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Green Arrow In Comics


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DC Comics Cancels Challengers Of The Unknown, Hard Traveling Heroes, and Engines Of Chaos Batman Statue
Posted by Rich Johnston May 23, 2019


In the latest in a series of collection cancellations, DC Comics has decided to cancel the Challengers Of The Unknown by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale collection that would have collected eight issues of their series together. They’ve also cancelled the new edition of the Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard Traveling Heroes collection by Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams. And not a comic, but they have also cancelled the DC Engines Of Chaos Batman statue designed by Riley Rossmo and sculpted by David Giraud.
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(W) Dennis O’Neil, Elliot S. Maggin (A) Neal Adams & Various (CA) Neal Adams
Some of DC’s most revered team-up tales from the 1970s are presented once more in a new trade paperback as Green Lantern and Green Arrow confront menaces including racism, poverty and drug abuse! Collects stories from GREEN LANTERN/GREEN ARROW #76-87 and #89, plus stories from THE FLASH #217-219 and #226.

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The Green Lantern #8 (on sale June 5) features a team-up with Green Arrow...

Interview and Exclusive Preview: Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp Discuss “The Green Lantern” #8
By Brian Salvatore | June 3rd, 2019 


GM: ... Obviously, the touchstone for this issue, is the ‘Hard Traveling Heroes’ era of Green Lantern and Green Arrow team ups.
*  *  *
Now Grant, from a scripting perspective. When you are writing a story that has a character that on one finger holds the most powerful weapon in the Universe, and the other character wields a bow and arrow, does that present some issues in terms of the type of threat you can give them? Because you don’t want to give them a threat, and it’s actually addressed in the script, you don’t want to give them a threat that can only be handled by a Green Lantern ring. How do you craft a story that makes these two characters feel equally billed?
Because they basically represents freedom, versus authoritarianism. And Green Lantern is always going to win. I think Green Arrow is always going to be the most imaginative out of the two, because Hal Jordan just makes fists, you know? And Green Arrow is a hopeful futuristic, he imagines societies are better, but they never happen. I think that’s why the story is, it’s like Green Arrow is fucking failed, you know?

LS: It’s like he is doomed to keep on failing.

GM: He’s trying really hard to be what Hal he wants him to be, which I think is so poignant.

LS: There’s a lot of heart in the story, especially on the second to last page, where they embrace. There’s a lot going on underneath.

The friendship really comes through in this issue. And that there is some tension there, but every page you see them together…
You know those dumb boys, I bet you got a friend like that. That friend your best friend.

LS: It’s unselfconscious, and yet they are total opposites. They are the classic opposites attract.





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Ernie Estrella   June 4, 2019


You've both mentioned before how The Green Lantern was influenced by the Franco-Belgian Bande Dessinée movement, 2000 AD, and others, but is this upcoming tale also an homage to Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams' Green Lantern/Green Arrow run?

Morrison: Absolutely. You're right. The idea was, "can we take that '70s [movement] and do something modern with it?" So the whole idea was to take all of Denny's vocabulary and for Liam to take those weird things that Neal Adams did that only Liam noticed, and channel that '70s style, that exploitation from their Green Arrow stories.

Sharp: It's tough to do Neal Adams justice. I didn't want it to be too slavish but hopefully enough that you know that's what we were going for. There's also some [Jack] Kirby stuff... with Xeen Arrow and Glorigold. The crazy stuff. I love it.
*  *  *
Sharp: You want to feel this connection that these two have even though they're polar opposites and represent different points of view. But they're also friends. They love each other. It's sweet too because Hal is always clearing off — he never stays anywhere long.

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Review – The Green Lantern #8: Hard Traveling Heroes Reunion
Posted on June 5, 2019 by Ray Goldfield


The Green Lantern/Green Arrow partnership has been popular for decades, and Morrison’s shot at reviving their dynamic has a lot of good points. It’s also the most straightforward issue of this series so far, despite some bizarre twists along the way. The story begins on a mysterious planet where murder is celebrated, as an assassin is dispatched against an unknown target on Earth. That unknown target turns out to be a masked supervillain drug dealer who is offering “the ultimate high” – a drug that leaves many of its users dead. Timely, but this isn’t just a commentary on dope pushers or Roy Harper’s substance abuse issues. The drug is something supernatural, and it seems to be draining its users of their souls before they go.
*  *  *
Hal and Ollie on the warpath and comparing notes behind the scenes is a lot of fun, and Ollie always has a way of getting under his partner’s skin. He points out that Hal’s basically neglected all the normal parts of his life, and questions what’s going on what Carol. What is going on with her, anyway? But once the heroes team up to break into the drug dealer’s base things take a turn for the even stranger.
*  *  *
Did you expect a giant puppet-like Green Arrow from another dimension? I certainly didn’t! This “Xeen Arrow” character is apparently a real figure from the Silver Age, which shows once again how much deep-cut research Morrison did before jumping onto this character. I don’t think this issue ever quite reaches the chaotic, brilliant highs of the first six issues, but it’s a more human turn for the lead character and the best Green Arrow story in a while.

ETA: Okay, now I want to see a puppet Oliver/GA next season (they already did puppets on LoT, so why not Arrow?).

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DCeased #2 also came out yesterday - it includes Green Arrow and Black Canary (reminder: reviews include spoilers)...

DCeased #2 review
By Casper Rudolph - June 5, 2019


... There’s also a scene with Green Arrow, Black Canary and Green Lantern, who are out camping in the woods, oblivious to the apocalypse. Through these scenes runs the A plot, in which we follow Superman, Lois, Jon and Damian. Before I talk about the A plot, I want to say a few words about Aquaman, Harley and Ivy.
*  *  *
This isn’t the only missed opportunity, though. See, I absolutely love the Green Arrow/Black Canary/Green Lantern scene in the woods. Their banter is great, and it’s a lot of fun seeing Ollie and Dinah trolling Hal. I think it’s exactly the kind of humor that this otherwise poignant comic needs. However, Hal falls victim to the techno-virus, and though Dinah and Ollie both look very shocked when they realize what’s happened to their dear friend, they also seem to forget about it really quickly in the next couple of panels. Yes, you could argue that they are going into hero mode and that they can’t afford to spend time grieving their best friend. You could also argue that Taylor might include a scene in which Ollie and Dinah are grieving Hal in a later issue, when the characters actually have time to do so. Yet…Hal is Ollie and Dinah’s best friend, and the fact that an actual deep emotional response is lacking is another missed opportunity in my opinion. But, despite my criticism, I do want to add that Hal Jordan’s death allows for something really cool to happen, something I’m really excited about! I’m not going to spoil it here, though. You’ll have to buy the book to find out what it is.

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Event Leviathan #1 goes on sale tomorrow (June 12) - includes Green Arrow...



... Someone is taking out all the clandestine organizations in Metropolis and beyond, and no one knows who or why. Rumors swirl that “Leviathan” is behind the attacks, and they’re just getting started.

What—or who—is Leviathan? What is their ultimate goal? ...
*  *  *
Meanwhile, Green Arrow and Batgirl track Merlyn in Seattle. He’s also on the run from Leviathan, who is brazen enough to take on the League of Assassins, but it’s too late. Barbara comes face to face with Leviathan, a man in an armored mask who knows her real name and offers her a chance to join him in changing the world. At the same time, Damian Wayne suggests to Batman that the person behind the mask is someone they know well: Jason Todd. But is it actually him?
*  *  *
As secret organization after secret organization falls, Clark and Lois are no closer to finding out who’s behind the attacks—or what their ultimate goal is. In the six-issue limited series Event Leviathan, which begins June 12, the mysteries deepen and it’s up to Batman, Green Arrow, The Question, and more of your favorite DC Comics detectives and heroes to stop Leviathan from taking over the world now that all of the other organizations are out of the way.

DC Delivers First Look at Bendis' Big Superman Event
by Brandon Zachary – on Mar 15, 2019


... The first cover hints that Batman, Green Arrow and the Question will play important roles in the story. ...
*  *  *
Following the events of Green Arrow #50, which saw a disenfranchised Oliver Queen seemingly forsaking the rest of the Justice League, it'll be interesting to see how he interacts with current Justice League member Batman during this event.


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Reviews for Event Leviathan #1 were all over the place...

Event Leviathan #1 review: a slow start
Ritesh Babu   June 12, 2019


That being said, Bendis and Maleev have a fantastic take on Green Arrow in this book. Popping in just in time and speaking the words ‘Shush, nerd’ to Batman, Oliver Queen’s charm is impossible to miss. Bendis’s voice for the character, as delivered by Reed’s talents, is impeccable and feels spot on. Much like Morrison in the previous week’s The Green Lantern, Bendis just nails the character and Maleev draws one of the best and most visually striking Oliver Queens you’ll ever come across. So that’s a resounding winner and once Ollie enters the scene, things get more exciting as he spices up the interactions a bit more with his rapport.

Review – Event Leviathan #1: Four Detectives
Posted on June 12, 2019 by Ray Goldfield 


Steve Trevor, the powerhouse of ARGUS, isn’t exactly what I’d expect from a top detective, but he’s seen stuff. A tense flashback segment – pretty much the only action in this issue – shows Trevor desperately trying to evacuate the building before the mysterious alien destroyer shows up. He fails, watching his newest hire – the brilliant and unpredictable Doctor Strand – seemingly meet her end before his eyes. Trevor is clearly unbalanced and distrusts everyone, but that sets up the entry of our fourth major player – Green Arrow. Ollie is probably the weak link here, shooting first and asking questions later, but that’s pretty regular for him. An aside featuring Leviathan does a good job of setting up what the mystery villain’s goals are – they seem to be a utopia of sorts, which sets them apart from the ringleaders of “Year of the Villain”. Overall, this is a ridiculously talky first issue, but the dialogue is compelling and the mystery is strong. This needs to pick up its pace in future issues, but for the first issue, I’m intrigued.

Event Leviathan #1 review
By Brian Warshaw - June 12, 2019


Event Leviathan #1 is a huge disappointment. It looks nice in static, but its oft-abysmal dialogue can’t sustain the conversation-centric plot, and the Leviathan sizzle at the end isn’t worth the pages that precede it.

Event Leviathan #1 Review: A Complex, Tone-Setting Kick Off to a Thrilling Event
By NICOLE DRUM - June 12, 2019 10:00 am EDT


Engaging and well-considered, Event Leviathan #1 both looks and reads like thriller, offering just enough in the way of twists and turns to take readers on a story that is both a little predictable and a bit unexpected, leaving the quiet possibility that this is a threat that the heroes may not be able to stop—while also making one wonder exactly who the heroes really are and what cost is worth paying for a "better world."

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IGN review of Event Leviathan #1...



The seeds of this story may have been laid in Action Comics, but Event Leviathan is no Superman story. The Man of Steel is pointedly absent from this conflict, instead leaving crusading reporter Lois Lane and superhero detectives like Batman to get to the bottom of this burning mystery. As the series opens, the masked, enigmatic Leviathan has systematically taken down every intelligence agency in the world, leaving ARGUS, the DEO, Spyral and others as little more than smoking ruins. This series is less an epic superhero crossover event than it is a gritty mystery fueled by two questions - who is Leviathan, and what is their endgame?
*  *  *
This issue is also pretty inconsistent when it comes to capturing the voices of the various characters. Lois generally fares well (outside the odd moment where she lapses into a strangely formal manner of speaking with Batman). And it's hard not to grave a Bendis-penned Green Arrow comic after seeing the character's appearance in this issue. But Batman himself often rings false. He's unusually talkative and forthcoming despite interacting mainly with a hostile Steve Trevor and a Superman-less Lois Lane. Compared to the almost monosyllabic, Clint Eastwood-inspired Batman of Tom King's work, this Batman reads like a completely different character. Steve's depiction also feels off compared to other recent DC appearances. To be fair, he's clearly a character under extreme duress in this story, but that still doesn't justify his behavior in this issue. In short, there are plenty of kinks to work out as this ragtag group evolves into a cohesive team of detectives.

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Blistering review for Event Leviathon #1 (second review I've read that slams the poor dialogue)....

Event Leviathin: The Real Mystery is, Who Are These Characters?
Submitted by RJ Carter on Mon, 06/17/2019 - 12:29


So I've just finished reading EVENT LEVIATHIN #1 -- and boy, are my logic processors tired.
*  *  *
The dialogue exchanged between them [Batman and Lois Lane] does not, unfortunately, improve anywhere else in the book.
*  *  *
Two's company, but three's a crowd, and it's not long before the crowd forms. Steve Trevor is also on site, the sole survivor of the catastrophe. He's rambling, but then who isn't in this first issue of this DC Comics miniseries? Conversations are had of half-sentences, question fragments, and thinking-out-loud moments done solely to clue the reader in to what has gone on before -- a valid technique, but it's still an info dump if you're doing too much of it.
*  *  *
At just about every other page, we're reminded that Talia Al Ghul used to be Leviathin, but that this "just doesn't feel like her." And when Green Arrow shows up, the dialogue continues down its dismal, out-of-character path:

Green Arrow: Okay then...What does the new Leviathin want?

Batman: They have not said. We imagine "New World Order" or "No World Order." Which is, in itself, by definition, a new world... But Ra's Al Ghul or Talia were never into..."

Green Arrow: Shush, nerd.

Be honest, BMB. You let William Dozier write the Batman dialogue bits, right?

Despite the characters admiting they know absolutely nothing, their gut instinct is that they have to solve this whole global conspiracy case by morning or the whole world will fall apart.

At least the art by Alex Maleev is appropriately moody both in pencils and coloration. But that's not worth our $3.99 per issue if the story is completely lacking the hooks needed to make the reader invest in the premise.

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By DC Publicity   Saturday, June 22nd, 2019


During today’s Book Buzz panel at the American Library Association’s (ALA) annual convention in Washington D.C., DC announced plans to expand its Books for Young Readers program with an extensive new graphic novel slate geared toward young adults and middle grade readers. The new titles revealed today are scheduled to debut from 2020 through 2021 and feature stories starring Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and more of DC’s most iconic characters, written and illustrated by some of the biggest names in the young adult (YA) and middle grade publishing space.

As standalone stories, DC’s YA and middle grade graphic novels are not part of DC’s ongoing comic book continuity and completely accessible to new fans. DC’s YA titles feature thought-provoking stories for readers ages 13 and up that focus on everyday aspirations, struggles, and triumphs. DC’s middle grade graphic novels are geared toward readers ages 8-12 and tell stories focused on friends, family, and growing up.
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Upcoming Titles Debuting in 2020 and 2021
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- Upcoming Middle Grade Titles (Not all titles are final)
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-- Green Arrow: Stranded – Written by Brendan Deneen and illustrated by Caleb Hosalla

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The 10 Best Superhero Origin Comics Ever
By CHASE MAGNETT - June 24, 2019 


Green Arrow: Year One #1-6

Written by Andy Diggle
Art by Jock

Before Arrow was even announced, this take on the “Year One” story was providing Green Arrow with a new origin and style that would soon be made massively popular. Everything from the deadly island adventure to the more rugged costume captured something in the zeitgeist, without losing the character turns and grit that make Green Arrow beloved. It’s a perfect example of how to update an old superhero for a new generation.

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Someone's copying from Arrow...
Comic Review: Detective Comics 1006 – Spectre Returns!
Ben Wolf June 26, 2019


The Detective Comics 1006 covers are both incredible. The main cover depicts the story inside, which I always like. The giant, intimidating image of Spectre towering over Batman hints at the story to come. I will admit I do not like the “You failed this city” line. That line will always belong to Oliver Queen, The green Arrow”.

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DCeased #3 was released yesterday...

DC Comics Universe & DCeased #3 Spoilers & Review: A Touching, Emotional Issue With DC Icons Dead & The Heroes With No Time To Grieve!
John Babos | July 3, 2019 


Superman goes to his sees his parents and leaves his family in Green Arrow and Earth’s new Green Lantern the former Black Canary (Hal Jordan Green lantern died last issue).

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#ComicBytes: The best and most reliable sidekicks in DC Comics
Siddharth Tyagi  July 7, 2019


A brilliant sidekick with a messed up past

If there is one duo that can rival the iconic Batman and Robin, it's Green Arrow and Speedy.

His real name is Roy Harper and with Arrow, he has defeated some powerful villains.

His most horrible villain, however, was the drug addiction he suffered from in his past.

Green Arrow helped him out and vowed to end the drug problem once and for all.

Harley Quinn

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Tom Taylor Debunks Accidental Black Canary/Green Arrow Series Rumor
by Colin Hickson – on Jul 22, 2019


Earlier this year, Green Arrow's latest series came to an end with its 50th issue. Luckily for fans of the Battling Bowman, DC Comics announced they had plans to give the character a new series. Since then, not much else has been revealed about the planned series, though writer Tom Taylor has debunked one rumor about pairing up Green Arrow with his iconic love interest and fellow Justice League veteran, Black Canary.

Taylor revealed there are no plans for the duo to share a title while responding to a tweet from a user named Black Canary, who claimed that a new Black Canary and Green Arrow title would release sometime next year. Taylor, the supposed writer of that series, responded by explaining that the series isn't real.
*  *  *
Taylor then apologized to everyone whose hopes were raised, but added that the series might become a reality someday.
*  *  *
At this point, nothing is known about DC's future plans regarding Green Arrow, though Black Canary has been announced to star in a new Birds of Prey series along with Harley Quinn and the Huntress.

DC Announces New Birds of Prey Series From Azzarello, Lupacchino This Fall
by L.D. Nolan – on Jul 17, 2019


Writer Brian Azzarello will team with artists Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy and Trish Mulvihill on a new Birds of Prey ongoing series this fall for DC.

The Birds of Prey were created by Jordan B. Gorfinkel and Chuck Dixon, first appearing in Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey #1 in 1996. The team has consisted of a variety of different members over the years. The new team features Black Canary, Harley Quinn and Huntress as they team up against a group called "Las Esposas de la Muerte"
*  *  *

Harleen Quinzel, Dinah Lance and Helena Bertinelli are all powerful as individuals and become an unstoppable force when together, but you need to break some eggs to become the Birds of Prey. Luckily, none of these heroes have a problem cracking heads, certainly not a post-Suicide Squad Harley Quinn...
*  *  *
Black Canary’s life has spiraled out of control: her personal life is going through the wringer and her band is in crisis. An old flame resurfaces only to flicker out and set Dinah on an all-new mission against an all-new opponent: Las Esposas de la Muerte. The only thing Dinah can be grateful for is the fact that she’s not alone, as Huntress finds herself on a collision course with Black Canary’s quarry at Detective Montoya’s urging. Meanwhile, Harley Quinn has resurfaced outside of Gotham City and out of the Suicide Squad, with a new lease on life that is sure to make everyone’s life more complicated. And that’s only the first five pages of this dynamic new ongoing series!
*  *  *
Birds of Prey #1 releases October 30 with a card stock variant by J. Scott Campbell.

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DCeased #4 review
By Casper Rudolph - August 7, 2019


... However, still on the topic of experienced heroes, the only misstep that Taylor makes is that Dinah instantly knows how to use her power ring to the full extent, which I find somewhat unbelievable. But, at the same time, I recognize that it’s good for the pacing of the story to grant her this ability, and it’s hard to say no to a ring-slinging version of Black Canary anyway.
*  *  *
Yet, as great and exhilarating as this issue is, there are a few moments that interrupt the flow of the story somewhat. It’s not a big problem, but given that it’s as of yet unclear why these specific moments are in the book, they do stand out to me as moments that, for now, don’t have a lot to do with the actual story.
*  *  *
The third and final moment involves a brief explanation of why the zombies aren’t zombies, but rather a blight, an extension of the anti-life equation, but this explanation fails to convince me that the infected are any different from zombies. Even Green Arrow comments on this, saying that if those people move and behave like zombies, they simply are zombies to him, and I agree with that notion. In short, this entire explanation seems unnecessary and superfluous to me, nothing but a weak attempt at setting this book apart from other zombie books, and in my opinion the narrative would’ve flowed better without it.

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This comic was released yesterday...

DC ROUND-UP: Who is Leviathan? And more in EVENT LEVIATHAN #3
By Zack Quaintance - 08/14/2019


This week: We take a close look at Event Leviathan #3, offering a few semi-educated guesses about the identity of the DCU’s mysterious new villain. 
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A team of DCU heroes — led by Batman and Lois Lane, and including Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Manhunter, The Question, and Damian Wayne — is trying to figure out who Leviathan is, why Leviathan is, and how to stop Leviathan. 
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Let’s look at our central suspects, starting with….
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Green Arrow: For my money, a far more likely candidate to be Leviathan is Green Arrow, owing to two key pieces of evidence. The first is that Green Arrow’s solo comic ended abruptly with a disillusioned Oliver Queen vowing to no longer be Green Arrow. Yet here he is again as Green Arrow. What happened in between? Last we saw Ollie, he was burned out and upset his protege Roy Harper had been killed during Heroes in Crisis (which, weren’t we all?). Secondly, at the end of Justice League: No Justice last year, Martian Manhunter gave Green Arrow a box capable of stopping the Justice League, should he need to do that, and now Leviathan is using technology nobody has ever seen before. Also, Leviathan’s first strike in Action Comics #1007 was in…Seattle. Interesting.

The major knock against, Ollie, though, is also technology. Oliver, while perhaps the most likely character to think traditional superhero-ing is outdated and in need of a new approach that involves trashing established spy monoliths, has always been a bow and arrow guy. That’s his whole deal. It’s in his name. The advanced tech that has stumped Superman, Batman, and Amanda Waller doesn’t scream Green Arrow. Although, applying that logic eliminates a good many candidates from our list, unless my friend Louie is right about Lois getting help from something in space (I remain a skeptic).


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Not a comic, but this is about the middle grade graphic novel, Black Canary: Ignite, by Meg Cabot:



Black Canary: Ignite

Meg Cabot, illus. by Cara McGee. DC Zoom,
$9.99 (144p) ISBN 978-1-4012-8620-0

In this fun romp, Cabot (Royal Crown) and McGee (Dodge City) give DC’s heroine, Black Canary, an origin story as a young teen. Dinah Lance and her band mates Vee and Kat are preparing for the Gotham City Junior High battle of the bands when her father, Detective Lance, bursts in to announce that the Joker is loose again. Each of the three girls vows to make a difference, like Dinah’s father, and Dinah plans to sign up for the Gotham City Junior Police Academy. Then the trio notices that when Dinah gets emotional and yells, glass breaks, among other strange occurrences. Her parents reveal that she has a superpower, a “sonic canary cry,” and Dinah begins to juggle her desires to keep her secret and to keep her friends. McGee’s artwork has a manga-inspired look and a pleasing, lavender-heavy palette. Middle graders discovering their own talents and voices will find much to appreciate.

Ages 8–12. (Oct.)

Reviewed on : 09/05/2019
Release date: 10/29/2019
Genre: Children's

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Summary and one review of Event Leviathan #4, which was released on Sep. 11...

DCU Spotlight Review: Event Leviathan #4
Sep 13, 2019   Ian Miller


Overview: Superman’s confrontation goes poorly, and the teams pursuing Leviathan collide.

Synopsis (spoilers ahead): Superman struggles to shake off his encounter with Leviathan, as the Question (Vic Sage), Batman, Plastic Man, Green Arrow, Manhunter, Lois Lane, and Robin (Damian Wayne) try to catch him up on their group’s efforts. Superman asks to speak with Batman and Lois alone, irritating some of the others, and then reveals what happened in Cuba an hour ago. He found Amanda Waller alone, facing off against Leviathan and a large number of troops. He was unable to see through Leviathan’s technological disguise, and even though prepared to react in super-speed for Leviathan’s energy surge, was not able to stop them from using their strange teleportation effect.

In the next room, Manhunter and Green Arrow face off about their exclusion. Manhunter says that Leviathan deliberately set her up as a suspect, and as Batman, Lois, and Superman rejoin the group, they continue to theorize about what is happening and why.

Silencer, a former assassin for Talia al Ghul’s iteration of Leviathan, notices Lois as she speeds away from the meeting in her “borrowed” car (from Batman). As Batman and Superman bicker about the car she borrowed, Batgirl finally makes contact (she disappeared in the second chapter of Year of the Villain #1). She reveals that Leviathan still has her, and she’s playing along to try to win from the inside. Superman and Plastic Man fly to try to get to her, but the energy effect hits Seattle before she can reveal who Leviathan is.

As Lois pulls up in Bruce’s car, she discovers a second group of detectives has been working on the same problem – this one including the Elongated Man (Ralph Dibney), John Constantine, Harvey Bullock, Zatanna, Deathstroke, and the second Question (Renee Montoya).

Review – Event Leviathan #4: A Spy in the Ranks
Posted on September 11, 2019 by Ray Goldfield 


Ray: The pacing of this “Event” in Event Leviathan #4 continues to be the oddest thing out of DC at the moment. It’s essentially a superhero comic where all the action happens between issues and we get it recapped through the characters debriefing.
*  *  *

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At the other end of the prestige spectrum, there are the superheroes who have either run for office or taken political appointments. Green Arrow and the Flash (Jay Garrick version) have both successfully run for mayor, while Daredevil oopsed into office after taking a job as deputy mayor to keep the actual elected mayor, the Kingpin, in line; like so many past NYC mayors, Fisk was subsequently shot by ninja archers, putting Daredevil in the hot seat. ...
*  *  *
Green Arrow and Black Canary had their own florist shop for a while, Sherwood Florists (YES), complete with a giant painting of Robin Hood. (Green Arrow doesn’t have…the best kept secret identity.) Kyle “Green Lantern” Rayner used to be a comic book artist, fittingly enough. ...

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Kristina Manente    Oct. 5, 2019


Black Canary — AKA Dinah Lance — is one of DC's oldest superheroes. Now, she'll be one of the youngest.

The character is everywhere these days. She's a staple of the DC comic book pantheon, rocks the Arrowverse, and will be played by Jurnee Smollett-Bell in the 2020 film Birds of Prey. Known for her sonic screeching and wardrobe of fishnets and a lot of leather, Dinah Lance might not have been the most obvious DC character to take back to middle school (although anyone whose voice cracked during puberty might have felt they had sonic screeching powers), but in the upcoming new graphic novel Black Canary: Ignite, that's exactly where we find her.
*  *  *
The book is written by Meg Cabot and illustrated by artist Cara McGee, whose participation is something of a surprise, even to herself. McGee is known for drawing books like Over the Garden Wall, Adventure Time and other youth-oriented stories, so she never thought she'd be drawing superheroes. When the Black Canary project came to her, however, it was a perfect fit.

"Other people had a hard time drawing Dinah looking like an actual kid, so I had that advantage," McGee tells SYFY WIRE at New York Comic Con. She explains that her illustration audition consisted of drawing a few sketches of her interpretation of Dinah as a 13-year-old girl, and that obviously meant no sexy, sultry outfits. In this story, Dinah's still a child, after all.
*  *  *
The fashion and world this younger Dinah inhabits are all about youth and finding oneself, so it was important to McGee to have visuals that matched. Her Dinah would wear clothes that not only reflected her character but also reflected her age and what young readers would be able to identify with and emulate if they so desired.

"At that age, it's about discovering who you are," McGee explains. For Dinah's tweenage years, McGee decided to tap into a young rock star vibe. Dinah in Ignite is more punk and quirky than overtly sexy, which makes perfect sense for Black Canary as a character, especially since she's still growing up. This Dinah is in a band with her best friends and wants to be a cop when she's older. She's just barely a teenager and has all the questions and issues that regular teenagers have... and yeah, she's got a superpower that ties into those things, too. That all needed to translate through the art, too.

"She doesn't have a big showy power, it's literally just her voice," McGee explains, adding that Ignite is about Dinah discovering her ability, especially when she gets a little too emotional. "At that age, you're dealing with all that stuff that makes you want to scream all the time, so you can imagine how chaotic it would be to have that power [as a teenager]."
*  *  *
In creating Dinah's world, the color scheme was particularly important, because it too had to reflect Dinah's youth and growth. McGee was excited to have Caitlin Quirk, best known for her dreamy coloring of Image's Moonstruck, provide the colors for Ignite.

"My only criteria was that I really want a Sailor Moon color palette!" McGee says while laughing, recalling that she didn't know if DC would even allow such a palette for a superhero book at the time. But the publisher obviously agreed, and the result is beautiful. "Those pretty saturated watercolor backgrounds, I really love them. And Caitlin just took that prompt and killed it. She did it perfectly, I was so happy."
*  *  *
McGee has a lot more on the horizon that she can't talk about quite yet, and she says there's no word on whether there will be a sequel to Ignite or not. However, after dabbling in superheroes, she's interested in doing more for DC.
*  *  *
Black Canary: Ignite is available for pre-order from DC Comics and comes out on October 29th.




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Green Arrow has been part of this comic series...

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: EVENT LEVIATHAN #5 uncovers the identity of Leviathan
By Kyle Pinion -10/07/2019 


I will tell you, over at the DC side of Stately Beat Manor, nothing has been debated more furiously than who is under the mask of Leviathan. We all have our theories, from Max Lord (mine) to the Charlton Heroes (Cori’s) to Lois Lane (Louie’s) to Green Arrow (which I think was Zack’s last pick?). Needless to say, it’s a wide ranging list and one we’ve actually taken to Brian Michael Bendis himself, but finally answers are coming as Event Leviathan #5 promises to end these debates once and for all and reveal just who has been orchestrating all of these attacks on DC’s clandestine organizations.
*  *  *
... But take a look at this exclusive preview below, and give us your best guess for the identity of Leviathan before Wednesday, when Event Leviathan #5 hits shelves.




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DC's BIRDS OF PREY Ongoing Cut to Oversized One-Shot
By Chris Arrant, Editor October 18, 2019 


Updated October 18, 2019: DC has changed Brian Azzarello and Emanuela Luppachino's announced Birds of Prey ongoing to a 96-page one-shot to come out January 29, 2020.

Revealed in DC's January 2020 solicitations, the one-shot will contain what would have been the first two issues of the ongoing series, and more.

Originally announced in July for an October debut as an ongoing, DC later pulled the first issues from their schedule and announced the series - then-still an ongoing - would instead debut in February 2020 as an 'adults only' title as part of their DC Black Label line.
*  *  *
Black Canary’s life has spiraled out of control: her personal life is going through the ringer and her band is in crisis when an old flame resurfaces only to flicker out and set her on an all-new mission against an all-new opponent. The only thing she has to be grateful for is the fact that she’s not alone, as Huntress finds herself on a collision course with Black Canary’s quarry at Detective Montoya’s urging. Meanwhile, Harley Quinn has resurfaced outside of Gotham City and out of the Suicide Squad, with a new lease on life that is sure to make everyone else’s life more complicated.

And that’s only the first five pages of this high-octane, graphic novel-length one-shot that pushes the Birds of Prey far beyond their limits and puts them up against the most brutal crime syndicate to ever sweep into Gotham City! Hardboiled superstar writer Brian Azzarello and the bombshell art team of Emanuela Lupacchino and Ray McCarthy take the Birds into the no-holds-barred world of Black Label, and none of them will ever be the same!

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DCeased #6 was released on Oct. 30...

Green Arrow Just Got His Perfect 'F*** Batman' Moment


Everybody knows that Green Arrow is the punchline to countless Justice League jokes, as the one member of DC's elite superhero team with no superpower (even worse that Marvel's equivalent, since Hawkeye has a superpower). All Oliver Queen has is a hood, a bow, some arrows... and thankfully now, the perfect moment of sticking it to Batman for ever doubting his talents.

The moment comes in response to what will likely be known as the most humiliating insult Batman ever paid Green Arrow, dropped earlier in DCeased #6. The death of Batman in the very first issue estalbished [sic] how intense this story would really be, leaving Bruce to name Damian Wayne the next Batman. And giving him a collection of tools, should he need to use them. Those "tools" were revealed to be plans on how to kill any hero, should they eventually be turned into a villain... but Batman never bothered to make one for Green Arrow at all.
*  *  *
In reality, the omission doesn't cost anyone anything, since Black Canary kills Green Lantern before he can turn either of them into a zombie. But the damage of the insult is done all the same. Even for two people as diametrically opposed as Green Arrow and Batman, deeming Oliver Queen's skill with a bow not worth planning against is uncalled for. Thankfully, the emergence of one hero Batman definitely would have planned for gives Green Arrow the perfect moment to send Bruce a message in the afterlife. And it's all courtesy of a zombified Aquaman--take a look:

For those fans of Oliver Queen who were outraged or offended by Batman's slight, this moment is one for the history books. ....

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Felicity plays a major role in the two tie-in comics connected to the Crisis On Infinite Earths (COIE) crossover event.

Pics of Felicity-featured panels from these two comics have been posted in the Spoiler Discussion Final thread at the following links (warning: you may wish to visit that thread after you watch the Arrow series finale if you don't wish to be spoiled, because visiting that thread will expose you to 810 spoilers)...

COIE Giant #1 - starting here:

COIE Giant #2 - starting here:

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  • Love 1

The Walmart Report, DC Giants for January: The Weird Arrival Of Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant #2
Posted on January 31, 2020 | by Ian Melton


However a strange thing happened about a week ago starting as early as January 22nd as Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant #2 had copies just show up at Walmarts around the United States.  No reason given, just copies started showing five days to a week later, now mixed in with all the other books.  Additional copies of any of the other books put out in January did not show up, and most Walmarts only received 3 copies at most, some getting maybe 1 or 2, of Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant #2. The first copy sold on eBay on 23rd.

Now Walmart itself does not stock the comics, a separate vendor does, which is why the books are placed usually in a area at the front of the store near the cashiers, so no reason has been found so far as to why the late arrival of this one comic, separate from the other books for January. Looking at comments online and availability at several Walmarts indicate it is the least stocked comic from the Giant line in recent memory, though that doesn’t mean there is a shortage of the book like the Detective Comics Giant #1.

The delay arrival of this book just adds to the weirdness of marketing and arrival for the Giant Line, as this book’s solicts and information, along with Swamp Thing Giant #3, were not released until the books were already completed and Walmart versions had already arrived.

Weird, weird, weird…

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  • Useful 1

Amazon.com is once again listing the hardcover tie-in comic book, Crisis on Infinite Earths Deluxe Edition (Arrowverse), for sale on June 16, 2020 - you can now pre-order it for $17.99 (U.S.)...


This heartfelt and action-packed Deluxe Edition offers a collection of one of the most unforgettable and defining events in comics history! If this is the end of the multiverse, the least our heroes can do is fight like its the last one. This is the multiverse's last stand!

Written by Marv Wolfman, Crisis on Infinite Earths: Deluxe Edition (Arrowverse) collects the Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant 1 and 2, as well as extras from behind-the-scenes of the hit TV crossover event!

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From the two Arrow Season 1 tie-in comic books (considered part of the TV show canon)...

Arrow Volume 1 and Arrow Volume 2 (copyrights 2013 and 2014)
The comic stories in these two volumes take place during the same time period as Season 1, but also include flashbacks to events that occurred before the start of Season 1. The second volume ends right before Oliver leaves Starling City at the end of Season 1 to return to Lian Yu (where he then spends the five-month hiatus between Season 1 and Season 2 on the island, before Diggle and Felicity come to get him in 201 - which explains why there is no Arrow Season 1.5 comic book).


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Arrow Volume 1, Chapter 14 (Call to the Bar, script by Mary Iacano) – In flashback scenes to when Laurel was a teenager, Quentin teaches Laurel to protect those who can’t protect themselves, and Laurel decides to go to law school:
(Teen school girls, wearing the same uniform, are chasing after Sara, who’s also wearing the same school uniform. Sara is brunette in this comic.)
First School Girl: “Oh, Saaara… Sara La-aaance! Wait up, Sara!”
Second School Girl: “We just want to talk to you.”
Third School Girl: “A whistle? Did your cop daddy give that to you?”
First School Girl: “It’s not going to help you today…” (Knocks Sara down)
Sara: “Why are you dong this, Gwen?”
Gwen: “Why are you trying to steal my boyfriend?”
Sara: “He’s just my lab partner!”
Gwen: “Take my advice, Sara Lance. Stay away from other people’s boyfriends.”
(Cut to Sara returning home.)
Quentin: “Your sister got home an hour ago. Where were you?”
Sara: “I was doing extra credit.”
Quentin: “What happened to you, Sara?”
Sara: “Nothing! I just fell, okay?”
Quentin: “Okay. Go clean up. Your mom’s on her way with dinner.”
*  *  *
(Laurel’s reading Starling City College’s The College of Arts and Sciences’ catalog.)
Quentin: “Laurel?”
Laurel: “Liberal arts? Business school? I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. What?”
Quentin: “I want you to keep an eye on your sister.”
Laurel: “So not what I had in mind. Sorry, Dad. I don’t think that’s my calling.”
Quentin: “I’m serious, Laurel. Her grades are dropping, she’s been acting differently… Something’s going on… and I want you to find out what.”
Laurel: “Sure, Dad. Whatever...”
*  *  *
Sara: “Why are you stalking me?”
Laurel: “Dad thought you might need help.”
Sara: “I don’t want your help. Leave me alone. I can take care of myself.”
Laurel: “Fine. Do that.’
*  *  *
(Sara is nursing a black eye.)
Quentin: “Where were you?”
Laurel: “I tried to walk home with her! She wouldn’t let me!”
Quentin: “You have a younger sister. Whether she likes it or not, in this family, we protect people who can’t protect themselves!”
Laurel: “So… she gets jumped, and both of your daughters get their asses kicked?”
Quentin: “The way you argue, you really should be a lawyer, Laurel.”
Sara: “I’m fine! Just let it go!”
Laurel: “See? She doesn’t even want my help! Just let her fight her own battles!”
Quentin: “Both of you. Garage. Now!”
*  *  *
Sara: “I don’t need this.”
Laurel: “You don’t need this? I don’t need this.”
Quentin: “Drop it. I should have taught you two how to defend yourselves a long time ago. Laurel, attack me. If someone is trying to choke you, grab their wrist with one hand, lean forward, and elbow their neck.”
Sara: “No one is trying to choke me, Dad.”
Laurel: “I might.”
Quentin: “These are basic moves. Once you learn them, you will be able to defend yourself… against any attacker.”
*  *  *
Sara: “This is stupid. I don’t need you babysitting me.”
Laurel: “Why are these girls harassing you anyway?”
Sara: “Gwen thinks I’m after her boyfriend.”
Laurel: “Are you?”
(Gwen approaches with two other school girls.)
Gwen: “Keep walking, Laurel. We want to talk to Sara.”
Laurel: “I don’t think so.”
(They fight. The three school girls run off.)
Sara: "If I thank you, are you going to bring this up all the time?" 
Laurel: "Probably gonna do that anyway."
*  *  *
Laurel: “I just want you to know, I get it. I know why ou wanted me to help Sara. There are some people who can't stay out of trouble." (Cut to pic of Sara making out with her lab partner.)
Laurel: "And just because I'm not one of them, doesn't mean I shouldn't help them." (Cut to pic of Laurel giving food to a homeless person.)
Laurel: "It's like you said. We have to protect people who can't protect themselves. So maybe that’s what I should do." (Cut to pic of catalog for Starling University Pre-Law Program.)


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Arrow Volume 2, Chapter 20 (Make It Rain, story by MG and AK, script by Katherine Walczak) – Oliver and Felicity take a nighttime stroll around Starling City; and we learn that Oliver doesn't know how to fly a plane (which is later contradicted by both episode 223 of Arrow and the next tie-in comic, Arrow Volume 2.5) :
Felicity: “I’ve seen your house. I know you have billions of dollars.”
Oliver: “So?”
Felicity: “So why are we hoofing it? And where?”
Oliver: "I thought you might like to see more of the city you're helping, Felicity. Something tells me you don't get out too much."  
Felicity: "Since this is a business stroll, I've been meaning to ask, as Official 'Vigilante No-Life I.T. Girl', am I getting overtime for this?"
Oliver: “You mean, you aren’t doing it out of the goodness of your heart?”
(Plane flying overhead drops a ton of cash bills.)
Felicity: “Well, this gives a whole new meaning to ‘ask and you shall receive.’”
Oliver: “Tell me about it.”
Person In Crowd on Street: “Free money!”
Another Person In Crowd: “That plane is dropping hundred-dollar bills!”
*  *  *
(Back at the Foundry.)
Felicity: “All right… His name is Randall Hode and I have to say, even I’m impressed. He hacked almost every bank in Starling City, even the scary Swiss ones. Looks like he very nearly emptied the bank accounts of Starling City’s wealthiest citizens. And now he’s ‘spreading the wealth.’ The City’s going crazy for it. Sounds like Robin Hood. You guys will have something to talk about.”
Oliver: “For the last time, I’m not Robin Hood.”
Felicity: “Just how are you going to get into a plane flying 10,000 feet in the air, anyway?”
Oliver: “Simple. Hitch a ride.”
(He shoots arrow with attached cable at plane, it hooks onto cargo bay door, and he ziplines to the plane.) 
*  *  *
(Randall Hode, who’s piloting the plane, pushes a button to open the cargo bay doors, dumping cash and Oliver. He falls from the plane but grasps the end of the cable line that his arrow was hooked to.)
Felicity (on phone): “Hey, Oliver? Did you ever go to Hanover Tower as a kid – you know, it had those lookout decks with the little binoculars that you could put a quarter…”
Oliver (over comms, while falling from the sky): “Felicity, is this really the time?”
Felicity (on phone): “Oh, right, um, well… you’re headed straight for it.”
(Oliver manages to climb up the cable back into the plane.)
Felicity (on phone): “That was beyond close.”
Oliver (to pilot): “In case you were wondering, this is my gig.”
Hode (pointing gun): “And this is mine.”
(They fight.)
Hode: “Funny.”
Oliver: “I don’t see anything funny about this.”
Hode: “You were sort of my teacher. What you did with Adam Hunt? Truly inspiring. Returning the money to the people – demolishing greed that’s run rampant in this city. That’s all I wish to do. I’m saving this city.”
Oliver: “No, you’re failing it. Now land this plane or I’ll end you.” 
Hode: “Land it yourself.”
(Oliver bashes Hode’s head on the dash of the plane.)
Felicity (on phone): “You didn’t knock him out, right? Right? Because that would leave you with a smoking plane and no one to fly it.”
Oliver: “I used to watch my dad fly all the time.”
Felicity: “And I play a lot of ‘Sky Captain’ on my Wii. Did I say 'play'? I meant played. But that’s not going to help us now. So I guess it’s safe to say ‘auto-pilot’ has been disabled?”
Oliver: “I’m pretty sure everything’s been disabled.”
Felicity: “’Sky Captain’ never had this many controls.”
Oliver: “Felicity, I can’t fly it, but I can glide it. Can you find me somewhere to land?”
Felicity: “That I can do. You should actually be coming up on an old abandoned Queen Consolidated warehouse. Can you make it there?”
Oliver: “I hope so.”
(Oliver parachutes out of the plane, carrying an unconscious Hode. The plane crashes to the ground.)
Felicity: “Bet you’re glad you didn’t choose this particular abandoned warehouse for your secret lair, huh?”
(Later, police find the crashed plane with a tied-up Hode inside.)
*  *  *
(Back at the Foundry)
Felicity: “Well, at least this secret warehouse is still secret. And also, not on fire.”
Oliver: “Felicity, what is that?”
Felicity: “My overtime?”


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Arrow Volume 2, Chapter 24 (Diamond in the Rough, story by MG and AK, script by Tiffany Williams) – Felicity meets an attractive co-worker, who asks her for a date, but he isn’t what he seems:
(Felicity, wearing her pink shirt and black skirt, is sitting at a desk, listening to music through earbuds, when a tall, dark-haired man approaches her.)
Song (playing): (*Got my outfit on and I’m looking right… I’m feeling good, gonna have fun tonight…*)
Ted Daniels: (*cough – cough*)
Felicity: “Oh, hi… I was just… yeah... I’m sorry you had to hear that… And you are?”
Ted: “Lost. I’m looking for Mr. Smoak.”
Felicity: “That’d be me. I mean, I’m not a man. Not that you thought I was a man. Well, you kinda did. Not your fault.”
Ted: “Ah. Sorry about that, Mrs Smoak.”
Felicity: “Not married. Very single.”
Ted: “Right… Applied Sciences sent me? I’m Ted Daniels.”
Felicity: “Oh! Usually you Applied Sciences guys aren’t so… well put together. Sorry. Let me show you around. It’s not much, but well… it’s… it’s yours.”
Ted: “If it’s got access to the server, it’ll be just fine.”
Ted: “I’ll let you know if I have any questions.”
Felicity: “Yes, please. I mean, I’ll try to answer them.”
(Ted closes door.)
Felicity (thinking to herself): “He’s either gay or a serial killer. Or a gay serial killer. Don’t get your hopes up, Smoak.”
(Ted pulls out his phone and sends a text message: “Made contact.”)
*  *  *
Ted: “Hey, Felicity, you got any plans tonight?”
Felicity: “No. Yes. I mean, No. No plans because, you know… you’re asking me out, right?”
Ted: “Right.”
*  *  *
(Even later, at a restaurant)
Ted: “You know, I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Felicity: “Oh, really?”
Ted: “Uh-huh. Well, apart from the gender mixup, word over at Applied Sciences is that you’ve got quite the skills. Queen Consolidated has no idea the asset they’ve got tucked away in a dreary little office on the 15th floor.”
Felicity: “Considering they sent you to help me with something a trained monkey could do… I’d say no, they don’t… no offense.”
Ted: “You’re quite the diamond in the rough.”
*  *  *
(Even later, in what looks like a lounge)
Ted: “A nightcap?”
Felicity: “I probably shouldn’t. School night. But if you insist.”
Ted: “Good. I need your help with something. I was planning on burning the midnight oil, but stupidly forgot my QC laptop at the office. Guess you could say I was a little pre-occupied with… asking you out. I need to get this work done tonight, and I haven’t been approved for remote login yet. Think you can help me out?”
Felicity: “Uh… how?”
Ted: “A girl with your talents surely could, dare I say, hack me in?”
Felicity: “That’s not exactly working under corporate guidelines...”
Ted: “But it is a good excuse to owe you another dinner. Maybe we could even call it a date this time. Whaddya say?”
Felicity: “Only if I can pick the restaurant… There you go. You’re in. So does Tuesday work for you?”
Ted: “This doesn’t look like my home screen.”
Felicity: “Yeah, QC doesn’t like remote logins because they are less secure. So I logged you into the basic functioning system.”
Ted: “So, you can’t get in any deeper?”
Felicity: “I can, but it’s protocol. Don’t worry. You can still access all your files.”
Ted: “Pretty please.”
Felicity: “If you want me to risk losing my job, you’ll have to do better than dinner.”
Ted: “If you insist.” (Points a gun at Felicity)
Felicity: “You don’t work at Applied Sciences, do you?”
Ted: “Bright girl.”
Felicity: “So… that’s a ‘no’ on Tuesday?”
(Three more men enter the lounge.)
Ted: “Your love life isn’t what I’d be concerned about if I were you. It’s time you stopped being the cog, Felicity. Why help the people who don’t give a rat’s ass about you? Who don’t appreciate you? I meant what I said before. You really are special.”
(Oliver as the hooded vigilante crashes through a window.)
Oliver: “What’s that saying? ‘No means no'?”
Ted (holding Felicity at gunpoint): “Kill the S.O.B.”
(Oliver puts down the three other men. Ted and Felicity fall out the crashed-open window.)
Felicity: “Oomph! Help!”
Oliver: “Felicity!”
(Ted falls, but Felicity grabs onto a window ledge temporarily.)
Felicity (loses grip and starts falling): “Aaah!”
(Oliver shoots arrow with rope that ties around Felicity’s ankles, holding her.)
Felicity (thinking to herself): “Note to self: I still don’t like heights.”
*  *  *
(Felicity is safely back in the building. She and Oliver stand at the edge, looking out the crashed-open window.)
Felicity: “How did you know I was in trouble?”
Oliver: ”I’ve been tracking Ted Daniels a.k.a. Rick Matheson a.k.a. Rob Serling for a while. He’s on my father’s list. Master in corporate espionage.”
Felicity: “I can’t believe I bought into his crap.”
Oliver: “You’re not the first person he’s deceived.”
Felicity: “He made me feel important. Special. And I believed him. Pretty stupid, huh?”
*  *  *
(Later, she returns home to find flower bouquets filling her living room and a note attached to the wall by an arrow. The note reads: "We couldn't do what we do without you. You're special. Thank you for helping make Starling City a better place.")


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  • Love 2

Arrow Volume 2, Chapter 26 (Lapse, story by MG, script by Mary Iacano and Katherine Walczak) – In flashbacks, we learn that Laurel and Tommy had an on-and-off sexual relationship during the five years that Oliver was presumed dead:
(Three years ago - Laurel is sitting with two law school classmates in a bar when she sees Tommy partying nearby with two girls.)
Anupam: “Hey, Laurel – new proposition…”
Joanna: “You’re gonna lose, Anupam.”
Anupam: “If you can’t name every hearsay exception before I can finish my beer, you buy the next round.”
Laurel: “Federal rules? You’re on.”
Tommy: “When have we ever let getting kicked out of a club stop us? Denise, Tori, you know what to do.”
Laurel: “… Business records, admission by party opponent, dying declaration…”
Tommy: “This is for you. If these girls break anything, that’s on me.”
Bartender: “Works for me.”
Laurel: “… Prior inconsistent statement, and… and… excited utterance!!”
Joanna: “Nailed it! Next round’s on you, Anupam!”
(One of Tommy’s girlfriends crashes on a table.)
Girlfriend: “I’m good!”
Anupam: “On second though, maybe we’ll call it a night. Let the Jersey Shore girls have the bar.”
Laurel: “A Merlyn’s just as bad. Actually… I used to know him. Hey, Tommy.”
Tommy: “Laurel! Long time, no see! What’re you doing here?”
Laurel: “Studying with friends. At least we were, until your friends came in.”
Tommy: “Glad we could help! Wanna take a shot?”
Laurel: “Umm, no. We were hoping you could dial it down a bit.”
Tommy: “Isn’t that what a library’s for? C’mon. Join me for one shot. One.”
Laurel: “I have priorities, Tommy. Think you guys can just keep it down?”
Tommy: “Probably not. Think you could loosen up just a little bit?”
Laurel: “Probably not.”
Tommy: “There’s a surprise. It’s been two years since the accident. Have you let your hair down even once?”
Laurel: “You know what? I’m not the one with the problem here. After all this time, I thought the accident would’ve changed you.”
Tommy: “Why? I wasn’t on the boat. And neither were you.”
Laurel: “But people we both cared about were. How can that not affect you?”
Tommy: “Whether it ‘affects’ me or not doesn’t change the fact that, unlike them, I’m still alive.”
Laurel: “You’re right. Nothing’s changed. My sister’s still dead and you’re still a pathetic playboy.”
Tommy: “You don’t need any more sympathy, Laurel. You need to get that stick out of your ass.”
*  *  *
(Tommy shows up at Laurel’s apartment.)
Tommy: “Laurel, I’m sorry.”
Laurel: “No, you shouldn’t have. But at least you had the guts to say it. Everybody is still tip-toeing around me, not wanting to poke the bear. And what you said hurt… but I have been burying myself in my books trying to cover the pain.”
Tommy: “I know what you mean.”
Laurel: “You do?”
Tommy: “I lost my best friend. It’s a lot easier to bury yourself in something familiar, than to let go.”
Laurel: “I want to let go.”
(They kiss. They begin to make out and then have sex.)
Laurel: “Tommy… this… can never… happen again… ever…”
*  *  *
(Two years, eight months ago - Laurel and Tommy have sex again.)
Laurel: “This can never…”
Tommy: “Understood.”
*  *  *
(Two years ago - Laurel graduates from law school, and Laurel and Tommy have sex again.)
Laurel: “This is the last time.”
*  *  *
(One year, nine months ago - Laurel and Tommy have sex again.)
Tommy: “I know. Last time.”
*  *  *
(One year, six months ago - Laurel joins City Necessary Resources Initiative (CNRI).)
Joanna: “Ready to make a difference, Laurel?”
Laurel: “You know what, Joanna? I really am.”
*  *  *
(One year ago - Laurel and Tommy have a talk.)
Laurel: “We can’t do this anymore. For real.”
Tommy: “That’s what you said the last time. And the time before that.”
Laurel: “I know. But I’m moving on and you’re… still the same old playboy.”
*  *  *
(Six months ago - Tommy and Laurel hear the news about Oliver’s return from the dead.)
Tommy (in bed with two girls): “You lucky son of a bitch…”
News Anchor (on TV): “The Queen’s Gambit was last heard from more than five years ago… Mr. Queen has reportedly confirmed he was the only survivor of the accident that took the lives of seven people… including local resident Sara Lance, survived by her sister, Laurel…”   
(Cut to CNRI, where Laurel uses remote control to turn off the TV.)
*  *  *
Tommy: “You left the party pretty quick last night. Even after I made sure the bar was stocked with Pinot Noir.”
Laurel: “It wasn’t really my scene.”
Tommy: “Thought maybe you and Oliver went mano-a-mano again. Saw you two head out.”
Laurel: “There’s nothing going on between Oliver and I. Not anymore.”
Tommy: “And here I thought the only thing between you and Oliver was... us.”
Laurel: “I wouldn’t characterize us as an ‘us,’ Tommy.”
Tommy: “Then what would you call it?”
Laurel: “A lapse.”
Tommy: “Quite a few lapses. Your place, my place… my place again…”
Laurel: “Come on, Merlyn. We both know you’re not a one-girl type of guy.”
Tommy: “Depends on the girl.”
*  *  *
Laurel: “Is the birthday boy excited for his big dinner.”
Tommy: “No… Well, yeah. It’s just 27 was really good to me, you know?”
Laurel: “Yeah. Your best friend came back from the dead. I’d say that’s a reason to celebrate.”
Tommy: “It wasn’t just Oliver brought back from the dead.”
Laurel: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Us. After everything that’s happened, I didn’t think we’d get here.”
Laurel: “Well, I’m glad we did.”
(They kiss.)


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Arrow Volume 2, Chapter 28 (Aftermath, story by MG, script by Katherine Wolczak) – Oliver tells Felicity about Floyd Lawton:
Felicity: “Congratulations, you saved the day.”
Oliver: “No, you did.  I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier.  Not used to having… a team.”
Felicity: “So how does it feel to save a one-percenter?”
Diggle: “They took Malcolm Merlyn to Starling General. Looks like he’s going to pull through. Lucky he was wearing a bulletproof vest.”
Oliver: “He’s not in the hospital because he was shot, Dig. He was poisoned by curare.”
Oliver: “Lawton’s alive.”
Felicity: “Who?”
Oliver: “I’m sorry, Dig.”
Felicity: “This Lawton kick his dog or something?”
Oliver: “No. He killed his brother.”

[tv echo: This scene supplements the similar scene in 116 (Dead to Rights): Oliver: “Lawton's alive. I'm sorry, John.” Felicity: “This Lawton kick his dog or something?” Oliver: “No. He killed his brother.” The Floyd Lawton story later continues in 120 (Home Invasion).]


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Arrow Volume 2, Chapter 30 (Patient Zero, story by MG, script by Mary Iacano) – A rare disease breaks out in Castlefall, a suburb of Starling City:
Person Being Interviewed by Reporter (on TV): “You hear about these diseases… but you never think it could come here. You never think it could happen to you.”
Oliver: “Find anything?”
Felicity: “Nothing that’s actually possible. This country has never seen a single case of Dorsavirus… And there hasn’t been a charted outbreak in the last thirty years anywhere. All I can tell is that it’s extremely contagious… and extremely deadly.”
Reporter (on TV): “… Now that a second body has been found infected with suspected Dorsavirus, Castlefall is officially under quarantine…”
Oliver: “Dig deeper.”
Felicity: “Okay, but in the meantime, where are you going? – As if I didn’t know – And why are you going there now?”
Oliver: “We need to know what we’re fighting, Felicity.”
*  *  *
Oliver (entering the Foundry): “Anything?”
Felicity: “It took some serious digging, but I found an isolated incident of Dorsavirus from five years ago – in Coast City.”
Oliver: “Wouldn’t we have heard about it?”
Felicity: “It was a battered woman’s shelter. No survivors. The names and details were kept confidential. Or maybe Big Brother stepped in to curb public panic.”
Oliver: “Something they should be doing now in Castlefall. Do what you can to find a connection between these last few victims.”
Felicity: “You think someone’s targeting them?”
Oliver: “Yeah, my money’s on a battered woman. And she’s out for revenge. With some unintended consequences.”
*  *  *
Felicity (over comms): “Oliver, I found something. You sound like you’re busy.”
Oliver (over comms): “I’m listening. Go.”
Felicity (over comms): “The last two victims worked on a construction site together nine years ago… The first victim, Carl Knighton… He was a long retired teacher – no links to the other two. Except his son, Jerry Knighton. He worked on the same crew.”
Oliver (over comms): “Is there a Mrs. Knighton?”
Felicity (over comms): “Indeed there is. And she hasn’t been seen in over five years.”
Oliver (over comms): “Something tells me the two are about to be reunited.”


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  • Love 2

Arrow Volume 2, Chapters 35 & 36 (Sacrifices, story and script by MG) – In flashbacks, Oliver recalls the aftermath of the Undertaking earthquake that leveled the Glades; and in present day, Oliver leaves Starling City:
(Two weeks ago - Malcolm's second earthquake device goes off.)
Oliver (over comms): “He did it.”
Quentin (over comms): “I turned the damn thing off.”
Felicity (over comms): “Merlyn had a second device.”
Quentin (over comms): “Holy God. Laurel – my daughter. She’s at CNRI…”
Felicity (over comms): “Oliver -”
Oliver (over comms): “Felicity… are you okay?”
Felicity (over comms): “Oliver… the damage seems to be contained on the east side, past Wells Street.”
Oliver (over comms): “Laurel.”
Felicity (over comms): “Lance said she was at CNRI…”
Oliver (over comms): “I’m on my way.”
Felicity (over comms): “Oliver, the earthquake’s a 6.2 with rolling tremors…”
Oliver (over comms): “Dig’s at Merlyn Global. He needs medical evac off the roof.”
Felicity (over comms): “What about you?”
Oliver (over comms): “Get out of the steel factory, Felicity. Get out now.”
Felicity (over comms): “Oliver.”
Oliver (over comms): “I’m going to CNRI.”
Felicity (over comms): “You’ll never make it in –“
(Oliver shuts off comm link and gets on his motorcycle.)
*  *  *
(One week ago - Oliver visits Tommy’s grave.)
Oliver: “Why? Why you? That’s what I keep asking myself. It should’ve been me. I was the one who was supposed to die. I was ready to. I’d said all my goodbyes to everyone. Except you. And now it’s too late.”
*  *  *
(Two weeks ago - Oliver speeds on his motorcycle to CNRI.)
Oliver (narrating): “I’m going to be too late. No. Stop thinking that. You can get there in time. You can get there in time. The world’s coming to an end all around you. Don’t focus on it. Drive the bike. Push it. Push it. You can get there in time. (Another tremor) Not now. I’m close. Dear God, not now. (Crashes into rubble) Dead stop at 120 mph. Don’t die. Don’t die. She’s counting on you. Laurel’s counting on you. You promised… you promised you wouldn’t fail her again. You promised. Get up, Oliver. Get up, dammit. She needs your help.”
Woman’s Voice: “Help! Somebody help!”
(Oliver sees a woman being mugged by three men.)
Oliver (narrating): “Oliver… you promised.”
*  *  *
(Today - Oliver attacks a guy.)
Guy: “Why you doin’ this?”
Oliver: “I lost a friend of mine. In the quake.”
Guy: “I’m – I’m sorry, man.”
*  *  *
(Two weeks ago - Oliver has to make a choice.)
Woman: “Somebody!!!”
Oliver (narrating): “She needs help. So does Laurel. You can’t save them both. You can’t save them both, Oliver. A complete stranger or your best friend in life. The woman you love… or a woman you don’t even know.”
*  *  *
(Today - Oliver kills the guy.)
Oliver: “The woman... During the quake, you and your buddies thought you’d have a little fun.”
Guy: “We – we didn’t hurt her none, man.”
Oliver: “I don’t believe you.”
Guy: “I promise… I’m telling you the truth. You gotta believe me.”
Oliver: “No. I don’t. I don’t have to believe you.” (Stabs guy with knife in chest)
*  *  *
(One week ago - Oliver tries to see Laurel.)
Quentin: “What the hell do you want?”
Oliver: “To see Laurel.”
Quentin: “Well, she doesn’t want to see you. She wants to be alone. She’s in a bad way. I haven’t seen her like this since… y’know… since Sara died.”
Oliver: “Well, could you tell her I stopped by?”
Quentin: “Yeah. 
Oliver: “Thanks.”
Quentin: “Y’know… he was your friend, too. So I guess… I’m sorry.”
Oliver: “Thank you.”
Quentin: “And your mother… of all you Queens, she was about the last one I expected to end up in jail.”
Oliver: “Do you have a point, Detective?”
Quentin: “I never liked you much.”
Oliver: “I know.”
Quentin: “But you’ve changed.”
Oliver: “I know.”
Quentin: “And I can only imagine all the things you must be going through right now, the things you’ve gotta be feeling.”
Oliver: “That’s why it would really help to talk to Laurel.”
Quentin: “To be honest… I don’t know when she’ll be ready to see you.”
*  *  *
(Two weeks ago - Oliver asks Felicity to call 911.)
Oliver (narrating): “Well, Oliver, what are you going to do?”
Woman: “Somebody help!”
Oliver (narrating): “No choice.”
Oliver (over comms): “Felicity, send a call for police – 911 emergency – to 8th and 52nd.”
Felicity (over comms): “Oliver?”
Oliver (over comms): “Now.”
Woman: “Please!! Help!!!”
(Oliver speeds off in his motorcycle.)
*  *  *
(Today - Oliver sits at home, looking out a window.)
Diggle: “What’re you doing, man? Sitting here, alone. In the dark. You lose your phone in the quake? You haven’t been getting my messages? Or Felicity’s? Don’t do this, man.”
Oliver: “Do what?”
Diggle: “Retreat. Cut yourself off from everybody again. I’ve lost friends, remember? I know what you’re going through.”
Oliver: “The last conversation Tommy and I had, Diggle, was about me sleeping with the woman he loved.”
Diggle: “No, man. The last conversation you had was in that rubble. He died seeing the face of his friend.”
Oliver: “A million dollars was wired into each of your bank accounts earlier today.  Yours and Felicity’s.”
Diggle: “What, did we each buy lottery tickets or something?”
Oliver: “Severance. I’m going away.”
Diggle: “For how long?”
Oliver: “….”
Diggle: “You’re making a mistake, man. What about Thea? She needs you now more’n ever.”
Oliver: “Not like this. Not – the way I am now.”
Diggle: “Self-pitying, you mean?”
Oliver: “You wouldn’t understand. I could’ve gotten there sooner. To CNRI… to Tommy. I could’ve gotten to Tommy sooner. But I made a choice. Those bastards… they cost me seconds…”
*  *  *
(Two weeks ago - Oliver turns his motorcycle around and chooses to help the woman who was being attacked by three guys.)
Oliver (to woman): “Run.” (Beats up the three bad guys)
*  *  *
Oliver: “Minutes. Minutes where I could’ve… I could’ve save Tommy.”
Diggle: “Don’t do this, man. Don’t torture yourself like this.”
Oliver: “Too late. Just like I was too late before. Too late for Laurel… too late for Tommy.”
Diggle: “So when’re you coming back?”
*  *  *
(Cut to Starling City Airport, where Oliver is buying his plane tickets at the ticket counter.)
Ferris Air Ticket Agent: “And when would you like to book your return flight?”
Oliver: “Keep it open-ended, please.”
Ferris Air Ticket Agent: “And your destination?”
Oliver: “Anywhere.”

Edited by tv echo

This special 80-page Giant comic issue (containing 10 superhero romance stories, including one GA/BC tale) was released on Feb. 5...

DC Crimes of Passion #1
By Cody White on February 14, 2020


Green Arrow & Black Canary in “The Crimson Bomber”
In The Crimson Bomber, writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson gives us a really great Black Canary and Green Arrow story. It’s a secret romantic comedy in disguise as a straight-forward superhero story. Johnson has the characterization of Arrow and Canary down, and there’s loads of playful banter between the two. It’s so great to see them work as a team. Oliver wants to charge in head first, but Canary’s able to get him to take a step back and assess the situation so they don’t end up doing more damage than help. Artists Paul Fry and Mark Farmer do a great job here, giving the story a superhero look and feel. There’s a lot of emotion in this story, and they enhance the emotion with the environment around them. I couldn’t write this review without mentioning Jeromy Cox’s colors. They play a huge part in this story and he does an excellent job. And let’s get the whole creative team in here by mentioning that Clem Robins lays down some pretty cool letters in this story. This is a sweet, charming, romantic, feel-good, exciting Green Arrow and Black Canary tale. I’m sure that you’re gonna love it as much as I did.






(Source of above pics is this Feb. 3, 2020 ScreenRant preview article)

Edited by tv echo
1 hour ago, tv echo said:

It’s a secret romantic comedy in disguise as a straight-forward superhero story.

Wow, a rom com in a comic, who'd have thought it? And an angry/angsty melodramatic teen story? Very soap opera. Heh.  

It seems ok though. It's obviously not a new thing but when I was trying to read the panels all I could think about were the ways in which she was an inch away from falling out of her top with no support anywhere. Whilst he is fully clothed in a semi armoured suit. 

  • Love 2

From the Arrow Seasons 2-3 tie-in comic book...

Arrow Volume 2.5 (copyright 2015)
The comic stories in this volume take place during the five-month hiatus between the end of Season 2 and the beginning of Season 3.

Marc Guggenheim wrote the introduction to this volume, which reads (in part):


To be specific and fair, this is the story of what happened to the characters of Arrow between Seasons Two and Three. (Hence, our insanely imaginative title, “Season 2.5.”) …

… Ever since the first Arrow tie-in comic that Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns and I wrote in advance of San Diego Comic-Con 2012, we have operated under the rule that these comic book adventures of Team Arrow are – to use the geek parlance – “canon.” These stories “really happened” within the universe of our show. As such, I - aided and abetted by my cowriters, Keto Shimizu and Brian Ford Sullivan - was able to use this series to answer some questions that we didn't have the screen time to answer in Season Three: How and why did Roy Harper receive his Arsenal uniform? The answers lie herein. Why did Malcolm Merlyn target Sara Lance for death? Our second arc – “Green” – holds the answer. How did Oliver realize that he had romantic feelings for Felicity? You're about to find out. Is Felicity ever going to get that bottle of Lafite Rothschild 1982 Oliver her waaay back in Episode 11? Believe it or not, I got asked that question a lot on Twitter… #stopaskingme ….


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood, script by Marc Guggenheim, Brian Ford Sullivan and Keto Shimizu) – Oliver knows how to fly a plane; and Roy is seriously injured:
(Present day – Oliver and Roy are atop a plane that’s flying in the air. Oliver’s in his Arrow suit, but Roy is still wearing his red hoodie outfit. Felicity and Diggle are in the Foundry.)
Oliver (over comms): “We’re on station. Felicity? Felicity?
Felicity (over comms): “One sec… I’ve never hacked the on-board system of a drug plane before. Just hang on.”
Roy (over comms): “Yeah. That’s kinda what we’re doing.”
Felicity (over comms): “Little problem here. The ground-to-air wi-fi is crazy-spotty. I can’t get a clean signal to open the hatch.”
Diggle (over comms): “Go to Plan B, Oliver.”
Felicity: “What’s Plan B?”
Oliver: “Hold tight.” (Jabs explosive arrow into hull of plane)
Roy: “I hate Plan B.”
Oliver: “You ready?”
Roy: “To stop hanging on to the outside of a plane going 100 miles an hour? Let’s say, ‘Yes.’”
Oliver: “On three. One… two… (Explosion) three!”
(Oliver and Roy swing into the blown-open hatch of the airplane and fight some drug dealers. Oliver goes to the pilot’s cabin and shoots a boxing glove arrow, which makes a “pop chok” noise, to knock out the pilot.)
Roy: “’Pop chok’? Was that the new boxing glove arrow?”
Oliver: “Don’t ever call it that again. (Over comms) Okay, your auto-pilot thing…”
Felicity (on comms): “CAT IIIB Six-Dimensional Kalman Filter.”
Oliver (on comms): “It’s enabled.”
Felicity (on comms): “Okay, initiating a nice, gentle landing. But if you know how to fly a plane – still need to have a little conversation about exactly where and when you learned how to do that, by the way – what do you need autopilot for?”
Oliver (on comms, fighting bad guys): “I have my hands full… Speedy.”
Roy: “I’ll pay you real money if you stop calling me that while we’re in the field.”
(More fighting, but Roy is shot and falls out of the plane. Oliver jumps out after him.)
Felicity (on comms): “Was that gunfire?”
Oliver (on comms): “Is your auto pilot gadget working, Felicity?”
Felicity (on comms): “It’s online, yeah… Oliver? What are you gonna be doing?”
Oliver (on comms): “Diggle? Roy’s been shot. I need you to prep for surgery.”
Diggle (on comms): “How bad is it?”
Oliver (on comms): “I’m working on getting a better look. (Grabs Roy) Hang on, Roy…" (Shoots parachute arrow)
(Parachute opens and they drift to the ground.)
*  *  *
Diggle: “This looks bad… We should get him to a hospital.”
Oliver: “The Foundry was closer.”
Diggle: “But Oliver –“
Oliver: “You can do this. Remember when my mother shot me?”
Diggle: “Yeah. You nearly died.”
Oliver: “There’s two of us doing the work now.”
Felicity: “Oh my God, that’s a lot of blood. Oliver, your arm –“
Oliver: “It’s just dislocated. Where’s the O-Neg blood? Get his shirt off. Get him prepped.”
Felicity: “What are you doing?”
Oliver: “Ill need both hands. RRRrR… Aggggggh!!!” (Forcibly pops his shoulder back into place)
*  *  *
(Back at the Foundry, Roy is laying on the cot, hooked up to an IV and oxygen. He’s already been treated and bandaged.)
Oliver: “Nothing more we can do.”
Felicity: “Is he – is he going to make it? Oliver?”


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – After Roy's shot, Oliver blames himself and Felicity offers him a place to stay for the night; Diggle is in Bludhaven, picking up more arrows and ordering a new suit for Roy:
Oliver: “Roy wasn’t ready to go out into the field like this.”
Diggle: “He helped you take on Slade’s army.”
Oliver: “Not at 30,000 feet.”
Felicity: "Don't try to talk him out of it. Blaming himself is one of Oliver's superpowers."
Diggle: “I gotta get back to Lyla. The second trimester’s making the first look like a cakewalk.”
Felicity: “Go. I can stay with Roy.”
Oliver: “I’ll stay with him.”
Felicity: “We have to find you a proper place to live.”
Oliver: “Down here’s fine.”
Felicity: “Down here’s a cave.  Stay at my place tonight – I mean… I won’t be there. I’m pulling an all-nighter at Kord Industries.  So…”
Oliver: “I’ll think about it.”
Felicity: “Don’t think. Do. You’ve been sleeping on the floor. You need to be in my bed – I mean… Sometimes I don’t know why I talk…”
*  *  *
Felicity: “How is he?”
Oliver: “Same as yesterday.”
Felicity: “Which, since he was doing pretty bad yesterday, would be pretty bad. Have you rethought the whole, y’know, hospital thing?”
Oliver: “His condition’s stabilized.”
Felicity: “Yeah. From ‘awful’ to ‘still pretty darn bad.’”
Oliver: “If it gets worse, I”ll take him to Starling General myself.  I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to Roy.”
Felicity: “Something bad did happen to Roy. Sorry, my mouth and my brain aren’t always on the same page, sometimes.”
Oliver: “I’ve noticed.”
Felicity: “It’s John. 
Diggle (on comms): “Got this month’s supply.”
Oliver (on comms): “Lodai give you any trouble?”
Diggle (on comms): “Just the usual grousing about money. This was easier when you were a billionaire.”
Felicity: “Oliver…”
Oliver (on comms): “Diggle… I’m gonna have to call you back.”
(Computer alert shows a SCPD police code 619 in progress at Winick Tower.)
Felicity: “What are you doing?”
Oliver: “My job.”
Felicity: “With a dislocated shoulder?”


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Arrow Volume 2.5, Book 1 (Blood) – We learn that the new Brother Blood is Clinton Hogue; and Hogue targets Diggle and Felicity:
(Two months earlier – Diggle and Felicity kidnap Hogue from the elevator to interrogate him. See also Arrow 221-“City of Blood” episode.)
Diggle: “Clinton Hogue…”
Hogue: “Yeah?”
Diggle: “You have failed this city.”
(They fight.)
Hogue: “Who the hell are you? And who do you work for?”
Diggle: “I think you’ll find… I’m going to be the one… asking the questions.”
(Cut to deserted warehouse, where Hogue is tied to chair.)
Diggle: “Clinton Hogue, I have some questions for you.”
Hogue: “Go to hell.”
Diggle: “You sure that’s how you want to play it?”
Hogue: “You think I’ve never taken a beating before?”
Diggle: “Pal, you’re gonna wish I beat you...”
Felicity: “Hi. I’ll be your interrogator.”
Hogue: “Is this a joke?”
Felicity: “Clinton Hogue. Social security number 306-00-3894.”
Hogue: “What the hell is this supposed to be?”
Felicity: “Oh, look at this… You have a bank account in the Cayman Islands. Wow. Two million dollars. Quite the little nest egg. Looks like you just approved a wire transfer of one million dollars to a charity here in Starling City. Very generous. What should I do with the rest?”
Diggle: “Greenpeace.”
Felicity: “Great cause! And they really appreciate the support…”
Hogue: “Bitch –“
Felicity: “Bitch… with Wi-fi. Hey Clinton, looks like your mom and dad have a really nice retirement portfolio, too… But they… oh no… are just about to make some really bad investments…”
Hogue: “Okay, wait. Wait. Stop! What do you want to know?”
Felicity: “I want to know about Sebastian Blood… We know you work for him.”
*  *  *
(Later, Hogue apologizes to Sebastian Blood.)
Hogue: “I’m sorry. My parents…”
Sebastian: “Do not whimper to me about your parents. Your parents are inconsequential in the face of what is about to happen to this city. Who were they?”
Hogue: “I… don’t know. A black guy and a woman. A blonde with glasses.”
Sebastian: “And what did you tell them?”
Hogue: “Only that… that Wilson’s men are marching on the city tonight.”
Sebastian: “Yes, they are. And no force on Earth can stop them. You may go. And Clinton? I’m very disappointed…
(Later, Sebastian Blood tells Hogue that he misjudged Slade Wilson, that Wilson lied to him and that Sebastian gave the Mirakuru cure to the Arrow. When someone comes to Sebastian’s office, Hogue hides in the back office and witnesses Sebastian’s murder by Isabel Rochev. After she leaves, Hogue comes out and steals the Brother Blood mask. 
*  *  *
(Present day - Clinton Hogue has assumed the mask and persona of Brother Blood.)
Hogue/Brother Blood: “It truly must have been a sign… Our holy cause finding you.”
Woman: “I only wish to serve the church.”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “And so you have. By putting your God-given talents to use. Were my descriptions sufficient?”
Woman: “I strove to capture their likenesses as you remembered them, your Grace. Is that them? The people you saw…”
Hogue/Brother Blood: “Oh, yes. This is them exactly.”
(He looks at drawings of Diggle’s face and Felicity’s face.)


Edited by tv echo

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