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It's a flower and EBR's signature/initials below it.  She wants to have them both tattooed, I guess.


Then she turned around like "are you SURE you want me to do this? Like this is going to be on your body FOREVER! Like what if like I'm 20 like you're omg this was such a dumb decision" and I just went "but it's not a dumb decision NOW, that's what I think about tattoos now like "why regret them if you wanted them at some point"

And I thought "Oh, sweetie, you are so young".

ETA:  I didn't know about her being at the Manchester concert so yeah, there's probably a whole lot of stuff going on there in her head.  Maybe she needs it as a symbol of hope and that there is goodness out there too.

Edited by statsgirl
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Oh my goodness, poor girl, maybe she wants a permanent reminder of something that got her through what must be an incredibly tough time. 

(even if my initial reaction was more judgey, there's a lot of terrible tattoos out there) 

Edited by leopardprint
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This one takes the cake

I don't think I could ever pay for the big group picture though since I know they have to get people in and out in 2 seconds but I would want to be in control of where I am posed with the cast

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The EBR/SA photo op photos are adorable, thanks everybody for bringing all the con stuff over.  They're good sports and people are pretty darn creative.  I wonder if the fern actually came in a suitcase or they just borrowed from somewhere... Heh.

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This is the most super random question. 

SA is wearing a Die Hard shirt and making money from these photos? Is that considered fair use, does he have to pay the Die Hard people royaties or no because people aren't there to take pictures with the tshirt? Sometimes logo tees are blurred on reality TV so that set me wondering. Can't the copyright owner get a cut of this? 

Edited by leopardprint
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HVFF question: it looks like the attendees are allowed to bring small props to the photo ops but are there any restrictions as to the type of prop?  I'm going to the Nashville one and, surprisingly, the website doesn't provide details.  It doesn't even confirm that props are allowed though I know they are from the various pictures that get posted to social media.  I want to bring my Hamilton hats but I also don't have anything else planned if it turns out they aren't allowed (though I can't imagine they wouldn't be since I saw a picture of Mickey Mouse ears on Amell and Ramsay). 

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7 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I see KC's back to planting herself right next to Stephen in photos, LOL! Is she going to be at SDCC? Villains usually aren't but I could see her finagling an invite for that.


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2 hours ago, Chaser said:

Seriously, CR looks amazing.

Frankly, I think she should give fillers or whatever she's doing a bit of a rest. She looks plastic-y in that photo.

Fun stuff from the SA/EBR photo op. As always, major leg envy.

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I need to catch up on so much but those Olicity photo ops are GOLD. Thanks to the fans for sharing them with all of us! 

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7 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

LOL the "Prometheus stole my fangirls" pic is awesome! ?

Edited by Guest
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Interview with EK at MCM London Comic Con today (I don't think he gives any real spoilers, not anything we wouldn't guess anyway - and a lot of it is his speculation, but I've used a few spoiler tags just in case)...

Arrow SEASON 6 Interview - Echo Kellum, Lian Yu, Olicity & Crossovers
Published on May 27, 2017, by Flicks And The City

-- When asked if Curtis survived the island explosion, EK replied: "You know, they really keep us in the dark. We don't get our scripts until probably three or four days before we start shooting. Um, as far as I know, I'm still working next season. But I would not - anything can happen, you know, they call you up, like, 'hey, brother, you're dying in episode 1, just wanted to let you know.' But, um, I think, um, you know, a lot of us will survive, you know, and come back and try to pick up the pieces of the fallout of that ending - um, I don't want to spoil it for anybody who hasn't seen it. But, yeah, you know, I think it's going to be a great season. The way we ended is going to lead off to some really cool things for Season 6, and I think you'll see us really dealing with that ending, like, in a really in-depth way."

-- On Manu Bennett's return, EK: "For me, my favorite episode of Arrow is the penultimate episode of Season 2, when he guts Moira - spoiler alert if you haven't seen that. Um, and so, just to see him come back and to be a part of that in any capacity was, like, really like nerd heaven for me. I love that character. Um, him and Slade and the Green Arrow's history is just so awesome and vivid and brutal, you know. And so, for him to come back in this capacity, for me, when I first read it, was just like, goosebumps and chills, and it was just so dope that they were able to pull it off. And, um, I think the fans really responded well to it... And, you know, the end of this season was just like, I couldn't believe I was a part of something so cool like that."

-- On Curtis' failed marriage to Paul, EK said that Curtis still loves Paul, but that he will need to get out and date a little bit, and then see "if he can possibly rekindle his relationship."  EK:


"But you'll definitely see him move on in some capacity from that."

-- On Curtis being a big Olicity shipper (interviewer said that "some fans love it, and some fans not so much"), EK: "You know, for me, coming onto the show, you know, as Curtis and getting to work with, um, Fe - um, Emily Bett, you know, I just love Curtis and Felicity's relationship. And so it makes perfect sense to me that Curtis would be, like, pro-that and really for it. And I think, Olicity is really great, you know. Um, it just depends on, you know, exactly how it's executed. And I think, I really love how they executed that relationship this season - how they still, you know, focus [a lot on?-not sure of these words] actually what's going on, but that he still does - there still is that heart there, you know, and I think that's important. So, I really like where they're going with it, and I love that Curtis is so amped to, like, hook them up and make it work, whether it's the Chinese food or whatever. That's - it's just so fun to play a character with so much, like, optimism and, you know, good vibes."

-- EK praised the writers but also said that they're allowed to "ad lib and have fun with it." He said that he and RG "love to riff on different things."

-- EK said that becoming an Arrow series regular "is just a dream come true." He said that he loves Arrow and that his friends love the DC universe. On joining an already established core group, EK: "They were all so down to earth and humble and funny and silly... It's still what we carry throughout the show. I honestly think it was one of the funnest shows I've ever been on, as far as just working with people. Like we just laugh so much before every take. And play pranks and jokes. And it's such a fun environment to work on the set, the crew - they really let us have fun... It was nerve-wracking coming in. I did not know what to expect. But all that was just pushed aside and just a lot of openness and love there."

-- EK also talked about JB's "butt attack" pranks. He said that JB likes to have fun but as soon as the camera's on, he immediately becomes professional and there.

-- On the comics history of Black Lightning and Mr. Terrific, EK said that he would love to do scenes with Black Lightning. He also mentioned the comics history of Mr. Terrific and Black Canary. He'd also like to do scenes with the Legends.

-- On the impracticality of Mr. Terrific's hair and make-up, EK said that even SA's mask takes 20 minutes to apply, so none of it makes sense.  EK also said:


"I think that's definitely something we're addressing next year. In a not so subtle way. Like, I won't be wearing braids next year. Um, and, we're just trying to make the mask more efficient and just help the process.

You know, like, when Grant first started on the Flash, it was like this one piece that could not be moved. It was glued on. It took like hours, and now, you know, it's very simple... so it's kinda of like just this fluid motion going on. So I feel like, as far as the 'canon' goes, you know, um, Marc said something really funny. He's like, uh, 'Curtis is a meta-human. His only ability is he braids his hair instantly.' (Laughs) ... Yeah, you see, I was saying there's an African speedster somewhere that people don't know about that comes to do it. But, um, Curtis and Felicity could've created some machine... that did it really quick.... Hopefully, they address it. That'd be really cool." EK also mentioned seeing a funny meme that made fun of how long it would take Curtis to braid his hair to become Mr. Terrific, with Oliver threatening to shoot him with an arrow.

-- EK would love to do more crossovers with the other DC shows. On his wish list, he would like to see Darkseid or someone like that.

-- On how he thinks Curtis would've rescued everyone on the island, EK: "I think Curtis would've brought, like, T-spheres for everyone to fly out of that joint, you know, before it blew up. Uh, me personally, I would've solved it by not going to islands. 'Nope, I'm not doing that, I don't trust no islands, nuh-uh. A volcano just made this. No.'"

-- On the fan theories that Slade might've taken everyone to the ARGUS bunker or that they fixed the plane in time to fly off, EK: "I think they're pretty good fan theories. I think they're definitely within the realm of plausibility... Yes, it definitely could happen. It's up to the writers, and who knows if they're listening." He also said that, when they got the script, they were guessing how they got off the island and also hoping they weren't dead. EK said that he reads the scripts once, so that he "can forget it, invest in it and live in it."

-- EK: "I'm the worst spoiler. I mean, I spoiled Prometheus at the beginning of the year. They used Josh and nobody saw it. And I was like, 'oh thank god.' So, I - it's tough for me to keep my lips, like, sealed, so I'm like, 'mmm, so please air... let this out, like, please don't want the pressure.' So yeah."

-- On whether he thinks Malcolm is dead, EK: "All I got to say is, if you don't see a body, play ball. You know what I'm saying? That's how I look at it... I think there's room for him to come back, for sure... Anything can happen, especially in these universes... I would not say anything's final."

-- EK said that the Vigilante


will definitely come back,

but that he has no idea who he is, "in any way, shape or form." He then joked that "we are all the Vigilante."

Edited by tv echo
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It takes Oliver 20 mins to get his act together!?!!

But in all seriousness, hopefully they allow Curtis to put as much time into rebuilding his relationship with his husband as they allow him to put into rebuilding Olicity.

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11 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

But in all seriousness, hopefully they allow Curtis to put as much time into rebuilding his relationship with his husband as they allow him to put into rebuilding Olicity.

A total of a minute and a half? Sure, why not!

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

That's a long time. That's a minute and a half he isn't spending calling up his husband.

If he's supposed spend every waking moment of his day calling his husband (who clearly doesn't want to talk to Curtis if he's spending every waking moment of his day calling him), it's probably best they don't get back together. 

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

If he's supposed spend every waking moment of his day calling his husband (who clearly doesn't want to talk to Curtis if he's spending every waking moment of his day calling him), it's probably best they don't get back together. 

When was the last time they showed Curtis spending any time of his day trying to contact his husband?

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

When was the last time they showed Curtis spending any time of his day trying to contact his husband?

You tell me, you're the one who's concerned about how much effort he's putting into his relationship. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

You tell me, you're the one who's concerned about how much effort he's putting into his relationship. 

It certainly doesn't seem to be every waking moment of his day so...clearly not enough.

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I don't really know what he can even do to get Paul back apart from quit team arrow.I think Paul was totally right to leave him tbh,I mean Curtis chose to keep risking his life despite the fact that he isn't really necessary,is by far the weakest fighter and has other ways to help people that are way more relevant.He pretty much chose the few months he was on TA over his marriage.

Edited by tangerine95
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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

It certainly doesn't seem to be every waking moment of his day so...clearly not enough.

Well, he's not giving up being Mr. Terrific - which was Paul's main issue - so clearly his relationship isn't a priority.

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

Then why are you arguing with me about how much time he's spending trying to get his husband back? Obviously - not a lot?

From the beginning it's pretty obvious he isn't spending time not getting his husband back thus he should spend more time trying to get his husband back.

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

From the beginning it's pretty obvious he isn't spending time not getting his husband back thus he should spend more time trying to get his husband back.

Why, because you think he should? Or because you're upset that Curtis is given screen time playing matchmaker? They made his divorce a plot point directly related to his superheroics. There's a reason why we aren't seeing him pursue a reconciliation, and that's because he's not willing to compromise about the thing that broke them up.

Didn't know you shipped him and Paul, though. Hope they get back together for your sake!

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Why, because you think he should? Or because you're upset that Curtis is given screen time playing matchmaker? They made his divorce a plot point directly related to his superheroics. There's a reason why we aren't seeing him pursue a reconciliation, and that's because he's not willing to compromise about the thing that broke them up.

Didn't know you shipped him and Paul, though. Hope they get back together for your sake!

Yeah I think he should and thanks for your kind hope!!!

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They did have Curtis talk about saving his marriage -- there were at least two conversations with Rene about using his engineering skills and staying out of danger for Paul's sake so he didn't get hurt.  And then the scene where Curtis was all excited to tell Paul his plan and then Paul gave him the divorce papers.

So really, they've spent more time on Curtis trying to save his marriage than they've spent on him trying to get Oliver and Felicity back together.

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8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

They did have Curtis talk about saving his marriage -- there were at least two conversations with Rene about using his engineering skills and staying out of danger for Paul's sake so he didn't get hurt.  And then the scene where Curtis was all excited to tell Paul his plan and then Paul gave him the divorce papers.

So really, they've spent more time on Curtis trying to save his marriage than they've spent on him trying to get Oliver and Felicity back together.

So about he spent about a minute talking about saving his marriage? almost equal.

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Maybe Curtis's marriage is beyond saving ever since the divorce papers so he's going to spend time shipping instead because shipping Olicity makes everyone happy *squeeeeeeeeee she squeals and gets back to heart eyes analysis* 

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It probably wouldn't work with the way they have the photo ops framed, but I'm now sorry no one had Josh stand FAR AHEAD in the foreground, Stephen behind, with the fan holding a prop measuring tape that says "10 steps." ;)

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