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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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I'm not sure if it's just me, but I am getting some not so great vibes from him lately and how he views women.


Yeah, I'm not liking some of the things he's said either. It's a definite pattern because this is not the first time and following on the heels of his last mess up, eh. Tread lightly, SA. It definitely took the shine off him, IMO.

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I think SA thinks he being clever when posts things on twitter or facebook.

I tend to agree. And I don't think he always succeeds. I think the man knows how to use social media to promote stuff and engage fans (most of the time). But he is not good when he uses social media as an outlet to express his personal thoughts or feelings.

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I read somewhere that DR told a reporter that he had taken time off because of his back issues. I wonder if the writers had to cut some of his 404/405 story because of his health?

I hope after 408 and, they finally launch LoT, Diggle's story will pick up for the rest of the season. The pieces are all there, Andy, HIVE, DD working for HIVE etc, it's just a matter of building on them.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I read somewhere that DR told a reporter that he had taken time off because of his back issues. I wonder if the writers had to cut some of his 404/405 story because of his health?

I hope after 408 and, they finally launch LoT, Diggle's story will pick up for the rest of the season. The pieces are all there, Andy, HIVE, DD working for HIVE etc, it's just a matter of building on them.

He also had to cancel on one of the cons (I think Dragon Con) because of his back, so you might be right. That would be a valid explanation if his scenes are limited in 404-406.


I agree that after 408, I think Dig's story will pick up. The show has been consistent in each episode revealing another piece of the puzzle that is Andy/Dig/HIVE. So I have high hopes that the writers will come through. They generally are not good with consistently baiting & laying hints about a story arc in every episode if it does not directly relate to the A or B plot. But they have been with the Dig story this year.

Edited by kismet
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They've been laying the groundwork for Digg's story, I think it will pick up after the LoT characters leave. I like the slow set up for a long reaching arc more than a in your face rushed storyline. Hive and Darhk seem to be much more formidable than the LOA and Ra's al Ghul. 

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I hope that happens. They've definitely laid the groundwork which is good. I've just been excited for Diggle's storyline for so long now I just want them to focus on him for a change. 


I have a feeling it might kick into gear in 407. The 'Brotherhood' title is pretty obvious.

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I don't think it's how he uses social media that is the problem -- it's that he has super privileged white cis-het dudebro views on the world, and IT SHOWS.

I think he has a good heart, and I'd still totally have a beer with him, but he has some throwback-y ideas on women and minorities and masculinity that he could open his mind about a good bit. 


Awhile ago there was this dad who wore a t-shirt that instead of saying the usual overbearing, vaguely sexist dad stuff like "You want to touch my daughter, just remember I carry a shotgun" said something like (I don't remember details at all) "You want to touch my daughter, well that's not up to you or to me, it's up to her."  I really liked it.  Like hey, you have no ownership of your daughter...teach her well and instill healthy values and remember she gets to make her own decisions about her body.  SA is NOT that way.  He'd totally be the dad telling his daughter she can't date,  while simultaneously cheering on his son dating.  It's not a huge deal, it's just not my favorite thing.


And for the record, while I mostly think he's just vaguely sexist, sexism can easily convert into misogyny once the sexist guy starts feeling like women are not remaining in the boxes he's put them in.  The sexual velociraptor thing, to me, started to enter misogyny territory.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I don't know if he's sexist. He did say that CL could probably kick his ass. 

Being sexist doesn't mean having sexist ideas on every issue or in every moment.  My brother, for example, respects me just fine, but is one of those guys that thinks any woman who sleeps with him in a time frame he deems "too short" is a slut.  Even though, obviously, he's right there with them.  And if someone called me a slut for the exact same sexual behavior, he'd defend me.  But that doesn't change the fact that he's sexist.

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Mama Smoak without cleavage!  Something serious must be going down!


Somebody better be calling Constantine back. This is nothing short of a demon possession.

Is that a guy or girl in scrubs behind CR and JS?



Hee. Looks like a guy to me.

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I'm not much of a Swift fan.. I do think she has gotten a bit better in the past year or so, material wise, when every single she releases stopped being about her ex's and broken hearts, singing wise she's always been pretty good.

I think she's a nice woman, obviously with a huge heart.. but, and except for a handful of songs, I find her music to be repetitive and boring, she's nothing special- even though I think she could have been, she as a voice, she seems clever, and can play on several instruments yet she comes across as very bland in her music choices. She's like those white pop singers in the 50's and 60's- she's like the Sandra Dee of the music business!!.

With that being said, I do think she is growing a bit in her music choices. I guess it's a wait and see with her.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I'm not much of a Swift fan.. but I think she has gotten better in the past year or so, when every single she releases stopped being about her ex's.

I think she's a nice woman, obviously with a huge heart.. but for except a handful of songs I find her music to be repetitive and boring.

Agreed. These are my thoughts too. Nothing personal against her but along with what you've said, I find her music just as generic as most other standard pop music offerings, which is why she's just not for me. I think her songwriting has finally matured past the regurgitation of all her various breakups (thankfully), but I also can't get past her utter lack of live singing ability. That all being said, I can't jump up and down on Stephen--especially if his objection to her music mirrors my own. After all, people can dislike Taylor Swift without it being based in sexism.

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Agreed. These are my thoughts too. Nothing personal against her but along with what you've said, I find her music just as generic as most other standard pop music offerings, which is why she's just not for me. I think her songwriting has finally matured past the regurgitation of all her various breakups (thankfully), but I also can't get past her utter lack of live singing ability. That all being said, I can't jump up and down on Stephen--especially if his objection to her music mirrors my own. After all, people can dislike Taylor Swift without it being based in sexism.

The issue isn't whether he likes it or not, it is that he's all "BOO, TS sucks!" and then this other person records all HER MUSIC and he immediately moves to "YAY, these songs [written by TS] are so fantastic, although TS sucks!"  Again, I don't think that specific thing is evidence of his sexism, but I do think it's close-minded and disrespectful.


But I am far more impressed by songwriters than singers, most of the time. 

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Agreed. These are my thoughts too. Nothing personal against her but along with what you've said, I find her music just as generic as most other standard pop music offerings, which is why she's just not for me. I think her songwriting has finally matured past the regurgitation of all her various breakups (thankfully), but I also can't get past her utter lack of live singing ability. That all being said, I can't jump up and down on Stephen--especially if his objection to her music mirrors my own. After all, people can dislike Taylor Swift without it being based in sexism.


Really? I was under the impression that she was a pretty decent live singer.

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The issue isn't whether he likes it or not, it is that he's all "BOO, TS sucks!" and then this other person records all HER MUSIC and he immediately moves to "YAY, these songs [written by TS] are so fantastic, although TS sucks!"  Again, I don't think that specific thing is evidence of his sexism, but I do think it's close-minded and disrespectful.


But I am far more impressed by songwriters than singers, most of the time.

I get it and my post wasn't necessarily in response to you, but rather the conversation that sprang up implying his objection to TS was because of sexism. He definitely has had his share of douchey social media moments, but in this case, he didn't exactly provide enough commentary to suggest he dislikes her because she's a woman or that women enjoy her music.

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I get it and my post wasn't necessarily in response to you, but rather the conversation that sprang up implying his objection to TS was because of sexism. He definitely has had his share of douchey social media moments, but in this case, he didn't exactly provide enough commentary to suggest he dislikes her because she's a woman or that women enjoy her music.

I'm guessing it's sort of more musical elitism.  I don't actually own any of her music, but if Blank Space or Shake it Off comes on the radio, I am definitely singing along with it.  She's not Bruce Springsteen or anything, but she writes some damn catchy tunes.

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I get it and my post wasn't necessarily in response to you, but rather the conversation that sprang up implying his objection to TS was because of sexism. He definitely has had his share of douchey social media moments, but in this case, he didn't exactly provide enough commentary to suggest he dislikes her because she's a woman or that women enjoy her music.

I think this convo is an offshoot of a comment I made about seeing a bunch of people take shots at Taylor Swift while praising Ryan Adams' version of HER music, which I think is gross, and not specific to SA's commentary. I don't think he's terrible for not liking her music. He seems to be a fan of a particular sound, I just wish he'd left her out of it.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Whenever I think of Taylor Swift, my mind just goes here,

But for the record, I think Stephen was probably showing music snobbery than sexism. But whatever, haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate.

Edited by Delphi
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I don't like Taylor Swift. There's just something about her that irks me. Lol


This. I can't stand her, and I 100% support anyone who purposefully chooses to avoid knowing anything about her or her music. Considering her ubiquity, it's not an easy thing to do.

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This. I can't stand her, and I 100% support anyone who purposefully chooses to avoid knowing anything about her or her music. Considering her ubiquity, it's not an easy thing to do.

Exactly how I feel about Beyoncé.

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Exactly how I feel about Beyoncé.


OMG, yes. The worship of her drives me crazy.  And to bring this back on topic:

Jimmy Akingbola @JimmyAkingbola


#NotHappyFriday #FF @amellywood @RyRobbins @EmilyBett @EchoK @PaulBlackthorne @caitylotz @Willaaaah @david_ramsey





Edited by KenyaJ
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I think he has a good heart, and I'd still totally have a beer with him, but he has some throwback-y ideas on women and minorities and masculinity that he could open his mind about a good bit. 


Awhile ago there was this dad who wore a t-shirt that instead of saying the usual overbearing, vaguely sexist dad stuff like "You want to touch my daughter, just remember I carry a shotgun" said something like (I don't remember details at all) "You want to touch my daughter, well that's not up to you or to me, it's up to her."  I really liked it.  Like hey, you have no ownership of your daughter...teach her well and instill healthy values and remember she gets to make her own decisions about her body.  SA is NOT that way.  He'd totally be the dad telling his daughter she can't date,  while simultaneously cheering on his son dating.  It's not a huge deal, it's just not my favorite thing.


And for the record, while I mostly think he's just vaguely sexist, sexism can easily convert into misogyny once the sexist guy starts feeling like women are not remaining in the boxes he's put them in.  The sexual velociraptor thing, to me, started to enter misogyny territory.


I can't find it now, but wasn't there a photo of Amell with a guy wearing that exact type of shirt with the whole "I have guns! Don't touch my daughter!!!11!" ? 

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I have no problem with those kind of over the top protective feelings when their child is so very little.  Give them a decade or so to get used to the idea that their baby won't always be a baby. 

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I have no problem with those kind of over the top protective feelings when their child is so very little.  Give them a decade or so to get used to the idea that their baby won't always be a baby. 

Why's it necessary to proclaim anything about the girl's dating life now, then?


Not to mention, this is the guy who felt it necessary to hustle his 1-year-old daughter out of a restaurant in which Miley Cyrus was simply PRESENT, not even trying to interact with him or his family, because she had whore cooties.  (a) Really? I don't even like Miley Cyrus as a performer, but that's because I think she's shallow and fairly talentless, not because I feel the need to judge her sex life which is none of my business and harms no one; and (b) are whore cooties really going to affect a 1-year-old child?

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I notice that MG didn't answer any Tumblr questions this week. Too busy? Or avoiding the post-episode fallout?

Be interesting to see what questions people asked. I personally think Guggie would need Olympic level spin to make it through a tumblr session with taking a few body blows.

On a less snarky note, I do wonder if he is just busy with the LoT backdoor pilot or the crossovers as they are calling it these days.

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I'm sorry if this comes off mean to some who like her but, she really annoys me with the way she has to post things that minute. Then she does that thing where she posts old ass photos when an episode doesn't go her way. Especially considering most of the time she's using EBR.

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