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Since anger had died down all he is doing is stirring it back up again. This story line is NEVER going to have a warm reception. So posting a picture of the failed story line that has him lying to Felicity is not going to do anything but bring about more comments ridiculing the absurdity of that damn dumb ass story line IMO! Just cause its him and NOT Marc bringing it up, I hope he knows the responses are going to be the same. No one wants a BM drama story on Arrow especially at the expense of hurting Felicity and endangering Olicity. He has to know this?!!

It could have had a warmer reception, but not the way its been told now. A drama story does not have to hurt other people or be detrimental to current relationships. I have no idea why SA & MG cannot understand that there is a difference between valid frustration with a dumb contrived for drama story and fan overreaction. As to why he is stirring it up again, I think its a response to him defaulting to that little temper tantrum little boy in him that seems to come up whenever people are disappointed in his performance. And people are not just upset with BM story, they are upset with SA's acting in the BM drama.


The thing is no one is really talking about Oliver and the kid. They are talking about Oliver and Felicity and Oliver and BM.

I think SA wanted to play Oliver The Dad, but he is playing Oliver The Lying Liar Who Lies.

Yes, OQ the dad is a better way to tell the story, and I story I could have been invested in. But nope that's not what they did, they went full tilt secrets & lies. I can imagine SA pitching a OQ as a Dad story, but I can't see him gung-ho about this OQ is withholding BIG secrets from FS.

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was that his "don't be a dick" post? Lol what was he responding to anyways? 


He's probably being all touchy because he likes the storyline and wanted it. 

His don't be a dick post was in response to someone saying he was drunk on a pic he posted of himself as a little boy with a bow in 1988. 



IMO, he doesn't seem upset about people not liking the BM story. He seems more upset over the fact that people are being jerk-ish towards him about the fact that he said GA could beat Batman. 

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It could have had a warmer reception, but not the way its been told now. A drama story does not have to hurt other people or be detrimental to current relationships. I have no idea why SA & MG cannot understand that there is a difference between valid frustration with a dumb contrived for drama story and fan overreaction. As to why he is stirring it up again, I think its a response to him defaulting to that little temper tantrum little boy in him that seems to come up whenever people are disappointed in his performance. And people are not just upset with BM story, they are upset with SA's acting in the BM drama.


Yes, OQ the dad is a better way to tell the story, and I story I could have been invested in. But nope that's not what they did, they went full tilt secrets & lies. I can imagine SA pitching a OQ as a Dad story, but I can't see him gung-ho about this OQ is withholding BIG secrets from FS.

I should have emphasized the way they presented the story was NEVER going to receive a warm reception. There were numerous ways I'm sure they could have told this story were fans, reviewers and even die hard comic fans could have accepted it. But they passed all those by to inflict drama for drama sake. I think some of the reviewers as well as fans of the show and Olicity were disappointed because so many were praising episodes 1-7 as how maturely and adult like they were presenting them as an adult committed couple. I think everyone was hoping this was the route the show would continue on and then they lowered the boom on everyone and went full speed soap opera troupe and everyone just couldn't believe or at least most couldn't believe they would mess up something going so well so they could get a contrived story that no one is liking.


Stephen was all Twitter silent last week before and after the episode aired. Maybe the network did let them know that they need to wrap this story line up and wrap it up quick. Stephen may have wanted to do a fatherhood story line but I'm hoping that this is not what he was pushing. I guess as of right now he's pushing back at those who didn't like the story line. But really that was just childish on his part plus that was the worst "chill" face I have ever seen. I hope he has got EVERYTHING out of his system now because I still find it laughable that he continues to be respond passive aggressively when every little element of the show isn't liked by EVERYONE. Time to deflate the ego a little bit no one is going to like everything all the time.

Edited by Ann Mack
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But really that was just childish on his part plus that was the worst "chill" face I have ever seen. I hope he has got EVERYTHING out of his system now because I still find it laughable that he continues to be respond passive aggressively when every little element of the show is liked by EVERYONE. 


I'm pretty sure this is just who he is, though. I don't think it's a show thing, it seems like he reacts this way whenever someone disagrees with/doesn't like something he's said or believes. 

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He's just a big baby, that's all. Let him continue to be a man child. He's only making himself look bad really. 



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My only guess is that he did it to be an asshole, because he likes the story and is upset that it wasn't well received. Seems like the outright anger over it had died down over the past few days. 


What an idiot. I say that as someone who paid money I earned to meet him. Still, what an idiot. Fan rage was dying down. Hell, even I had begun to enter some sort of zen detachment, so why be a dick and post this knowing it'll rile up people again? Seriously dude, sorry your pet story line, which I'm sure you as an actor really enjoy playing out, sucks beyond all belief for those of us who have to watch it.


Sorry it didn't get the reception he hoped but that's the writers fault. They actually could have mined something half decent out of this but instead they relied on dumb lies for no reason but pointless drama down the line.


What's the bet Olicity shippers get blamed again?


Of course, shippers will get blamed. I can't judge a well written story from a poor one because I like two characters together. It is written, donchaknow. My ability for critical thought disappears as soon as I use a portmanteau. 


I CANNOT WAIT for con reports from the next one. Don't let me down question askers!

Edited by calliope1975
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I'm just sitting here amused at how sensitive SA and MG get on social media when an audience rejects their storytelling--especially when they believe it's because viewers somehow aren't watching it right. Either that, or they deflect the criticism as being tainted by the audience's biases.

Example: "The only reason you dislike Character Z is because he's getting in the way of your 'ship even though I introduced him as a creepy stalker and then proceeded to pile on behavior where he repeatedly crosses several personal and professional lines that made female viewers very uncomfortable."

The interesting thing is that they're really the only 2 who do this kind of thing. I don't recall AK or WM ever getting that defensive. The rest of the actors seem pretty chill as well to the hate--even KC tries to poke fun at it.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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The interesting thing is that they're really the only 2 who do this kind of thing.


Well. They do co-chair the Arrow chapter of Mansplainers United. Blaming the audience and/or 'shippers for "not getting" a storyline/character is their default position.

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The thing is there are a few who are commenting "good looking family", "welcome back", "what an adorable family" to which I say bullshit but hey maybe they do like it. Maybe they want daytime soap opera drama on a night time action show. Arrow has drama all shows do, but my gawd this was the worst case of self inflicted nonsense for drama sake that I have seen in a long time. Personally the close I thought I was coming to watching a soap opera was "Devious Maids" and that show is suppose to poke fun at itself. So I'm not judging those who are leaving him complimentary comments on that story line from hell picture but believe me the rejection of it is still much more obvious in the comments than any acceptance!

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Well. They do co-chair the Arrow chapter of Mansplainers United. Blaming the audience and/or 'shippers for "not getting" a storyline/character is their default position.

Fairly sure there is a side club too and Ryan Murphy holds every position.

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Were there any reputable reviews praising the story line? Anyone? Io9? AV Club? If there had been an overwhelming majority of reviewers saying it was the best thing ever, I might be convinced to reevaluate my feelings. I don't believe that happened, so I'm going to sit cozy in my irritation that I have to watch (or FF'd) this garbage. 


But dig your heels in, hun, have fun with that. (I feel like I shouldn't take such glee in SA/MG acting like dicks, and yet, nope, it is making me lol.)

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The thing is there are a few who are commenting "good looking family", "welcome back", "what an adorable family" to which I say bullshit but hey maybe they do like it. Maybe they want daytime soap opera drama on a night time action show. Arrow has drama all shows do, but my gawd this was the worst case of self inflicted nonsense for drama sake that I have seen in a long time. Personally the close I thought I was coming to watching a soap opera was "Devious Maids" and that show is suppose to poke fun at itself. So I'm not judging those who are leaving him complimentary comments on that story line from hell picture but believe me the rejection of it is still much more obvious in the comments than any acceptance!

Oh I'm not saying that 100% of the audience rejects the flimsy BM drama, but based on the reaction across all fan groups alike and most media writers/reviewers, it's overwhelmingly more negative than positive, so I don't know how they can make the "it's just 'shippers overreacting" argument and make it stick.

I don't mind the whole soap opera accusation really. Anyone who reads comics or watches comic-based TV and movies should recognize that they've always been the very epitome of soap opera storytelling. When people pretend that isn't the case I simply laugh and laugh. This situation, however, isn't bad because of it's soapy nature...it's bad because it makes no sense. And TPTB are getting defensive because people are calling them on it rather than taking a look at what went wrong and learning from it. It's not even a case of the audience trying to dictate story. They're just rejecting the stupid.

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Wow seriously Stephen has taken childishness to a new low. I just saw his new Twitter bio:


Stephen AmellVerified account
twitter is awful.


Why is he acting like a jerk? How did they say it on Arrow "Never meet your heroes". I'm sure this isn't pertaining to everyone on Twitter but seriously I though he understood if you are going to interact on Twitter you have to take the good with the bad! SMDH! 

Edited by Ann Mack
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What a jerk. How did they say it on Arrow "Never meet your heroes",. I'm sure this isn't directed at everyone on Twitter but seriously I though he understood if you are going to interact on Twitter you have to take the good with the bad! SMDH! 


He's always been outspoken about how awful Twitter is. Which is funny to me, because he's pretty awful on it. 

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Oh Lord. My eyes just fell out of my head from rolling so hard. I'm sure he can get his lawyer to have his Facebook usage meet whatever social media requirement the CW demands. DR barely posts on Twitter. He could stop if he wanted, but he likes the (positive) attention too much. 

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He could stop if he wanted, but he likes the (positive) attention too much. 


Oh, he definitely does. I bet he laughs with his friends about how terrible Twitter is, and then posts some antagonistic shit just to get people going and prove him right, haha.

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He's always been outspoken about how awful Twitter is. Which is funny to me, because he's pretty awful on it. 


Oh Lord. My eyes just fell out of my head from rolling so hard. I'm sure he can get his lawyer to have his Facebook usage meet whatever social media requirement the CW demands. DR barely posts on Twitter. He could stop if he wanted, but he likes the (positive) attention too much. 


Really how many times has he come on Twitter and stuck his foot in his mouth. He wants to use it to be praised but can't accept it when he isn't. He can leave it at anytime no one is forcing him to use Twitter, but as stated him being an attention whore he can't tear himself away from it! He's revealing more about himself than I think he is realizing!

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I don't take it personally, but I do find it really hilarious how both he and MG react to people not liking things they like. The overly defensive, passive-aggressive, mansplaining attitude just comes up so strongly every now again that I can't help but laugh. The flip-flopping and deleting sprees are also pretty fantastic. Quite frankly, if I wanted to watch a melodramatic soap, I wouldn't even have to watch Arrow. I could just look at SA and MG's twitter feed.

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Could SA have posted the pic with BM and the kid actor just because maybe he likes the kid actor and the BM actress as co-workers? Or maybe the BM plot is getting dumped and it's a bit of a farewell pic?  I guess I'm just not sure why that particular pic is being seen as a  passive - aggressive dig at the audience?

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Amell is currently taking questions for a video q and a if anyone is interested. Here's my question though I doubt he will answer it... 

I hope he does answer your question because I want to know the answer to that as well. The cuddle was cute, but the scene was weird because their reactions should've been switched. Felicity should have been happy, while Oliver looked upset. 

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Amell is currently taking questions for a video q and a if anyone is interested. Here's my question though I doubt he will answer it... 


I "liked" it on FB. I hope he is willing to talk about this whole thing!

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Could SA have posted the pic with BM and the kid actor just because maybe he likes the kid actor and the BM actress as co-workers? Or maybe the BM plot is getting dumped and it's a bit of a farewell pic?  I guess I'm just not sure why that particular pic is being seen as a  passive - aggressive dig at the audience?

Mostly because of the timing. He could have easily posted it the day of or after the episode aired, but he posted it right at the height of his latest social media "controversy".

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Mostly because of the timing. He could have easily posted it the day of or after the episode aired, but he posted it


right at the height of his latest social media "controversy".



It could be what you are suggesting but it might just be something like maybe the kid asked him to post it? I guess it's just a MMV

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Considering his Q&A, I wonder if it wasn't to maximize attention. It certainly lit up Twitter again... Now it seems like a calculated decision. But SA is good at garnering attention from fans.

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Considering his Q&A, I wonder if it wasn't to maximize attention. It certainly lit up Twitter again... Now it seems like a calculated decision. But SA is good at garnering attention from fans.


I hope he answers a fan question about that storyline in the Q&A in true whiny pissbaby fashion. 

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Could SA have posted the pic with BM and the kid actor just because maybe he likes the kid actor and the BM actress as co-workers? Or maybe the BM plot is getting dumped and it's a bit of a farewell pic?  I guess I'm just not sure why that particular pic is being seen as a  passive - aggressive dig at the audience?

Could be. My impression is that he's trolling. "Oh, you've calmed down a bit after the episode? Not on Evil Story Steve's watch. I'll get those feather ruffled for the midseason finale." Bear in mind, I saw what you guys brought over here, I have no idea if he's being a complete asshole on Twitter.

He's getting heat for that GA vs. Batman thing? That's completely benign and not a brand new quote.

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Wow seriously Stephen has taken childishness to a new low. I just saw his new Twitter bio:


Stephen AmellVerified account


twitter is awful.


Why is he acting like a jerk? How did they say it on Arrow "Never meet your heroes". I'm sure this isn't pertaining to everyone on Twitter but seriously I though he understood if you are going to interact on Twitter you have to take the good with the bad! SMDH!

I'm pretty sure this is in response to the crap he's getting from Batman fans for the GA vs Batman question.
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I don't get how him posting that picture on Facebook is so terrible. It just feels like he's trying to show support for his co-stars. It must suck for the actors to see the one part of the show they're involved with get hated on so severely, especially since the reason for the dislike doesn't have anything to do with them - it's the writers fault.

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I don't get how him posting that picture on Facebook is so terrible. It just feels like he's trying to show support for his co-stars. It must suck for the actors to see the one part of the show they're involved with get hated on so severely, especially since the reason for the dislike doesn't have anything to do with them - it's the writers fault.


That very well could be it. If he didn't have a history of being antagonistic, I would totally buy it without question, haha. 

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To me, posting that photo now comes across as trolling. If he'd posted it prior to the episode, I don't think Stephen would have gotten the negative reaction he's getting now. Unfortunately, people are still pretty pissed with the events of 408 and are, from the looks of it, searching for an outlet for their anger. By posting that photo now, Stephen put a bull's-eye on a story line and the characters he very well knows weren't quite well-received. He wanted a reaction. He's getting it.

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To me, posting that photo now comes across as trolling. If he'd posted it prior to the episode, I don't think Stephen would have gotten the negative reaction he's getting now. Unfortunately, people are still pretty pissed with the events of 408 and are, from the looks of it, searching for an outlet for their anger. By posting that photo now, Stephen put a bull's-eye on a story line and the characters he very well knows weren't quite well-received. He wanted a reaction. He's getting it.


That's my thinking. I don't think he's been off all social media since Wednesday or avoided all reviews. It's no secret this isn't a well-received story. He can do whatever he wants, that's his prerogative, but he can't be surprised people are complaining about it in the comments. This is the one thing out of a crazy packed 2 hours that was universally disliked. I get he's sticking up for it, but don't get pissy* when viewers respond negatively to something they didn't like. That's how feedback works. It's not all positive. 


I am laughing though that he just keeps going with posting more memes. 


*He has not gotten pissy yet. I meant to edit this but didn't. I'm leaving it because there's a comment below that references it. 

Edited by calliope1975
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OMG he's too funny. Unfortunately that meme is full of lies because it's one of Samantha's "conditions" he can't even let William know who is. He's only "mommy's friend" lol!



Kudos to Stephen for triple dog daring down on this though. Bless him. I wonder if after he goes on his rants if he stops and reflects on what the hell it is that he just did? I wouldn't be surprised if all his Monday Meme's are related to this story line, it would be too hysterical if they are. I'm not putting anything past this man tonight lol!

Edited by Ann Mack
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To me, posting that photo now comes across as trolling. If he'd posted it prior to the episode, I don't think Stephen would have gotten the negative reaction he's getting now. Unfortunately, people are still pretty pissed with the events of 408 and are, from the looks of it, searching for an outlet for their anger. By posting that photo now, Stephen put a bull's-eye on a story line and the characters he very well knows weren't quite well-received. He wanted a reaction. He's getting it.

But he couldn't have posted it prior to the episode, that would have been a giant spoiler? And I think it would have been more troll-y if he'd posted it last week when everyone was more worked up. I don't find the reaction on the post to be particularly abnormal either. I mean, there are some people commenting on the post that didn't care for the storyline, but it doesn't seem like anyone was being terribly hateful about it. Most of the 'negative' responses seem pretty calm and well reasoned.

I get he's sticking up for it, but don't get pissy when viewers respond negatively to something they didn't like. That's how feedback works. It's not all positive.

Am I missing something? Where is he getting pissy about it? Did he post something and delete it that I missed?

That very well could be it. If he didn't have a history of being antagonistic, I would totally buy it without question, haha.

Yeah, I guess I'm just thinking that most of his more antagonistic type posts tend to be a little more direct than this one seems to be

Edited by GirlvsTV
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Yeah, I guess I'm just thinking that most of his more antagonistic type posts tend to be a little more direct than this one seems to be


Seems passive-aggressively typical to me, though? He disappears from Twitter for 3 weeks, disappears from Facebook (and deletes posts there) since the episode aired. His first posts on both platforms since then are about the one polarizing and widely negatively received storyline in the crossover, all while admitting that it was one of his favorite storylines? He doubles-down with people disagree with him. Seems like what this is, IMO.

Edited by apinknightmare
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But he couldn't have posted it prior to the episode, that would have been a giant spoiler? And I think it would have been more troll-y if he'd posted it last week when everyone was more worked up. I don't find the reaction on the post to be particularly abnormal either. I mean, there are some people commenting on the post that didn't care for the storyline, but it doesn't seem like anyone was being terribly hateful about it. Most of the 'negative' responses seem pretty calm and well reasoned.

Am I missing something? Where is he getting pissy about it? Did he post something and delete it that I missed?

Yeah, I guess I'm just thinking that most of his more antagonistic type posts tend to be a little more direct than this one seems to be


You're right, he couldn't have possibly posted that photo last week, duh *smacks forehead* But posting it now while things are still heated is still not a smart move. The initial comments I saw on FB were a bit nasty. And there's a lot of grumbling on Twitter.

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Seems passive-aggressively typical to me, though? He disappears from Twitter for 3 weeks, disappears from Facebook (and deletes posts there) since the episode aired. His first posts on both platforms since then are about the one polarizing and widely negatively received storyline in the crossover, all while admitting that it was one of his favorite storylines? He doubles-down with people disagree with him. Seems like what this is, IMO.

I guess I'm just still thinking it was more of a supportive post, as I mentioned above, so the timing doesn't seem terribly suspect to me.

I don't follow him on Facebook anymore, I didn't know he'd been posting and deleting again recently. He can definitely be a bit of a drama queen which I have found immensely entertaining in the past. I'll be curious to see what questions he responds to in the Q&A.

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I guess I'm just still thinking it was more of a supportive post, as I mentioned above, so the timing doesn't seem terribly suspect to me.


Oh, it definitely could be. It's just that he tends to be such a doubling-down drama queen about stuff that my mind just goes to the negative place first. :)

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