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That's exactly what it reminds me of, Laurel's fingerless gloves.  And I hate that because it pulls me out of the story because I can't get beyond how stupid it is.  I can accept a shrinking man more easily than I can fingerless gloves or bare arms.


On the positive, I love how SA is really pushing that anything sexy between him and EBR is gone after three years of silly conversations.  Go away, real life shippers.


I also like Wendy Mericle emphasizing that there will be an emphasis on strong women this season (I don't think MG was actually opposed to it, it just never crossed his mind), that Felicity will be Oliver's sugar mama (makes me wonder if he's going to be running for mayor this season), that she's the one who wants to get back into being a vigilante and especially that Oliver and Felicity will stay together in the near future at least.  It gives me hope that most of the stupid plot contrivances of last season will at least be toned down if not gone.

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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (I'm on my phone so hopefully this shows up)


tumblr_nredep8F551s2prmyo3_250.gif tumblr_nredep8F551s2prmyo2_250.gif tumblr_nredep8F551s2prmyo4_250.gif


It's growing on me the more I see it little by little

I've slept on it and after much thought during my umpteenth BBQ of the summer on the hottest day so far, I have to say is sleeveless makes SA & the comics people happy. Then so be it. I certainly appreciated my sleeveless top today. The rest of it looks pretty good and SA will look amazing in almost anything. I'm forever grateful they kept the hood, that for my would have been a deal breaker. I feel like the hood is a very important part of who Oliver Queen/Green Arrow is today on this show. The hat & feather would be just a little too comicy for live action TV at least this version of Green Arrow.


It's impractical as hell during the winter months, but that can be fixed by throwing a tight long sleeve top underneath it, if need be. It is really not that much skin exposed and at least it won't leave fingerprints behind & there are no buckles (hallelujah!). And might I add I appreciate the proper & handy placement of zippers on both pieces... for easy access you know for various purposes & reasons that might come up ;)

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The old jacket was supposed to be Kevlar-lined so there was protection for the entire upper body (don't know about the pants). Here, it's like open season on Oliver's (admittedly, very nice) arms. Also, how about trying to blend in the dark? Wouldn't those rather pale arms stand out if, say, a flashlight moves across them? 

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I'm tempted to look up all of Wendi's past episodes and see her role in them. I want to get a good idea of where her strength lies. Of course, there are other factors involved but I am curious. 


The reaction I'm reading to the costume is mixed. I think most is positive. Some people are excited by it because it's Green Arrow and others hate it because they don't feel he deserves to be Green Arrow. I have determined I don't care that much about the costume. It could be worse.


Barrowman posted a follow up to the Transformers video. I really don't understand this. Maybe it's an inside joke? He only tagged SA and EBR so at the next con, I need someone to ask what is going on.

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The old jacket was supposed to be Kevlar-lined so there was protection for the entire upper body (don't know about the pants). Here, it's like open season on Oliver's (admittedly, very nice) arms. Also, how about trying to blend in the dark? Wouldn't those rather pale arms stand out if, say, a flashlight moves across them?

The one Cisco gave him in S3 was kevlar-lined, but there's no evidence his original S1-S2 jacket was, taking his various injuries while wearing the suit into account. Which is stupid. It should have been bullet/knife-resistant from day 1. I'm thrilled this version has armor.

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I love what EBR said,she just gets Felicity.She handled the questions about FS not being a hero or wanting a mask really well.

That's what makes EBR both a better interview and a better actress in that she develops her character beyond the page and even the director's vision.  She could have said that Felicity is a hero because she stayed during the Undertaking and she stabbed Slade with the needle but instead she goes deeper into the character and moves the analysis up a lever, beyond "you don't need a mask to be a hero" to "it's important to recognize that there are many types of heroism beyond the obvious mask and fighting, and that we need to recognize every hero, not just the ones that fit into the obvious patriarchal model."  She reminds critics that people like Malala Yousafzai are heroes too.


Katie Cassidy seems like a nice person but she doesn't have that kind of cognitive complexity I think she gets superficial questions because after 3 years, journalists know that those are the ones she handles best.

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The one Cisco gave him in S3 was kevlar-lined, but there's no evidence his original S1-S2 jacket was, taking his various injuries while wearing the suit into account. Which is stupid. It should have been bullet/knife-resistant from day 1. I'm thrilled this version has armor.


Even before Cisco upgraded the S3 suit, it was Kevlar-lined  -- at least according to the 2.5 comics. Digg went to the guy who I assume (yeah, I know about the dangers of assuming anything, especially on Arrow) handled the suit because Digg gave him a drawing of the Arsenal costume and said it's Kevlar-lined "just like the other one."



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Even if the uniform wasn't Kevlar lined before, honestly Oliver should have had some sort of trauma armor to place in key areas underneath the costume. For someone so strategy driven and. ..pass inflicted is stupid that he'd leave his arms exposed. I don't mind the costume aesthetically so much as character wise it doesn't seem like something he'd wear.

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I just came across some people saying Stephen and KC were playful/flirtatious in the EW interview. I don't understand. I'm disturbed. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Even before Cisco upgraded the S3 suit, it was Kevlar-lined  -- at least according to the 2.5 comics. Digg went to the guy who I assume (yeah, I know about the dangers of assuming anything, especially on Arrow) handled the suit because Digg gave him a drawing of the Arsenal costume and said it's Kevlar-lined "just like the other one."



They can say that in the comics if they want to, but he was injured with penetrating injuries in S1 and S2 way too much for it to be correct. (To be clear, I'm not arguing with you; I guess I'm kind of arguing with the comic.)

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I just came across some people saying Stephen and KC were playful/flirtatious in the EW interview. I don't understand. I'm disturbed. 

I think at one point he playfully bumped KCs knee? IDK if it's an accident or playful but yeah that's the only interaction they had the entire comic con

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I'm fanwanking that Oliver will have some very sheer but amazingly strong under armour to wear under the weird sleeves that deflects bullets and such.  It's all I've got.


The reaction I'm reading to the costume is mixed. I think most is positive. Some people are excited by it because it's Green Arrow and others hate it because they don't feel he deserves to be Green Arrow. I have determined I don't care that much about the costume. It could be worse.


Wait, how does Oliver not deserve it? My gods....what more does he have to do???

Edited by catrox14
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I saw the gif set. It looked like an accident. He wasn't even looking at her, he just looked down for a moment and stretched his legs or something and it bumped her. I don't know if she thought he did it on purpose or not, but she did a weird backward motion. He still didn't have a reaction, just paid attention to the interview. Really though, I'm just over all this trash shipping. You want to talk about it privately with your friends, go right ahead. But I just don't understand putting that into the universe.


From what I understand, he doesn't deserve it because of Felicity. Something I just read : S3 wasn't about Oliver being a hero, but a good boyfriend. 

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She reminds critics that people like Malala Yousafzai are heroes too


Ha!  Kind of random but I was in a conversation that was complaining about how talented Felicity is and sarcastically someone said they were waiting for her to be the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.  I was happy to retort that nope, that belonged to Malala. 

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From what I understand, he doesn't deserve it because of Felicity. Something I just read : S3 wasn't about Oliver being a hero, but a good boyfriend.

Did they miss the part about how the whole Ra's storyline was about saving Thea? Are we even watching the same show as they are? Edited by lemotomato
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Ha!  Kind of random but I was in a conversation that was complaining about how talented Felicity is and sarcastically someone said they were waiting for her to be the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.  I was happy to retort that nope, that belonged to Malala. 


People complain about talent now? They must be either super jealous or are just sad... I'm leaning more towards super jealous of the fact that they can't be as A+ as Felicity. 

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I just came across some people saying Stephen and KC were playful/flirtatious in the EW interview. I don't understand. I'm disturbed. 


A friend of mine wondered why Willa is very "touchy-feely" and "flirtatious" — his words — with Stephen in the photos. Told him it's just their thing. He's squicked by it because he remembers Queencest from early Season 1, LOL! 

I've discovered that the best way to confuse those people is to point out how much screen time Oliver and Felicity had together(~100 minutes, btw, based on totaling up the Olicity scenes from Olicity Queen's YouTube channel) only comes out to be 10% of the season. They quickly lose their train of thought and descend to sputtering and name calling.


Yep, had a similar conversation with someone claiming Olicity was taking over "Arrow" and that LL should be given more priority than FS. When I pointed out that most of the scenes devoted to Olicity as a relationship are probably 2-4 minutes at most in a 42-minute ep, he admitted that he thinks Olicity is given too much time because he remembers those scenes more. *smacks forehead*

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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A friend of mine wondered why Willa is very "touchy-feely" and "flirtatious" — his words — with Stephen in the photos. Told him it's just their thing. He's squicked by it because he remembers Queencest from early Season 1, LOL! 


I think Willa is touchy with everyone. I mean she grabs EBRs boobs every chance she gets and licks almost everyone except for maybe SA :p


*sigh* I don't even know why I'm up so late

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I don't think these interviews have been posted here yet:


Felicity's tech is the equivalent of a costume:



Katie thinks the salmon ladder will be easy...  I'm intrigued that Willa has said that she was asked by producers if she'd be able to do the salmon ladder ("hell, no!"), but Katie, who clearly thinks she can, has evidently not been asked.



Apparently in Paul's mind, Lance meeting Donna Smoak = #GetLanceLaid

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I'm honestly sick of hearing Paul talk about Donna like that (and by that, I mean, #GetLanceLaid). It's just gross to me. Maybe he thinks it's funny, but the joke's gotten old.

Edited by AnyoneButYou
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I'm honestly sick of hearing Paul talk about Donna like that (and by that, I mean, #GetLanceLaid). It's just gross to me. Maybe he thinks it's funny, but the joke's gotten old.

Me too.It was cute when they were tweeting each other and taking pics but its getting annoying,the way he talks about it.Donna has a lot more potential for a better storyline then that.I just want all the Smoaks away from Laurel,Quentin and their drama.I think poor PB just wants to have scenes with someone other then Laurel for a change so he's getting desperate.

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During the SDCC Supergirl panel, it was revealed that SA was the first person they auditioned for Oliver Queen - just like GG was the first person they auditioned for Barry Allen and MB was the first person they auditioned for Kara (they then auditioned thousands of others, but ultimately returned to her).  The EPs then thanked Rapaport Casting.

Edited by tv echo
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I'm one of those who is against Quentin and Donna hooking up because I don't need every family on this show weirdly interlinked (like my first thought is always awkward family dinners with Quentin, Donna, Felicity, Laurel and Oliver and I cringe please no), but I kind of don't blame PB for wanting to talk about something different for his character. He pretty much only ever has scenes with Laurel or Oliver and it's always the same thing. It's repetitive and must be boring for an actor. 

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A friend of mine wondered why Willa is very "touchy-feely" and "flirtatious" — his words — with Stephen in the photos. Told him it's just their thing. He's squicked by it because he remembers Queencest from early Season 1, LOL! 


It could be worse. This vine of her and JB made me so freaking uncomfortable.

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I'm one of those who is against Quentin and Donna hooking up because I don't need every family on this show weirdly interlinked (like my first thought is always awkward family dinners with Quentin, Donna, Felicity, Laurel and Oliver and I cringe please no), but I kind of don't blame PB for wanting to talk about something different for his character. He pretty much only ever has scenes with Laurel or Oliver and it's always the same thing. It's repetitive and must be boring for an actor. 


Oh God me too. With all the SmoaknLance love out there I felt like the only one who hated the idea of them together. I really really need Felicity not to be another one of the Lance 'daughters' that Oliver is involved with because...yuck. 


Also at the end of the season Lance annoyed me to no end, with his vigilante manhunt which singled out Oliver while allowing others (including his daughter) to run around unscathed and then perhaps worst of all, the way he delivered the news of Roy's 'death' to Oliver. He's going to have to go a long way to convince me he deserves the affections of the frankly fabulous Donna Smoak.

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I kind of loved that she was asked about that because it showed me that she really doesn't let the hate get to her. She has a very "it's just a show and these are fictional characters" type of attitude and I really admire that.

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Wait, so it was the sleeves making him emo all this time?  Shoot!  As an old Veronica Mars fan, I should have realized.  *shakes fist at emo sleeves*


No lie but I just read a re-post on tumblr of an old LF posting about Logan's emo sleeves and their correlation to his emotional state :)

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But see, I don't want Quentin and Donna to have a relationship. I want them to have secret sex. And not secret as in turning into a twisty plot point when the kids find out, but as in SECRET forever and never ever, nobody else will know. But them. And the audience. Yes.

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I really hated this interview!  But it's good to know that Emily really doesn't pay much attention to anything that's been said about her character.  I hope it stays that way (except when idiots like this interviewer ask questions like these).


That's not even an interview. That's just a chance to insult her character. I'm petty enough that TV fanatic now just lost all my clicks. Bye bye! Still, EBR proving what a gracious queen she is. 

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I just watched that interview and I can't believe that woman.Lke no one ever said anything like that to KC and Laurel was hated for 3 seasons now.Really feel bad for EBR to have to deal with this crap.I mean to say ruined the show to her face?! 

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