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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Clay: People like the villain, but how can you root for somebody like that, who is saying things like that.


LMAO at these people's insane hatred for Audrey. Like she has literally not said anything terrible. She lies, in a game filled with lying, like whoop to fucking doo! Every season really does just need a scapegoat I guess.


The funny thing is that Audrey has actually pretty much stopped lying like she used to and yet Shelli/Clay have decided now is the time to get rid of her.


I don't pay much attention to John's DRs because his screaming is just too much for me at this point, but game wise he is nothing but a weak follower who has no real idea what's happening and who seems content to do as he's told by Shelli/Clay. Again, he's basically just Victoria. And yet he's #1 on the Joker's ratings and Victoria was hated.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Makes my blood boil that this lunkhead is gonna coast deep into the game.


Ugh I know. Honestly he'll probably win.


Jokers ratings are particularly laughable this season. Last I checked John, Jason, Julia & Meg were the topped rated HGs from a game perspective. Which is hysterical considering none of them are actually playing a game.


Julia is probably one of the more astute game players currently and she's only in the game every other couple days! 


John really does seem like he's the favorite in general online. It's probably the first time I've been truly baffled by "America's" favorite. Well, Dick, but that was Production's doing so it did kinda make sense in that sense.

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John cracks me up in the DR. He sounds mental but is hysterical. I guess if Audrey gets evicted Grodner will sequester her. There's no way they would waste her as a non jury person. She's TV crazy gold.

It should be interesting. The past two seasons they didn't start the sequester until the fifth boot. Boots 5, 6, 7 & 8 then competed to get back in the game. Even with the twin twist adding a HG I still think they will bring someone back in too. You can almost bank on it given that this is advertised as the twistest summer than ever twisted.

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Jokers ratings are particularly laughable this season. Last I checked John, Jason, Julia & Meg were the topped rated HGs from a game perspective. Which is hysterical considering none of them are actually playing a game.



John's my favorite...and then (probably) Jason.  I feel sorry that he thinks the viewers think he's the most annoying houseguest.  I also enjoy Meg and Julia.

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I think it's more likely they'll try to do something to prevent Audrey from being evicted at all. They haven't sequestered the other evictees so it'll look suspicious if they randomly start 4 evictions in. I mean, it'll be suspicious if they can cancel an eviction too, but they can easily cover it with a Takeover. Or they'll just try to convince Vanessa not to use veto and/or convince Shelli not to BD Audrey. It honestly probably wouldn't be that hard.


I go back and forth on Jason. He can be so funny but he takes it to such gross and offensive places so I find it hard to truly enjoy him. Plus his game play is really bad, which normally doesn't bother me tbh, but I wish he'd start playing better so that the Vanessa/Shelli/Clay power could be taken down. Ditto this for Meg, like start playing the game so that I don't have to watch Vanessa/Shelli/Clay skate through the game unchallenged dammit!

Edited by peachmangosteen

I was thinking something similar to the coaches season where AG saved Frank. There could be a button in the voting room that if anyone pushes will just rewind the week or something. I think Steve would push it because he wants to be the HOH who gets Audrey out. Vanessa's head might literally explode. The fallout would be epic to watch.

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That would be awesome. Audrey has been speculating that very thing basically. I hope they go that route just for the drama.


I think Steve would push it because he wants to be the HOH who gets Audrey out.


He does and it's hilarious. Like you're gonna have to actually try to win and HOH to accomplish that there buddy!


Did I just read Jokers right? Austin dumped his girlfriend on the live feeds? What a winner.

He's not the first, Janelle did it on live tv or in the DR.



LMAO at these people's insane hatred for Audrey. Like she has literally not said anything terrible. She lies, in a game filled with lying, like whoop to fucking doo! Every season really does just need a scapegoat I guess

It's more than just game, she lies like breathing. Everything that comes out of her mouth is game related and "this person said this...." when she hasn't spoken to anyone. The things she comes up with like putting things in Becky's etc.. Go beyond game, when it can ruin lives outside.

Her lies also have no purpose, they don't help her. She lies just to lie and it ruins her. If she'd just shut up and lay low then Shelli/Vanessa wouldn't be getting rid of her.

Edited by Artsda
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There could be a button in the voting room that if anyone pushes will just rewind the week or something.

I was thinking this as soon as they had that "90's" HoH. They even called it a... flashback? Rewind? Can't recall the exact wording, but it sounds just about right for a redo. And if TPTB had it in mind at the time of the HoH comp, can't really say it's rigged just to save Audrey. The only thing about a rewind is that it makes me as a viewer feel like the week was a waste because no one's evicted. Now if they'd do a rewind, followed by a FF, all on Thursday night - hell YEAH!

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Well, she has already been on a game show that had A LOT of challenges where you had to figure out how to do them quickly and not give into the stress. 


(But I actually don't think she is that stupid, she just doesn't know the right strategy for BB. Had she ever even watched it?)


Earlier today, Jackie confirmed that she's very much figured out that the last three weeks have targeted the same people in the house. She is very aware of what is going on.


My take on Jackie is that she came into the game not knowing anything about BB, so she's been quietly observing and not making enemies. Jeff, on the other hand, just charged in like the god he knew himself to be, with the result we've seen. If that is indeed her strategy, it's working for her. She's not a big target, regardless of all her nominations. I could be totally off base, but I hope to see more of her.

Jason basically just said, "I am too good for these people.  They all suck!  I don't know how to campaign with them because I don't talk game to them!  I am better than them all!  They're cowards!"

Of course he's better than they are! None of the rest of them can sit in the backyard and smoke and snipe at others the way he can! There's a picture of him in a psychology textbook somewhere next to a picture labeled "Passive-Agressive."

He is yet another example of a super fan who knows a lot about the game but doesn't have the skill set to put that knowledge to use, but still manages to feel superior to others with better skills.

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Based on how Vanessa/Shelli are talking right now it sounds like Production might be actively trying to get Audrey put up. Weird. I'm gonna guess they really do have that rewind twist ready to go!

Imagine if Audrey does get evicted though and then Jason/Meg win HOH, somehow become smart, and nominate Shelli/Clay and Vanessa/Austin. That would be so fun!

Vanessa still lying to Shelli about her F2 with Audrey. "I WILL SWEAR ON ANYTHING."

Vanessa says that Audrey's plan was obvious. Get to F3 with them and create enough distrust so they both take her to the end over each other. Um, ok. A) why wouldn't you both take Audrey to F2 over each other. It's a sure win. B) you're voting out someone as the 4th boot because she might mess up your F2 endgame at F3? What?

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I would like to see Clay & Shelli put on the block against each other. They need to sweat a little. I would also like to see who campaigns against the other harder. And, I would also like to see who the HG would vote for. Clay for potential challenges wins or Shelli for gameplay (whether they are aware of it or not....like we see)?

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Vanessa says that Audrey's plan was obvious. Get to F3 with them and create enough distrust so they both take her to the end over each other. Um, ok. A) why wouldn't you both take Audrey to F2 over each other. It's a sure win. B) you're voting out someone as the 4th boot because she might mess up your F2 endgame at F3? What?


LMAO. Especially point 2. These people really believe they are just going to sail to the finals. It's week 4! You're not Derrick in a house full of dumb children.


I would like to see Clay & Shelli put on the block against each other. They need to sweat a little. I would also like to see who campaigns against the other harder. And, I would also like to see who the HG would vote for. Clay for potential challenges wins or Shelli for gameplay (whether they are aware of it or not....like we see)?


This is what I'm rooting for at this point. And really, I think the biggest threat between the two of them is hands-down Shelli, both comp and game play wise. But I think Clay would go and that would be better for me anyway.


Audrey came up to HOH while Clay was trying to tell Shelli/Vanessa what him and Audrey were talking about and Shelli/Clay/Vanessa were so scared. It was hilarious!

Edited by peachmangosteen

Clay's over this conversation so badly.Audrey lying about what she's said to people to the same people is just moronic.

I now believe that she convinces herself that she never said the things she said. The only reality is the reality she wants in that instant. It makes me curious about what she's like in real life. Is she always lying then, too, or is it something being in the house has brought out?

Edited by Kris117
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Yeah, in an argument between Audrey and Clay, there is no winner, we're all just losers. But Audrey has had this coming since she sat there in the hammock room and lied to Shelli about something she had previously said to Shelli when it was just the two of them in the room. There's always lying in this game, but she does way too much of it, and she does it badly.

I watch the feeds and I like John. I do think he gives great DRs, he's not an asshole, and I don't want to smack him. It doesn't take much with me. The fact that his game right now seems to be him becoming the professional pawn is not the best game, but it's also a bit out of his control. I would like to see him win HOH, but I'm not sure it would be good for him at this point. Sometime not playing is really good gameplay.

Oh lord, Audrey is about to start crying again. I am pretty much done with her martyr routine.

  • Love 8

Sometime not playing is really good gameplay.


100%, but if you're a woman you get shit for it. I'll admit that's really the reason I am so over John. If he was a woman he wouldn't be #1 on Joker's and loved on twitter. He would be treated like a joke.


Clay is awful. I need to start praying daily for Shelli/Clay to be otb together next week.

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I watch the feeds and I like John. I do think he gives great DRs, he's not an asshole, and I don't want to smack him. It doesn't take much with me. The fact that his game right now seems to be him becoming the professional pawn is not the best game, but it's also a bit out of his control. I would like to see him win HOH, but I'm not sure it would be good for him at this point. Sometime not playing is really good gameplay.

I agree. I find it fascinating that he has won multiple vetoes and yet has not been targeted as a big competition threat. It's not as if the other houseguests don't know about his veto wins, because they jokingly refer to them from time to time. For whatever reason this season, the HoHs have been happy to put a pawn on the block who can take himself off, and he's been taking advantage of that. He's not in on the major strategy sessions, but that could work to his advantage as alliances starts to fracture.

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The combo of Audrey's fake crying voice, Clay's aggression/stupidity, and Vanessa/Shelli acting like they're the most trustworthy people in the world is equal parts frustrating and hilarious to watch.

I just remembered a gem from the earlier Audrey/Clay argument, Clay said that 'he' didn't put her up last week. Oh, was he HOH? Did I miss that? LOL.

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The combo of Audrey's fake crying voice, Clay's aggression/stupidity, and Vanessa/Shelli acting like they're the most trustworthy people in the world is equal parts frustrating and hilarious to watch.

I just remembered a gem from the earlier Audrey/Clay argument, Clay said that 'he' didn't put her up last week. Oh, was he HOH? Did I miss that? LOL.

He also said he sent Jeff home. He thinks he the fucking King of the house.


Vanessa - Why don't you listen to anything I have to say?

Probably because you're just as fucking crazy as she is.

Edited by Cutty
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Gross! They left those big containers of Have-Not gravy out the whole night on the kitchen table. 


Now Vanessa is getting loud. This is gonna be an all day affair, isn't it? 


Headphones and Vanessa squealing loudly is not good for your ears. Ouch.

Edited by Callaphera

Gross! They left those big containers of Have-Not gravy out the whole night on the kitchen table. 


They're so nasty! Earlier I saw Austin 'wash' his dishes by running them under water and then just putting them in the drying rack. Honestly this is the #1 reason why I could never go on this show. I would vomit daily probably!

Damn, Vanessa is going off. She's screaming. She must have forgot her meds today.

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I find it fascinating how everyone is always so concerned about Steve. Several people want him out, several people are worried about him, and I just don't know why. He doesn't really do anything at all. He does talk to us about his strategies, which are puzzling at times, I read about him doing this last night. He said he wanted to get Meg backdoored, which is weird, but I think it's so he can get closer to Jason, because he really trusts and wants to work with Jason, which is unfortunate since Jason really wants Steve out. He did make a good point that he wanted Audrey to stay this week so that he could win HOH and boot her, because he thinks everyone would love the person to do it. That is a good point.

Geeze these people. I no longer have any clue what they're talking about, but I'm going to assume they are all lying, but Audrey more so.

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They're so nasty! Earlier I saw Austin 'wash' his dishes by running them under water and then just putting them in the drying rack. Honestly this is the #1 reason why I could never go on this show. I would vomit daily probably!


No shit. They would evict me early because I'd be bitching every time I saw a person scrape the non-stick pans with forks and knives or just casually put their plate in the sink and walk away. And the ants. I can't do bugs. 

  • Love 4

I find it fascinating how everyone is always so concerned about Steve.


I do too, but then I watch him talk game with people and he's just so bad that I kinda see why people are worried about him.


Once again with Vanessa's tell when she's lying. She gets over the top emotional when they bring up the F2 deal she had with Audrey.


How is she a top poker player? She's insane! She has no poker face whatsoever. It's embarrassing.

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