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S18.E03: The Most Memorable Year of Their Lives

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 Miss twop

James: He was my #4. I loved his footwork.  Just loved it.

Nene: She was my #6. Loved the story telling and she can bend her back like Ginger R.

BillyDee: Yes this was the best way to go.   Sorry they couldn't have figured out what he could do well, but that would take another very clever instructor.

Cody: Not sure it was jazz, but I adored his surfy dancing. Just loved it. He's my #5

Danica: My #1.  So understated and graceful.  Visually I was enchanted.  Like Sinatra holding one long note. She's the one I actually voted for.

Charlie: My #2.   He somehow missed it, but talent just drips off him.   I feel like he needs a male coach, like one of the river dance people. Fred Astaire worked out his dances with Hermes Pan and Charlie needs that.

  • Love 1

First time posting here, except for the introduction post.

Last night was good (therefore, let's completely screw it up with a partner switch).  I agree that no dances were train wrecks and that this is a pretty likeable group of celebs, though I'm not sure about Cody.  He's...not that talented?  At the um, singing thing?  Talk about hitting the market at the right time and place as the right type, I guess?  And I didn't like his dance -- I don't think that Witney's a very good choreographer, and it just seemed like a weird mish-mash of awful hip-hop and other stuff, but it sure didn't look like jazz to me.

Danica is a little try-hard and pretty high-strung, but I don't fault her for picking up her son (Draco?  People really name their kids that?  I know, I know, I'm offending someone here who has named their kid Draco.  Sorry.) because he was obviously over-stimulated and losing it, and I supsect that the only other answer would have been to have him escorted out before he began wailing, poor guy. If you notice, they never showed on camera Danica and him separating, but I strongly suspect that there was clinging and tears. I thought she seemed especially flustered when they were getting their scores.  And Val?  Oh Val. He has become so much more than Maks' little brother to me. He has a sweetness and a charm I often find missing in Maks.  That said, Maks and Meryl were hot together -- it's the first time (for me) that she really shed the peppy little girl image, and she was lovely.

I can't help myself, but I like Candace.  I agree with those who say that Mark needs to work with her more on technique because I think the native ability and work ethic are there.  She's been a nice surprise to me because I barely remembered her from Full House (too old for the demographic), and there are all the associations with her brother.  On her own she seems quite nice and down to earth.

And even though the fourth judge adds nothing, nothing, nothing, I flove Robin Roberts, and I love that she is so obviously a fan-girl of the show.  Maks and Val escorting her in -- adorable!  And honestly, she's as good as Carrie Ann, which isn't saying much.  Oddly, I am finding Bruno to be the most concretely helpful judge, despite all of his writhing and blathering.  He usually susses out pretty exactly what a celeb needs to work on.

It's going to be quite interesting to see who goes next because I don't have a sense of fanbase for people like Drew (surely not as big as Bill E's I would think?) or James.  I had never even heard of him, but if he was in a boy band that could come with a rabid fanbase. I still think that Charlie will win the whole thing -- great dancer, great personality, likeable partner, etc.

  • Love 1

Wow, am I missing something? What with the switch BS, apparently some poor schmuck celeb and their original poor schmuck pro will be sent packing because of the previous dance performed with another person. How is that fair? Not that fair has ever been this show's forte. I love peanut butter with my chocolate, but I hate overwrought drama with my cheese.  BLARG. Get off my lawn. There's applesauce callin' my name. :) 

I actually bet that with the "surprise" double elimination the first week, plus Billy Dee leaving last night, means that they don't end up kicking anyone off during the partner switch week. 

  • Love 2

Board ate my post!  I'm going to have to train myself to copy before I hit the 'reply' button, Bummer.  I'm too old a dog to be learning new tricks.

I just rewatched Meryl and Maks's foxtrot.  I was going to say it was a foxtrot set to a funeral dirge, but I guess it was actually a ballad.  Not dance music, very little discernible beat -- not a foxtrot song, at all.  And I'm having a real hard time figuring out why calling a halt in the middle of the dance and practically making out with Maks is a tribute to her 17-year ice dance career.  Meryl was elegant and graceful, and I have no problem with her score, but it did not hold together as a piece of art to me.  I definitely blame the music choice.

As I was fast forwarding through the commercials, I halted as I saw Louis Van Amstel. It was a commercial for a dance fitness website put together by Louis for ABC and DWTS. Seemed like the perfect job for Louis, who already has his own chain of dance fitness studios.  I'm pleased that Louis is still part of the DWTS team.  Now I want to hear of him choreographing a group pro dance number.

RescueMom, I like Cody too, for much the same reasons you outline.  He is working hard to entertain me, and I'm enjoying his dances.  

edit to remove failed HTML tags.  No bold type for me

Edited by Woodrose

Since it was mentioned, Danica got divorced some time in the last couple of years.  My one main beef with Danica is I wish she would cop a little bit to her training.  No, I don't expect her to have flashing lights on her forehead.  But Meryl and Charlie are getting the brunt of the ringer accusations for obvious reasons.  But Danica's mother is a professional dancer who runs a dance school.  In addition to having done ballroom on and off, she's clearly also done quite a bit of ballet.  Which is fine, but the few times I've heard her mention her previous dance experience she downplays it to the point that you would think she's barely taken a dance class before.   But I agree Val is probably the best at choreographing contemporaries on this show and especially in the sense that they are tailored to each of his partners.  He doesn't give us the same bicycle feet crap every time that some of the others do.

I read all about her dance background on her website/blog.  Reporters not asking her about it....that is what is happening.  She laid out her background herself so I can appreciate her admitting that (unlike some past celebs).  If I were in her shoes I would address it if asked but I wouldn't be bringing it up.  Everybody and their mother knows that if you are labeled a "ringer" AND you're a female....you might as well put a scarlet letter on your chest and wait for the pitchfork brigade to come knocking on your door.

In defense of Charlie's roundabout route to the dance floor, it was obviously inspired by Despicable Me (the song he chose is from that movie's soundtrack) where Gru (sp?) is walking down the street performing random acts of kindness and being cheerful at people because he's so happy. So I actually thought it was really cute of Sharna to choreograph that into their dance, with Charlie giving "random" DWTS cast/crew a twirl or high five or whatever on his way to the floor. My only complaint is that I could SEE him thinking through the performance, which makes sense because the jive is super challenging. 

When I first watched Meryl and Maks's dance, I thought the judges might rake him over the coals for not having enough foxtrot in it but I guess they were in an extra-sweet mood this week. It was beautiful, though. Meryl is so graceful. I saw Chelsea Hightower say Meryl's steps were too big, and I wonder how much of that is because of Maks's stride. As much as I'm surprisingly enjoying them together, their height difference is not ideal since I saw another ballroom recapper criticize Maks for not shortening his stride enough to match Meryl's during their chacha, where Meryl's steps were again too far apart. Anyway, I guess we'll get to see her with Derek or Val.

Speaking of Val, Danica's memorable year package was way too dramatic, but their dance was gorgeous. I thought her samba last week was good too. By the end of the season I think she could be really formidable. Amy's dance was beautiful. It was definitely really lifty, but so was Charlie's and Sean's, and I think with Amy in those swimming prosthetics it had to be. I thought it really told her story, and it moved even my cold, dead heart!

I wish they hadn't saved Candace's dance for the final number, it was kind of a letdown after a night of great dancing. But even the least of this week's dances were still really enjoyable. Now that BDW is gone, ever elimination will be a sad one for me. 

Re: the switch, apparently there WILL be an elimination next week based on this week's voting. There will be no elimination the following week based on the switched up partnerships, is my understanding. That's what the double elimination was for. 

  • Love 1

In defense of Charlie's roundabout route to the dance floor, it was obviously inspired by Despicable Me (the song he chose is from that movie's soundtrack) where Gru (sp?) is walking down the street performing random acts of kindness and being cheerful at people because he's so happy. So I actually thought it was really cute of Sharna to choreograph that into their dance, with Charlie giving "random" DWTS cast/crew a twirl or high five or whatever on his way to the floor. My only complaint is that I could SEE him thinking through the performance, which makes sense because the jive is super challenging. 


Oh, I totally get the references and as a performance piece that part was fun, however as far as the actual Jive part of the Jive, I thought there was too little content as Charlie spent a significant portion of his allotted dance time backstage and then running to the platform in the audience.  I have to ask was Sharna unable to choreograph a full proper Jive, was Charlie unable to perform one well?  His performance level is wonderful, I thought his actual steps were lacking.

Maybe it's just my tolerance is reduced, but this go round of the Most Memorable Year stuff seemed completely anvilicious.  Enough relentless tear wringing.  For the change of tone alone, Charlie's number was the best of the evening.

Can we please get a new panel of judges? Not enough to mute or FF them anymore.

Yep, my tolerance is way down.

Ballas has dialed down and Val has to watch not to outdance his partner?  That's different.

This season at least does have an interesting roster of front runners and a solid number of middle of the packers who seem committed to it.

Oh, and glad to be here from TWOP. There were good times.

  • Love 1

Count me as one who was underwhelmed by Amy's dance.  Of course she was going to have the best sob story of the night, that was a given going in.  It looked like Derek was dancing with a mannequin.  I know that she is disabled, but I am tired of seeing her judged differently.  This week and last week, he barely let go of her.  I want to see her dance, not Derek moving her around.

And Meryl's not a foxtrot was overscored, as was Cody's not a jazz.  Robin Roberts was surprisingly pleasant as a guest judge.  At least you could tell that she really watches the show.  

And I just wish NeNe would go away.  There is nothing enjoyable about watching that woman.

James and Candace had the best dances of the night.  They looked like they were having fun and they actually did the dance that they were assigned.

  • Love 1

Re: the switch, apparently there WILL be an elimination next week based on this week's voting. There will be no elimination the following week based on the switched up partnerships, is my understanding. That's what the double elimination was for. 

This still doesn't sound right.  Is the switch not next week? How can they do an elimination of an original couple during switch week. That would leave a pro without a switched celeb and a celeb without their switched pro. Or will the elimination happen at the end of the show rather than the beginning? I can see if there is no elimination next week during the switch but an elimination the following week based on scores from this week's dance.  That would make the switch week just a fun (stupid, pointless, wtf were they thinking) diversion for the week with no impact on the competition whatsoever.  Am I making sense?  My head is spinning... 

Edited by onthebrink03
Re:  Charlie and Sharna's dance.   As soon as Charlie completed his entrance and joined Sharna on the floor, for the first minute or so of them dancing together, I was totally distracted by the appearance of Sharna dancing behind the beat.   Carrie Ann deducted points because, she said, Charlie was ahead of the beat a couple of times.  I don't think so.  I re-watched it and it still looks like Sharna is behind the beat and Charlie's right in time with the music.




re: Sharna being behind, followers are trained to be behind the beat because they're following the leader. Obviously this isn't the idea doing a kick sequence, but I can see where it comes from.

I loved the beginning of Charlie's jive but once he got to the dance floor, it was clunky. His posture was off, his feet were flat, and he was imprecise and tight at once. Look at that first kick he did - uh oh. James was kind of the same sort of mess. Both of them very energetic, both of them having the two most important attributes for this show - athleticism and rhythm. In past seasons, the the judges haven't given nines this early when the technique is jacked up, and for both of them it was. I can't with the scores this season. Maks and Meryl got three tens for what was pretty much a non-dance. A very pretty one, but a fox trot it was not, plus the pause in the middle went on for half a minute.That's before we factor in that she sat on the floor, too. Come on show.

ETA, spanana, if Meryl and Charlie were actually ringers, Meryl would have been called out for all the posing, pausing and no rise and fall in her foxtrot. Except for the kicks I could see somebody middle-aged getting that choreography. The judges are lowering the bar for her, and she's an Olympic athlete with "dance" actually part of her discipline. Maybe the fans think of her as a ringer, but the judges are being pretty leniant.

There's nobody who got robbed because of the overscoring. Just the 9s and 10s are silly and definitely not warranted. I didn't see any nine and ten performances, not even looking at it generously.


When I first watched Meryl and Maks's dance, I thought the judges might rake him over the coals for not having enough foxtrot in it but I guess they were in an extra-sweet mood this week. It was beautiful, though. Meryl is so graceful. I saw Chelsea Hightower say Meryl's steps were too big, and I wonder how much of that is because of Maks's stride. As much as I'm surprisingly enjoying them together, their height difference is not ideal since I saw another ballroom recapper criticize Maks for not shortening his stride enough to match Meryl's during their chacha, where Meryl's steps were again too far apart. Anyway, I guess we'll get to see her with Derek or Val.

I disagree with both previous posters about that foxtrot. It was one of the few if any to have International foxtrot as opposed to American foxtrot content. Sure it was a bad Smooth foxtrot, but it was an INCREDIBLE Standard foxtrot, and maybe the only one in all the seasons. Standard foxtrot has very little rise and fall. And it is much, much harder than you think - Standard foxtrot is the hardest ballroom dance. I know from experience. And yes, Meryl's steps are a tad on the large side, but Maks is a giant who doesn't dance standard except for this show.

  • Love 1

The switch is next week, but the way DWTS works, the eliminations are always based on the previous week's scores. So even though the partners are switched, the star/pro couple who received the lowest votes based on last night's show will be eliminated.

Also, they seem to have moved away from the idea that the switches could be permanent and are treating the switch as a themed week, so I think everyone will just switch back at the end of the show next week. (Week 4) Then no one will be eliminated the following week (Week 5) based on voting on the switched up couples. But I bet the Week 6 elimination will be a combo of the star's votes with their switched pro from Week 4 and their votes back with their regular pro from Week 5.

ETA: TY for your perspective, kjh. I admit to not being familiar with the different kinds of foxtrot.

Edited by fembotz

The switch is next week, but the way DWTS works, the eliminations are always based on the previous week's scores. So even though the partners are switched, the star/pro couple who received the lowest votes based on last night's show will be eliminated

I understand that but elimination have always taken place at the beginning of the show.  They can't eliminated a couple next week based on this week votes at the beginning of next week's show because those couple don't exist for next week - they've done a switch. Say, for example, it was NeNe and Tony that had the lowest vote total for this week's dance and were up for elimination, they can't do that as NeNe will be with a new switched pro and Tony will have a new celeb to dance with for that night. Eliminating them leaves a switched celeb without a pro to dance with and a pro without their switched partner.  That is why I ask if they will do the elimination at the end of the show and let all the switch couples dance.  Whatever happens, it's a fucking stupid idea!

Ballas has dialed down and Val has to watch not to outdance his partner?  That's different.

It is weird not seeing Ballas wearing the Spats of Doom every week, isn't it? 


Count me as one who was underwhelmed by Amy's dance.  Of course she was going to have the best sob story of the night, that was a given going in.  It looked like Derek was dancing with a mannequin.  I know that she is disabled, but I am tired of seeing her judged differently.  This week and last week, he barely let go of her.  I want to see her dance, not Derek moving her around.

I agree with these comments.  Is there room for one more on this handcart to hell?   I don't think we'll be seeing her "dance" per se, because she can't exactly.  She's extremely fit and athletic, graceful, has good timing and musicality.  But, to state the obvious, she has no legs (from the knees down) or feet.  I'm not trying to be a terrible person here.  She's a beautiful woman, she's engaging and courageous beyond description.  But the only conceivable way for her to compete on this show is for her to be judged by an entirely different standard.  I disagree with that, and find it unfair to the other contestants. 


re: Sharna being behind, followers are trained to be behind the beat because they're following the leader. Obviously this isn't the idea doing a kick sequence, but I can see where it comes from.

Thanks for that information!  If you get a chance to watch a replay, I'd be interested to know if you think that Charlie was on the beat, whereas Sharna was behind it.  If the following partner in a jive isn't supposed to be a beat behind the leader on kick sequences,  it doesn't make sense for Carrie Ann to deduct points from Charlie's score on the basis of him being ahead of Sharna if he was on the beat.   I could see maybe deducting points for the couple being out of synch with each other, but Carrie Ann faulted Charlie for this, and it looked to me like the fault was Sharna's. 



Ballas has dialed down and Val has to watch not to outdance his partner?  That's different.

I think these are two different things entirely.  Mark has had a bad habit of outdancing his partners, yes.   Though he's been okay this season with Candace.  Val doesn't really have the same issue.  I've never seen Val as someone who tries to draw attention away from his partners.  If anything I think he's one of the best male pros about making sure the focus stays on his partner.  But of course each partner is different and you have to adjust to their performance levels.  Danica is technically one of the best dancers here, but I think the first few weeks Val overestimated her performance ability, maybe in part because of her technical ability.  So he wound up pulling focus a little bit in their dances, even if accidentally.  He adjusted his performance this week and kept his movements small so the focus was almost solely on her.  It worked.

Also it's pretty much been confirmed that there is no elimination next week.  The elimination is the week after and scores from the both weeks will be combined.  It is 100% fair?  Probably not, but there isn't really any other way to do it.

I also thought Danica's moment with her son was genuine.  The kid was upset.  But it also reminds me why it's not a great idea to have kids that young in the ballroom in the first place.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 4


Switch: Sounds like they've already decided this will be just for 1 week and we won't have to do ridiculous twitter voting to get the couples back together again.  Uggg! If they ever say "hashtag" ever again on this show....grrrrr!  They did say that they would combine this week's + next week's scores/votes for elimination after the switch dance. Since all couples will reunited after the switch, I'm assuming the original pro will get eliminated with whichever star gets the boot.

I thought they said they were combining last week's scores and this week's scores since Billy dropped out and someone would be eliminated next week.

Edited by Koffee Kup

I thought they said they were combining last week's scores and this week's scores since Billy dropped out and someone would be eliminated next week.

I thought they said this week3 scores and next week4 scores. That way on week 5 the couples are re-united for the elimination and the elimination is based on the stars' dances with 2 different pros.  George from OTRC has confirmed there will be no elimination next week (week4).

On the other hand, watching the show, tweeting + voting may be more multitasking than I can handle LOL! So I may have heard wrong.

re: Sharna being behind, followers are trained to be behind the beat because they're following the leader. Obviously this isn't the idea doing a kick sequence, but I can see where it comes from.


I disagree with both previous posters about that foxtrot. It was one of the few if any to have International foxtrot as opposed to American foxtrot content. Sure it was a bad Smooth foxtrot, but it was an INCREDIBLE Standard foxtrot, and maybe the only one in all the seasons. Standard foxtrot has very little rise and fall. And it is much, much harder than you think - Standard foxtrot is the hardest ballroom dance. I know from experience. And yes, Meryl's steps are a tad on the large side, but Maks is a giant who doesn't dance standard except for this show.

Thank you for sharing this info. Some other sites were complaining about Maks not getting called out for his "not a foxtrot" so I'm glad to see it was, in fact, a foxtrot.

  • Love 2
Re: the switch, apparently there WILL be an elimination next week based on this week's voting. There will be no elimination the following week based on the switched up partnerships, is my understanding. That's what the double elimination was for.


I thought I heard Tom say last night's scores would be combined with next week's (and presumably with next week's viewer votes as well).  That would make next week a non-elimination week.  Then, apparently, at the beginning of the following week's show the stars will revert to their original partners.  I assume it's the original partner who'll be eliminated along with the pro, but I'm not really sure.

Did Tom ever actually announce that Billy Dee Williams was the lowest-vote-getter last night?

In terms of adding a 4th judge, as I expect the guest judge didn't really deviate from the pack, score-wise, but when there was a split panel she was always on the side of the higher-scoring judge(s).  

Adding a 4th judge increases the total points awarded, and therefore gives TPTB slightly more influence on who goes home, because they can create a bit more room between teams, especially at the margins.  But with a field that's still this big, it didn't make that much of a difference.

Here are the average-adjusted scores from last night (the numbers in parentheses are the score the team would've had without the guest judge):

Meryl: 12.54 (12.5)

James/Danica/Amy/Charlie: 11.57 (11.64)*

Cody: 11.25 (11.21)

Candace: 10.29 (10.34)*

NeNe: 9.97 (9.91)

Drew: 9.65 (9.48)

The teams whose scores go up without the guest judge's score included are those who got the same score from each judge.  The teams whose score go down are those with a split panel.  Since the guest judge awarded one of the higher scores, dropping her out hurts.

I disagree with both previous posters about that foxtrot. It was one of the few if any to have International foxtrot as opposed to American foxtrot content. Sure it was a bad Smooth foxtrot, but it was an INCREDIBLE Standard foxtrot, and maybe the only one in all the seasons. Standard foxtrot has very little rise and fall.


According to competitive and instructional videos on the web, it most definitely has rise and fall. Wikipedia describes the technique of it, the foot action and how the rise and fall is achieved versus the more emphatic rise and fall. It must be there. It's flattER than smooth but not flat. I suppose these videos could be mislabeled. These videos also show standard foxtrot danced in continuous hold, as opposed to the multiple hold breaks and posing sections in M&M's foxtrot.


I feel like I was watching different dances than the judges. I just can't reconcile that James, Cody and Charlie ended up with the same scores. I actually thought everyone was scored very generously, except for Charlie and Drew.


I won't lie, I absolutely teared up at Amy's dance. And it's shallow, but I thoroughly enjoyed shirtless Tony.

I had the feeling Billy Dee might remove himself from the competition; he looked like he was in pain last week. It did seem like he had a very nice partnership with Emma - she's impressed me the past two seasons; I hope she gets a contendor next season.?

I thought Cody & James were ridiculously overscored to the point that it made me wonder if they are going to pull another non-elimination week deal like I seem to remember them doing on some past season's sob story weeks. Cody was particularly bad and even his pro didn't look good.

Even though I generally hate sob stories, I cried like a little girl during Amy's video package. The dance didn't have a ton of actual dance content, but I don't really much care. This is just a reality show about celebrity dancers after all, not a real ballroom competition. If they want to cut the gal with 2 prosthetic legs some slack that's fine by me.

Definitely glad BDW decided to bow out gracefully. Shirtless Tony was a nice surprise and a vast improvement over shirtless Derek & Mark.

I read (I think it was in Derek's blog) that they knew they needed pointy toe feet for some of the dances or they won't look right, so they found prosthetics that swimmers use, since swimmers need their toes pointed. Maybe I am going to hell as well, because my first thought was "why would anyone need prosthetics to swim".

You probably wouldn't for recreational swimming, but in competitive swimming, feet are very important in generating speed. They act kind of like flippers and help propel the swimmer through the water. I'm assuming these are probably used by para-Olympians much in the same way high level runners have specially designed sport specific prosthetics.

It's also great fun to see the hardcore Charlie/Meryl shippers flip out over him dedicating his dance to his girlfriend. Such delicious outrage!

I didn't realize there were hardcore Meryl/Charlie shippers. I thought it was pretty common knowledge that they aren't a couple and Charlie has been dating Tanith for years. Though I thought they had a nice partnership, I never got much sense of romantic chemistry from them on the ice either.

My favorites of the night were Meryl, Charlie, Danica and NeNe. Candace and Drew were ok. James was a bit clunky and I thought Cody was terrible.

I hated Full House, but it's cute that Candace is still friends with Kimmie and aunt Becky looked great.

Edited by Joystickenvy
  • Love 1

I thought it was pretty common knowledge that they aren't a couple and Charlie has been dating Tanith for years.

It is common knowledge, but that will make it all the more romantic when Charlie finally sees that his True Love has been right there in front of him all along. Those crazy mixed up kids have been too scared to admit what they feel for one another, but their real fans know them better than they know themselves.

  • Love 4

I think we may know why there was a double elimination the first week.  According to our newspaper today, Sean Avery claims he was ousted the first week because he had a disagreement with the executive producer of the show.  Apparently, Sean was very upset with the introductory story that was shown, which included his comments about other NHL stars dating his "sloppy seconds".  Avery was not happy that something like that was included in the show, which he felt had nothing to do with his appearance on the show.  He told Karina that they're fate was sealed after he went to the producer to voice his displeasure.  No one, according to Avery, knew about any double elimination and that he felt they did this in order to throw him from the show.  He said that he was very upset during and after his dance with Karina, and that's the reason why he had such a bad facial expression during the scoring and interview.  Apparently, the dancers don't know exactly what the producers are going to show in those little stories before the dances, so it's always a surprise what they decide to use.  

Finally got this watched & since y'all have pretty much covered it I'll just highlight my highlights.

I love Tom & his little remark about only promo'ing whatever show he was pimping because it was on ABC just reinforced that.

Go away Cody. Take your saggy diaper pants, your floppy hair & your insistence on sticking hip-hop in every dance & calling it your style with you. And get off my lawn!

In all the weeping of weepy eyes I'll admit I got teary, but I fully cop to being a social crier & don't have to actually be completely moved as much as moved by those who are moved. Amy's dad in the audience is what got to me.

Tiny squee for Aunt Becky & Kimmie!

  • Love 2


I think we may know why there was a double elimination the first week.  According to our newspaper today, Sean Avery claims he was ousted the first week because he had a disagreement with the executive producer of the show.

I’m not sure I really buy that, surely in 18 seasons there have been other stars that had disagreements with the producers. I think it may just be easier for Sean to think that he was pushed out rather than that he came across like an affectless serial killer and no one liked him enough to vote for him.

  • Love 2

On "Afterbuzz", one of the participants insisted Maks and Meryl's foxtrot was a smooth foxtrot, in order to excuse the many hold breaks. Hold breaks are allowed in smooth but not in standard. So, if it was smooth, where was the rise and fall? Anna Trebunskaya said she didn't like Meryl's footwork, because she didn't use her feet, drive through her feet. Actually Anna thought this was much more of a waltz, contemporary, rumba kind of pastiche than a foxtrot.

Elsewhere, people say it's a standard foxtrot. A standard foxtrot is in continuous hold. This wasn't. From what I've learned, there is a softer rise and fall, but definitely must be there, as any video will show. So it was a hybrid foxtrot that pretty much lets a foxtrot be whatever?

Since there's some contradiction as to the type of foxtrot it was, did the show tell us during the rehearsal package so we know definitely?

It's not just their dance that made me wonder about how scores, but since it got third week tens - three of them, it sort of stands for an overly high scoring season so far.

I feel like we are supposed to be vowed by Meryl's dancing because she looks good while moving. She has the rhutm and smoothness to look pretty. Their dances however look very empty. I'm not sure whether to blame it on the choreography, too high expectations that are not really fulfilled or a mix of both.

Either way both Meryl and Charlie leave me rather unimpressed.

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Meryl and Maks' foxtrot was my favorite dance this week. I loved its ethereal yet sensuous quality. They have real chemistry, not like the manufactured piffle that DWTS is trying to push with Peta and James. I don't care whether or not they're a real-life couple as seems to interest a few on TWOP. They dance beautifully together and are adorable in interviews. And if their foxtrot was being scored on the Derek Hough scale of favoring some pros other others, then great! Maks is long overdue to be treated well on this show. If he's being favored, then I hope it continues.

I like Charlie's personality and kindness but am not thrilled with his dancing. He has a feminine quality that reminds me of watching Ellen Degeneris dance. When in hold with Sharna he looks tentative. Hoping he finds some way to inject a little testosterone into his performances.

I enjoyed Danica's contemporary dance but not her rehearsal package. She's becoming more annoying by the week.

It was Weep Week #3 for Amy. I hope next week DWTS shows more of her personality and stops focusing solely on her disability. I don't want to hear the word "inspirational" for a long time. As for her dancing, she hasn't done much yet. She's been more of a prop for Derek to manipulate than an actual dancing partner. The judges have seriously overscored her out of sympathy for three weeks now. Maybe next week they'll start scoring her on her ability as they promised in week one.

Candace's jive was a weak way to close out Monday's show. I realize they wanted to end on an upbeat note but that dance was sloppy.

Looking forward to switch week so we can get it over with. Some unexpected pairings: Looks like Val and Peta are in FL with Meryl and Charlie. Tony tweeted a video yesterday that starred himself, Maks and Derek with Candace, Danica and NeNe. The possibility that Derek could have gotten NeNe in the switch makes me smile.

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I thought they stopped dancing when the instrumental music stopped, and the singer was a cappella, and started dancing again when the music returned. To me that was why it was not a problem with the judges, and did not affect their score.

I missed that, so I just went back and watched it again and you are right.  The long break in the middle was when the instrumental music stopped for a bit in the middle and the singer was a capella.  Now I might just go watch it again because it really was breathtaking.  There are a few dances from the years that I go back and re-watch from time to time, and this one is definitely on that list for me!

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