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Look, I don't care if 'journalists' have certain faves or whatever. Obviously everyone has an opinion on who they like/don't like. I just think it's pathetic to ignore certain characters, especially when they're going through a major storyline.


Also, it would be nice if they didn't attack fans on twitter. That Andy guy from TVOvermind comes to mind. It just loses all professionalism, IMO, and is a guarantee that I won't ever visit their site. 

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I think the most unbiased reviewers are:


  • Alasdair Wilkins
  • Chris Hayner
  • Matt Mitovich (yeah he clearly wants LL to happen but he doesn't let that bleed into what he writes)
  • Damian Holbrook
  • Jesse Schedeen (IGN)
  • Eric Goldman
  • Alan Sepinwall (He clearly doesn't like where the show has gone, but he's pretty unbiased imo)
  • Jessica Breaux
  • Laura Hurley (interesting b/c she obviously dislikes Laurel but she gives her props where it's due)


Most bias reviewers: 


  • Natalie Abrams
  • Craig Byrne
  • Jenny Raftery (Vulture)
  • Anyone who writes for Pajiba
  • TVOvermind people
  • Whoever does those stupid round tables
  • Guy from Forbes



I would make Chris King an exception among the TV Overmind folks. I've found his reviews pretty fair. I would specifically point out Andy Behbakht on TV Overmind as among those who are totally biased. 


Curious why you included Jenny Raftery on the biased list. Also, she's a recapper, not a reviewer.

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Curious why you included Jenny Raftery on the biased list. Also, she's a recapper, not a reviewer.


Her Laurel hate always bleeds into her recaps... I don't mind. But it's kind of obvious :p 

And I guess the list is all inclusive of recapper/reviewer :)

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Also, it would be nice if they didn't attack fans on twitter. That Andy guy from TVOvermind comes to mind. It just loses all professionalism, IMO, and is a guarantee that I won't ever visit their site. 

Did this Andy attack fans, too? Would you mind sharing? I must have missed this.

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They never are. They even hate when I write in that I loved OTA because they think I go overboard with my love for them. This is GATV I'm talking about. I don't go there much anymore. They hate that Felicity essentially became more or at least the second most favourited character on the show.

Edited by EmilyBettFan
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Laurel Lance does have an action figure. It's available on both the DC Entertainment site and the WB television site. I haven't seen it for sale anywhere else, but then again I haven't been looking.  She's also featured on a first season mug and in some of the calendars.



I don't think that merchandise selling out at any one particular event means all that much - it's very possible that vendors looked at the storm and underestimated attendance, or that Arrow merchandise didn't sell as well at the last event they attended, so they packed with that in mind. I will also say that, in my opinion, Arrow and Flash are not, shall we say, maximizing merchandising opportunities, so I'm a bit cautious about reading too much into any of it.


Having said that, given the increasing importance of ancillary revenue, which includes merchandise sales, to Hollywood studios (there's a reason why you, too, can own your very own How To Get Away With Murder throw pillow!) I imagine that DC, WB and CW are paying very close attention to what sells, and what doesn't. They're in business to make money, after all. And with the show, if I had to choose between focusing on a character whose action figure sold out in a few weeks, and a character whose action figure never sold out at all, well, I have no idea who I would choose, but I know who television executives would choose.  

Buying action figures and character related merchandise sends a huge message.  The fate of several series have been decided by how well the merch sold.  (Or rather didn't sell)  So it fills me with happiness every time I see Felicity stuff selling well.  Hell, stuff like that is more likely to get the character to live on in other iterations of the Green Arrow than just about anything else. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Do share.


lemotomato and I posted this after the party:


LEMOTOMATO, ON 21 NOV 2015 - 10:28 PM, SAID:


Nocking Point party was OK. I was really disappointed there was no Q&A. SA was hardly on stage at all; he spent the whole party mingling. (Trying to, anyway. Basically there was one group of fans that followed him around for most of the night. It was kind of frustrating for the rest of us that wanted to get a word in edgewise.) NM, JB, PB, Robbie Amell, and Bamford were at the party. Willa was only there for the very beginning. NM basically stole the show with his harmonica playing and gave a great speech about how this was his first con experience (SA talked him into joining) and he was really nervous, but he had such a great time because all the fans were so welcoming.


We thought the party was a bit of a letdown. [rant] They had staggered entrance times: 6:30 for VIP ticket holders, 7:00 for wine club members and 7:30 for everyone else. I'm a wine club member so I got there at 6:15-ish. The staff were sorting people into VIP and 'everyone else' lines and when I mentioned the wine club, they had no clue what I was talking about. Their supervisor hadn't heard of it either so he told me to wait in between the two lines while he sorted it out. (This is when SA came out and asked me if I knew where the restrooms were.) Supervisor guy then told me to start a third line on the other side of the door. Then a young guy came out and told me to just get in line behind the VIPs. Then another guy told me to go back to the other side of the door. Fun times. [/rant]


As for the party itself, it felt kind of like a work event after an off-site team-building exercise. The ambience, lighting and general set-up of the room didn't really lend itself to a party like this, although it's probably easier to mingle with the celebs in a conference room/ballroom setting than in a restaurant/club.


SA, JB, RA, PB, NM, et al. pretty much stayed on one side of the room for most of the evening so that's where 90% of the guests were crammed. There were four tiny counter-height tables spread out on the other side of the room (no seating anywhere) so we nabbed one and stayed out of the fray.


Like lemotomato said, SA was surrounded by the same group of women for much of the night, although they did seem to stay away when he was with his wife. (They also sat in front of me in the first row at SA's panel.) I got a chance to chat with him at the beginning of the party and later on when he happened to walk by our table and actually stopped to continue our conversation from earlier. Our second conversation was shortlived, though, because a horde of women descended, clamoring for selfies even though there were signs everywhere prohibiting photos, videos and autographs. (Although all the celebs seemed happy to oblige.)


I assume the venue was selected for budgetary reasons but I don't understand why we didn't get any singing, dancing (his wife was there, after all) or even the promised Q&A. We were getting bored but I wanted to stay for the Q&A. (My friend doesn't even watch the show so she's a saint for sticking it out with me.) I ducked out into the hallway to take a call and the next thing I knew, SA was leaving with his handler, although he was nice enough to pat me on the shoulder and whisper, "Thanks for coming."

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The Forbes guy is Erik Kain, who usually reviews video games.  He's a Sariver shipper - if he ships anyone.  He hatesdislikes both Felicity and Laurel.  He mostly prefers Oliver as a single guy, bent on vengeance.


I think Jenny Raftery has her preferences, but I wouldn't go so far as to call her biased.  TV Overmind has a few different reviewers - Chris King and Laura Schinner are okay, iirc.

Edited by tv echo
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Erik Kain liked pre-S3 Felicity.  And yes, he does hate Olicity, but more recently has tolerated it so long as it remains in the background. I suspect he'll like Felicity again once she has broken up with Oliver.

Edited by tv echo
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What Arrow really lacks is some more humorous reviewers/recappers. I love Jenny Raftery's recaps because she balances thoughtfulness and jokes.

Why can't tv.com assign Arrow reviews to the guy who does the TVD ones? *sigh*

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Video in 3 parts of Sunday's Arrow panel at HVFF (posted on youtube by knightie 2)...


HVFF NJ Arrow Panel Part 1/3 Stephan Amell John Barrowman


HVFF NJ Arrow Panel Part 2/3 Stephan Amell John Barrowman


HVFF NJ Arrow Panel Part 3/3 Stephan Amell John Barrowman

Edited by tv echo
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But... Why? Was there an explanation when it was released why he was in the Arrow suit?

Oliver as Arrow isn't that much cheaper. Amusingly, he is substantially so in the shirtless version.


I thought it was a Comic-Con exclusive or something like that?

Yeah, Diggle in the Arrow suit pop was a SDCC 2016 exclusive. As was Oliver-as-Arrow (Arrow "unmasked") Shirtless Oliver is a little less pricey because he's an exclusive to certain retailers.

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I still don't understand Diggle as Arrow but thanks for offering some explanation.

Diggle wore the suit several times in S1.  I'm guessing that's why they did the Diggle as Arrow (or Hood) doll.


Personally, I want a Diggle as Diggle doll, suit, tie, gun (I don't like Magneto Diggle).

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Personally, I want a Diggle as Diggle doll, suit, tie, gun (I don't like Magneto Diggle).


Me, too, but I sure as hell don't want it to be a Game Stop exclusive. Is there a real date for Felicity yet? Has anyone spoken to Game Stop recently?

Edited by calliope1975
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I still don't understand Diggle as Arrow but thanks for offering some explanation.

From a practical standpoint, my guess is that Funko wanted to have another exclusive Arrow figure for SDCC, and to save on time/manufacturing costs, they took the Oliver-as-Arrow prototype and tweaked it. The body and hood for both figures are the same, and the face would be relatively easy to change. 


And as Morrigan2575 pointed out, Diggle has worn the suit on the show, most recently in 310, when Oliver was "dead" 

Me, too, but I sure as hell don't want it to be a Game Stop exclusive. Is there a real date for Felicity yet? Has anyone spoken to Game Stop recently?

Gamestop's website has January 31 as their availability date for the Felicity Funko (which is ridiculous because that makes them practically the last retailer to have her in stock.)

Edited by lemotomato
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Does anyone know what the actual fuck this is about? Or possibly where the hell this level of delusion is coming from at this stage of the show. Not sure how accurate this source is but still c'mon:


Arrow - Source ‏@ArrowUpdates  3m3 minutes ago View translation
#INFO #Arrow Katie Cassidy ne sait pas si c'est possible qu'Oliver et Laurel se remettent ensemble, avec la télé tout est possible.

Translated from French by Bing Wrong translation?
#INFO #Arrow Katie Cassidy does not know if it is possible that Oliver and Laurel are recovering together, with the TV everything is possible.


and then this afterwards so what exactly is Katie saying:


Arrow - Source ‏@ArrowUpdates  4m4 minutes ago View translation
#INFO #Arrow Katie a ajouté qu'elle n'était pas forcément pour, car l'amitié entre Laurel et Felicity en prendrait un coup.

Translated from French by Bing Wrong translation?
#INFO #Arrow Katie added that it was not necessarily to, because friendship between Laurel and Felicity would take a blow.

Edited by Ann Mack
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I don't even need a source. No offense, but I'm pretty sure I KNOW IN MY BONES that if someone asks KC right now if she thinks there's a possible chance for O/L in the future, her answer's gonna be yes there is a chance. Even if SHE knows in her bones there isn't.

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I don't even need a source. No offense, but I'm pretty sure I KNOW IN MY BONES that if someone asks KC right now if she thinks there's a possible chance for O/L in the future, her answer's gonna be yes there is a chance. Even if SHE knows in her bones there isn't.

The one thing I never worry about is this show putting Oliver and Laurel back together. It'll never happen. 

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The one thing I never worry about is this show putting Oliver and Laurel back together. It'll never happen.

I never thought I'd say this, but I think you underestimate how much the EPs can suck. As long as Laurel is on the show, or even if gets written out but stays alive, I think L/O will always be an option, even if it's a throwaway mention in the last minute of the series finale.
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I don't even need a source. No offense, but I'm pretty sure I KNOW IN MY BONES that if someone asks KC right now if she thinks there's a possible chance for O/L in the future, her answer's gonna be yes there is a chance. Even if SHE knows in her bones there isn't.


Oh, I doubt doubt that, but (this is just MHO) if someone's going to talk about her level of delusion regarding a comment, before things get out of hand, maybe it'd be best to have proof that she actually made said comment recently. 

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I never thought I'd say this, but I think you underestimate how much the EPs can suck. As long as Laurel is on the show, or even if gets written out but stays alive, I think L/O will always be an option, even if it's a throwaway mention in the last minute of the series finale.

I know, right!


But it's not for writing reasons. There is no writing decision they could make, no matter how awful, that would surprise me. It makes Oliver look like a moron? Working parachute. It makes Oliver look like a self-centered dick? Too many episodes to name. It makes Oliver look incompetent at heroing? Most of S3 and a good bit of S4. 


It's the anti-chem. The anti-chem is too pervasive and all-encompassing and honestly, kind of hilarious in its awfulness.


Also, while I'm not watching now, I'm, obviously, keeping up with events, hoping for better things in the future. Oliver and Laurel back together would end any interest I'd have in the show. So while I'm positive they won't put them back together, I wouldn't care if they did, bc I wouldn't be around to know about it. If a Lauriver appears on the show and no one sees it, did it really happen?

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Here's the original source:



CB: Do you think we might ever, before the show's end, see Laurel and Oliver get back together?


KC: I don't know. It's television, anything can happen. I definitely think there's space for it, and room for it, if that were to happen. I don't know what would happen to Laurel and Felicity's friendship. I don't know. I have no idea. Again, it's television, and if they decide to go for that, awesome.




I think I'm more put off that an actual journo actually asked KC the O/L question fairly recently. I weep for journalism.


But obviously she had to answer somehow. Imo the appropriate response is exactly what she said -- the "never say never" non-answer type.

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I'm with AyChihuahua in that I don't worry about them putting O/L back together. I also don't get why people keep asking the question when there isn't even an inkling that it's going to happen anytime soon (if at all). Really...it's been 4 seasons, people, and they're no closer to being back together than at the beginning of S2. Don't make me start busting out the "Let It Go" gifs because I'll totally do it.

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