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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

I'm reading some comments online. I'm not sure if they are joking or not and I can't bring myself to find out. 

I'll take one for the team.


If Laurel had lived, in S5 Katie would've liked to see more of Laurel out in the field, Laurel being part of the team, and more BC and GA interaction because "it started with the two of them, (I feel like) it should've ended with the two of them."

She had a fangirl moment with Gail Simone - she's amazing, etc. Gail is a lovely woman, mentioned that they should do Birds of Prey. 

She read up on Black Siren once she was told she was going to play her on TF, and mentioned that she found out she'd be guesting the week after she found out Laurel was in the grave, and that the producers were thoughtful to include her and she tried to play against the dialogue. She thinks playing a villain is "so much fun."

She told people to tune in to the 2nd season of Vixen.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Interesting perspective she has there, I'm not sure where she's getting that it started with GA/BC though unless I missed a key season 1 scene lol.

I think Gail Simone is talented but I had a bad experience with her and did not find her to be a lovely person at all but don't want to dredge that up again lol.

I use lol way to much :)


Edited by Thundercatmary
key scene is key
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40 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'll take one for the team.


If Laurel had lived, in S5 she would've liked to see more of Laurel out in the field, Laurel being part of the team, and more BC and GA interaction because "it started with the two of them, (I feel like) it should've ended with the two of them."

She had a fangirl moment with Gail Simone - she's amazing, etc. Gail is a lovely woman, mentioned that they should do Birds of Prey. 

She read up on Black Siren once she was told she was going to play her on TF, and mentioned that she found out she'd be guesting the week after she found out Laurel was in the grave, and that the producers were thoughtful to include her and she tried to play against the dialogue. She thinks playing a villain is "so much fun."

You have a stronger stomach than I do.

"it started with the two of them, (I feel like) it should've ended with the two of them." I was going to say that KC must have worked on the alternate version of Arrow that I read about occasionally, the one with "Laura" knowing how to handle Oliver and being the one that motivates him. But then I remember that she was actually in this scene:


So I can only conclude that KC's delusions have only deepened since she's been off the show.

Also, I'm guessing when she claims to have "read up" on Black Siren, she means through wikipedia? Because as I understand, she only appeared in the animated series. Can people more familiar with DC comics confirm?

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After reading Gail Simone's Twitter timeline tonight, I'll take a hard pass on any of her work. (I know she's trolled before, but this is the first time I've seen it in action.) Bummer, I really respected that she'd made a name for herself in such a male dominated industry years ago. 

Thanks for reporting back @apinknightmare!

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I'm assuming she meant in a real world we-were-supposed-to-be-the-stars-and-this-was-what-I-signed-up-for sense. 

9 minutes ago, Thundercatmary said:

Interesting perspective she has there, I'm not sure where she's getting that it started with GA/BC though unless I missed a key season 1 scene lol.

I think Gail Simone is talented but I had a bad experience with her and did not find her to be a lovely person at all but don't want to dredge that up again lol.

I use lol way to much :)



On Twitter or in person?

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It did sorta with the two of them. She on the legal side, him on the street side. They abandoned that in the last part of s1 and definitely by s2 and fwd. Even when she got the gig back in the DAs office, her role was irrelevant. But at least she still has a vision for her character- it will help fill the time on her con tour o' cash.

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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm assuming she meant in a real world we-were-supposed-to-be-the-stars-and-this-was-what-I-signed-up-for sense. 

On Twitter or in person?

On twitter, she seems to troll/court drama constantly and then always plays dumb. I don't really want to get all into it again but I definitely lost respect for her.

Anyways on a more upbeat not, I really love that OTA scene I posted above, wish we could get more stuff like this in season 5.

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Well damn I can't believe I'm going to be defending Gail Simone, right after defending Cassandra Amell. Gail does not care about Arrow she has never cared about it. There's been one show in the DC Universe based on her writings and she did not care about that either. 

I don't care if she's trolling the damned world.  Its not her job to make everything that's going on one arrow her responsibility, and I think it's awful that there are going to be people that think she needs to get involved and then upset when she makes snide comments. 

As a comic reader,  I read her works and I think she's great.  You don't have to think that.   You don't have to like what she says but it's not her job to defend a show she doesn't watch and considering the fact that she no longer is paid by dc has no influence to stop. 

Edited by Delphi
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7 hours ago, AyChihuahua said:

That doesn't mean he has marriage to Felicity on his mind. That could mean lots of different things.

I'm just saying, the usual way this show works is that they do the dumbest possible thing. That is how I called Oliver lying to Felicity about the dumb kid. I do not believe it is out of the realm of possibility for O/F to be over-over, although I do think that is unlikely, and I am becoming more sure that O/F are over for S5.  

I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility either - I posted a week or so ago that it wouldn't be impossible for them to  take a page from other CW shows and keep them apart to put them back together just at the very end (basically what a lot of this so-called journos are positing these days). But, we also know that Stephen trolls, a lot. So at this point in time there's just not a way of  knowing, one way or another. It's really to early to tell, IMO.

30 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm assuming she meant in a real world we-were-supposed-to-be-the-stars-and-this-was-what-I-signed-up-for sense. 


That's how i interpreted it, too.

Edited by looptab
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7 minutes ago, Delphi said:

I don't care if she's trolling the damned world.  Its not her job to make everything that's going on one arrow her responsibility, and I think it's awful that there are going to be people that think she needs to get involved and then upset when she makes snide comments. 

As a comic reader,  I read her works and I think she's great.  You don't have to think that.   You don't have to like what she says but it's not her job to defend a show she doesn't watch and considering the fact that she no longer is paid by dc has no influence to stop. 

I don't think she should have to answer any questions or comments about Arrow. I'm just confused why she would engage anyone about a show she's not involved in and doesn't watch. But I'm not in her brain, so /insert shrug emoji. 

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Just now, looptab said:

Watching her timeline it seems like she started it, though?

See that's my issue, I don't expect/want/need her to defend or really have anything to do with Arrow, I mean why should she? But she courts it then plays dumb. That's my issue. I've seen her do it more than once, and so my opinion of her is what it is. That being said I can respect other opinions, I just don't share them. :)

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45 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm assuming she meant in a real world we-were-supposed-to-be-the-stars-and-this-was-what-I-signed-up-for sense. 

If she meant it that way, then it reinforces what I've always thought of her-- that she felt entitled and complacent and half-assed her job, counting on comic canon and what she was promised at the beginning to keep her employed. 

18 minutes ago, Delphi said:

Well damn I can't believe I'm going to be defending Gail Simone, right after defending Cassandra Amell. Gail does not care about Arrow she has never cared about it. There's been one show in the DC Universe based on her writings and she did not care about that either. 

I don't care if she's trolling the damned world.  Its not her job to make everything that's going on one arrow her responsibility, and I think it's awful that there are going to be people that think she needs to get involved and then upset when she makes snide comments. 

As a comic reader,  I read her works and I think she's great.  You don't have to think that.   You don't have to like what she says but it's not her job to defend a show she doesn't watch and considering the fact that she no longer is paid by dc has no influence to stop. 

I don't expect her to defend the show. I prefer that she never talks about the show at all, because what I have seen is that she brings up the show out of blue, with no prompting, and deliberately says troll-y things about it. As a non-comics reader, I don't care what she's done in comics. It doesn't excuse her childish, obnoxious behavior 

Edited by lemotomato
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Yeah, I'm just confused, haha. 

8 minutes ago, Thundercatmary said:

See that's my issue, I don't expect/want/need her to defend or really have anything to do with Arrow, I mean why should she? But she courts it then plays dumb. That's my issue. I've seen her do it more than once, and so my opinion of her is what it is. That being said I can respect other opinions, I just don't share them. :)

Exactly. Honestly, who even cares. But it seems she is the one bringing it up more often than not. And I get trolling when people attack you - I guess - but it doesn't  seem the case, now.

Edited by looptab
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I enjoy some of Gail's trolling, like when she talks about Cyclops or Catman (and even when she used to joke about being an expert on Arrow) and its funny and good-humored. Her Arrow trolling has reached incredibly bitter levels, to the point where it's just plain mean-spirited and pointed at a subset of fans. I get she's upset that Arrow EPs put forth a shitty version of a character she loves so much, but I don't think it's very productive or fun to engage people like this:

Hope she's having a good time with it, though! And I'm glad most Olicity fans seem to be ignoring it (from what I can tell). 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Yeah, I hope no one engages with GS. She's looking for attention. Don't give it to her. I don't really understand what she's doing or why but she needs to stop. It's just sad now.

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I followed Babs from Nightwing comics into Birds of Prey and absolutely loved what Gail Simone did, and always found her Twitter fun and sometime informative--She gives great advice on story.  I used to find her "Arrow Expert" trolling fun when it was equal opportunity trolling, but now she starts stuff and encourages her followers to ridicule certain fans.  Admittedly, it still counts as trolling, but it's really mean spirited.  Worse, I think Arrow could bring in another generation of Birds of Prey fans, but instead they are heading to Bombshells/Batgirls when they are not running away from comics altogether.  I unfollowed her to preserve my love for BoP (which I encourage everyone to read!)

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6 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Worse, I think Arrow could bring in another generation of Birds of Prey fans, but instead they are heading to Bombshells/Batgirls when they are not running away from comics altogether.  I unfollowed her to preserve my love for BoP (which I encourage everyone to read!)

And benefit HER? Nope... 

Coincidentally I just picked up my first comic last week which is Bombshells because I heard such good things about it and I really like the author (who's on twitter) Marguerite Bennett 

Edited by wonderwall
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I used to find GS's trolling funny when people asked her about the show and she answered saying she is an expert and the usual stuff but after a while people stopped asking and she is the one that starts talking about the show to look for a reaction and that's just silly IMO. Also in some occasions I saw her trolling young girls that after that got attacked and were genuinely upset because they are young and being attacked is no fun for anyone so I don't understand what kind of fun she finds in that. Also I thought using Hitler as a way to joke about the shippers being crazy was such in bad taste that from that time I don't even want to know anything about her.

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Is it wrong that I want someone to ask her if she read the comics w/ Black Siren in them? Because I want to see what her response to that is and if she really knows her stuff. If she says yes, then she's obviously lying (because she never appeared in the comics) if she says no then kudos to her :p

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18 hours ago, wonderwall said:

If any of you are interested in a new podcast interview of KCs (from HVFF): http://www.dctvpodcasts.com/interviews/hvff-interview-arrow-katie-cassidy-black-siren-meeting-gail-simone/ lol

The question was stupid, but still - way to diminish Diggle's role and OTA in S1&S2...

Q: "I know your character sadly died last season. But, if your character still survived, what would you like to see with your character in S5?"
"Uh, definitely, you know, continuing being - you know, more a part of 'Team Arrow', more involved. I think it would be nice to see, you know, training - more training, more Black Canary Green Arrow, um, interaction, you know, out in the field. Um, I feel like, you know, it kinda started with the two of them. I feel like it should end with the two of them. Or, you know, whatever they - the writers come up with. Um, but yeah, definitely more of that, and - and just being more involved. And, you know, I had such a blast doing the action, and doing more of that."

Edited by tv echo
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Just now, tv echo said:

The question was stupid, but still - way to diminish Diggle's role and OTA in S1...

I mean she's sort of known for diminishing Diggle's role when she said if she'd choose, she'd have Diggle babysit her dogs so...

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5 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I mean she's sort of known for diminishing Diggle's role when she said if she'd choose, she'd have Diggle babysit her dogs so...

Wait, she really said that? Even jokingly that's BS. 

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1 minute ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

She's not on the show anymore, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 

In other relevant news, the Arrow SDCC panel is only 13 days away.  

But she is still a legacy character on the show. She's still going to be asked questions and so hence our discussion

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SDCC has now posted detailed programming schedules for every day of the con (July 21-24).  Here's the Saturday (July 23) schedule - unfortunately, they still don't identify who exactly will be attending for the Arrow panel...



Saturday, July 23
*  *  *
5:45pm  Arrow Special Video Presentation and Q&A
In the face of worldwide nuclear destruction at the hands of the maniacal mystic known as Damien Darhk, Oliver Queen (a.k.a Green Arrow) united Star City with a message of hope that allowed him to vanquish the season 4 Big Bad once and for all. However, our heroes' triumph came at a cost, and the future of Team Arrow was left hanging in the balance. Now, as the show takes aim on season 5, Oliver will set out to save his city from a new threat-one that he personally created-as both the newly appointed mayor of Star City and as the Green Arrow. The cast and creators of the hit CW series will be on-hand for a lively conversation surrounding the upcoming season. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW; Arrow: The Complete Fourth Season will be released on Blu-ray combo pack, DVD, and Digital HD on August 30.
Saturday July 23, 2016 5:45pm - 6:30pm 
Ballroom 20

Edited by tv echo
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I wish there was a way to "ignore" content as well (like the board has for users), such as with keywords. Because I for one really don't want to read or hear anything KC has to say ever again.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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54 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

She really said that?? Wow, that's unbelievably rude.

Yeah I believe it was a TVLine interview a long while ago (late season 2 early season 3)... 

But everyone's right, there are much better things to talk about :p

I wonder if that "video presentation" is a sneak peek??? I hope so!

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14 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I wonder if that "video presentation" is a sneak peek??? I hope so!

The "video presentation" better have new material. Last year we had to wait forever to see any new footage and they'll have 14 days of shooting done, so there's no excuse like last year. 

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I think that might be part of why they are filming 5.01 & 5.02 with block shooting.  SA said something about lots of action scenes.  Masks that we were told weren't shooting until 5.02 have already been filming (See EK's tweet about Fraturday shooting.)

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

Didn't they start filming after SDCC last year? I remember SDCC was really early. 

I know it was super early, 7/9 but I thought they had a day or 2 of filming in, let me check.

You're right, they started filming on 7/13. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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On July 9, 2016 at 2:13 PM, thegirlsleuth said:

I do feel like in the last two years that he's shifted from promoting Arrow to promoting the Amell brand--a man's man who loves his family--and frankly, he's not that interesting.  

Spot on, absolutely true. 

Plus, he posted his child's naked butt on FB which is extremely irresponsible parenting, considering the number of pedophiles out there. I won't blame that child if she uses that as evidence in future to seek emancipation at age 15. 

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Sadly, I'm really not looking fwd to the SDCC sizzle reel this year. Last year we got the souffle leak. I wonder what will be their big draw this season. Retract that I don't really wonder, I'm just gonna hope they have something that can sizzle. Otherwise I'm anticipating them trying to build a bonfire with damp cardboard. 

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

The question was stupid, but still - way to diminish Diggle's role and OTA in S1&S2...

Q: "I know your character sadly died last season. But, if your character still survived, what would you like to see with your character in S5?"
"Uh, definitely, you know, continuing being - you know, more a part of 'Team Arrow', more involved. I think it would be nice to see, you know, training - more training, more Black Canary Green Arrow, um, interaction, you know, out in the field. Um, I feel like, you know, it kinda started with the two of them. I feel like it should end with the two of them. Or, you know, whatever they - the writers come up with. Um, but yeah, definitely more of that, and - and just being more involved. And, you know, I had such a blast doing the action, and doing more of that."

Now she is diminishing OTA by saying the show started with O/L and should end with O/L? It isn't any more diminishing then David wanting the show to get back to OTA. It doesn't mean anything against Diggle/Felicity and there were no lies. Oliver was fighting the fight in episode 1 just as Laurel was doing it her way, Felicity joined in episode 3. 

And having Diggle watch her dog over Arrow or the Canary wasn't even a dig or diminishing either in my eyes since the dog would be safer with Digg then Oliver or Sara.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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The cool thing is that we don't have to spend one second thinking about the show ending with O/L, bc she's dead. Makes things so much easier.

On a more relevant note, SA just seems like an overgrown frat boy to me. He does stupid things (jumping off his roof into the pool...at the age of 34, for goodness' sake), and he says stupid things ("must get my infant daughter away from the woman who's known to have sex FOR PLEASURE!!!"). I would be so much less judgy if he were 22, but dude's 35 now. It's not cute. 

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I think the sizzle reel will be all action, lots of masks, lots of Oliver shooting arrows and probably a glimpse of Saint Laurel's statue. Zero or one shot of Felicity. That's what I'm expecting anyway, which is all fine. I don't really care about sizzle reels tbh, and I actually hope to see an improvement in stunts because they've been on the side of laaaaaaame for too long now. Here's hoping!

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16 minutes ago, kismet said:

Sadly, I'm really not looking fwd to the SDCC sizzle reel this year. Last year we got the souffle leak. I wonder what will be their big draw this season. Retract that I don't really wonder, I'm just gonna hope they have something that can sizzle. Otherwise I'm anticipating them trying to build a bonfire with damp cardboard. 

Soufflé leak was another promo (either the sizzle that SA released at a con a month before the episode or the episode promo that CW released around that time as well, I don't remember exactly), so I'm not really concerned that much about how much this sizzle is going to show. S2 highlighted the new BC, S3 had the tease of the date and Ra's, and S4 was nothing because no footage, but I actually am wondering what kind of footage this sizzle will have since they'll have a good portion of 2 episodes with most of the new characters and the action shot that Bam and SA were talking about.

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I think the answer was awkward because she (purposely or not) tied Team Arrow to her and Oliver. The show started with her and Oliver in the leads, but she was the last one on the Team Arrow crew.

  I find that a weird question to ask anyway. 

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20 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

On a more relevant note, SA just seems like an overgrown frat boy to me. He does stupid things (jumping off his roof into the pool...at the age of 34, for goodness' sake), and he says stupid things ("must get my infant daughter away from the woman who's known to have sex FOR PLEASURE!!!"). I would be so much less judgy if he were 22, but dude's 35 now. It's not cute. 

Oh people on twitter refer to him quite openly as fratboy dudebro. If I recall correctly, one of his die hard fans picked a fight with someone calling him dudebro ... It was quite entertaining. More entertaining than the show tbh. 

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