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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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2 hours ago, kismet said:


Arrow paved the way for Flash, but Flash has eclipsed it. Time will tell what their legacies will be. Sadly, I predict Arrow may just be the footnote/asterisk to Flash's remembered legend. Dr. Dre will never be an asterisk, even when he is not on the top of the charts.

But back to the covers, Flash is coming off a very popular season with Emmy nominations. Supernatural has proven to be a force of nature. What does Arrow have to offer the cover? Didn't it get booted to a smaller room at SDCC? All it did was maintain its ratings and get average reviews. It's neither mainstream or cultish enough to warrant a cover this season. No shade required, they didn't forget about you Arrow - you didn't register as important enough. I may not enjoy that reality, but that's the truth.

Didn't all the DC shows get booted to a smaller room at SDCC?

Honestly thinking about either Arrow or The Flash as a big legacy makes me giggle a bit. They are both doing great for the CW but that's about it, for both of them.

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1 hour ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Didn't all the DC shows get booted to a smaller room at SDCC?

Honestly thinking about either Arrow or The Flash as a big legacy makes me giggle a bit. They are both doing great for the CW but that's about it, for both of them.

Yes DCTV got booted out of Hall H. That's all of the DC shows going, including Flash, Supergirl, LoT and possibly Gotham (not sure if they're going), haven't heard anything about Lucifer either but, that could be mid-season again

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21 hours ago, tv echo said:

This video, featuring lots of scenes from past Arrow episodes, is visually stunning - yes, it even includes the Olicity sex scene and yin/yang kiss (Robson is Arrow's cinematographer) - it makes the show look like a theatrical movie...

Corey Robson Cinematography Showreel 2016
Posted 1 month ago by Corey Robson

Here's the youtube version (altho' the above linked vimeo video is better quality):


This is terrific and I don't even mind characters and storylines I didn't like being included, but FlashbackHawks? Come on!

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So, there's this Blind Item on Blind Gossip, and given the wording, most commenters there seem to think it's about Stephen, haha. But "Ugh" if this turns out to be true.


He plays a superhero as an actor, but in real life, he is only human.

Despite being married with child/ren, he’s having some trouble staying loyal. If you are a guest star or an attractive extra, you might find yourself the target of his attentions.

Don’t be surprised if he invites you to meet with him for a one-on-one to “discuss your career.” Not that either of you will be doing a lot of talking.


Edited by looptab
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20 minutes ago, looptab said:

So, there's this Blind Item on Blind Gossip, and given the wording, most commenters there seem to think it's about Stephen, haha. But "Ugh" if this turns out to be true.


It's Hollywood he's either cheating or they have an open marriage.  It's just reality in that industry, hell you can add the sports industry to that list. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Here are the comic con covers that created the controversy and Damian Holbrook's response to SA's tweet.  This is probably TV Guide's revenge for Arrow killing off Laurel/BC (I say this partly tongue in cheek).  IIRC, Holbrook gave a Jeer for her death in TV Guide Magazine - and I don't believe him when he says he had no input in the cover decision...

As @catrox14 noted above, if it weren't for Arrow, there would be no Flash and no Supergirl and maybe no Blindspot (also from GB).  Combined with the consistently poor treatment that Arrow has gotten from its own network, this is not encouraging me to return to watching Flash or Supergirl next season (I lost interest in both of those shows this season).

I strongly disagree that Arrow will end up being a footnote to The Flash.  I think both those shows, as well as Supergirl, will end up being part of a Greg Berlanti-verse topic or a superhero TV renaissance topic.

Watching the above Corey Robson Cinematography Showreel 2016 just reminds me of why I love Arrow - and why I couldn't care less about Flash.

ETA: I think the Blind Gossip item refers to Ben Affleck.

Edited by tv echo
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Damian Holbrook then tried to appease unhappy Arrow fans (and get them to buy the comic con issue) by saying Arrow is covered inside the issue...

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Lol no I  think TV Guide couldn't care less about Laurel.

As for the BI, aren't Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner  already separated? I thought Jeremy Renner since they mentioned 'target', but it sounds referred to a TV show.

Edited by looptab
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Well,  I guess "help their career " line is a classic.   But really,  if I was a pretty extra I would never think that CW and TMNT2 star Stephen Amell with a few guest spots on random shows was going to put me on the path to stardom. 

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37 minutes ago, tv echo said:
ETA: I think the Blind Gossip item refers to Ben Affleck.

Movies don't have guest stars. It has to be a tv superhero actor. As long as he stays away from EBR, who I THINK has the good sense to avoid the overgrown fratbro, I don't really care, beyond making fun of him a bit on Twitter (NOT TAGGED). (TBC, I enjoy them as good friends. I even enjoy the idea of him having a crush on her while she just wants to be buds. Heck, I wouldn't be that upset if something had happened between them early on. But now, when he's so often so douchey? Yuck.)

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I don't think blind items should be in the social media thread... Especially because we don't know who this person (it could be something not Arrow related) so... *shrugs*

Edited by wonderwall
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Sadly, after living in Hollywood and being around actors for a decade, and just with having normal friends, too, infidelity is now low on my morality outrage meter. That says terrible things about me and the people I know, and probably why I'm forever alone, but...what're ya gonna do?

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9 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I don't think blind items should be in the social media thread... Especially because we don't know who this person (it could be something not Arrow related) so... *shrugs*

I posted it here because of the general assumptions in those comments and in light of some of Stephen's latest "disadventures". :) True, we don't know for sure it's about him, so we can move it to Small talk I guess?

I guess to me it's not so much the infidelity, rather the sleaziness this BI implies that makes me go UGH!, I mean, seriously ladies, sleep with him if you want to, but please don't fall for the "I'll help your career" thing.

Edited by looptab
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I don't know if Holbrook is dodging all spoilers--perfectly understandable--or just Felecity/Olicity spoilers, but he did a nice job of sidestepping a pretty direct relationship question.  Also, the "new angles" thing makes me think that they are moving away from Olicity, promotion wise. I can't tell if everyone's super skittish about next season's news or if Arrow has finally decided to stop spoiling every single detail, which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

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Just now, looptab said:

I posted it here because of the general assumptions in those comments and in light of some of Stephen's latest "disadventures". :)

I guess to me it's not so much the infidelity but the sleaziness this BI implies, I mean, seriously ladies, sleep with him if you want to, but please don't fall for the "I'll help your career" thing.

Speaking as a strident feminist, I choose to believe (assuming this is an accurate BI and is about him) that they are 100% not falling for it, they just want to bang him.

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On 7/12/2016 at 0:28 PM, apinknightmare said:

His tweet includes the language on the actual post for the votes - he didn't write it. Seems to me based on his FB post that he clearly means for people to vote for Oliver and Felicity.

This is a pretty big reach to criticize him IMO.

Never saw his FB post and the link to the post when I saw it didn't show the link to the MTV Olicity post so I assumed (incorrectly) that it was a generic MTV post. For that, yes, I'm totally wrong because he did mean vote for Olicity. BUT, I'm still rolling my eyes at him for not using the hashtag. It's social media, goddarnit! Use your hashtags (especially because I know more than a few people who unfollowed him after the mess of last week).

On 7/12/2016 at 0:49 PM, catrox14 said:

What other  OTP is SA gonna support? He's not, unless Digla is one of the choices.  Seems pretty obvious to me he's implying to vote Olicity.

I think I'm more annoyed that even when he "promoted" Olicity, he didn't do it "correctly," IMO, because he didn't use the name or the hashtag. *shrug* 

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5 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

Speaking as a strident feminist, I choose to believe (assuming this is an accurate BI and is about him) that they are 100% not falling for it, they just want to bang him.

That's what I'm strongly hoping for. :) Still, whoever this is, he sounds like a giant douche.

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Maybe I am just really not paying attention but do they have a lot of female guest stars on Arrow? Either these women are very young or married/taken. Maybe I just can't remember all that many because I blocked out parts of season 4. 

The guest-star makes it seem like it is a tv person. The target makes it seem like you need to aim at something. Could be just gossip though.

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

Here are the comic con covers that created the controversy and Damian Holbrook's response to SA's tweet.  This is probably TV Guide's revenge for Arrow killing off Laurel/BC (I say this partly tongue in cheek).  IIRC, Holbrook gave a Jeer for her death in TV Guide Magazine - and I don't believe him when he says he had no input in the cover decision...

He's a writer, not the art director, or even editor. How would he decide who gets a cover? Since it is a TV Guide + WB collaboration, it's most likely Warner Bros. TV had the most say in which shows to feature. They had four covers to design; we don't know what went into the decision-making.

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10 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Maybe I am just really not paying attention but do they have a lot of female guest stars on Arrow? Either these women are very young or married/taken. Maybe I just can't remember all that many because I blocked out parts of season 4. 

The guest-star makes it seem like it is a tv person. The target makes it seem like you need to aim at something. Could be just gossip though.

It's obviously Poppy. I mean we could feel the SCORCHING chemistry there.

And I have to say, I very much doubt, if it's true, that the woman also being married/otherwise involved would put the kibosh on too many of these career-focused tete-a-tetes. They've had a few guest stars (Poppy, Cupid, Nyssa, Katana), and the BI also said extras...they've had a lot of party/gala scenes with attractive background players. Heck, there were a bunch of attractive young women in the casino in 4.20.

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I don't know what I think about that blind. But I do know this. That place is a rabbit hole that I sank into pretty quickly. I feel kind of dirty now, and yet....I'm fascinated.

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20 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Maybe I am just really not paying attention but do they have a lot of female guest stars on Arrow? Either these women are very young or married/taken. Maybe I just can't remember all that many because I blocked out parts of season 4. 

The guest-star makes it seem like it is a tv person. The target makes it seem like you need to aim at something. Could be just gossip though.

How about this swerve:

That blind doesn't say specifically female guest stars. Married to a woman and kid/s doesn't mean straight as an arrow either.  Maybe this person is bi or as calliope noted, in an open relationship.  One never knows. Nothing would surprise me LOL

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19 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Maybe I am just really not paying attention but do they have a lot of female guest stars on Arrow? Either these women are very young or married/taken. Maybe I just can't remember all that many because I blocked out parts of season 4. 

The guest-star makes it seem like it is a tv person. The target makes it seem like you need to aim at something. Could be just gossip though.

I thought the same thing--they don't have very many female guest stars on Arrow to begin with so I'm not really seeing a smoking gun here.  That's not to say he doesn't fool around (I have zero knowledge of that either way and honestly don't really care) but this particular blind item doesn't really seem to fit the Arrow reality.  Now, if it talked about him hooking up with people on cons then I wouldn't have a hard time seeing that because he's constantly attending those.

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6 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

I thought the same thing--they don't have very many female guest stars on Arrow to begin with so I'm not really seeing a smoking gun here.

In S4: Poppy, Baby Canary, Jeri Ryan, The chick that played Jeri's daughter, Amanda Waller, Lyla, Mrs Darhk, Immediately Dead DA, EBR's friend Fanta, the annoying neighbor, Donna Smoak, random background actors, etc etc

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

In S4: Poppy, Baby Canary, Jeri Ryan, The chick that played Jeri's daughter, Amanda Waller, Lyla, Mrs Darhk, Immediately Dead DA, EBR's friend Fanta, the annoying neighbor, Donna Smoak, random background actors, etc etc

Yeah, but the majority of those are older, recurring actors who I doubt he'd be able to carry on with (or even proposition) without it being really, really obvious.  I could maybe buy extras as the targets but not most of those you listed.

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1 minute ago, Sakura12 said:

It says guest stars and extras. Who else playing a superhero on tv is married and has kids besides, SA and BR? 

I really cannot don't know if there are many more... Grant Gustin isn't married and the guy from Daredevil isn't either. What other tv superheroes are there? (That anyone in their right mind would care about?)

Do they ever reveal the identity of the people in the blind items? I have never seen one that was revealed.

As for movies there are a lot but I highly doubt that RDJ, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Pratt, Paul Rudd or Chris Hemworth would be it. Ben Affleck is already separated and Superman is single. 

This is such a bad thing to talk but I cannot stop the gossip. Somewhat ashamed and sorry. 

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6 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

It says guest stars and extras. Who else playing a superhero on tv is married and has kids besides, SA and BR? 

David Ramsey has played the Green Arrow


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6 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Do they ever reveal the identity of the people in the blind items? I have never seen one that was revealed.

Yes, Blind Gossip has a whole section for solved items on their site. 

Edited by DrSpaceman10
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4 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Do they ever reveal the identity of the people in the blind items? I have never seen one that was revealed.


They do, but usually when the dirt is out. Like, they had a bunch of BIs  about Affleck, but they told they were about him when the news of the separation became public.

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It's prob more extras than guest stars, and there have been tons of attractive young women extras lately. Heck, in the new picture of Oliver in the fight club there are two attractive young women seated behind him. There was a young woman with pretty memorable cleavage front and center in the casino scene. If he is hooking up on set there are dozens of women for him to try his schtick on.

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And to stereotype, lots of extras want to be leads so it's not very outrageous that the "let me help you with your career" would work. That is if they weren't just interested in banging the dude. (This applies to whomever the BI is referring to.)

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"I'll talk to the producers. You can be an extra in all 23 episodes, how about that?"

That's as far as I imagine his reach going, haha.

Edited by looptab
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Didn't David Boreanaz also pull that? I remember there being a story that he told some extra he'd help her out with roles because he was a producer of Bones. He supposedly cheated quite a bit but his wife forgave him and they moved on from that. 

Edited by Belinea
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56 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Didn't David Boreanaz also pull that? I remember there being a story that he told some extra he'd help her out with roles because he was a producer of Bones. He supposedly cheated quite a bit but his wife forgave him and they moved on from that. 

Yeah, Boreanaz has quite the reputation going all the way back to his Buffy days (cheating wise). There's only 1 degree of separation between DB and Tiger Woods...DB dated one of Tigers girls...not sure if it was at the same time.

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Well even if the person has little to no influence as far the show (helping someone out to get case or role increased etc) if the extra or whoever is convinced he can help that's all he needs. Even if he has no real power to do that, there's always someone out there who will but that line I would bet.

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I'm trying to figure out if its smarter to cheat with extras or guest stars? Extras are likely easier to come by and have less strings attached, however are more likely to talk. Guest Stars probably would want to keep it a little quieter but then you have to deal with the awkwardness of when they come back and the more prominent presence on the set.

Either way here's hoping it doesn't cause too many broken hearts or homes.

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10 hours ago, kismet said:

I'm trying to figure out if its smarter to cheat with extras or guest stars? Extras are likely easier to come by and have less strings attached, however are more likely to talk. Guest Stars probably would want to keep it a little quieter but then you have to deal with the awkwardness of when they come back and the more prominent presence on the set.

Either way here's hoping it doesn't cause too many broken hearts or homes.

This is why I'm slightly skeptical about this BI. SA just seems so image conscious and control freaky that it's hard to believe he do something so risky considering the potential for other people to tattle about it. But who knows? This bit of gossip coming so soon after his, um, possible "time in Asia" a few weeks ago seems pretty suspicious. I'm sure this stuff happens all the time, and I'm a little ashamed to admit I find it a bit entertaining given his 'family man' persona.

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