don't remember them strapping T-Dog or Glen either. I did like the way she hated Lori and it was no secret but I think it had more to do with jealousy than anything else and that's the writers fault. Pitting them against each other over something as trivial as being jealous when the world is ending. 

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Denise is a psychiatrist. She went through medical school; she has an MD, but she changed her specialty from surgery to psychiatry.

Actually, I knew that, but had forgotten that. But that wasn't my point. My point was solely to say that I wish the writers knew what to do with Eugene, and one obvious thing would be to give him some book smarts so he could help out in SOME way, I don't frankly care if it's medical, or plant growing, or aqueduct building. The major charade he pulled was that he was a brilliant scientist and, yes, I know that was a charade. But usually when people lie, the lie contains some truth to it. So, at least to me, it wouldn't be a stretch if he had some off-the-wall knowledge that could be used, instead of letting him stand around like a doofus.He seemed to know what he was doing when he went on the mission when Noah got killed. But all of a sudden, he's just standing around.

Edited by JackONeill
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I thought Eugene WAS originally introduced as some kind of idiot savant (or genius... whatever).  He somehow knew the words to get Abraham to protect him and keep him safe, then also was able to concoct a plausible story to keep folks believing the charade of having the "classified" cure to the ZA.  He also managed to get Rosita & Abraham to rescue Glenn & Co. from the zombie train tunnel by calculating where the other end of the tunnel was and the exact time to get there to save the day?  They seem to have backed off of that part of Eugene's possible contribution to the group.  Now he seems to be comic relief mullet man.

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 Pitting them against each other over something as trivial as being jealous when the world is ending. 


Well, Shane was pretty fucking jealous.

Actually, I knew that, but had forgotten that. But that wasn't my point. My point was solely to say that I wish the writers knew what to do with Eugene, and one obvious thing would be to give him some book smarts so he could help out in SOME way, I don't frankly care if it's medical, or plant growing, or aqueduct building. The major charade he pulled was that he was a brilliant scientist and, yes, I know that was a charade. But usually when people lie, the lie contains some truth to it. So, at least to me, it wouldn't be a stretch if he had some off-the-wall knowledge that could be used, instead of letting him stand around like a doofus.He seemed to know what he was doing when he went on the mission when Noah got killed. But all of a sudden, he's just standing around.

I don't remember what he was blathering about to Tara when they went to the "medical center" but it was something about using the church for some other, technical purpose.  He didn't think the "thumpers" (Bible thumpers?) should get to use that valuable space.  So maybe he does have some good ideas, although sharing might not be one of them.

Just rewatched that scene, and he said they could turn the church into a lab or a machine shop or, at the very least, a sweet ass game room.  Make of that what you will.

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They could have turned it into a Dojo.  Or a computer science lab.


I have loved Yoo-Gene since he fell flat on his face without even putting up his hands to break his fall.   Just like Frankenstein.     Yes,  he needs more to do.   Screw that annoying nurse Jackie doctor and her command for them to leave her after losing her first patient.     You ain't in charge, lady.    Maybe Yoo-Gene will reveal he has medical knowledge and take over since she's full of anxiety.    Shit, I'd be all relaxed knowing I didn't have to do rounds in some shitty underfunded hospital and pay student loans back. 

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It sounded like Eugene was in charge of keeping the solar power system up and running. Or at least working on that project. That's why he had to go with Glenn, Tara, and Noah on that ill-fated trip: They needed him to identify the parts necessary to repair some panels or something. I get the impression that Eugene has a broad base of knowledge - when Denise tried to assure Tara that given her mild symptoms the chances were Denise couldn't kill her with a misdiagnosis, Eugene added, "Unless you missed an embolism." Ha! I actually liked that little bit of the Denise and Eugene Show. Maybe having another scientist around will be good for him, if not for her :)


Meanwhile, back at Deanna's decision to stay with the truck, I think she made the right call. I don't think it was an easy call for her, either, considering it makes her look like a coward. But she's right: what the situation did not need was one more person to be injured, killed, or needing to be rescued. Case in point - my partner has volunteered several times with Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). She's been in some dangerous and highly stressful relief/rescue operations, and she's faced it all with bravery and a fierce desire to use her skills to help those in need. When the Ebola outbreak happened, MSF wanted to recruit her (among others) to help keep it contained. As much as she felt the call to go and be of help, she ended up refusing because she's just not physically up to it anymore. We were talking about it again today, and she said that the last thing they needed was someone who couldn't pull their own weight, who could end up being a burden rather than a help. I think that Deanna was wise to see that in her situation, too. (I kind of feel like I should apologize for conflating a fictional apocalypse with real life matters of life and death, but the comparison was just so spot on.)

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I hope someone warns the locals that walkers are coming.  And someone warns the wranglers that wolves are out there, with a gun.  I can imagine the wranglers will run into some of them on their way back to A town.  But how far away was the main group?  I still think Morgan got back super quick but from the previews it looks like they are a long way away.  Or Rick just likes to run.   Even tho Morgan left before the horn went off, I would hope SOMEONE would be smart enough to think the walkers could be attracted to the horn. 

Edited by SharonH58

I've never really condemned Lori and Carol for not doing much those first two seasons. For one, it was still relatively early on and they simply were not capable of doing certain things. And, around camp, there's lots that needs done - not just hunting, searching, protecting. So if you have no experience with a gun and you do no how to cook, makes sense to me that you would be the one making dinner for everyone. After their 6 (whatever) months living on the road between season 2-3, both women changed a lot and became more capable. And I was proud of them. Really, in a ZA everyone should know how to do everything, because you never know who might die. But I'm not going to expect people to become proficient sharpshooters overnight. 


My issue with Andrea wasn't that she wanted to do more, it was HOW she went about it. I think she was imagining perceived slights and trying to put herself in a position she just wasn't ready to be in. I think she ended up being very tough and capable, and she was badass when she was on her own. But I just don't think she works well with a team. She seems to always want to do what she wants to do, and never wants to listen to anyone else, even though they very well may be right. She had the same problem in Woodbury, wanting to insert herself too much too quick, before people really even knew her or what her strengths were. 



I always assumed Andrea behaved in that way because she was a lawyer pre-ZA (or that she became a lawyer because that was her basic personality).


I did like the way she hated Lori and it was no secret but I think it had more to do with jealousy than anything else and that's the writers fault. Pitting them against each other over something as trivial as being jealous when the world is ending.

I think Andrea saw Lori as the "alpha female" in the group, largely because of her marriage to Rick, and resented that role, as she probably held it at her pre-ZA law firm. Attaching herself to Shane was a part of that, especially when he was talking about leaving  the farm and the Grimes family, which would have cemented HER as the alpha in whatever new group coalesced around them.

  Forming an alliance with the Governor put her back into that role in Woodbury, or so she thought. Recall how her change in demeanor occurred once she was dismissed as unimportant by Rick and the Guv from the "peace negotiation" that she felt she had set up so successfully. Like Lori, Andrea never quit looking for a return to pre-ZA normalcy.

 That's why Carol, IMO, outlasted them to this point. She no longer has any delusions that pre-ZA normalcy is anything but a pipedream, and that's why she treats Alexandria as a childish notion that needs constant vigilance lest it fall to reality, as it did this past episode. Carol's eyes were no doubt opened at the same time Sophia walked out of the barn. She had held on that long at least.

Edited by NorthstarATL
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I'm not sure why Carol feels the need to keep up the Suzy Homemaker routine now that the Ricktatorship is firmly in control. 


Simple; Carol doesn't trust the ASZhats.  Carol watches out for herself and her group, and - initially, anyway - her group is still CDB, and the ASZhats are the Others.  Carol kicks in the Junior League schtick to play Secret Agent Woman among the Alexandrians and gather intel to benefit HER group, because people talk more around you when they don't consider you a threat.  Carol doesn't think they're bad people - but they are clueless, which in the ZA can get you killed just as quick.


I agree, as do most of us, that the Alexandrites are worthless. But if I'm not mistaken (I'm not one to rewatch the episode, so I might be wrong) there were a few no-names (literally "redshirts" thanks to the blood) shown trying to fight the Wolves when they came in. I think there were one or two guys who held their ground (but not for long). Am I wrong?  (if I'm not, then that means that not all the people in town (except for CDB and Aaron) were cowering in closets.


I've no doubt some of the ASZhats desired to be stronger ZA-wise; they never acted upon that desire to train themselves in preparation for a day like today, however, so their desire had all the real-world effect of wishing upon a star.


 association with Carol shortens a Black Man's life span even more.  She's like the NYPD.


Part of me hates how good this line is.

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Carol kicks in the Junior League schtick to play Secret Agent Woman among the Alexandrians and gather intel to benefit HER group, because people talk more around you when they don't consider you a threat.  


And by acting like 'one of them' Carol can influence the ASZhats. Witness her speech at the meeting where Rick was pushing his plan, she says how scary the plan is (giving mouth to what the ASZhats are thinking) but that she sees no alternative so they must go through with the plan. The ASZhats relate to her so they go along with her statement. Rick is the outward face of CDB, but Carol pushes their agenda just as forcefully from the sidelines. I think it's a very smart move, each according to their abilities.

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It's possible. I see Morgan's problems as similar to those of an addict. Or a recovering addict. He was just kill, kill, clear, clear. Then Eastman taught him self control and that "all life is precious". It's almost as if he's afraid if even kills one person, no matter how bad they are, he'll just slide back into the state he was in before. 


I don't know if "like" would be the appropriate term. But perhaps he had become so accustomed to it, that NOT doing it felt very very bad. 


As for Carol, I don't think he was so much pointing out that she didn't relish killing other people or anything, so much as making her face the fact that she really hates a lot of the stuff she has to do and trying to break through her hard surface. 

Edited by ghoulina
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