thewhiteowl September 12, 2015 Share September 12, 2015 Quote The line between justice and the law gets even blurrier for Henry and Walt as their hunt for a killer intensifies. Link to comment
Skycatcher September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 IMO - The best ep so far. 2 Link to comment
Pyralis September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 Heck of cliffhanger - hope the show comes back. What I most enjoyed were the complicated relationships that had nothing to do with Walt - Jacob & Henry, Jacob & Cady, Henry & Matthias, Henry & Malachi, Jacob & Malachi. They're each trying to balance what they want and what they can give the other to get what they want or to prevent the other from taking something. 5 Link to comment
Skycatcher September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 (edited) Completely agree, Pyralis. I especially liked the tension created around the law and the reservation boundaries, but why did Mathias not just toss the oil worker's parties off rez land, especially after the rape and knowing he couldn't touch the rapists? Also liked the frustration of the NAs getting any kind of justice, which of course perfectly set up the Hector/Henry plot line, as well as leading to something for Cady to do. Edited September 13, 2015 by Skycatcher Link to comment
karasmom September 14, 2015 Share September 14, 2015 Longmire has to continue -- there are so many cliffhangers to resolve! Is Henry going to jail again? (Nooooo!) Is the doc going to die? (I hope not -- I like her) Is Travis coming back? (I hope so) Is Nighthorse changing into a good character. (That would be nice since I like A. Martinez) Excellent episode -- a lot crammed into less than an hour. 5 Link to comment
Nancy Nolan September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) Longmire is my favorite show and I love the books too (I'm reading the newest one now: Dry Bones). I got a kick seeing both "Axel" and "Tomas" from TWD playing characters on Longmire this season. Also, a long LONG time ago I watched Profiler with Ally Walker playing Dr. Sam Waters (she is Walt's new girlfriend) and A. Martinez (Knighthorse) playing her hot boyfriend Agent Nick Cooper. Anyway, I hope we get a 5th season. Preferably sooner than later. Edited September 16, 2015 by nsnolan55 2 Link to comment
fifty8th September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Is it me or is there more music this season, I like it especially the song at the end of the finale.So when will we find out the shows fate, and how do we know how well it did with no ratings? Link to comment
Clanstarling September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 It was an excellent wrap up, and what a cliffhanger! There were a few faces I'd forgotten in that slideshow of possible intruders. I wasn't sure how I felt about a number of episodes, but overall I like the development of all the characters, the changes in their relationships, and the complications. I hope they do get a new season - because I want to find out what happens. Possibly more than any season before. I started to wonder if Zach was the patient one who torched the doctor's car. I hope not, but I can't get that out of my head. So, I'm wondering how Barlow is suing for wrongful death - unless it's Branch's mother (who never did appear after the funeral). But faux sheriff's deputy candidate is just the kind of douche Barlow would appreciate working for him. 3 Link to comment
Melissa56789 September 23, 2015 Share September 23, 2015 Quote I started to wonder if Zach was the patient one who torched the doctor's car. I hope not, but I can't get that out of my head. Yeah me too. I am choosing to believe that the writers don't know who came through the door. Whichever actors are available for the next season....will decide who goes through the door. :-) Quote So, I'm wondering how Barlow is suing for wrongful death - unless it's Branch's mother (who never did appear after the funeral). I think either Barlow started / initiated a lawsuit against Walt (or the Sheriff's Dept) for wrongful death of Branch. OR Barlow's Estate is suing Walt for wrongful death of Barlow. Quote but why did Mathias not just toss the oil worker's parties off rez land, I think Mathias didn't toss the Oil Workers - because the Oil Workers brought $$$ to the Casino...which is good for the economy of the Res. Quote What I most enjoyed were the complicated relationships that had nothing to do with Walt - Jacob & Henry, Jacob & Cady, Henry & Matthias, Henry & Malachi, Jacob & Malachi. Nighthorse's relationships are really going to drive next season. Here's my pure speculation on how I'd like next season to unfold: Nighthorse gets Mathias to release Henry - if Henry stops being Hector. Henry agrees because Cady is now positioned to legally help folks on the Res. Also - Nighthorse needs Henry free to get Malachi out of the way....which is also something Mathias wants. If Deputy Zach isn't the psychiatrist's patient who burned the van....I hope Deputy Zach finds a path to redemption and comes back to the Sheriff's Dept. Heck - if The Ferg likes Deputy Zach....Walt must bring him back. :-) As much as I like Walt kissing someone who ISN'T Vic - I miss Dixie. It's too bad they couldn't bring her back. (I think the actress recently had a baby.) Maybe they'll bring her back next season? Great Job Netflix! Bring Longmire back for another season! :-) 3 Link to comment
HyacinthBucket September 23, 2015 Share September 23, 2015 I have a confession to make. I had a hard time keeping Zach and Eamonn straight in this episode. I thought Vic was having the fling with Zach, and then wondered why Walt was talking about hiring him back when he had just fired him. I guess my attention span is not what it used to be! It definitely was an exciting finale that MUST be carried into another season. Netflix packed more into those ten episodes than A&E ever did in any of their three seasons, so it really was a good deal for Longmire fans. Netflix gave us an honest 60 minutes per episode. Things I enjoyed: 1. Walt and Mathias working together for the good of the folks at the Rez. 2. Mathias :) 3. Ferg being more competent, and not being afraid to stick up for Zach to Walt. 4. Jacob Nighthorse and his redeeming qualities. I hope it continues. 5. Henry taking over for Hector, but I'm also going to include that in my "Disliked" section. 6. Not dragging out the "Who killed Branch?" story line for the entire season. 7. Travis 8. Cady and her new profession. Things I didn't enjoy: 1. Less Walt/Henry banter 2. Vic making a fool of herself by questioning Walt about the doc. 3. Henry as a cold, calculating murderer. I approve of him standing up for the downtrodden, but this was too dark for me, and I definitely do not want to see him back in jail again. I HATED seeing him lie to Cady and Walt. 4. Malachi's hold over Henry. I wanted this to be resolved before the end of the season. I wanted the satisfaction of Henry getting his bar back and Malachi going to hell. 5. The loss of Branch. 4 Link to comment
ali59 September 24, 2015 Share September 24, 2015 I can't stop thinking about what happened between Vic & Eamonn. She just sat there stunned when he flew off the handle about her telling Walt about their relationship. She let him turn this on her. Why wasn't she mad at him for making her think he wanted a relationship and then treating her like a one night stand. I wanted to like him and I wanted to like the two of them together but he destroyed that for me. Come on Vic, stand up for yourself! 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl September 25, 2015 Share September 25, 2015 Does anyone know if the next season has been renewed yet? I haven't heard anything, when do we find out? That was a great season finale, the tip of a great season. Possibly its best yet. Netflix is just killing it lately. Who knew Netflix would create so much quality television, even bringing a murdered show back from the dead, and better than ever? I really hope Deputy Zach isn't the patient after the doc. He has grown on me a lot. I was worried, after the first episode, that it was setting up an "us vs. them" with Walt and the Native Americans, but it really didn't go that way at all. If anything, we got more of the struggles of the res, more of its people, and more sympathetic characterizations for Mathias (I like him and Walt getting along a lot) and even Jacob Nighthorse. The one thing that makes me sad is how things are going for Henry. I hate him lying to Walt, even if his motives are good. I hate that he might go to jail, after so many people worked to get him out. Great season. Need more! 3 Link to comment
Clanstarling September 25, 2015 Share September 25, 2015 (edited) On 9/24/2015 at 11:03 PM, ali59 said: I can't stop thinking about what happened between Vic & Eamonn. She just sat there stunned when he flew off the handle about her telling Walt about their relationship. She let him turn this on her. Why wasn't she mad at him for making her think he wanted a relationship and then treating her like a one night stand. I wanted to like him and I wanted to like the two of them together but he destroyed that for me. Come on Vic, stand up for yourself! I didn't feel Eamonn showed any indication they were in a relationship - and it felt like Vic's overture to him was more of the one night stand nature than a "be my boyfriend." Sex and friendliness does not equal committed relationship. I thought Eamonn had every right to be upset that Vic told Walt he shouldn't hire Eamonn because she assumed they were in a relationship. Given that Vic had been actively pursuing a relationship with Walt, it was a little hypocritical of her. Vic's got a pretty bad record with relationship decisions - but I can see that she might be trying to sidestep her old patterns. Still, confirming that they were in a relationship, before torpedoing Eamonn's career, would have been a better way to go. I'm saying this despite the fact that I haven't cared for Eamonn from the get-go, but probably because the actor tends to play characters who start out as nice guys and turn into douches. Edited September 25, 2015 by clanstarling 4 Link to comment
kimaken September 25, 2015 Share September 25, 2015 Wow! Finally got through all 10 eps (so much for wanting to watch 1/week--ended up binge watching this week) and I'm so impressed with what Netflix did with this series! I miss Branch, but I'm glad we finally got the mystery of Walt's wife's death wrapped up and can move on from there. I really love how the recurring characters have become more integral to the overall story line--in all, I have to say this is my favorite season of Longmire! I hope Netflix continues the series--hope to see Walt and Henry get back to their bantering ways of Season 1, although with all that's happened since then, that banter may not be same fun, easygoing type as before. The one thing I'm not keen about is how things are going with Vic--she's a hot mess, for sure! 1 Link to comment
HyacinthBucket September 25, 2015 Share September 25, 2015 On 9/25/2015 at 3:11 PM, kimaken said: I hope Netflix continues the series--hope to see Walt and Henry get back to their bantering ways of Season 1, although with all that's happened since then, that banter may not be same fun, easygoing type as before. The one thing I'm not keen about is how things are going with Vic--she's a hot mess, for sure! That sums it up for me quite nicely. Did we ever find out whether Walt heard her voice mail in the first episode? Link to comment
Melissa56789 September 25, 2015 Share September 25, 2015 Quote Did we ever find out whether Walt heard her voice mail in the first episode? Walt never heard Vic's voicemail - because she deleted it when Henry went outside to check Walt's Saddlebag. Walt only knew that Vic called from the Caller ID history on his phone. He called her back wondering why she called and didn't leave a message. 2 Link to comment
dubbel zout September 25, 2015 Share September 25, 2015 Quote I started to wonder if Zach was the patient one who torched the doctor's car. I was under the impression it was the same patient who'd tried to commit suicide; the doctor never indicated she thought it was a second troubled patient. (I know that describes all of her patients.) Quote 4. Jacob Nighthorse and his redeeming qualities. I hope it continues. I was side-eying his speech to Cady, mostly because he seemed happy to have Malachi do his (Jacob's) dirty work until Malachi took a bit too much initiative. I think he does want to help his people, but he's going to make sure he keeps his money, power, and influence. Quote Vic--she's a hot mess She's got the emotional maturity of a teenager. She never talks to people she has issues with, she just lets stuff simmer and then gets all insulted when stuff goes counter to her expectations that she's never articulated. Ugh. And what she did to Eamonn about the job was inexcusable. For her to act like the aggrieved party there was ridiculous. Vic was never a favorite of mine, and this season didn't make me like her any better. I really liked how organically the show raised a lot of the issues it did. You saw the poverty on the res, the lack of resources and opportunities, and it was all presented without any sermonizing. Ruby was awesome yelling at Keith Callum Rennie. You don't mess with her! 6 Link to comment
virginiawoman54 October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 Thank you Netflix! I'm so happy to have been able to see more from this great series. Love the greater concentration on the rez and all the characters that I love. There is potential for some good stories in the next season which, fingers crossed, we will have. Still leary of Jacob Nighthorse though. Walt better keep an eye on him. Link to comment
RustbeltWriter October 22, 2015 Share October 22, 2015 I really enjoyed the whole season but this episode was fantastic. Plot lines were tied up and cliffhangers were used effectively to set up next season. This show really blossomed on Netflix. I think the extra time allowed us to see the characters as richer and fuller. Mathias doesn't seem like a petty tyrant and we can now see how hamstrung he is by the involvement of the Feds on the reservation. Nighthorse's turn didn't seemed forced at all. A Martinez sold the heck out of him wanting to do some good for his people and let us see that as unlikable as Nighthorse can be, he may have some redeemable qualities. I was even happy to see Henry trying to accomplish some good even if he is absolutely horrible at being the new Hector. The reservation may need a Hector but he certainly is able to fill those shoes. I was also happy to see Vic confront Walt about their relationship. Maybe their wires did get crossed but the air needed to be cleared. If he's not interested, that's fine but Vic should know that. Can't wait for season 5. 6 Link to comment
Ilovemylabs November 8, 2015 Share November 8, 2015 On 9/13/2015 at 12:43 AM, Skycatcher said: IMO - The best ep so far. I went to the Netflix homepage and went to the site where you can 'chat' with a representative if you are having a problem. I chatted with a guy named Dan and told him I had no problem but just wanted to thank Netflix for carrying Longmire. He was very pleased and said something like there was more to come. I took that to mean they will continue to carry the show. I hope I'm right! 1 Link to comment
taragel November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 On 11/8/2015 at 4:49 PM, Ilovemylabs said: I went to the Netflix homepage and went to the site where you can 'chat' with a representative if you are having a problem. I chatted with a guy named Dan and told him I had no problem but just wanted to thank Netflix for carrying Longmire. He was very pleased and said something like there was more to come. I took that to mean they will continue to carry the show. I hope I'm right! They renewed it for a season 5 at the end of October. There's some discussion in the media thread. 1 Link to comment
Ilovemylabs November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 On 11/10/2015 at 4:18 PM, taragel said: They renewed it for a season 5 at the end of October. There's some discussion in the media thread. Thanks! That's great news. Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 Finally finished this season! Normally I binge watch Netflix shows like this one, but Longmire was released when there were a ton of other shows airing so I had to watch this in spurts. I liked the season finale. It brought together a lot of the storylines that have been going on throughout the season. I felt like I got closure on Gab's story but we got a cliffhanger to make me want to come back next season. I hope Henry doesn't end up back in prison. While I admire Walt's devotion to the law, it was hard for me to get too upset about a rapist being killed (and look at the company he keeps - the guy who threatened Zach's sister while he was in jail was a real winner too). Link to comment
babs1226 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 Holy cow, this episode was intense! I spent the last week or so watching all 4 seasons, and I am totally hooked! I think Walt has more chemistry with the doc than he has had with Vic or the other lady, and I like the way their relationship unfolded, so I really hope she lives! I can't wait for the next season!!! Link to comment
Nashville January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 On 9/25/2015 at 8:48 PM, dubbel zout said: I was under the impression it was the same patient who'd tried to commit suicide; the doctor never indicated she thought it was a second troubled patient. (I know that describes all of her patients.) My money is on Walker Browning for torching Doctor Donna's car. When Walker was confronting Walt at the hospital vending machines/lounge, he (Walker) seemed to be paying an uncomfortable degree of attention to Donna. At that moment - before the car was torched, even - I expected Donna to receive some Walker-initiated blowback, simply because Walker wasn't going to pass up a chance to lash out at anybody important to Walt. Quote I was side-eying his speech to Cady, mostly because he seemed happy to have Malachi do his (Jacob's) dirty work until Malachi took a bit too much initiative. I think he does want to help his people, but he's going to make sure he keeps his money, power, and influence. I think Jacob Nighthorse will be 100% behind anything which helps his people - so long as his cut comes off the top first. :) 1 Link to comment
Kohola3 July 17, 2016 Share July 17, 2016 I was recently introduced to Longmire and have become a huge fan. I’ve watched everything twice so far and keep picking up new things with each viewing. But I admit I remain confused with the Season 4 cliffhanger. Perhaps someone can clear up my questions. First of all, going back a couple of episodes, who kidnapped Gab? Who actually killed Will Balint? At first it seemed like it might be Henry because his truck was covered with mud but I believe that was a red herring – why would his truck be muddy even though the guy suffocated in a mud puddle. It’s not like Henry would have driven back and forth over him at high speed. So I am thinking it wasn’t Henry. Up until now his Hector revenges have been pretty lawful. I can’t see him murdering the guy. And why did Will Baling get the promotion? Archer Loftus said that Balint had something on Walker Browning and that’s why he got promoted. So did Trot kill him? Either out of jealousy because of the promotion or to keep him quiet about Browning? Or was it Browning? But then why did he promote Balint in the first place? What happened to the third shooter at the end? I believe he was the native that watched Gab and Henry enter the Crow reservation. Henry shot Trot and Walt shot Browning. That leaves the third guy. Did he fly away like Gab? And I have to say that Tantoo Cardinal just knocks it out of the ballpark as the Medicine Woman. Just a few lines but she just perfects it She’s my favorite First Nations actress of all time. Link to comment
zxy556575 July 17, 2016 Share July 17, 2016 Am I supposed to like and/or take Mathias' side against Walt? Because I do. Doesn't hurt that I think Zahn McClarnon is pocket-sized sexy. 2 Link to comment
Kohola3 July 17, 2016 Share July 17, 2016 I would love to see Walt and Mathias working together more often, if not only for the reason that Zahn would get more screen time! 2 Link to comment
SimoneS December 17, 2017 Share December 17, 2017 On 10/22/2015 at 3:02 PM, RustbeltWriter said: I was also happy to see Vic confront Walt about their relationship. Maybe their wires did get crossed but the air needed to be cleared. If he's not interested, that's fine but Vic should know that. Expand I practically cheered with Vic confronted Walt and refused to let him get away with his usual evasion. I always see people commenting that Vic is a "hot mess," but honestly, that label perfectly describes Walt. He is the one who is constantly backing down or turning away, especially when Vic responds to his signals. It is no wonder Vic has been confused and made questionable decisions about men since divorcing Sean.The situation with Eammon is the perfect example. He gets rid of Eammon because he is jealous that Vic is close too him. Yet instead of telling Vic that he wants her, Walt decides to get involve with the doctor who becomes more roadkill in his and Vic's complicated relationship. On 7/17/2016 at 2:06 AM, Kohola3 said: I was recently introduced to Longmire and have become a huge fan. I’ve watched everything twice so far and keep picking up new things with each viewing. But I admit I remain confused with the Season 4 cliffhanger. Perhaps someone can clear up my questions. First of all, going back a couple of episodes, who kidnapped Gab? Who actually killed Will Balint? At first it seemed like it might be Henry because his truck was covered with mud but I believe that was a red herring – why would his truck be muddy even though the guy suffocated in a mud puddle. It’s not like Henry would have driven back and forth over him at high speed. So I am thinking it wasn’t Henry. Up until now his Hector revenges have been pretty lawful. I can’t see him murdering the guy. And why did Will Baling get the promotion? Archer Loftus said that Balint had something on Walker Browning and that’s why he got promoted. So did Trot kill him? Either out of jealousy because of the promotion or to keep him quiet about Browning? Or was it Browning? But then why did he promote Balint in the first place? What happened to the third shooter at the end? I believe he was the native that watched Gab and Henry enter the Crow reservation. Henry shot Trot and Walt shot Browning. That leaves the third guy. Did he fly away like Gab? And I have to say that Tantoo Cardinal just knocks it out of the ballpark as the Medicine Woman. Just a few lines but she just perfects it She’s my favorite First Nations actress of all time. Expand It has been a while since you commented, but I'll take a stab at answering your questions: Walker Browning had Gab kidnapped and he was also involved in Will Balint's murder which was done for his bosses at the oil company. Balint had asked Loftus about how to make a complaint against the oil company to OSHA, but before he could he was promoted apparently to buy him off and keep him from making the complaint. Loftus thought that they killed him to make sure that he stayed silent. Henry's truck had mud because he had visited the site, broken into one of the trailers, and stolen some kind of calendar or schedule. I am going to say that the third guy shooter was one of the few villains to grow a brain and got out of there before he was arrested or killed because he really did disappear. Ha. Tantoo Cardinal is great. I always remember her from the movie, Dancing with Wolves. Link to comment
Kohola3 December 17, 2017 Share December 17, 2017 On 12/17/2017 at 3:24 AM, SimoneS said: I'll take a stab at answering your questions Expand Thanks, I will have to go back and rewatch. I don't remember anything about Balint wanting to go to OSHA but that all makes sense now. I still don't get the truck - as I recall it, that whole site was bone dry except for that pool of water where the murder occurred. Henry would have had to drive right through it at high speed to get mud all over the place! But, well, poetic license I guess. Love Marilyn living out in the wild but having internet and computers to change people's identities. What a great touch - the mystical Medicine Woman who is mysterious in so many ways. She's been in a lot of great roles and is a Member of the Order of Canada, one of the country's highest civilian honors. . Have you seen the Season 6 first episode? Link to comment
SimoneS December 17, 2017 Share December 17, 2017 (edited) On 12/17/2017 at 1:24 PM, Kohola3 said: Have you seen the Season 6 first episode? Expand I watched the whole of season six and commented on the series finale thread. I am now catching up on all the season 4 and 5 episodes that I missed which it turns out are quite a few. I will head over to the individual season six episode threads. Edited December 17, 2017 by SimoneS Link to comment
Kohola3 December 18, 2017 Share December 18, 2017 On 12/17/2017 at 1:41 PM, SimoneS said: I watched the whole of season six and commented on the series finale thread. Expand I haven't watched it all, was just interested in your retrospective comments. Thanks for not spoiling anything. Link to comment
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