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S31: Spencer Bledsoe


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Kass and Stephen were going around telling people that I was extremely rich. That my mom had won this huge lawsuit divorce settlement. That’s just completely untrue. I used the money from the first time I played “Survivor” to help my dad get out of credit card debt. This time I’m using the money to give a loan to my sister. I have a thousand dollars in my bank account now. So, I don’t know how that got started. But there was this perception that I was a spoiled, bratty, super rich kid which was unfortunate.


Hopping back to this, I read the above quote and see someone saying that he could afford to give away an unexpected windfall on the order of $30K or more (trying to make guesses for taxes) to family members. That doesn't exactly convince me that Spencer's not personally quite well off. I love my family, and if I came into a windfall of that magnitude while a close relative had significant debt of some kind, I'd like to believe I'd help out. But I also have financial needs of my own, and I would definitely use it on my own needs, too.


Also, Spencer's working in finance. He may only have a thousand dollars in his bank account now, but unless he mismanages his money or changes careers, he will soon be wealthy. So even if there was a false rumor about a lawsuit divorce settlement going on, I think the general sentiment that he is in a much better financial position than Jeremy is true. It's typical of the way in which I find Spencer disingenuous that he doesn't acknowledge that. 

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I think part of the perception about Spencer being wealthy might be because recently graduated from a private university and according to linkedin went to a private high school. As a recent college graduate from a private university everyone assumes I am much more well off than I am. Even though I had scholarships.  I knew if Spencer went in front of the jury he wasn't going to with this jury. I don't think this jury was going to give a 23 year old the money over someone with a family. It does not help that Spencer comes off arrogant. Also, Spencer was able to afford to travel to LA for the  San Juan Del Sur finale,  NYC  for Know-it-alls and took a Europe trip that was well documented on social media in between graduating college December of 2014 and going to play second chances that was well documented on social media and mentioned in interviews. I know when I graduated college I could not afford to go anywhere even with staying in hostels and crashing with friends.




  I wonder if Spencer will ease his argument about how he does not think Sandra is a good player. His argument has always been that she could have been voted off first or second if her tribe hadn't won. It is funny that Spencer was much closer than Sandra ever was getting voted second and had an uphill battle to climb to win. I think Spencer's problem is he doesn't understand the social aspect of the game and never will. It's funny how Rob C. started this whole "Superfan" archetype and he was the only to get the social game.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Also, Spencer's working in finance. He may only have a thousand dollars in his bank account now, but unless he mismanages his money or changes careers, he will soon be wealthy. So even if there was a false rumor about a lawsuit divorce settlement going on, I think the general sentiment that he is in a much better financial position than Jeremy is true. It's typical of the way in which I find Spencer disingenuous that he doesn't acknowledge that. 

There are millions of people working in finance, even investment finance, who aren't wealthy and never will be.   I've been in it for 20 years and that plus my adjunct faculty part-time position combined give me a salary about 75% of what Val and Jeremy together likely earn.  So I'd guess that Spencer's income is much lower than Jeremy's household income.

Edited by Guest

Hopping back to this, I read the above quote and see someone saying that he could afford to give away an unexpected windfall on the order of $30K or more (trying to make guesses for taxes) to family members. That doesn't exactly convince me that Spencer's not personally quite well off. I love my family, and if I came into a windfall of that magnitude while a close relative had significant debt of some kind, I'd like to believe I'd help out. But I also have financial needs of my own, and I would definitely use it on my own needs, too.


Also, Spencer's working in finance. He may only have a thousand dollars in his bank account now, but unless he mismanages his money or changes careers, he will soon be wealthy. So even if there was a false rumor about a lawsuit divorce settlement going on, I think the general sentiment that he is in a much better financial position than Jeremy is true. It's typical of the way in which I find Spencer disingenuous that he doesn't acknowledge that. 


He didn't say anything about not being in a better financial position than Jeremy. He simply said there was misinformation about his life and the world he comes from and this idea that he is this rich kid who didn't need the money and I see nothing disingenuous about that if he really doesn't come from wealth. Also yes, he is working in finance but again, this is a career that is JUST starting. Spencer graduated college last year. So unless he is some really amazing wiz or doing something illegal, then yeah, I don't imagine he is already rolling in wealth or "a wealthy banker" as Stephen called him. 


As for the giving money to his family, call me naive but to me, I didn't read that as well he's clearly well off or rich but more that he had something and decided to share it with his family and be there for his father in a way he couldn't without the show. It doesn't have to mean he's already wealthy, but again, he's a young guy starting his career, without major responsibilities yet so yeah he probably doesn't need a lot to get by. And so he decided to help his dad clear credit card debt. That's admirable in my opinion. 


Listen I'm the first one to say that I was happy for Jeremy and yeah of course his financial obligations and situations are different. But as I noted on the previous page, it's one thing to say Jeremy needed the money more than Spencer a young guy with no kids, wife and mortgage. However that's not what they were saying according to Spencer and Stephen confirming. The story was that he didn't need it because he was some rich kid and what he's saying is that's not true and he has no idea where that idea came from.


Also, with regards to the stuff about his education, there are these things called scholarships. I should know - I went to a very expensive private university for Grad School and paid nothing for it and I'm not rich. Spencer is very smart, it is more than possible he earned an Academic scholarship to any one of those schools. But that's just it, people don't know for a fact and then it's easy to draw assumptions by simply looking at the fancy high school and the top university on his resume. 


Also, Spencer was able to afford to travel to LA for the  San Juan Del Sur finale,  NYC  for Know-it-alls and took a Europe trip that was well documented on social media in between graduating college December of 2014 and going to play second chances that was well documented on social media and mentioned in interviews. I know when I graduated college I could not afford to go anywhere even with staying in hostels and crashing with friends.


I cannot imagine a plane ticket to LA from Chicago was that expensive and similarly one to NY (especially depending on how early you purchase it and the many online deal services available). Also, it is more than possible that that Europe trip was funded by what was left of his winnings from Cagayan and why shouldn't he splurge some of it on something amazing. After all, he earned it. The point is, we don't really know. I just think it's a leap to assume because someone goes to a certain school or took a great vacation after competing on a show where they did get some prize money, even if it wasn't the million, that it means they're some rich kid. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Also, with regards to the below about his education, people are aware that there are these things called scholarships, right? I should know - I went to a very expensive private university for Grad School and paid nothing for it and I'm not rich. Spencer is very smart, it is more than possible he earned an Academic scholarship to any one of those schools. But that's just it, people don't know for a fact and then it's easy to draw assumptions by looking at the fancy high school and the top university.

Since I posted it yes I am aware. I had scholarships and my roommate had a full ride yet people would assume we were rich kids. I was pointing out that it is a unfortunate perception people have these days.   I can definitely see people like Kass and Kimmi using that as an argument that Spencer comes from a wealthy background.

Edited by choclatechip45
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It really all comes down to the individual jury. I mean, Cochran won unanimously (a single dude with a law degree and a future in writing TV) over Dawn (a mother with something like six kids). So it just depends on how the jury perceives each player. Spencer likely would not have won anyway, so I doubt Jeremy's baby story was the cause of his win. 

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It really all comes down to the individual jury. I mean, Cochran won unanimously (a single dude with a law degree and a future in writing TV) over Dawn (a mother with something like six kids). So it just depends on how the jury perceives each player. Spencer likely would not have won anyway, so I doubt Jeremy's baby story was the cause of his win.

I remember Corrine said on one of her cast assessments that if she was on the jury no way she would vote for Cochran who has a law degree from Harvard  over Dawn who has six kids.


As much as I don't like Spencer I feel bad for him that Stephen thought it was a good idea to tell him.  I don't know why Stephen would think it would make someone feel better they received 0 votes because of rumors that they were wealthy. I would rather loose because I played a bad social game.

Edited by choclatechip45
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That was one of the worst series of misplays I've ever seen in a finale episode. Ouch.

First he declares there's no way Kelley OR Jeremy have another idol. Then he badgers Kimmi at TC ensuring that she forces a tie, rather than letting it go 3-3 and then convincing her to avoid rocks afterward. His need to play puppet master and reveal they're not splitting the votes as well as telling Kelley she's "safe" spooked her into playing her idol, leading him to the arrogant "Tasha ain't going nowhere" stuff that made him seem arrogant to the jury.

And that's just the first vote. As a "student of the game", Spencer should've recognized how bloody important the vote is at F5. A considerable proportion of recent winners won the game at F5 despite being vulnerable (Natalie, Denise, Kim, Boston Rob, Tony), and Jeremy is included in that category. Spencer had a slam dunk chance to take out Jeremy and go into a F4 against somebody he could convince others is a bigger threat to himself (Kelley) and 2 people he can claim he was more active than. Instead, it was Jeremy who successfully shifted the target to a Spencer, instead! Had Kelley's Idol ploy worked, Spencer was toast.

And then we have the F4 TC where Spencer panicked how he SHOULD have at F5. He was safe anyway, and made himself even easier to beat by both threatening Jeremy, lessening his own worthiness, and making himself look like a know-it-all douchebag.

I don't normally begrudge players their bad moves. They're tired, hungry and don't have the benefit of hindsight, a comfy couch, or an edit. However, after Spencer put Woo on blast and speaks so highly of his own gameplay, watching him totally crash and burn was satisfying.

The editing potential here was gold: Pinnocchio finally becomes a real boy, only to have used his newfound emotions to manipulate people rather than forming real bonds. That would have been an epic storyline. I guess they wanted some suspense going into FTC with Spencer as a valid alternative to Jeremy, but this episode was so rushed that they accomplished the desired suspense with Kelley v Jeremy. Total missed opportunity.

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I remember Corrine said on one of her cast assessments that if she was on the jury no way she would vote for Cochran who has a law degree from Harvard  over Dawn who has six kids.


If it's right to give the win to the person with the most kids and least education, why even bother playing the game?  Just rename it the Survivor Entitlement and let the whole US apply.  


Not that I believe Corinne.  I'm guessing she, like Andrew, has an automatic bias against nerds.  She was close allies with an attorney and a doctor in Gabon but they were good looking.  

If it's right to give the win to the person with the most kids and least education, why even bother playing the game?  Just rename it the Survivor Entitlement and let the whole US apply.  


Not that I believe Corinne.  I'm guessing she, like Andrew, has an automatic bias against nerds.  She was close allies with an attorney and a doctor in Gabon but they were good looking.  

Not that Corinne doesn't have her faults, but she has admitted more than once that she loves nerds and gushed over Cochran in her RHAP interview prior to South Pacific. I think she also likes Spencer quite a bit as well.

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How sweet is it that the arrogant and rude Spencer got fewer votes than Woo? And that Spencer went with the strong players instead of the goats?

He should be thanking the editors for making him look better than he was and not showing how he constantly betrayed people he was close to.

I argued repeatedly here that people wouldn't vote for him. One reason was because he had stabbed so many people in the back. He was like Abi, only Abi was more open about being a villain. Spencer tried to play it as strategy, but they both did similar things.

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Just read that Jeremy was invited into the Patriots suite to watch the game today, and now I'm chuckling at the idea of someone from the Bears inviting Chicago native Spencer to their suite.


"We have a team that has a ton of talent, wins a few impressive games, but always manages to fall out of it late in the year. This should be very familiar to you!"

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I don't understand Kimmi's beef with Spencer.  She's upset with Spencer that the show showed him saying I love you to his girlfriend?  Why?



I tend to do a lot of scrolling of most contestants' post-season interviews so I honestly missed the post with Kimmi's comment entirely. So a little late on this response but what the hell. To be honest, I think Kimmi sounded like a lot of sour grapes that Spencer got far more screen-time than she did which made it seem like she didn't do much during the season. Spencer was so awful and yet all she can come up with is that the show showed him telling his girlfriend he loved her which she seemed to think took away from them on the family reward. 


Except that's not true. They showed Spencer telling his girlfriend he loved her when she came out, just like they showed Jeremy hugging and telling Val how much he loved her and her telling him it was a boy (and we also saw Jeremy talk about Val and wanting to win for her throughout the season), Keith with his wife, Abby with her mom and Kimmi herself with her loved one. What the editors took time away from the family reward to show was Spencer, Jeremy and Tasha agreeing to a Final 3 pact which considering they WERE the Final 3, I'm guessing that's why the editors felt it important enough to show. 


The fact is the producers have hours and hours of footage to work with and have to decide what is important enough to the overall plot of the season and the fact is, Spencer was a key part of the season. He survived near elimination twice (so they had to focus on him then), won some key immunity challenges and orchestrated Stephen's ouster and then he worked with Jeremy and Tasha on getting to the end. If Kimmi had been more instrumental to the season, I think she would have been shown but she wasn't. When she worked to oust Monica, the editing absolutely focused on her being key to that. But other than that she mostly floated with the numbers and hoped to stick with Jeremy until she realized that she was playing for fourth and then tried to boot him and it backfired on her. 


Frankly, based on her final tribal council comment to Jeremy about it being him, her and Tasha (which is interesting considering how much she seems to hate Tasha too) and he just let Spencer come and boot her, I think Kimmi seems really, really bitter and resentful that in her eyes she was booted out of her sure thing to the Final 3 in favor of Spencer and hates him for it. I don't doubt Spencer is arrogant and in some ways socially awkward but I don't buy that he was such an awful human being and yet no one can give a specific example or reasoning to support that. And when the best that comes out of Kimmi's mouth is that the show showed him telling his girlfriend he loved her, then I really am whatever about that. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I listened to Dom & Collins interview with Spencer it was taped when he was in sequester the night before the Worlds Apart finale. It's a great listen. My biggest issue with Spencer is that he pretty much admits that him and Stephen are friends by saying that him and Stephen talk all the time and share personal details of their lives with each other. I don't have an issue with Spencer getting Stephen voted out my issue is that Spencer was going on social media claiming him and Stephen were not friends. If that is the way he is in real life no wonder so many people from this cast don't like him. My opinion of Spencer went way down.

I've stewed on this for awhile, and have ultimately decided that I think both Spencer and Tasha played better games than Jeremy.  The ONE thing Jeremy had that really took him to the end is the likeability factor.  Neither Spencer nor Tasha are vile people (IMO), but they play to play and it is apparent and puts others on edge.


I also think this season was not as much about playing the game as it was about selecting, as Savage said, a good ambassador - rather than a good player.  Someone posted above that it was too soon for Spencer and Tasha to come back.  I agree with that.  I would like to have seen them come back after a few more years and life experiences.

Edited by Jextella
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I've stewed on this for awhile, and have ultimately decided that I think Spencer both Spencer and Tasha played better games than Jeremy.  The ONE thing Jeremy had that really took him to the end is the likeability factor.  Neither Spencer nor Tasha are vile people (IMO), but they play to play and it is apparent and puts others on edge.


I don't disagree, but likability is as much a part of the game as going beast mode in challenges and picking who goes on a reward. Building bonds with the other players is all the social game is, and I would argue that the social game is more important than the physical game.  We've seen likable players defeat strategy bots time after time.  (How IS Natalie White these days? :) )

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