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A guy posted this on twitter and it made me laugh even harder :p I feel like DR would enjoy this



Looks like Diggle is trying to inch up to his own little sweet spot. ;) Imagine the double date these 4 could go on :)


It just hysterical what people can do with technology these days. I do love how happy everyone looks. Make me happy :)

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Adorable and Hilarious.


I need one where he is behind her in a full body hug. And she is leaning back into his shoulder. 

He took her to Asia right?


Does that mean he took her to Hong Kong and told her everything that happened there?

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The top one looks like a little like Australia. Is that not the 12 Apostles in the background? So maybe an around the world... Would be kinda cool if he told her everything, but then we would miss out on all the reveals.


Or perhaps they are just messing with us & putting whatever they want behind them with no correlation to the show/plot/trip.


The Diggle ones though are hysterical!! I can't wait to see if these make SA's meme Monday in some fashion.

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Adorable and Hilarious.


I need one where he is behind her in a full body hug. And she is leaning back into his shoulder. 

He took her to Asia right?


Does that mean he took her to Hong Kong and told her everything that happened there?

Maybe so that would be cool. And I definitely want to see an Olicity photo like you described

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 I admit, I don't really get the tendency to have Diggle be sneaking around/acting creepy around Oliver and Felicity in fan art. 


LOL. It's a joke. It's just a bit of random fun. That's all. 

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 I admit, I don't really get the tendency to have Diggle be sneaking around/acting creepy around Oliver and Felicity in fan art. 


He's the ultimate matchmaker. It's funny because he's been the biggest Olicity shipper.  And he just wants to make sure they are okay. It's hilarious.


See also: You can take the boy out of the bodyguard business but you can't take the bodyguard out of the boy.   That sounds dirtier than I meant

Edited by catrox14
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Which is why s3 Diggle let me down. Matchmaker took a lot of the season off, gave bad advice & took sides.


But these pics are priceless. Between MG & Dig I don't know which photobombs are funnier. I think it might be the one where MG looks like he has his hand on OQ's shoulder.

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Stephen Amell ‏@amellywood

Working with @PaulBlackthorne is always a pleasure, but today was particularly exceptional. He's a tremendous scene partner.

8:34 PM - 31 Aug 2015


Paul Blackthorne ‏@PaulBlackthorne

Ditto Mr A, ditto. #Arrow 

9:07 AM - 2 Sep 2015


Edited by tv echo
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I wouldn't spend too much energy focusing on Lance's fate in these tweets remember

they're filming out of order, this is the 4th episode to air and we know Lance is alive and kicking in the 5th episode to air


Doesn't mean it's not coming - especially if something happens to him in the 5th episode, and this is the last they'll be filming together.


Not that I necessarily think that's going to happen.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm totally advocating for it.  I like PB just fine, and he looks surprisingly good shirtless and in swim trunks, but Quentin should die in a fire as far as I'm concerned.  Plus, only one Lance would mean no Lance Family Drama in future seasons. 

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Realistically it's extremely unlikely that LL is going anywhere.  Not impossible, but very unlikely.  And Laurel will bring the drama no matter what, but at least it can't be Lance Family Drama without any other Lances.


For the record, I doubt Quentin is going anywhere.  But I would very much like for him to.  Die, retire, move to Mars, I don't care.  Just begone. 

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It's not like I'm sitting here advocating for it. Just discussing the possibility.

Sorry, my tablet was being a little bitch. I think it's entirely possible that Lance could die in S4. I'm surprised he survived S3 after all the bad heart BS. I just don't see it happening this early and I don't really think these tweets pertain to Lance's fate.

We'll find out soon enough.

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Fingers crossed that "game changer" and "the show will never be the same" are not part of her vocabulary.

Can we add "epic" & "twist" to the list?


Edited - Thanks @dtissagirl  for the video - saw it after I posted. She definitely is referring to it. :)

Edited by kismet
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He already forgave Oliver.  He had a very nice speech after Sara came back, at the mansion, that he was sorry for blaming him when Oliver was just as young and dumb as Sara when they left on the Gambit.  Quentin's forgiveness doesn't mean anything, bc he'll just 180 back to hate again at the drop of a hat. 

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I know he said he forgave him but he really didn't. And not just cause he back pedaled later on. He has shown respect to the Arrow and that partnership a bit but he has always had this I don't really like you vibe with Oliver. Imo.

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I guess that's the problem: he seemed pretty sincere in his forgiveness, then back-pedaled.  So why would they ever trust him again?  If they trust him, let him into their Arrow business, they're idiots.  He's not a trustworthy partner, at all.  It was much better when he was just out to get The Hood in S1.  At least they knew where they stood with him. 

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