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Supernatural Fanfiction

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AO3 (Archive of Our Own) has been closed to new members for  a while now, but they opened some invitations today. You don't need to be a member to read, but if you want post or have a user name, you do. I have one invite open if anyone is interested. I only have one, so first PM gets it.

ETA: taken!

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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On 12/25/2017 at 4:55 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

AO3 (Archive of Our Own) has been closed to new members for  a while now, but they opened some invitations today. You don't need to be a member to read, but if you want post or have a user name, you do. I have one invite open if anyone is interested. I only have one, so first PM gets it.

ETA: taken!

Do you have any idea why they did that? I haven't paid attention tbh. I became a member a while back because one of the writers whose stories I liked went to members only viewing. 

Edited by trxr4kids
apparently I stutter type, which is weird since I don't actually stutter
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6 minutes ago, trxr4kids said:

Do you have any idea why they did that? I haven't paid attention tbh. I became a member a while back because one of the writers whose stories I liked went to members only viewing. 

They got hit with a major spam blast that nearly took out the site. Since then they have gone to invitation only. Or I think that's what what happened.

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10 minutes ago, trxr4kids said:

Do you have any idea why they did that? I haven't paid attention tbh. I became a member a while back because one of the writers whose stories I liked went to members only viewing. 

As far as I know, AO3 has always been 'invitation only' to join, and each member got a certain number of invites to share. I guess they got spammed a while back and decided to suspend all invitations for a while, and they just resumed as of Christmas.

ETA: Clarification - it was only by invitation when I joined, and I assume(d) it had remained that way. Could be wrong - often am, lol.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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20 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

ETA: Clarification - it was only by invitation when I joined, and I assume(d) it had remained that way. Could be wrong - often am, lol.

It wasn't by invitation only when I joined a couple of years ago. I just signed up and published.

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24 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

They got hit with a major spam blast that nearly took out the site. Since then they have gone to invitation only. Or I think that's what what happened.

That sucks.


23 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

As far as I know, AO3 has always been 'invitation only' to join, and each member got a certain number of invites to share. I guess they got spammed a while back and decided to suspend all invitations for a while, and they just resumed as of Christmas.

ETA: Clarification - it was only by invitation when I joined, and I assume(d) it had remained that way. Could be wrong - often am, lol.

I didn't need an invitation to join whenever that was, it was as simple as signing up here. Maybe there's a difference since I don't write, I just read, I dunno.

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Just now, gonzosgirrl said:

Dunno. This is what it says if you don't have a log-in at the moment, and it's what it said when I signed up in 2011, lol.


I signed up in 2015 specifically to write a thing about demon!Dean. No invitation required then. Maybe it was invitation in 2011 then not invitation and now back to invitation only after the spam attack?

HOLY CRAP there are 28000 ~ people on the waiting list. That's unreal!

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ohhh I think I know what the difference might be. Back when I signed up it was free.  I notice the invite says to get


Invitation Requests

To get a free Archive of Our Own account, you'll need an invitation.

Request an invitation


If you have already requested an invitation, you can check your position on the waiting list. There are currently 28346 people on the waiting list. We are sending out 1000 invitations per day.

Or is that just meaningless phrasing or are they asking people to donate or pay for accounts that aren't free?

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5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

ohhh I think I know what the difference might be. Back when I signed up it was free.  I notice the invite says to get

Or is that just meaningless phrasing or are they asking people to donate or pay for accounts that aren't free?

There are no paid accounts. It's just the phrasing. They do have fundraising drives, but they are not linked to membership.

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3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:


Or is that just meaningless phrasing or are they asking people to donate or pay for accounts that aren't free?

I'm not sure but I've noticed donation requests every couple of months saying they don't want to go to pay for accounts.

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I just wanted to confirm that requesting membership does not cost anything. I signed up last year via that method (to finish a fic which for some reason had its final part - and final part only- members only. It’s just as they you request an invite and get assigned a place in the queue. I think i was person 12,000 and had to wait 3 days before mine arrived.

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8 hours ago, catrox14 said:

OH MY GODS.   MY HEART. That was amazing and gut wrenching. 

Really well done! I wish the show would have acknowledged this in S12. I have so many more feelings about this, but it's most definitely BvJ, so... another time, another thread. *g*

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I'm far from being a fan of Destiel but there's a YT video that entertains me every time I watch.  It features the birth of Destiel with background music from Whitney "I will always love you".  Not one of the sucky vids with the sucky music, it's kind of humorous and clever.  Unfortunately I cannot find it to post.

I think it starts with Dean climbing out of the grave and walking all bowlegged to that deserted garage.  I wish YT was easier to search. Anyone know the one I mean?

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15 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

It sucks that YouTube blocked her from saying all of the awesome dick jokes that were in season 7. They were always amusing :)

I don't even understand how that could happen. I mean Dick is a real nickname. Like how would it even know? Weird.

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6 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I don't even understand how that could happen. I mean Dick is a real nickname. Like how would it even know? Weird.

Aren't there certain types of accounts based on the maturity of content for YouTube posters? The dick jokes can fall into the adult category and maybe she has the kind of account for access for younger viewers. She does have a lot of animated shorts and pop culture bits; nothing sexual or what could be deemed inappropriate. Could be that a plethora of dick jokes could be in violation of the kind of account that she has. Some of the puns from season 7: "so we've got dick on dick?" "are you still into anime or are you strictly into dick now?" could read a certain way (though they were hilarious! ).

Edited by DeeDee79
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does anyone have any fics that focus on when dean and sam were kids, specifically when dean was the crutch of the family, as john referenced? or will i have to write them myself, lol

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On 3/5/2018 at 1:51 AM, Iju said:

does anyone have any fics that focus on when dean and sam were kids, specifically when dean was the crutch of the family, as john referenced? or will i have to write them myself, lol

I don’t read fan fiction, so I can’t help you find any. But you should totally write it anyway!

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8 hours ago, Jeddah said:

I don’t read fan fiction, so I can’t help you find any. But you should totally write it anyway!

i was thinking of writing one just for kicks, but the scenes keep running through my head so i think i have to write it just so i can stop thinking it lol. thanks^^

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I just started this enjoyable Castiel and Mary centric fanfic earlier today. It takes place during Cas' time as a human in season Nine, and the divergence from canon is; what if a newly resurrected Mary and Cas had encountered one another then. https://archiveofourown.org/series/150869


Im only on chapter 6 so I can't give an overall review, but Ive enjoyed what I've read so far. A few things to note though for anyone interested in reading. Firstly; this was written while season 9 aired so the authors Mary is not the same as season 12-13 Mary. Honestly, though I think most fans would like her better. Secondly; the fanfic so far is quite Sam and Dean lite (they've only appeared  one of the chapters I've read so far, but there are canon compliant reasons for their absence IMO). So the fanfic is def more suited to fans of Castiel. Honestly, as I said, the characterisation of this Mary is so different to 12-13 I'm not sure how fans of hers would feel about it, but they've a good voice for Cas so far. Thirdly; for anyone who may be wary. Based on one of the tags specifying "Male and female friendship" and the general tone of the fic so far there doesn't seem to be any romantic Cas and Mary to worry about ;) 

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On 3/1/2018 at 2:55 PM, trxr4kids said:

Hallelujah TFW

I'm not sniffling, it's allergies dammit.

ETA: I fell into a youtube hole and can't get up.

I just watched this one. Damn allergies! I think maybe the saddest lines in all of Supernatural are "Good things do happen, Dean." "Not in my experience."

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21 hours ago, Iju said:

i just typed up my fanfic. i don't know where to upload it since i don't know a lot of the fanfic world so i'll just link to public document here:


also please forgive me for not titling it, i'm horrible at titles :x

please feel free to give any critiques of any kind!


You should try out Fanfiction.net

There's also Archive Of Our Own, but there's a waitlist to get an invitation. May as well sign up for an invitation and then start posting there when you get it.

Edited by takalotti
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17 hours ago, takalotti said:

You should try out Fanfic.net

There's also Archive Of Our Own, but there's a waitlist to get an invitation. May as well sign up for an invitation and then start posting there when you get it.

are they really that popularly used? the sites look like they never updated past 2002 so i never bothered.

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38 minutes ago, Iju said:

are they really that popularly used? the sites look like they never updated past 2002 so i never bothered.

  1. I mistyped. It’s fanfiction.net. I corrected my original post.
  2. I’m only familiar with the Gilmore Girls corner of ff.net. Not sure what the Supernatural activity is over there so you could very well be right.
  3. AO3 is pretty active as far SPN goes. I really only read one pairing and there’s new stuff all the time for it. 
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27 minutes ago, takalotti said:
  1. I mistyped. It’s fanfiction.net. I corrected my original post.
  2. I’m only familiar with the Gilmore Girls corner of ff.net. Not sure what the Supernatural activity is over there so you could very well be right.
  3. AO3 is pretty active as far SPN goes. I really only read one pairing and there’s new stuff all the time for it. 

ff.net has some good stuff, and some really, really bad stuff - but they have an enormous archive, and I believe Supernatural is a fixture in the top 5 over the entire site. AO3 has 150k+ returns under the "Supernatural" tag (though a good high percentage of those are Destiel).

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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32 minutes ago, takalotti said:
  1. I mistyped. It’s fanfiction.net. I corrected my original post.
  2. I’m only familiar with the Gilmore Girls corner of ff.net. Not sure what the Supernatural activity is over there so you could very well be right.
  3. AO3 is pretty active as far SPN goes. I really only read one pairing and there’s new stuff all the time for it. 

no, i wasn't referring to how active the sites were because of the content and how old it was, i was talking about thes sites theirselves. it looks so...dated lol. 

i guess i will try FF since ao3 demands an invitation and that really throws me off. thank you.

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2 minutes ago, Iju said:

no, i wasn't referring to how active the sites were because of the content and how old it was, i was talking about thes sites theirselves. it looks so...dated lol. 

i guess i will try FF since ao3 demands an invitation and that really throws me off. thank you.

They are archives and suit the purpose they're designed for - a free place for writers to publish, and a resource for readers to find their work. I'm actually pretty appreciative of the "no bells & whistles" approach - nothing to slow down my browser when all I want to do is read. There is minimal advertising on ff.net, and none on Ao3 (that I've seen anyway).

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10 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

They are archives and suit the purpose they're designed for - a free place for writers to publish, and a resource for readers to find their work. I'm actually pretty appreciative of the "no bells & whistles" approach - nothing to slow down my browser when all I want to do is read. There is minimal advertising on ff.net, and none on Ao3 (that I've seen anyway).

well i checked ao3 and it's in its beta. how long has that been? lol

i guess i can understand the simplicity of the websites but i mean nothing is stopping or harming them from at least updating the buttons a bit lmao.

i checked FF and pressed TV and SPN is right at the top, lol. wasn't expecting that. it has over 120k hits but ao3 has 170k. comparing ao3 obviously has more content but FF doesn't seem too bad either. 

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