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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Certainly it's Emily's right to tweet what she wants..but I still find them annoying at times and a bit immature.

Of course I feel this way of Jennifer Lawrence's interviews and public appearances so I'm clearly in a minority. 


oh I find Jennifer Lawrence's overt cutesiness cringe inducing because it is always at the most public forums for maximum effect whereas EBR goofs with her friends on social media where only her die heard fans follow her.


I find Jennifer very artificial who follows a certain script to maintain her public persona but EBR a very straight and genuine because she seems goofy on social media but very mature and adult when she is interviewing. Perhaps the fact that I like EBR also affects how I see her but then again we are all different individuals and see things the way we want to.


Oh and there was nothing wrong in bringing in KC as an example, after all the forum is for Arrow cast and how they are at various public platforms.

Edited by TanyaKay

Sometimes they amuse, other times they're eye-roll worthy.


I feel like I'm missing something.  Was this in reaction to something other than the getting cookies and reading - players going to play, tweet she did in reply to CH asking what they were doing aka where he was mock bragging about going to workout and they were teasing him about not working out and instead, going to get yummy  not workout approved food?


I'm sincerely confused.   


I find Jennifer very artificial who follows a certain script to maintain her public persona but EBR a very straight and genuine because she seems goofy on social media but very mature and adult when she is interviewing


I like Jennifer Lawrence and to say that she is artificial doesn't sit well with me. We know so less about their personal lives and our views are often warped by the tabloids and their misinformation. I think Lawrence is one of the few actress whose interviews comes across as genuine, especially her views regarding her own body weight and her work ethics (she freely admits that she is lazy).

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I've noticed with most actors (Barrowman the exception) that as they are more exposed or spend more time in the limelight, they become more reserved with the media and that filter at times comes across IMO as too scripted.  It's interesting to compare old interviews with actor that are still active say 15 years later.  They might remains quick and funny and may even keep a naturalness about them but they usually also learn to think before they speak or at least pause before they blurt out something and you can see that in their eyes and in their body language.   


JL, I think with the Oscar nomination, then the huge Hunger Games franchise followed by an Oscar win, found herself under a ton of scrutiny in a really big way really fast.  Even staying honest and true, there are still protections that end up having to be enacted.  I think self preservation demands some calculation in how they reply or act.  The ones that don't, don't survive in the business. 

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EBR's tweets always seem genuine to me. She was making fun a friend that is going to workout by telling him she's enjoying being lazy and eating junk food while also making a joke about a Taylor Swift song. Sounds like what I've done to my friends or they done to me many times.


She is an actress and has a lot more followers than us normal folk, but most of her tweets she's just having conversations with her friends like the rest of us do. So I don't see the problem with that. 


With Jennifer Lawrence, she is very open and blunt in her interviews and appearances but other than that we don't see her for months at a time. The paparazzi are always trying to find her and can't. That to me shows she is a more private person and knows how to stay hidden. She appears when she wants to be seen or has to be seen at movie events and such. Unlike some celebs that crave the camera all the time and if they don't have it they do anything just to get it back over to them.


EBR does seem really genuine but she is also really new to this. Hopefully she stays that way. Jennifer Lawrence is the one of the biggest movie stars on the plant and is playing the game her way and it pisses off the paparazzi. I respect her for that.

Edited by Sakura12
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I think EBR's Twitter is a super rare case for a celeb, probably because she kept the same account she had from waaay before she got famous, so her family and friends are still there, except now there's 200K+ people on top of that. That she manages to still use Twitter mostly to keep in touch with people from her real life is quite a feat, even. It doesn't even look like she went back and sanitized the past tweets much, if at all. [Cleaning up an account is social media managing 101. Amell does it obsessively, even.] She really uses it as her personal account, and not as self-PR.

I feel like I'm missing something.  Was this in reaction to something other than the getting cookies and reading - players going to play, tweet she did in reply to CH asking what they were doing aka where he was mock bragging about going to workout and they were teasing him about not working out and instead, going to get yummy  not workout approved food?


I'm sincerely confused.   

More of a general feeling towards her tweets. AKA mixed.

However they can be great...like this one: https://twitter.com/EmilyBett/status/397596448906170368


@wingster55, I was just using KC as a reference for people to understand what I feel is immature and what I feel isn't. :) Hopefully it didn't look like I was blindly hating on her. I actually quite don't care about KC anymore which is unfortunate because I remember I LOVED her before and was one of the reasons I started watching this show. 

Got it...I semi-thought it was a case of "person A isn't as bad as person B" to deflect so to speak. (Additionally I have high hopes for Roger at the US Open).


I certainly wouldn't accuse her of being disingenuous. 

The current bids on Stephen Amell's signed scripts on e-bay is interesting.  The season opener is up to $1,600.  Then it goes down, bottoming at $710 for 2x06  (Keep Your Enemies Close,r) surprisingly, and doesn't get over $1,000 again till 2x08 and 2x09, the Barry Allen episodes.  


I wonder if the EPs would consider the amounts a reflection of how much people liked the episodes.

Has there been any videos (or a write up) of KC's panel at Wizard World? I'm curious. She went all summer talking about BC and occasionally L/O, but at Comic-con she barely said anything. BTW, this is not meant as a dig at the actress, I'm just honestly curious. I mostly feel bad for her, because it seems like she's not informed on her character trajectory, unlike the rest of the cast.

Nope there were actually hardly any mentions of it that I could find.  I found more tweets about Michael Jai White (who was on the same panel with her) than I did about her.  


I have a friend who is going to try and attend one of the Arrow panels at Dragon*Con this weekend she promised me a write up if she went to the panel.  


Also she informed me that PB will only be at the Arrow Panel on Friday/Sunday on Saturday the Dresden Files Panel is at the same time so he will be at that panel instead...in case anyone is planning on attending and didn't do their schedule yet.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I have VIP passes to Salt Lake Comic Con next weekend and both SA and JB are appearing--in fact, their panels are back-to-back--so I thought I'd throw out the offer if you guys have any questions you want asked.  I'm hoping they'll let us take video, but I'll keep you posted.

Actually I do have a question for SA if you're willing to ask.

Back in April Manu did a Con and he talked about a funny scene he shot for the finale. He said he had Caity Lotz by the throat and she was supposed to reach behind her and hit him with something in the neck but she missed and punched him in and nose. Apparently it hurt a lot and Stephen busted out laughing.

There's no Oliver/Sara/Slade scene like that in the finale but the scene he described matches the Oliver/Felicity/Slade scene where she injects Slade with the cure. Could Stephen clear up who hit Manu in the nose? Caity or Emily? If it was Caity could he explain the scene.

Actually I do have a question for SA if you're willing to ask.

Back in April Manu did a Con and he talked about a funny scene he shot for the finale. He said he had Caity Lotz by the throat and she was supposed to reach behind her and hit him with something in the neck but she missed and punched him in and nose. Apparently it hurt a lot and Stephen busted out laughing.

There's no Oliver/Sara/Slade scene like that in the finale but the scene he described matches the Oliver/Felicity/Slade scene where she injects Slade with the cure. Could Stephen clear up who hit Manu in the nose? Caity or Emily? If it was Caity could he explain the scene.


Sure.  Manu is also coming so maybe I'll try to ask him directly if I manage to get into that panel which happens the day before Stephen's.  Otherwise, I'll try Stephen. :)

Watching the Arrow panel live on DragonCon TV. KC did not show for this panel, though she is listed. Katrina Law is on the panel instead. Caity Lotz, Paul Blackthorne, and D. Nykl. The cast seems to get on well. Unfortunately the sound is a bit spotty so I'm having a hard time understanding all of the Q & A.

The panel moderator said he hoped that Caity would become the Black Canary. Caity smiled. Caity wishes that her character would fall off the deep end instead of the moral handwringing. Island Sara is a harder character for Caity to play as she is more vulnerable.

They all agreed John Barrowman likes to prank the most. Stephen Amell also likes to joke around with the cast.

Edited by Servalan
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CH mentioned in one of those European interviews that EBR is in the best shape and could be an Olympic athlete. Im sure he was exaggerating a bit but she's certainly very well built.

@Servalan - thanks for the update. What was the fan reaction to the comment about Sara as Black Canary?

Edited by Morrigan2575

CH mentioned in one of those European interviews that EBR is in the best shape and could be an Olympic athlete. Im sure he was exaggerating a bit but she's certainly very well built.

How can that be?  She's not tweeting about how fit she is and how hard she's working out.  [/sarcasm]


She said she's done yoga from an early age so that may help.

@Servalan - thanks for the update. What was the fan reaction to the comment about Sara as Black Canary?


Crowd responded favorably from what I could tell, but again, there were so many sound problems it was hard to ascertain the strength of the reaction. Sorry I don't have more, I'd like the answer too.


What is that, and is it possible to get it?

DragonCon TV is shown at the five host hotels just for the duration of the con. However, you might be able to find You Tube videos from those who were able to record segments on their own. There were several clips from Manu Bennett and John Barrowman from last year available.

5 hotels now? Holy crap...back in my day it was just starting to spill over into the Marriott.

Thanks for the update. Have fun at D*C!

ETA: to specify the panels were just starting to spill over, mostly the boring panels/events were in the Marriott but both hotels were packed.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Oh yes, The Flash has to have higher budget and a lot more time in post production.


I would not be so sure about Arrow's budget remaining the same. For starters, I spotted Felicity wearing some Jimmy Choos and expensive clothing as compare to $50-100 clothing she was sporting in last season, secondly they got a bunch of new characters which means increase cost in actors' fee including someone like Brandon Routh who has had a film career so I am sure he is not really cheap. Plus creating Hong Kong (with all that extra cast) would be a lot more expensive that shooting the island bits in a national park for the flashbacks.

How can that be?  She's not tweeting about how fit she is and how hard she's working out.  [/sarcasm]


She said she's done yoga from an early age so that may help.


Not only that but Emily Bett also used to teach yoga before her acting career took off. Her old tweets have mentioned her yoga classes. In addition, she was into gymnastics in school.

Emily might be getting the shoes free from Jimmy Choo too.


But wouldn't she be required to tweet about every freebie that she gets if they were sponsored? I mean if you check out Katie Cassidy's tweets, they are all about the freebies that she gets and then she pimps them, EBR mostly tweets about her dog and froyo and Colton.

I do believe that the wardrobe department either bought those shoes for EBR or CW struck some kinda deal with some fashion house.

I believe the guy who plays Iris' father on Flash is getting more $$ than Stephen. I read that somewhere (Forbes?). So I would think their actor + special effect budger would be higher.


How much does Stephen make per episode? I have heard that Katie Cassidy takes home more money than Stephen which, if true, is rather shameful because that guy works really hard and is an excellent spokesperson for the show, CW and DC comics.

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But wouldn't she be required to tweet about every freebie that she gets if they were sponsored? I mean if you check out Katie Cassidy's tweets, they are all about the freebies that she gets and then she pimps them, EBR mostly tweets about her dog and froyo and Colton.

I do believe that the wardrobe department either bought those shoes for EBR or CW struck some kinda deal with some fashion house.



Well, Katie Cassidy's running a fashion blog - of course she'd tweet about any and every fashionable thing she gets her hands on.


I don't think Emily's personally getting Jimmy Choo's for free, but no doubt the CW is either getting them for free or at a very, VERY discounted price.

How much does Stephen make per episode? I have heard that Katie Cassidy takes home more money than Stephen which, if true, is rather shameful because that guy works really hard and is an excellent spokesperson for the show, CW and DC comics.


Last time I heard, he was getting around 75k per episode? And I agree. It's rather ridiculous that someone who doesn't put as much into the show and doesn't really make the effort in generating buzz or any enthusiasm for the show gets paid just as much as a person who puts so much into the show. Oh well, that's show politics I suppose. 

I believe the CW has really good relationships with fashion houses. Reign uses very high end designers all the time. I remember Gossip Girl getting some major jewerly on loan too, as well as some insane gowns (like the price of several nice cars). Granted, those shows are more "fashion-focused" but getting their clothes on tv means millions of people will see them, so that's basically free publicity for fashion houses.

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