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Low-key tired of all these third-rate actors thinking they can do things like this. Actually, I'd be annoyed if an A list actor behaved like this too. 

MB sounds like a bit of trainwreck though. I mean, being late is bad enough but just not turning up? Naw, son.

Edited by Angel12d
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23 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Low-key tired of all these third-rate actors thinking they can do things like this. Actually, I'd be annoyed if an A list actor behaved like this too. 

MB sounds like a bit of trainwreck though. I mean, being late is bad enough but just not turning up? Naw, son.

I'm not even low key tired about it, dude, you were in the Hobbit,  that doesn't make you Ian McKellen, slow your roll.

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Ugh, really not impressed with Manu. First he shit talks Arrow all over Twitter (and I'm still not sure why, the worst thing his character suffered was being beaten by the hero of the show and a slightly confusing villain origin story, it's not like he was unceremoniously shot off a building). And now he's bailing on cons and fighting over payment? That's super shitty to both the con organisers and fans attending. And it sounds like the company is pretty pissed at him. 

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I don't mind the hat, but the strings bother me. And I also don't think it's the right size for him. I wonder if it is his wife's hat. Maybe he realized he was getting too much sun and borrowed it last minute. Not sure what the point of that snapchat was though.

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Here's Arc Con's June 20 notice of KC's cancellation (wonder what new movie she's shooting?)...


Dear #arcconers, it seems #ArcCon never finishes with the problems. We are very sorry to inform you that we just received answers from Katie's agent and they confirmed Katie has work commitments in USA (a new movie!) and she is not available to come to Brussels. We completely understand your disappointment just four days before the event dates and after all that happened with Colton's cancellation. We only want to let you know that we are still working to find a replacement for Colton (now for Katie) but we still cannot give you any confirmation. It is a hard moment for all of us but we can assure you it will be a great weekend as planned! Manu, Shantel and Rick are 100% confirmed.

She must be shooting her new movie in Maui...

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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

Here's Arc Con's June 20 notice of KC's cancellation (wonder what new movie she's shooting?)...

She must be shooting her new movie in Maui...

Either that or she lied... After the whole faking an injury thing and last year at Dallas con where she said she said she had work but then was seen shopping in Dallas, I wouldn't be surprised. 

I do hope it's a movie though. KC would be even more of an idiot if she went on a vacation to Maui (a relatively expensive place to go) when she doesn't even have a steady flow of income. 

Edited by wonderwall
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1 hour ago, wonderwall said:

I do hope it's a movie though. KC would be even more of an idiot if she went on a vacation to Maui (a relatively expensive place to go) when she doesn't even have a steady salary. 

Unless we have access to her bank account, it would be hard to call her an idiot for vacationing in an expensive place. 

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6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Unless we have access to her bank account, it would be hard to call her an idiot for vacationing in an expensive place. 

Regardless of how much is in her bank account, I'm just not a fan of people spending money on luxuries (like a vacation to Maui)  especially when they don't have a solid job or any other prospects. I just think it's irresponsible. She could have more than $5M in her account and I'd still have an issue with it *shrugs*

But if she is vacationing in Maui then shame on her for lying about why she had to cancel.So, again, hope she's doing a movie. Only time will tell though!

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She mentioned having a new movie at a Con so its possible she filming in HI. I am surprised that she hasn't announced anything, but that isn't proof of anything.

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I think there's a high chance that she's there vacationing. But honestly, what was she going to say? Sorry guys, I can't come because I gotta go to the beach? 

Edited by looptab
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Just to be fair,  according to groupon, I could take a week long trip to Maui for under a thousand.   Which would be stretching my budget but still possible.   If Katie can't afford that after four seasons as a regular on a television show I think she would have a host of other problems.

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7 minutes ago, Delphi said:

Just to be fair,  according to groupon, I could take a week long trip to Maui for under a thousand.   Which would be stretching my budget but still possible.   If Katie can't afford that after four seasons as a regular on a television show I think she would have a host of other problems.

In the end it all adds up though right? KC, and let's be real, a lot of known people in Hollywood live a certain lifestyle that can't be sustained on just their savings. I'm very strict with how I spend my money and it's just showing I suppose :p

Edited by wonderwall
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54 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

In the end it all adds up though right? KC, and let's be real, a lot of known people in Hollywood live a certain lifestyle that can't be sustained on just their savings. I'm very strict with how I spend my money and it's just showing I suppose :p

I'm frugal as hell, so I hear ya. I haven't gone on a vacation that involves a flight or hotel in 8+ years. The only things I don't cheap out on are good cheese and dog food and treats. (I also tip at least 20% when I go out to eat, but I go out to eat less than once/month.)

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I want to hope her movie is in Maui, otherwise its just not classy & rude to your fans to cancel on a con. Then again if I was her fan, I would be more surprised when she actually shows up to cons. So sadly they probably are used to her behavior by now.

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I was curious and looked up movies filming in HI and the only thing that popped up was an Amy something and Goldie Hawn movie. I doubt that is it only because I'm sure she would have mentioned that. 

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Maybe she's vacationing in Maui today and then returning to the U.S. to film tomorrow (Sunday)?  Or maybe she really is filming in Maui? I dunno, but I want to give her the benefit of the doubt...


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Exclusive Arrow S2 paperweight at SDCC this year...

@IconHeroes Announce Their #DCComics #SDCC 2016 Exclusives
June 24, 2016


Today Icon Heroes announced their first wave of San Diego Comic Con exclusives, featuring DC Comics characters!

Icon Heroes in partnership with Warner Bros. Consumer Products, on behalf of Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment, will have four (4) limited edition DC exclusives at this year’s San Diego Comic Con International (July 20-24)!  The first three exclusives will be available at the Icon Heroes booth #3345.  Also on display will be all-new, never seen before products, from classic DC characters, Batman: Arkham Knight video games, and WBTV/DC shows Arrow and The Flash!
*  *  *
Arrow Season 2 Statue Paperweight ($50)
The forces of evil (and disorganized paperwork) don’t stand a chance against The Arrow Statue Paperweight! Standing approximately 8 inches tall, cast in high-quality resin and expertly painted, this statue paperweight features the iconic costume Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen wore in season 2 of The CW’s hit show, Arrow! If you work in an office, topping your co-workers’ desk décor is a constant challenge, so this is one decoration that never misses the mark!  Limited edition of 1,050.


Edited by tv echo
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31 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Maybe she's vacationing in Maui today and then returning to the U.S. to film tomorrow (Sunday)?  Or maybe she really is filming in Maui? I dunno, but I want to give her the benefit of the doubt...


You know, maybe it is a work commitment, just not for filming. Could she be promoting this hotel? A while back she was in Maui raving about this dude's other resort. Though I have no idea if "tweeting about it" is considered promo, nor whether they are friends.

Edited by looptab
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4 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

How to cyber stalk celebs 101 do useless detective work about an unemployed woman on vacation:

The hotel she's staying at reposted her pic, and someone replied saying "come visit my shop!", and her boyfriend [the memoirsofagypsy person] replied they'll be there for a week and plan on surfing. Here's the link:


LOL, I went from twitter and @memoirsofagipsy is another person's (a woman) account there.

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Meh,  I'm sure we'd be doing the same thing if Emily posted as much on social media.   Colton and Katie are just easier to stalk. 

I keep very close tabs on what Colton is up to.

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32 minutes ago, FurryFury said:

I really don't have a stake in all this, but is it just me, or has the constant dissection of KC's life and schedule gotten a little bit too creepy?

I think there's this attitude towards each member of the cast, but if it seems that only KC is object of dissection, it's because she gives more occasions to do so - like her latest cancellation of a con to go vacationing. I'm sure had it been David Ramsey or EBR who said they had to cancel for filming and then showed up in HI we'd have been doing the same.

Edited by looptab
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Wait, so KC cancelled a con and is now posting pictures of her chilling in Maui? Um...well okay then. Nice. 

My comment at the top of this thread still stands then.

Edited by Angel12d
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10 minutes ago, FurryFury said:

I really don't have a stake in all this, but is it just me, or has the constant dissection of KC's life and schedule gotten a little bit too creepy?

The Mysterious Life of Katie Cassidy: The Threequel. 

Love her or hate her, she keeps people guessing. 

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5 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Wait, so KC cancelled a con and is now posting pictures of her chilling in Maui? Um...well okay then. Nice. 

Which, smart move, by the way. Does she think people in Bruxelles don't have internet?*snort*

Edited by looptab
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I mean,  Colton canceled as well  and he's not doing anything but playing tennis.   But I think that his family might still be visiting him in LA, if that counts for something.   Katie may  or may not be doing work stuff.   Manu seems like the biggest prick here. 

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Just now, Angel12d said:

Oh, so they all pretty much suck. Good to know. :P

Rofl.   I'm giving Colton a pass because he apparently hasn't been around his home in about seven years and I think he brought them back from Kansas/Texas wherever with him.   But then again.  He could have scheduled it for a few days later.  He's just my baby cinnamon roll and must be protected, he's my future husband after all. 

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28 minutes ago, FurryFury said:

I really don't have a stake in all this, but is it just me, or has the constant dissection of KC's life and schedule gotten a little bit too creepy?

My need to know things trumps my self-awareness of being creepy, because if it's on the internet, I can find it. You can call me Veronica Mars.

43 minutes ago, looptab said:

LOL, I went from twitter and @memoirsofagipsy is another person's (a woman) account there.

All KC pics are posted on Instagram and automatically forwarded to Twitter. Also, people are stupid and don't link their Instagram accounts to their Twitter accounts, and so forwarded links make them look like they're linking to the wrong people. Per Katie's Twitter, she dates a woman from Austin TX.

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3 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

All KC pics are posted on Instagram and automatically forwarded to Twitter. Also, people are stupid and don't link their Instagram accounts to their Twitter accounts, and so forwarded links make them look like they're linking to the wrong people. Per Katie's Twitter, she dates a woman from Austin TX.

Haha, yeah, it's not the first time. When I was doing my investigation, I didn't dig deeper - I just thought that woman was linked to the hotel. :D

Still think she might have some stake in it beside simple vacation - especially if she keeps posting every single thing she does and tagging the hotel. I wish someone offered me the same job.

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Yeah, I don't really care what she's doing there, but someone posited upthread this might be just for the weekend, and no -- her boyfriend said they'll be there for a week. Solid info! It's all I care about in this. Maybe they'll film a movie about surfing, who knows.

Edited by dtissagirl
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2 hours ago, dtissagirl said:

My need to know things trumps my self-awareness of being creepy, because if it's on the internet, I can find it. You can call me Veronica Mars.

LOL this is me. When things don't add up I have to figure out what's missing, and this isn't just for KC. It's something I've pretty much been doing ever since I was in fandom. Also because I'm bored and I need to pass the time...


Okay so here are the different scenarios...

A) She's there for a week of filming. 1 week means that her role isn't really a big one. However, she's staying in a rather expensive hotel because $450-$550 a night is pretty steep for 7 days and I don't know if any movie production would set an actor up in a place that expensive especially when they're only shooting for a week. So another option is that KC paid for it out of her own pocket? Then again, $3-4k is peanuts compared to what an actual budget of a film is so it depends on whether it's a big budget film or an indie one...

B) She's filming in Maui for a week, but the rest of her filming is in LA? It's definitely possible and would mean that KC has a larger role in the movie, which makes her lodging in Maui make more sense.

C) She is vacationing in Maui before she starts shooting for the film. Makes sense that she wouldn't want to work the week before she starts shooting a movie considering doing that can be rather stressful and time consuming. But that still makes her look like an ass for lying about the reason she skipped the con. 

LOL I guess only time will tell... If she is filming, I'm surprised that we haven't heard any casting announcements. 

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12 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

LOL this is me. When things don't add up I have to figure out what's missing, and this isn't just for KC. It's something I've pretty much been doing ever since I was in fandom. Also because I'm bored and I need to pass the time...

My default position in life is trying to fact-check everything ever. I have trust issues, haha. 

KC just happens to be so freaking easy to disprove, so it's double the fun for me.

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22 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

But that still makes her look like an ass for lying about the reason she skipped the con. 

IMO if she's just vacationing she looks like an ass for canceling, period. It's not the lying. Of course she had to lie, as far as I understand they can get out of these things only for work commitments or personal issues. 

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Well she still has HVFF NY/NJ next week where she will have to "work" next weekend.

If you gonna say you have some obligations dont post vacation pics from Maui during that weekend at least.

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10 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

My default position in life is trying to fact-check everything ever. I have trust issues, haha. 

KC just happens to be so freaking easy to disprove, so it's double the fun for me.

lollllll so true, she isn't very sneaky. 

I do think KC needs a book on the things she's said so she won't flip flop in an interview or anywhere else in social media :p 

6 minutes ago, looptab said:

IMO if she's just vacationing she looks like an ass for canceling, period. It's not the lying. Of course she had to lie, as far as I understand they can get out of these things only for work commitments or personal issues. 

What annoys me more about this is the fact that if she is vacationing, she'd forego getting some extra cash in the pocket in order to spend time in Maui in a relatively expensive hotel (BE MORE RESPONSIBLE PLEASE)...But yeah, her screwing over her fans sucks.

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2 minutes ago, wonderwall said:


What annoys me more about this is the fact that if she is vacationing, she'd forego getting some extra cash in the pocket in order to spend time in Maui in a relatively expensive hotel (BE MORE RESPONSIBLE PLEASE)...But yeah, her screwing over her fans sucks.

Lol, yeah I see your point, but I don't care about that. It's her money, she can do whatever she wants. 

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