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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Ah. She tweeted to confirm she won't be at the panel today but will be there tomorrow.


That's weird - I wonder if it's something that just came up? You'd think they'd make her schedule clear for something like that. If I were one of the people waiting and hoping to see her...I'd be pissed.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Well I hate to say it but my enthusiasm for watching the panel just went downhill a bit. Is anyone else missing it or only her?


It's just her. SA, DR and KC will be there (I'm not sure who else was scheduled to attend).


I can't believe it's a production thing - wouldn't they have planned for this day? Why would they have her miss the official panel of all things? I'm going to leave before I get tinhatty.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Well at least DR will be there. Seriously though, it seems like they should have planned filming better - I suppose they're doing scenes with Palmer since they wouldn't need the others for that. I wasn't expecting her to be at tomorrow's panel. Tomorrow is DC Showcase I guess? The one hosted by SA?


Yup. And people seem really upset that the producers didn't announced before themselves and had Emily tweet it before saying anything. 


Yeah, they had to have known for at least a few hours. How utterly crappy of them not to announce it before now - especially since some of them might've skipped other panels they wanted to see in order to go to this one.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I think that I would be seriously ragey if I was attending SDCC to see EBR.  It's one thing if it's a family emergency or something like that...fans are generally very understanding.  I just can't believe that the filming schedule couldn't be adjusted somehow and that they would literally wait until the last minute to notify fans that EBR wouldn't be there.  That's just rotten.  Definitely trying to hold back my inner conspiracy theorist over here.


Just heard that Emily won't be at the panel. That bummed me out. I can't imagine why there would be scheduling conflicts with shooting scenes for the show and Comic Con? That sounds kind of suspect but at least she'll be around tomorrow. 



Willa and Barrowman are both there I believe which is what I'm most excited about.


Oh I didn't know that! That's good news. Barrowman is always gold at these panels and I'm really excited to see Willa and finally maybe hear some Thea and Malcolm tidbits. 



Definitely trying to hold back my inner conspiracy theorist over here.


I'm trying and failing to do the same. 

Edited by stormborn

Shame she won't be there..but don't see what other tidbits she could offer that we haven't heard about ad nauseum. Willa and Barrowman are both there I believe which is what I'm most excited about. 


I just empathize with her fans who are going to be disappointed not to get to see her and possibly meet her.  I'm sure that for them, it is less about getting info about the show and more about just getting to see her in person and possibly speaking to her and/or getting an autograph.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I just empathize with her fans who are going to be disappointed not to get to see her and possibly meet her.  I'm sure that for them, it is less about getting info about the show and more about just getting to see her in person and possibly speaking to her and/or getting an autograph.


At least she'll be there tomorrow (and Sunday, maybe). But man, if I'd been waiting in that line overnight...

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Fans are currently raging on Twitter and I can't say I blame them. She was confirmed to be there and a lot of her fans might have chosen the Arrow panel over other panels in order to see her. Those lines are ridiculous and start forming at 3:00 am in some cases. People actually sleep in the lines. Announcing it this late and when she's apparently the only one tied up with filming is pretty crappy for the people attending who spent so much money. One girl said she was there from another country and she was understandably very upset about the late notice. Not cool.

  • Love 4

It may have been but it was handled badly. They should have announce it  before, i know the production office tweeted a few days ago they wont be able to attend. So there were plans to work during comic con. Its not something you announce 3 hours before hand. And it just looks weird if all besides one regulars are present. 


Man are peple sure KC is there? Because why would WB leave her out? Isn't she still billed as female lead?


Warner Bros. TV ‏@warnerbrostv  4m
#Arrow's made the journey from Starling City to #WBSDCC! Join @amellywood @david_ramsey EPs + MORE. Happening 5:30PM Ballroom 20! @CW_Arrow


What makes it even weirder they posted a tweet including Emilys name then deleted and just put davids and stephens name to it:



Edited by Velocity23

Looks like KC isn't there either.  That sucks for her fans too.  This wasn't handled very well at all.


Well, this was disappointing.  I was looking forward to the panel but they basically just told us a bunch of stuff that we already knew.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I'm guessing filming ran late or they needed to do reshoots and that's why they were supposed to be there but couldn't at the last minute. Cancelling like that happens all the time, especially when they are in the middle of filming. I'm sure getting Stephen Amell there was the top priority. 

Edited by Sakura12

Yep, it makes me feel better knowing the CL and EBR couldn't make it because they were filming. I thought it was really odd that EBR was the only one stuck filming but CL (even if she isn't a regular, I consider her one of them) being there makes it better.

Edited by Morrigan2575

I am still curious why KC wasn't there. According to canadiangraphs she left Vancouver a few days ago. And she posted she is excited for SDCC like an hour before the event. So everybody assumed she would be there.


Also hoping for some pics of Caity, Emily and Katrina *sighs*



Edited by Velocity23

Yep, it makes me feel better knowing the CL and EBR couldn't make it because they were filming. I thought it was really odd that EBR was the only one stuck filming but CL (even if she isn't a regular, I consider her one of them) being there makes it better.


That's why I'm hoping CL and EBR were filming together. I want to see more of the Felicity/Sara friendship.


Maybe Sara telling Felicity that Oliver's an idiot sometimes, thinking the best way to protect someone is to push them away when in reality if the bad guy knows you are close to someone it doesn't matter if they are a friend or a lover they will go after them. 

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I love that picture of cast and crew! Thank you for sharing it, Velocity23!


As for the lack of Emily,I feel for the EBR fans, especially because it was confirmed. Things crop up and it sucks.  I'm holding off on my conspiracy hat-wearing- it sounds like the three main ladies aren't there, but with Willa giving dribbles and teases it should be okay.

David Ramsey tweeted a pic about an incomplete TeamArrow pic, seems WB missed Emily also



Some additional pics by cast:




She posted this like an hour before the panel. To me it doesn't look like something LL would wear. I know everybody assumed she would be at panel. 


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