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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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The feeds will be off and on all day today. Thursday's are annoying because at any point in the day you never know if the feeds will be on or not.


I don't know if it's the same for everyone else, but whenever Jeff highlights pop up on the feeds, the volume seems twice as loud as the actual feeds. Kind of like commercials blaring on the TV while you have to crank up the volume on the show. I'm surprised I haven't broken the mute button on my keyboard this season. Why do you have to scream at me, Jeff? What did I ever do to you? Is this because I laughed until I cried over the Clown Shoe?

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I don't know if it's the same for everyone else, but whenever Jeff highlights pop up on the feeds, the volume seems twice as loud as the actual feeds. Kind of like commercials blaring on the TV while you have to crank up the volume on the show.


Yea, I believe they're like that for everyone. It's SO annoying. Especially if you have the volume up real loud because someone's whispering and then they come on and your ears bleed. I don't get why the Jeff highlights/fish are so much louder than the feeds.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I wear headphones and usually have it cranked for the whispering plus pressing one side against my ear to catch Clay's mumbles (I always watch quad, ain't got on time to switch between feeds, I might miss something). I've actually shouted in surprise and jumped when Jeff was suddenly blaring in my ear. At least Mr. Callaphera gets a kick out of it. I just go deaf temporarily. 

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OK, so it looks like currently the votes are Jackie/Meg/Becky/John to evict Shelli and Vanessa/Steve/Austin/Liz/Julia to evict Clay. But the Austwins may change their mind 10 more times today. Or maybe Becky/John will realize there's no way to keep Clay and just vote out Shelli. Not to mention the possibility that one or more people could try to throw out a hinky vote. I can't even remember the last time the vote was unpredictable. It's so exciting!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Question for the feedsters--Is there a chance someone will be deciding how to vote on the spot, in the moment?

It sounds like there's been a lot of flipping, especially among Austin/Liz/Julia.

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Question for the feedsters--Is there a chance someone will be deciding how to vote on the spot, in the moment?

It sounds like there's been a lot of flipping, especially among Austin/Liz/Julia.

I think Liz will flip. Blame Austin/Steve if S6 gets power, or take credit for it if Meg/Jackie/John/Becky get HOH.

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I think that Austwins probably will vote together since the only reason they want to keep Clay is because they feel like James/Jackie/Meg will come after them if they don't. If the vote comes up 5-4 with Shelli evicted they will all assume that Austwins broke the deal and that Steve was the fifth. So then Shelli would leave and they would get flack from ADC. Seems like a lose-lose to me.

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I'm actually giddy about the fact that the vote is not a foregone conclusion, and either way people are going to be PISSED.  I hope there is not a clear consensus by the time the live show rolls around.  I'm looking forward to tonight way more than is probably healthy.  

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I think that Austwins probably will vote together since the only reason they want to keep Clay is because they feel like James/Jackie/Meg will come after them if they don't. If the vote comes up 5-4 with Shelli evicted they will all assume that Austwins broke the deal and that Steve was the fifth. So then Shelli would leave and they would get flack from ADC. Seems like a lose-lose to me.


True. Julia really seems to want Clay out and thinks Shelly is better for their game. Liz is on the fence, and is basically stuck between siding with Julia or siding with Austin. 

They could also convince Austin to vote Shelli out, and then just tell ADC that they wanted to make sure Clay was voted out, but were covering their butts with their own votes in case Vanessa won HOH - so they voted for Shelli to stay because they knew it wouldn't matter. And then if Vanessa wins HOH, just tell her it was Austin and it wouldn't be a lie.


That would take a lot of convincing, though, and I don't think the twins are that risky with their strategy.



Anyone think that Derrick & Cody will be part of a BB Takeover tonight?


Gosh, I hope not. As much as I enjoy twists when they're in favor of the HG I like (which is rare), I really appreciate the way Big Brother is sitting back and letting this season play out. See, Grodner? You don't need to manufacture the game to get drama. 


Now, let's get the revealing Diary Room sessions back instead of these scripted one liners and I'll be a happy viewer.

Edited by mooses
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So at this point, do Shelli and Clay each think they're staying? Or does Clay think he's getting evicted? I know the ADC will be surprised if Clay leaves, but I'm just wondering what Clay actually thinks will happen.

No matter what, though, someone is getting blindsided and I hope it's the ADC. They really lost me when they decided voting out Shelli was a done-deal house decision simply bc it's what those in power want.

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I'm actually giddy about the fact that the vote is not a foregone conclusion, and either way people are going to be PISSED.  I hope there is not a clear consensus by the time the live show rolls around.


I hope for all this too, but I kinda think that by the time the vote rolls around that John/Becky/James/Meg/Jackie will be told/figure out that Shelli's staying and vote accordingly. But Jackie/Meg/Becky will hopefully be pissed and provide drama!


No matter what, though, someone is getting blindsided and I hope it's the ADC.


They probably won't be. Becky told them Vanessa is trying to save Shelli so they know it's a likely possibility.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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They probably won't be. Becky told them Vanessa is trying to save Shelli so they know it's a likely possibility.

Jackie seemed really adamant in a conversation with Meg that Austin/Twins were voting out Shelli bc that's what James wants. "It doesn't matter what they want, they'll do what we say." Or something like that. And Jackie and Meg's inability to understand how alliances work might keep them blind to the very real possibility that Austin and the Twins will actually vote however Austin and the Twins choose to vote.

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I just have a feeling this is all gonna end with everyone just voting Clay out. Maybe I'm just trying to temper my excitement over this vote since usually things end up being pretty boring and predictable lol.


Clay is currently telling Meg to vote him out because it means so much to Shelli to stay etc.

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Okay, feed came back up.  Lots of folks roaming around, and then back to Vanessa/Steve talking about John being up to something with Clay/James (seriously folks, we aren't going to know how good we have had it this year until Vanessa is gone....she's feeds gold).  They have figured out that John is going to vote James out.

Apparently, for the comp tonight, they were assigned a number between 1-10 and aren't sure what that means as far as what the comp could be.

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Apparently they're wearing tennis shoes for the comp and something about lanes. Actually kinda sounds like the teacup comp, but I would be shocked if they do endurance based comps back to back. Plus, Austin will probably win that, which sucks for me.

Julia and Austin think tonight is a DE (it's not) and Julia is now wondering if maybe they should just vote to keep Clay to make 'the house' happy. But Liz/Austin are saying they should just vote Clay out. So, it's still up in the air. YAY!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Julia and Austin think tonight is a DE (it's not) and Julia is now wondering if maybe they should just vote to keep Clay to make 'the house' happy. But Liz/Austin are saying they should just vote Clay out. So, it's still up in the air. YAY!


Listen to Julia, damn it! Maybe if I yell it loud enough from British Columbia, they can hear it in California?


If it's the teacup comp, I will be a very happy person. Yay! Hours of people falling on their asses and looking like fools! Is ten HGs a little much for the teacup comp, though?

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Is ten HGs a little much for the teacup comp, though?


Yea, it is. It's not gonna be that. But I don't know what else they could do with lanes/athletic gear/tennis shoes. It honestly does almost sound like DE, which they all think, but it's almost certainly not because we are always told in advance.


Austin and Meg are talking now. Austin said there won't be a blindside and 'we're all gonna be on the same page.' BOO!

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Yea, it is. It's not gonna be that. But I don't know what else they could do with lanes/athletic gear/tennis shoes. It honestly does almost sound like DE, which they all think, but it's almost certainly not because we are always told in advance.


Maybe Big Brother is trying to teach the audience to expect the unexpected. 

Austin saying but not saying he's going to vote out Clay. I think he's waiting for permission. Vanessa trying to nail down their deal with Jackie, but Jackie saying it matters which one of Clelli stays because "for James it matters" - but he can't play HOH! Vanessa basically said, if James thinks that, he's gonna be a target - otherwise she's sticking to the deal. And she said the words "what crack pipe are you guys smoking?" Ha!


They're being super awkward because they both know that Clay has a good chance of going, but not saying it. Jackie's like, "We know how people are voting..." feeling out if Vanessa is gonna tell her that she flipped the vote. 

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Austin telling Meg that he's torn because Clay is begging to leave, he hates to turn on James but feels stuck.  Wants Meg/James to know that even if Shelli stays he's not going back on his appreciation that he/twins stayed off block this week.  Meg wants to talk to Shelli, why, I haven't the slightest clue.  Austin is actually playing this well with Meg.

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Yea, I think this all is gonna end with everyone voting out Clay. Jackie is gonna be pissed about it though. I really hope she wins HOH! Becky is also acceptable because Vanessa would shit bricks and because I have no idea what she would do.

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Yea, it is. It's not gonna be that. But I don't know what else they could do with lanes/athletic gear/tennis shoes. It honestly does almost sound like DE, which they all think, but it's almost certainly not because we are always told in advance.


Did they wear athletic gear for the egg/chicken wire comp? Especially since they specified running shoes and short sleeves/tank tops. It'll probably be a quick sprint to a puzzle and back to the button thing. 


Meg to Shelli: "You know I've always had ths 'brother thing' with Clay..." Yeah, drunk Meg looked like she was just chilling with her "brother" in the bathroom the other day. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Twins are back to keeping Clay to keep "The House" happy.


Is it really The Twins, or is it Liz and Julia going along to get along with her stupid sister? Because not once in any of their conversations I have seen her actually argue to keep Shelli, it is always always always Liz. You were born first Julia tell her shut it!

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Is it really The Twins, or is it Liz and Julia going along to get along with her stupid sister? Because not once in any of their conversations I have seen her actually argue to keep Shelli, it is always always always Liz. You were born first Julia tell her shut it!


It was Julia.

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Shelli told Meg she has the votes to stay. Meanwhile, John is telling Clay he'll vote him out if he wants, but he's telling him it's bad for his own game to do it because Vanessa is in Shelli's ear. 

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Jackie curently giving Vanessa shit about voting the way she wants and trying to persuade her alliance and others to vote the same. Whatever Jackie, if you started playing this game sooner maybe you wouldn't be where you are. I want her to stick around though, because DRAMAZ. Heh.

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Clay trying to convince John that Shelli isn't tied to Vanessa and that Shelli will be loyal to John is hilarious. I hope John doesn't buy this bs. But John is stupid and enamored with Clay, so he probably will.


I love that this is just firing Jackie up. Please win HOH, Jackie! I want Jackie vs. Vanessa to come to blows!

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I want Cody to be a coach, so he can tell everyone, "Just listen to Vanessa. She knows what's best for you. And make sure you take her to the final two. People won't respect you if you don't take her to the final two."

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James just got the heads up from Becky. Uh oh!

Vanessa and Shelli just got the heads up from Clay that John is gunning for Vanessa. Eek!

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OMG, I can't keep up between all the conversations going on now and then flipping over to here to see what all my wonderful fellow commentators have to say lol.


ETA-  So I live near Philly and root for the Eagles and many of us don't like the network commentators so we mute the tv and listen to the local radio announcer call the game.


This is what is happening now,  can't stand all the whispering so get the real call of the game from y'all.

Edited by njbarmaid
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James talking about how this is happening after "he protected the house." Everyone's on their high horse, someone's getting knocked off!

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