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Obstacles: Wait, Where Are The Big Balls?

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In light of how terrible the Hourglass Drop was, I thought it might be a fun idea to have a thread where we discuss the obstacles - favourites, least favourites, strategies to beating them, ideas for new obstacles, and so on.


This is my first ANW, but I've seen both the Japanese version and the British season a month or so ago (which, in typical British fashion, was overdone and underwhelming), and I seriously must be the only person who can't stand the Warped Wall. I mean, I think it's better here at the end of the course than it is being randomly placed halfway through, but still.

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The Warped wall, like the stagger steps, is a traditional course element. You know in the first round you have to do those steps, and you have to get up the wall. Everything in between is up in the air.


Similarly, you know in the second city round stage, you have to do the steps, do some random stuff, get up the wall, do more random stuff, and finally do the spider tower climb (or whatever it's called) to beat the stage. 


I'll have to think on it, but so far, while some of the obstacles are challenging, there hasn't really felt like there are any particularly impossible ones in play; though there are some damn difficult ones. At least nothing like the bowling ball challenge last year that made one contestant particularly famous. 


What can be frustrating at times are the obstacle rules we don't hear about. Most of the rules are obvious later, but it does make things strange. Like why don't you grab the top of the bungee section when the obstacle stretches; because there seems to be a rule saying you have to grab the red part of the obstacle when applicable. Or you can't use your legs for a challenge where legs are obvious and so forth.

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What can be frustrating at times are the obstacle rules we don't hear about.

What is, and what is not, acceptable in the Quad Steps?  You can't touch the back with your hand and (obviously) no part of your body or clothing can touch the water, but do they have to touch all 5 steps?  (One contestant only touched 3 and was not disqualified!)  Why doesn't everyone just jump across after seeing (or at least hearing about) it?  I personally think you should have to touch all 5.

Edited by jhlipton
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Best I can tell with the Quad Steps, is you have to get across the water and you can not touch the step SUPPORTS. You can grip the edges of the stepps themselves, but you can't touch the supports that hold the steps up. That might be a safety thing or something I suspect, than a difficulty rule. Otherwise, it seems you are allowed to get across any way you can. 


I think the reason more people don't go down one side is they may not be confident in doing the sideways walking from a standing start. It's probably easier to criss cross than it is to go straight, since you can use the step to leap across. To go straight a lot of your force is going to go sideways anyway.

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An episode or two ago, I was surprised by the hosts going on about one of the obstacles taking out the most competitors in the history of the show. That surprised me since I thought for sure that would have been Cannonball Alley from the 2014 Venice City Finals. I remember that one so well due to the unorthodox way Kevin Bull got past the final ball: by latching onto it with his legs and swinging upside down. Granted, two or three other competitors eventually made it successfully by after Kevin by using a more traditional and expected hand hold. I don't necessarily like the obstacle itself, but it remains one of the most thrilling thanks to Kevin's technique.


I'm also beginning to dislike any of the log obstacles, whether they roll or swing. They've caused quite a few nasty spills and head bumps. I may enjoy seeing competitors fail when showing off, but never do I want to see anyone actually injured simply because they forgot to duck.

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Cannonball Alley took out almost everyone that reached it... But a lot of people wiped out before getting there, so its kill count is lower than the silk slide and that other one, which were obstacles #2. They had a lot more people they could (and did) take out.

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So when we start advance stat-ing the obstacles, will "kill rate" be a more accurate stat than "kill count," even though the casual fans and announcers will prattle on and on about KC?  ;)

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So I'm curious. Of the many new obstacles that premiere each season, do we have any idea how many of them come from Sasuke vs. being 100% "American course" designed? Sasuke is still held once per year, every year, right? There's really no longer any tie to the US version other than special "USA vs." shows, but do the two productions exchange obstacle info?

Although if so I bet it's one-way. The Japanese wouldn't be big on taking ideas from what they consider a lesser derivative of something they invented, IMO. So I doubt American invented obstacles would be used by them.

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As far as I know, I don't think an American invented obstacle has made it's way to Japan.  I wouldn't be surprised if one does in the future, I just don't think has migrated that way yet.  The Japanese version has a 30 "season" library to draw upon for their courses, and their course designers are playing their own game of cat and mouse with their competitors, trying to test them in ways they are not prepared for.  The most recent season's first obstacle was not a Sextuple Step type of obstacle but a variant of one that was used in the show's early days, and it actually eliminated some high profile competitors unexpectedly. The introduction of a swimming obstacle really threw some competitors for a loop, since every obstacle in the show's history had water as something to avoid at all costs. Something as simple as putting an energy sapping blocking sled obstacle before the Warped Wall eliminated some of the biggest threats in the first stage who must now work on stamina.


That said some of the American original obstacles are excellent and would fit right in on the Japanese version.  If I were them I wouldn't rule out an idea just because the Americans did something first.  

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Short answer is about 40% American in the city courses and 10% American in Vegas (since the show started adding new obstacles in season five, at least), but the permanent obstacles are all Japanese and that skews the results. I could go through course-by-course if you want?


I haven't seen Sasuke 31's obstacle list yet but it's definitely one-way traffic otherwise. The Japanese don't tend to do much changing outside of Stage 1 unless someone wins, and most of the American obstacles are the kind that would fit best in Stage 3.

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Considering the results of the Fan-designed obstacles this season, including the very impressive Wingnut challenges (which showed up in the City course AND the Final course and were IMO great in both showings), I'm looking forward to seeing what the Fans cook up next year.

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I really would like to see more lower body -jump, sprint, or balance - obstacles. Aside from the one balance obstacle on the front half of each course, everything is upper body and grip strength. Sasuke has had swimming, reverse treadmills, jumping from pedestal to pedestal, pushing large boxes, etc. Just would like to see more variation. 

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One of the things often said was no one likes the agility obstacles.  Look at Calderio he won the whole thing a couple years ago and fall on an agility obstacle during finals.  If I was designing the course I would stop with all the strength obstacles that only benefit the men and add a few agility ones instead.  

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Well they added Water to Vegas, but I was trying to think of another type of obstacles, and I think I have one.


They'd fall in the balance obstacle class basically. You'd probably have 2 platforms to step onto and have to magnetically 'skate' to the other side without falling/tumbling. 

Of course the cost to get enough strong magnets to make that doable might be prohibitive. But I could also see them being a strength/swing challenge too. Lock a handhold into place magnetically to swing to the next step. 

Considering you could really mess around with magnetic fields (make some areas repelling and some attractive) that could make a challenging obstacle that looks deceptively simple. 

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2 hours ago, Taeolas said:

Well they added Water to Vegas, but I was trying to think of another type of obstacles, and I think I have one.


They'd fall in the balance obstacle class basically. You'd probably have 2 platforms to step onto and have to magnetically 'skate' to the other side without falling/tumbling. 

Of course the cost to get enough strong magnets to make that doable might be prohibitive. But I could also see them being a strength/swing challenge too. Lock a handhold into place magnetically to swing to the next step. 

Considering you could really mess around with magnetic fields (make some areas repelling and some attractive) that could make a challenging obstacle that looks deceptively simple. 

I admit I find Ultimate Beastmaster a little boring compared to ANW, but I do like their magnetic climbing wall. I kind of like the idea of an obstacle where some grips will pop off and you don't know which....

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