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Green Arrow In Comics


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This list is limited to physical print copies (not digital) - Green Arrow issue 41 is ranked #87, Black Canary issue 1 is ranked #58, Red Hood Arsenal issue 1 is ranked #60, Deathstroke issue 7 is ranked #64, and Arrow: Season 2.5 issue 9 is ranked #197 (also Flash issue 41 is ranked #55 and Flash Season Zero issue 9 is ranked #179)...


June 2015 Comic Book Sales Figures
Estimated Comics Sold to North American Comics Shops
as Reported by Diamond Comic Distributors

No offense but Malcolm has a couple of decades head start on Sara in terms of combat experience....

and Sara is a far superior martial artist than Oliver.


so yes I can easily say Malcolm>Sara>Oliver

It's not really that simple, because who can beat whom depends very much on plot needs. For example, Malcolm whaled on Oliver at least twice, but Oliver beat him in the end. He had to stick an arrow in himself to do it, but he did win. Malcolm beat Nyssa and Oliver beat Malcolm when he was pretending to be that dead monk. Nyssa grew up in the LOA, so she should be able to beat Sara, meaning that if Oliver can beat Nyssa logically he could beat Sara. Malcolm wanted Oliver to fight Ra's, so presumably he thought Oliver had some shot, but Malcolm knew he himself could not beat Ra's. Ra's whupped Oliver. Malcolm beat both Oliver and Thea with swords. But in the end, after maybe a week of non-brainwashing sword-fighting practice time with the LOA, Oliver suddenly could beat Ra's. So if Malcolm couldn't beat Ra's and Oliver can, then presumably Oliver could beat Malcolm.

So there aren't really any hard and fast rules re who can beat whom. I would say maybe with swords, Malcolm's more likely to beat anyone except maybe Ra's (I'm assuming Ra's was having a really down combat day when Oliver beat him), but at hand to hand/archery, Oliver beats everyone. That's part of the reason it was so frustrating that Oliver fought Ra's totally on Ra's terms. Sure, dude, agree to climb a frigging mountain and then immediately engage with weapons with which you are largely unfamiliar. Genius.

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See, and I agree with you. But realistically Nyssa should be the strongest fighter. I honestly can't comprehend how Oliver bested her so quickly and easily in season three. Much like how I can't see Thea shooting Sara thrice in the chest.

It seems like these characters abilities all depend on what they want to happen. That's not good storytelling.

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Meh, it's like tennis, IMO. The number 1 seeded player doesn't always win. An unranked person can probably beat them but it depends on a lot of things. Whether the #1 seed is having an off day, whether the unseeded person is having a great day, etc. At least we've seen Oliver's skills grow the last 8 years because it makes in more believable that he could beat Malcolm or Nyssa or the show's version of Ra's (because lbr he was a wimp). 

Edited by wonderwall
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I think Oliver's beaten Nyssa pretty consistently, going back to their first fight in Heir to the Demon. That makes me think he could beat Sara. But yeah, my point was that it basically depends on plot, bc let's be honest, Felicity gives great pep talks and all, but there was no reason Oliver should have beaten Ra's (who has been sword-fighting for 100+ years) after a pep talk and maybe a couple months total of practice.

I kind of think fights involving Malcolm are the least consistent. I was okay with him beating Oliver twice in S1, and then Oliver making the big sacrifice play to beat him in the end. But in S3, whether various parties beat or were beaten by Malcolm depended entirely on PLOT.

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It wasn't that Oliver beat Nyssa that bothered me so much as how quickly it happened. She worked hard to take down Malcolm but Oliver took her so easily. That's where my doubt creeps in.

It's just plot. Nyssa should realistically whup his butt, since she's been learning and training since prob before she could walk. At least their first showdown was a real battle.

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His Top 10 list includes the new Green Arrow and Deathstroke comics...


Demythify: Top 10 DC You Titles! With A Batman vs, Superman, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad & More! With DC Comics October 2015 Solicitations Spoilers!
John Babos | July 20, 2015

smoakandarrow asked:

Hi, Marc! I asked this over on Twitter too but I know how things get buried there, so I thought I'd ask here, too. Do you have any idea when the Arrow Season 2.5 comics will come out as the one volume anthology? I've been looking around the online bookstores and haven't see anything yet. Thanks!

It will be out in September.


Edited by tv echo


I will say the character in Arrow 2.5, Lodi, wasn't really based on any other character, but was created for the purposes of the comic. He's a higher intelligence, and the intention there was to make him disfigured because this was a guy who screwed around with weapons and I figured at one point one of those weapons might have backfired on him.


Edited by tv echo
b1tchwithwifi asked:

Hi Marc, im a big fan of Arrow and have be reading the 2.5 comics on ibook , however i was wondering if know why arrow 2.5 #24 is not on ibooks its in the US store but not NZ? love the works you and your cast and crew does can not wait for next season. :D

I honestly don’t know.  It might be some kind of oversight.  The series is also available from Amazon and Comixology, however.  I suspect you’ll be able to find your missing issue there.  Thanks for reading!


Edited by tv echo

Was anyone else curious about how Oliver started S3 so upbeat and optimistic, given the events of the 2.5 comics? Specifically, 

Caleb Green burning down the Queen family home and Oliver's resultant self-incriminations for being selfish in wanting to win back QC?


I just thought that the summer between S2 and S3 would be the Olicity Summer of Heart Eyes and Tender Touches, given how 3x01 opened.

It's funny, I love "Arrow" the show (most of the time) but the more I hear about comic book Green Arrow, the more I wonder WTF the fascination is with him and why there are so many live-or-die-by-canon fans of the TV show. Comic book Oliver Queen sounds like a misogynist douchenozzle. Thank God the TV show is at least trying to avoid some of the same pitfalls but color me surprised there are so many real world comic defenders. Are his womanizing ways limited to a single iteration and I'm missing the greater picture? I don't get it. Any comic devotees willing to help me out here?

  • Love 6

Other people might be more helpful, as I tend to stick to the batfamily but as far as I know Ollie was pretty much always a womanizer. Hence the bad relationship with Dinah. Then he died. Then he was alive and he changed his ways and helped Dinah with her adopted/stolen kid and generally became like the every man superhero, helping the downtrodden working class. Generally a great guy, until he started killing guys, much like season one Oliver. But he wasn't so much a cheater anymore.

Edited by Delphi

Thanks, Delphi. So he basically replaced his man-whoring ways with killing? ;) I'm sure he has his good qualities but like you said: every superhero helps the helpless so I just wondered what would make OQ the hero of choice for so many. I had never heard of the character before Smallville but clearly something appealed to people since he's been around for 70+ years.

Yeah, he killed a villain that committed genocide -- including killing Roy's daughter [and leaving Roy one-armed too]. Here's the details: http://greenarrow.wikia.com/wiki/Prometheus


And Dinah didn't dump him because he killed Prometheus, it was because he didn't tell her anything about it. She took that as a sign of mistrust, and that Oliver wanted to be left alone -- so she left him.


I think his cheating and womanizing ways got less prominent because while that was totally fine 3-4 decades ago, in the 2000s, it was just crass, considering he was dating Dinah. And they did plan the GA/BC wedding as a REALLY big event, so they had to straight him up beforehand.

Considering that Oliver is in civilian clothes and living a normal life during the 3.5 hiatus, I'm not sure what this comic would be about - unless it's just the crime-fighting adventures of Diggle, Laurel and Thea in SC...

smoakandarrow asked:
Marc, any idea when there will be official word on if there will be an Arrow 3.5 comic? Thanks!

Not sure.  But we’re talking about something pretty cool.


Edited by tv echo

Both Black Canary and Red Hood Arsenal dropped 33% from last month (understandable they were brand new titles)


Green Arrow went from: 

March (last AJK issue) 19,792

June (first Ben issue) 29,545

July (2nd Ben issue) 24, 921 (about a 16% drop).


Last new issue of Red Hood and The Outlaws (which featured, Red Hood, Red Arrow/Arsenal and Star Fire) sold 22,316.


Basic rule of thumb is that titles below 20K per month are riped for the chopping block, barring external considerations.

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